This is my first attempt at writing- be gentle! I’m working on a longer erotic novel, but wanted to share an excerpt. Hope you enjoy!
…….She watched porn. She had always watched porn, but now she watched how-to instructional porn videos. She wanted to learn how to give the best blow job ever. Kyle had told her he had never cum from a blow job. When Jess and him first got together, she tried, but just didn’t fully know what to do.
After watching and reading about technique, she started practicing. She learned what Kyle loved. She would start by barely holding his cock between her thumb and index finger. Just enough to get it to stay in place while she used her tongue to tease. She would get her tongue wet and then slide the tip softly from the base of the shaft, right between his two testicles, and slowly lick up the underside to the head in one wet stroke. This would send shivers down Kyle’s spine and she would feel his cock pulse under her tongue. She would repeat this little tease, but this time as her tongue reached the top, she would take her fingers off and grab the shaft securely in her hand as she circled her tongue around the head, leaving it wet and glistening. By this point, he usually had a drop of precum for her. Like a good girl, Jess licked it up and let the slightly salty, slippery liquid coat her tongue. She knew all of Kyle’s favorite spots. She had watched how he jacked off, studying where he put his hand and which points he put pressure on. She memorized how he would keep a little bit more pressure and linger a little longer on the underside of his shaft, right underneath the head. This was his sweet spot. With her tongue and hands working on him, this spot gave her power.
She would work her cute little pink tongue on that spot, working Kyle up more and more. She would press her tongue into it, alternating pressure. Then she might swirl her tongue on it in circles, finally sucking on it with her soft pink lips. She would hear him groan and pant. She knew he was dying to have his dick inside her mouth, but the more she teased him, the wetter her own pussy got. If her mouth got dry, she would reach inside her panties and wet her hand with her own juices. She had more than enough to spare. Kyle wouldn’t even be touching her, but she would soak herself in the excitement of turning him on. Finally, with his penis throbbing to thrust inside her mouth and her mouth aching to feel him on her throat, she slipped her lips over the head. She didn’t do this loosely. She kept her lips tight enough that it would make a popping feeling as the soft head finally got inside.
Jess was a bit of a late bloomer, and didn’t lose her virginity until she was 21. Because of this, it seemed something about virginity fascinated her. Her pussy was tight, but she could never give away her virginity again. So by holding her lips tight and making his cock work to get inside her mouth, it made her feel like she was giving him that sensation again. She wanted her mouth to be the best he’d ever had, even if it wasn’t the first.
Once he popped his head inside her lips, Jess would slowly work him to the back of her throat, as far as she could take it, while she gently cupped his balls. She loved to feel his balls, heavy with cum. Cum that would soon be hers. It turned her on to feel his sack pulsate and feel the warmth of his jizz, whether it was shooting down her throat, or inside her pussy. Now she would really get going. Her mouth became her pussy as she fucked his cock into her. She knew though that the best difference between mouth and a pussy is a tongue. She didn’t forget this, and made sure that her tongue was still swirling around him, around the head and slurping up on his sweet spot. She was still learning to deep throat, but she used her lack of skill in that department to her advantage. She would push his cock just a little too far down into her throat, just enough to make her gag. Her mouth would instantly be filled with saliva and she could slide her mouth and hands around his shaft with ease. Sometimes, if she was brave, she would go to that gagging point and even leave the tip of his cock there for just a few seconds too long. Her throat would spasm and clamp down on him. It was so fun for her to see just how far she could go.
Once Jess felt that his cock was as hard as possible and burning hot for her, she began to add even more handwork into her game. She could cup the balls and lightly fondle them with her left hand. With her right hand, she could twist around the base of his shaft in rhythm with her mouth and tongue bouncing up, down, and around it. Sometimes, she would stick one finger up straight along his cock and suck over it, like she was sucking her finger and his dick in one motion. She could use her thumb to gently glide over the head and swirl it before plunging her mouth all the way down the length of him. Then, while she was jacking him off with her hands, she would lick her way down to his balls. She would lightly take one at a time into her mouth and ever so gently suck on it while still making sure to wank his shaft with just the right amount of pressure. Kyle never admitted to liking it, but if she was feeling extra frisky, her tongue would dip under his balls just to the very edge of his perineum. He never outright asked for it, but he never told her to stop. The way his eyes went to the back of his head as he groaned and his cock jumped told her he loved it.
Jess knew that she could make him cum at any moment, but she liked the tease and the buildup. Sucking his cock was just as fun for her as it was for him. They were so connected (or so she thought) that she knew right when he was about to cum. She would jump off his dick- hands off, mouth off- until he could recover enough for her to go again. She would edge him four or five times, until he couldn’t take it anymore. He would groan and announce that he was cumming. She made sure his cock was the deepest in her throat she could get it. She could feel the hot liquid cum flow into her mouth. Sometimes he shot so deep she would barely even taste it. It would go straight into her throat as she swallowed it down. Sometimes it would be so much there would still be residual on her tongue. She would swirl it around and then open her mouth to show off her prize. Yes, Jess loved blow jobs.
this was great