The Gift Part 2

The Gift Part 2

[The next stop on the tour was not a surprised. We pulled into Big Sporting Good store where Stacey and I work. Amy presented me a gift card for the store in a bday card signed by most the store. There was a cake to be shared by the store and strangely enough Kim, with the the soul searching blue eyes, gave me a hug and bday wish. Neither Kelley or Stacey encourage her to kiss me thank goodness.[
]After a piece of cake The three of us get back in the van. I hear Kelley’s text alert go off and and smiles over at Stacey…I should be worried here, right?
]We drive off and end up at local park with a petting zoo. I like the petting zoo for one real reason. The reason I like it was Alison. She was a beautiful brunette who always ran to me and put her head on my shoulder and hum in my ear. She was also the cutest thing ever with her incredibly cute daughter, Michelle, as a bonus. We get to the gate and walk into the petting zoo and Alison and Michelle run over to us. If I would take over Grandpa’s farm I would have several Alpacas and try to buy Alison and Michelle from the petting zoo. Just in case it hasn’t hit you yes Alison and Michelle are alpacas.]
[About 20 minutes of being loved Kelley, Stacey, and myself head out in the park to its Nature trail. A casual 1.2 mile walk with lovely places to stop and sit and just watch Nature. We took pics of each other and groups and several times we got passer beys to snap a full group pic. The normal couple type pic thing.]
[We finished at the park and headed back to my place to spend the evening in jammies watching TV. We got in and it was our usual get clothes to basic and throw the clothes into a pile to sort later and Yes the birthday boy did unzip those sexy women out of there sundresses. As I finished lowering Stacey’s zipper that is when Kelley came over and grab me by the cock with a devilish smile.] “Look Stacey he must have loved that kiss from Maddie. Look at the dried up cum stain.” [Stacey looks down smiling] “My, Will it seems she might have turned you on especially how your arms flew around to hold her till the end of this kiss and that large cum stain.” “I would be lying if I said I didn’t so yes she did have a effect on me.” [Stacey pulls me close into a warm hug and a wet kiss] “I was so turned on when she did it. I didn’t no I could do that to any one else but Kelley.” “Huh you think you got turned on Stacey, I swear there should have been a river of pussy juices running down my leg.” [we opened up our hug for Kelley join us and we stood there for a good 10 minutes murmuring how wonderful a day it was. When we finished we went and changed into our jammiest and for once we each wore the same matching red satin color and we hopped on the couch. A little after six there is a knock and Kelley gets a text message. I did not expect Kelley to jump up and run to the door and check threw the peep hole. She then opens the door enough to let the person in. Who is standing there but the sky blue lovely, Maddie.] I am sorry Maddie I don’t know why Kelley let you in with out warning.” [Maddie has a light blush of red, and it complimented her red hair nicely.] “If you want I can go and put on some clothes to make you more comfortable…” “No Will, it is all right it was just a shock that is all.” [I can see it was more than a shock. Maddie does take a quick second to stare at my crotch with what…a longing? Stacey stands up and smiles and walks to Maddie.] “So you have some more houses for us to think about and maybe tour?” [Kelley asked as Stacey guided Maddie to a seat right beside me where Kelley had been sitting and Kelley sat beside Maddie.]
[This morning before leaving I had put all the ingredients for my homemade chicken pot pie in the slow cooker so no one would have to cook tonight. It had been cooking for 8 hours and to tell the truth it was starting to smell really good. I was not the only one who thought so either, Maddie did to] “What smell so good in here?” [Kelley piped up] “Probably Will…o you mean dinner, yes it is smelling good. [I smile over at Maddie, a act that added red to her cheeks] “I hope you will enjoy it. I made some home made Chicken Pot Pie and the pot pies are also home made. Let me go get some bowls and and serve it. Some one get the TV trays. “Stacey and Maddie stayed on the couch as Kelley and I prep dinner. As I put the bowls down I realized a problem] “Hey Maddie do you have a shirt to change into? This soup can get messy and that blouse and blazer might get stained and it looks like they might be expensive to replace.” “Hey Kelley I think Will just trying to strip Maddie topless.” “That not fair stop trying to embarrass poor Maddie.” [During Stacey’s comment Maddie went scarlet and looked at the floor and was hiding her face. Kelley took Maddie’s hand and Stacey took the other and Stacey apologize] “I am sorry please look at me I am sorry I did not mean to embarrass you I meant to pick on Will.” “Maybe I should go and leave you three alone to eat dinner. We can talk tomorrow. [All of this said while Maddie’s head was down. I hate that so I get down on my knees to try and fix what was just done.] “Maddie please look up those eyes are wasted looking at the ground.” [her cheeks redden even more but she looked up.] “Stacey really did not mean to embarrass you. We have fun picking on each other and we know when we are joking and sometimes we forget others don’t get our humor like we do. So I am asking you to please stay and have dinner and show us these houses you brought. We want to move into more space than this place, Look around as a Agent you can see we need more space, right?” [She did peek around] “Yes this is small. I will stay and make sure I help you and Will, thanks.” [Maddie leans forward and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek] “All right you two raid my closet and see what we can give the lady to wear just in case of soups spills. [Kelley and Stacey get up head to the bedroom. It was at this Point Maddie took off her Blazer and I get a look at the twin weapons of mass distraction she has hiding under there. The blouse was large enough that no button strain but I am sure those bra straps might be. This point Kelley sticks her head out and see Maddie with her blazer off and the two sweater puppies she had and drooled a bit.] “Hey Maddie we found some things for you wear just come back here and we will help you get them on.” [Maddie walk out of the living room and into the bedroom and for a moment I took a step to follow but stop my self.]
[A few minutes Later the three come back out and we all sat to eat dinner and look at the pics and descriptions. They had sat Maddie beside me and I noticed how the neck of my shirt slid down to a peek of the top of Maddie’s cleavage. They also got Maddie out of her skirt and given her a pair of Kelley bike short which had the affect of making her ass very visible and I thought the the boobs were incredible]
[We started eating and Maddie Instantly mentions how it tasted so good. Stacey smiles and says] “It is one of Will’s good skills to make up for that Golden tongue that gets him in so much trouble.” “What kind of trouble?” [I turn towards Maddie] “I will warn you these two might tell a story to try embarrass me so take no mind of any naughty bits.” “Will I was going to tell her about you and my parents.” [Kelley then turned around and lays down with her head on Maddie’s lap and tells her story. I was having a bit of hard time concentrating while I wondering if Maddie notice that part of Kelley’s boob was hanging out of her red satin camisole. Stacey gets up and brings back three glasses of white wine and the bottle and put them down. She walked back to the kitchen as Kelley is telling her story to Maddie and brings me back a glass of Mt Dew. She sat down and mirrored Kelley and lay her head on my lap. Absently I put my hand down on Stacey’s belly and didn’t notice she moved my hand to her breast and instinct kicked in and I start tracing a circle around her nipple. Maddie must have noticed that more than once her eyes would look towards Stacey then back to Kelley’s face. Stacey moves my hand to my lap and takes the wine bottle and refill all three glasses and she takes a sip and then lays back down just as Kelley finishes.] “Then Will acted like I had told him that they needed the chair at the family table for a important family member who RSVP late instead of them not liking that Will and I was having premarital sex, and having it with another woman.” “Yes Will does have the gift of gab…tho there are times he looses it [Kelley and Stacey chuckled] “Yes I admitted it the first time I saw you each in ren faire clothes I was dumbfound about your beauty.” [Maddie shifts her weight a bit] “Kelley perhaps move I think Maddie is not use to having some one lay on her lap.’ “Her lap is soft and she smell wonderful.” [Maddie smiles but blushes] “I am fine Will, I am a bit warm and feel a little over dressed.” [Kelley seeing a chance to tease Maddie] “I have a spare camisole and satin shorts or two you could wear.” [Maddie smiles down at Kelley] “Make me a honorary member of the club huh. May I borrow a pair, if you don’t mind Will I also think I should not drive I am a light weight drinker and with two glasses and me wanting a third I rather not drive. “I love a woman who knows her limits, but we can find you something more comfortable maybe something you are used to wear to bed.” Probably not I sleep in the nude.”
Maddie went back into the bed room with Kelley and Stacey and came out in 15 minutes wearing a Purple camisole top and shorts and sat down beside me again. I just of sort of stared a little dumbfounded] “I think he is speechless Stacey.” “LOL I think you are right Kelley.” [I made sure my lower jaw was closed and looked Maddie in the eyes] “Sorry they are teasing me again. I need to explain I have a thing for beautiful women in satin and they indulge me. So I am saying , Maddie please excuse my stare, you look beautiful and I do not want you to be embarrassed.” [Maddie looks me in the eye and smiles] “Kelley told me as much today in text messages. It was also evident you are sitting here in satin boxers, and Kelley and Stacey in satin camisole and shorts. Even the way you were rubbing Stacey’s nipple threw the satin.” “I was?” [As I look to Kelley, then Stacey and finally Maddie everyone was shaking there head.] “I didn’t make you feel uncomfortable, did I. If I did I am so sorry. I had not realize it.” “Not uncomfortable, just envious. I have never felt that comfortable around even a guy I was dating. Plus it look tantalizing seeing how hard Stacey’s nipples were getting. [Maddie looks back to Kelley who shaking her yes then looks to Stacey” Maddie do it we want you to, He wants you to.” [Maddie is still looking and Stacey reaches and grabs my hand and take it to Maddie’s shorts and touches my finger to crotch and the wet soaking threw.] Will you need to take the lead with this one.” [said Stacey] “Maddie kiss me please but take your glasses off I want to look deeply into your eyes.” [Maddie takes her glasses off and puts them on the table.] “Yes sir” “Here it is is either Will or Daddy your choice and there are no wrong choices there a occasional spankings but that is also your choice.” “Yes, daddy I want to kiss you.” [Maddie leans in and starts kissing me as I wrap my arms around her. Kelley came up behind Maddie and starts kissing Maddie’s back. I can see the surprise and blush on Maddie’s face as she pulls back] “Kelley, what are you doing?” “ savoring your delightful smile and the way you make Will moan as you kissed.” “She might not be ready for a three on one night so perhaps ask first. When you get involved with one well we like to make it all of us so everyone feels good. Perhaps we can show you? Kelley and Stacey perhaps we can ease her in before full on sexual raptor.” [I feel Maddie shake at the word.] “Maddie trust me we will never do anything to you with out your consent.” “I am nervous.” “Would you you like to watch.” Yes but can you hold me?” If you want.” [I stand up and hold my hand out to Maddie. She stands up and Kelley and Stacey get up and head for the bedroom. I Hold Maddie’s hand firmly but I let her lead. We get to the bed and Kelley and Stacey are all ready kissing and I sit down and beckon Maddie to sit between my legs as I wrap my arm around her belly and holds her. Now Kelley takes off Stacey’s camisole and starts to kiss Stacey. Stacey leans back and Kelly just licks her nipples. Kelley looks at Maddie] “Maddie, Stacey likes to suck on big boobs, when you feel comfortable will you let Stacey suck on yours, I want to see you as she sucks on them. [Now Kelley goes back to kissing Stacy nipples. Stacey gets the look.] Kelley, Mommy wonders if you are going to be bad.” “I want to be a good girl Mommy” [Stacey pushes Kelley on her back before she gets up and reaches into the open drawer and pulls out and put on the strap on.] Yes Mommy, Please mommy put it in my a..I mean but.” [Stacey climbs back on the bed as Maddie puts her hand on mine around her belly and she squeeze my hand. Kelley reaches over to the table and grabs the bottle of lube.] “Here Mommy, you will need this.” “You are good girl and I will make sure you are happy.” [Kelley starts to reposition so she is looking at Maddie and myself] “Are you putting on a show for Maddie.’ “No daddy she is such a beautiful woman I want look at her and imagine what she looks like with out the shorts. I bet I want to lick her down there. Yes Mommy right there.” [As Stacey starts to slide the dildo in Kelley’s ass. Kelly eyes widen as she is, staring at Maddie.” Maddie will you tell me if you shave down there. Right there Mommy, fuck me.” [Smack] “Sorry I meant to make love to me Mommy.. Do you shave down there Maddie” “I do trim down there” Maddie is watching and I feel her hand covering my hand moved my hand upwards to her breast. I can feel my hand slide over a little raised spot and I took it to mean she wanted caressed. I take a finger and started to rub her left nipple. Kelley see this and smiles.] Yes daddy rub her nipples please. Thank you Maddie. Now Kelley’s face when into devil mode.] “Mommy Maddie’s boobs are wonderful, do you want to lick them Mommy? “Oh Daughter yes I would I would slobber all over her right nipple as Will rubs the left.” “Yes Mommy and I want to lick her pussy.” [Maddie starts to moan and she takes my hand and slides into the satin shorts and to her pussy. While both Kelley and Stacey’s pussies are very sleek and hidden, Maddie’s had wonderful open pussy with big lips. I whisper into Maddie’s ear.] “My you are very wet. Do you want to see Kelley’s smile get bigger?” “Yes please” well to do that I need to pull your shorts to the side.” [With the speed her hand moved I thought I went to quickly but instead of throwing my hands off she slides my fingers to the leg hole on the right side] “Daddy, please show my pussy to Kelley.” [Kelley had been watching and she sees my hand near her leg.] “Maddie tell her what you want me to do.” [Maddie looks back to me] “Can I?” “Yes you can.” “Kelley look at my pussy please.” [Maddie takes my hand and I grab the shorts and pull them aside. Kelley’s growl and then Kelley Purrs and then says] “Oh my Maddie that is a beautiful pussy.” [Maddie shivers in delight at the compliment. Then Maddie pulls up the camisole,] “Stacey since Kelley got to see my pussy here is my boobs.” “Oh there so large and I want to suck on them.” “I want to suck her clit when you do.” [Maddie takes the camisole off totally and then removes her bottoms and turns to kisses me] “stay close…I have never been with a woman before.” “Would a kiss from Stacey be to scary?” “No that sounds nice.” [As we crawl down the bed to Stacey I stop Maddie and take her hand and run it up Kelley’s back and lets out a purr as she tries to keep her back being touched.] “OH!! Maddie please stroke me again. I am so close, please stroke me again. “Maddie looks back and reaches out and runs her hand down Kelley’s back and Kelley starts to shake. I grab Kelley as she orgasms and she holds on. “oh my god your hand touching me was like lightening went straight to my clit. Thank you Maddie..I love you.” [I lower Kelley to the mattress and turn to see Stacey lipped locked with Maddie. Then they separate and Stacey hugs Maddie and Maddie hugs her] “Stacey that was incredible.” “You helped with it…” I climbed over to Kelley and pick her up in my arms. And stroke her hair.] “My that was a large one almost as big as the wedding.” “Thank you daddy I wanted Maddie to see how good we can be.” Kelley looks at Maddie climbing up to us.] “Oh your touch was like fire on my skin. I felt on fire and for a Dragon Princess that was very hot.” Kelly grin evilly and Maddie leaned into Kelley and kissed her. Maddie looks at me and smiles” “So Will are all your nights like this?” “No some get wild and loud.” [I look at Stacey] “I wonder if the Cannals heard that LOL.”
Well you have caught up with my day. Look all three of them laying there in bed. On the bright side they are angels when sleeping, but when awake they are a force of Nature. But now what happens with Maddie we will have to see. Hmm 12:01 Happy belated Bday to me. Good night everyone. And if you would you let me know what happens to Maddie that would be fun.
