Pastor Rick – Hallelujah (Noncon, Hypnosis)

**Hi everyone, I’m Jennifer Johnson, a popular erotica author. I wanted to share a story I wrote. Enjoy!**

*Trigger Warning* The following piece of art may be offensive to some people because it contains rape fantasy, and is not real. Real rape is wrong. This story is intended for those who enjoy rape as a fantasy or role-play and it not intended to be real or to be reproduced in any way.

**Pastor Rick – Hallelujah**

“There’s no escape from God’s love!” Pastor Rick screamed into the microphone. He looked out into the sea of teen girls and even he was shocked at how well this was going. He had never had this big of a crowd before and it went to his head, making him feel larger than life. It hadn’t always been this way but as he’d honed his skills at hypnosis he had gotten greedy. Anyone would have. He pushed away his doubts and silenced the little voice of conscience in the back of his head that was telling him that this was wrong. He already knew it was wrong. He thought he had made his peace with that a long time ago.

“Can I get a Hallelujah?” he called out to the crowd.

“Hallelujah,” the crowd screamed back in perfect unison.

As the guilt bubbled up for the first time in what felt like forever he remembered that he was still speaking. The girls were jumping up and down, their arms in the air as he stood on the stage, beckoning them with his tempting message. They wanted to be saved. They wanted the promise of eternal life and he knew he would give them whatever they wanted in exchange for their pussies, asses, and mouths. He wondered how many he would get pregnant if he didn’t wear condoms. He hadn’t brought any with him, not because he wanted to cause these girls harm but because it had simply slipped his mind. Though he was a pastor and supposed to be thinking of the well-being of his congregation, he had been thinking with his dick and not his brain. That was how he had ended up here. Nothing had changed. Even after all these years, he was still the same sexual predator he’d always been.

“I didn’t hear you! Can I get a Hallelujah?” he screamed.

“Hallelujah,” the crowd screamed back even more loudly this time.

Pastor Rick’s School for Girls had been his idea all those years ago and now here they were, his first graduating class cheering him on. They were all eager for God’s word and he was eager to give it to them. His cock was aching. He’d been saving up his cum and his energy for some time and he was ready to start the festivities.

“Who would like to come up and receive a blessing?” he called out to the crowd? Every hand shot up and the girls began to scream and beg for him to choose them. He panned over the crowd with his eyes and settled on a girl with light brown hair and the face of an angel. He knew her well. She had been one of the first students to enroll in his school. Her name was Shania Edmunson and he had already fucked her mother, Dana at a women’s retreat once. Her mother had a tight pussy and he was willing to bet that Shania’s was even tighter. He wanted to find out and so he pointed at her and she shrieked with joy.

“Oh my God! He chose ME!” She was jumping up and down with her friends and they all squealed with delight. He would fuck her and all of her friends eventually. He knew this. Tonight was just the beginning. He couldn’t believe he had waited four years to fuck Shania. He could have fucked her whenever he wanted but there were always so many pussies to fuck and only so much of the Holy Semen. Sometimes he had to pick and choose carefully.

“Come on up here, Shania and get your prize!” They all knew the prize was eternal life. He’d been programming them all for years to want it more than anything and now he was going to get what he wanted. He was going to fuck Shania in front of the entire crowd. He smiled warmly at her so she could trust him. He’d earned all of these girls’ trust so the moment they turned eighteen he could fuck them without them questioning a thing. He was their pastor. He was there to help them. They didn’t suspect that it was all a rouse. These girls were as stupid as their mothers.

“Pastor Rick, I’m ready!” Shania was on the stage and she was smiling widely, her mouth open and tempting him. He wanted to fuck that mouth.

“Get on your knees, my child. Fold your hands, everyone. Let us pray.” Rick paused to look over the crowd. Everyone’s eyes were shut tightly as he began his prayer. As he prayed, he pulled his growing cock out. “Heavenly Father, we are gathered here today to show reverence for your love and presence as you walk beside us through our lives. We know that you are ever present and always willing and ready to show us the light when all we see is darkness. Dear Lord, stay with these young women as they prepare to graduate and go out into the world as adults. We know that you have prepared a path for each and every one of them, starting here with Shania. Shania, open your mouth to receive the Lord’s bounty.”

Shania opened her mouth, her hands still folded in prayer. Her eyes remained closed. He kept talking as he pushed his cock into her open and ready mouth. She made a choking sound as his cock hit her tonsils but he had her so under his spell that she didn’t actually choke. He face fucked her harder and harder, still saying words that the girls would hang upon as they prayed.

“Take this down your throat and eat it. This is the body of Christ that is given to you and to all for the forgiveness of sins. Eat it!” he said forcefully, pausing to enjoy the sensation of fucking this young girl’s face. She was so young and stupid, her mouth full of his cock and he couldn’t take it. He had to slow down. He didn’t want to cum yet. He pulled his dick from her mouth.

“Shania, choose a friend to come up here and share this with you,” he commanded her. Her eyes snapped open and the congregation began to cheer as she chose her best friend, Mary Davies. He hadn’t planned on this. Mary wasn’t just another girl at the school. She was also his daughter. Long ago, he had gotten a nun pregnant. Her name had also been Mary. There had been a scandal and he had been excommunicated from the Catholic Church because of it. Little Mary was now eighteen-years-old and she had no idea that he was her father. Her mother, Mary had told her daughter that she didn’t know who the father was. Everyone thought she had been raped but he and Mary knew the truth. He had hypnotized Mary when she was a nun and fucked her. He remembered that night fondly as Little Mary made her way up to the front. Now he would rape her as well.

“Mary, my dear. Come on up here!” he encouraged her. She ran to Shania and they embraced, jumping up and down as if Pastor Rick was some kind of rock star. He felt like a rock star, his hard cock hanging from his unzipped slacks. “Okay, ladies I want you both on your knees. Eyes closed and hands folded. Let’s go back to our prayer.” The girls obeyed him and he felt conflicted for a few moments as he began his prayer. He wanted to fuck Little Mary’s face and yet there was something stopping him. She was his daughter. It was odd but he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from actually doing it. He was more shocked that he felt hesitation.

Words continued to pour from his mouth as he looked at his daughter’s mouth, open wide and trusting him. He shoved his cock into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat and pushing past the point of comfort. She took it without even a sound of choking. She wasn’t like the other girls. She was just like her mother. He fucked her face, grabbing her head and forgetting that he was supposed to be saying a prayer. He pulled his cock from her mouth and grabbed Shania’s head. He fucked her face a bit too.

“Pull down your panties and flip up your skirts,” he ordered and he watched the girls scramble. The crowd still had their heads bowed and their hands folded as if he was praying and he realized he needed a bit more energy in the room. He addressed them. “Amen!” The crowd lifted their eyes and began to cheer as if he had just delivered the best prayer of all time.

“Pastor Rick! You’re so awesome!” someone screamed. He knew he was awesome. He knew that these sluts were all his and what man wouldn’t want a throng of horny teens to sink their cock into? He could fuck them all if he wanted to but he knew he only had so much Holy Semen and these two girls were perfect. He’d fucked both of their mothers and now he was going to fuck them. He wondered if their pussies were even tighter than their mothers’ had been. He was about to find out.

“Watch everyone! One day each of you will get a chance to swallow the Holy Semen. Today it is Shania and Little Mary’s turn. Are you ready ladies?” They were on their hands and knees, their skirts flipped up. Their pussies were exposed, their panties at their ankles. He crouched down so his cock was level with Shania’s pussy. He would fuck her first and save Mary for last. He always saved the best for last.

“Can I get a Hallelujah?” he screamed to the crowd.


Shania cried out as his big cock pushed into her virginal pussy. He was almost certain that she was a virgin. He had programmed all of these girls to say no to sex with anyone but him. They would all save themselves for him so he could pop each and every one of their cherries. This thought almost made him cum as Shania’s tight, little cunt gripped his cock. Her pussy did feel better than her mother’s. He marveled at this as he fucked her with long, slow strokes. She felt so fucking good. He wasn’t going to last long if he kept fucking her and so he pulled out of her and paused as he looked at Mary.

Her pussy was so pretty and she had shaved it just as he’d programmed all the girls to do before the retreat. He parted her lips with his fingers and admired the pinkness. She was his daughter and yet that didn’t stop him from wanting to feel her insides with his cock. He looked out at the crowd and saw they were still cheering him on, still blindly obedient to him the way everyone was. It was too easy and yet it didn’t take away from the fun of what he was about to do.

“Get ready, Mary. Daddy’s home,” he laughed to himself as he sunk his cock into his own daughter’s cunt for the first time. She trembled as he went in and he heard her moan as he went deeper. She was so much tighter than any other girl he’d ever fucked. Maybe it was the taboo of fucking his own daughter that made her so good or maybe she really was that tight. Either way, he had to be careful how hard he fucked her. He didn’t want to cum in her and get her pregnant like he had done to her mother. He wanted better for her somehow. Maybe there was a decent father inside of him somewhere but probably not. He had his cock so far up in his daughter’s cunt that even he had to laugh to himself. He wasn’t a good father. He wasn’t a good pastor. He wasn’t even a good person.

He had to pull out of her before he came. There was a part of him that wanted to just shoot his load so far up in her pussy that she wouldn’t escape getting pregnant but there was a shred of decency left in him and he pulled out of her. She gasped as his cock rubbed against her on its way out.

“Oh my God!” she exclaimed.

“Turn around, ladies. It’s time for you to be anointed with The Holy Semen! I want all of you to watch as these very special young ladies receive the gift of the Holy Semen. They have proven to the Lord that they are worthy and that they believe in Jesus, God, and the Holy Semen!” He turned toward the girls, his cock aimed at them and ready. “Open your mouths and receive the gift of the Holy Semen. This will give you everlasting life and forgive you of all of your sins. Do you want it, ladies?”

“YES!” they chorused. Even the crowd had answered him and he loved that they were all so hypnotized that none of them would even remember what he was about to do. He took aim at Little Mary’s face and coated her with his filth. He turned to Shania and shot the rest of his load into her mouth. They were both smiling as if this was the best thing that ever happened to them. He was amazed at how much he had cum and he admired their faces, freshly coated with his jizz. His daughter looked up at him lovingly and he wondered what she would think if she knew the truth.

“Ladies, you also get the honor of sleeping with me this evening,” he told them. They squealed with delight and the crowd applauded him. “Fantastic job ladies! Can we give them a hallelujah?”

“Hallelujah!” the crowd screamed and he loved their energy. This was fun!

He turned to the rest of the graduating class from his school. “That concludes the welcome program! I invite you to have dinner with us in the cafeteria and then we will have a prayer bonfire tonight! Go in peace and serve the Lord.” He blessed them and they began to file out of the auditorium. Little Mary and Shania held hands and talked excitedly as they left, leaving Rick to ponder what his next move would be. He couldn’t shake how tight Mary’s pussy had been. He changed his plans in his head. He wouldn’t fuck anyone at the bonfire that night. Instead, he would save his cum for bedtime. Mary and Shania would be naked in his bed and he would sleep in the middle of them, sticking his cock in whatever one of their holes he pleased all night long. He had just cum but his cock was already getting hard again. It was going to be hard to hold himself back from fucking more pussies at the bonfire.

Maybe he could do both. Maybe he would have enough Holy Semen for the bonfire and for Shania and Mary at bedtime. He smiled to himself. He had the best set of problems he had ever had, like which pussies to fuck and how to ration his cum for all these hot, 18-year-old girls. He loved being a pastor. He loved being a hypnotist. Most of all he loved being a bad person.

[#Pastor Rick]([#reverse gangbang]([#Holy Semen]([#for use]([#mind control]([#hypnosis]([#groupthink]([#incest]([#older men]([#stupid little girls]([#slut]([#slut problems](
