Stacy & Madeline [FF] [seduction] [oral]

Stacy sighed.

Typical Trevor bullshit. She didn’t know what Madeline saw in the guy.

“Hey, I know some parties,” Trevor had said. Yeah, that’d been a lie.

“C’mon, Stacy,” Madeline had said, “Come out with us, it’ll be fun.” She was smarter than that, hotter than that, could do better than Trevor.

And that creep, Brad, who followed Trevor around like he was on a leash. Who kept looking at Stacy when he thought she wasn’t looking. Who had nothing intelligent to say, ever.

But Stacy didn’t want Madeline going alone with Trevor and creepo Brad, so she’d rolled her eyes, tucked her red hair around her shoulder, and climbed into the back seat of Trevor’s piece of shit Mercury Sable with the peeling paint and knocking engine.

They’d rolled slow down the dark, damp streets. Brad had kept his hands to himself, but he kept glancing over, gaze mostly falling on her chest. Stacy could tell he wanted to try something, wanted to touch the bra that was, when the light was right, visible through her sheer top. But fuck that.

Trevor had pulled up at his friend Jared’s house, and Jared’s house was a nightly stoner pit, definitely not a party. Just a bunch of losers playing Madden and giggling about pizza and looking lustily at her thighs, bare between her skirt and stockings, not one of them with the balls to actually do anything about it.

“This is fucking lame,” Stacy had said.

And for once, Madeline had agreed with her over Trevor. “Yeah, Trevor. Let’s get out of here.”

“Fucking smells like monkey asshole, too,” Stacy said.

“Heh, ‘monkey asshole,’” Brad had chuckled.

Stacy had rolled her eyes. “What a waste of this cute outfit. Where’s the fucking party, Trevor?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Trevor had said, turning his car back on, rolling them away, slow and boring, just like his personality, “I know another one.”

“Maddie, let’s, like, go to the clubs,” Stacy had said, “Trevor only knows parties that are lame.”

“It’ll be ok,” Madeline had said, back to her usual self, desperate to appease everyone.

Trevor’s phone rang. “Yeah?” He said into the screen. “Ok. Ok. Really? Yeah, no problem. Where? Mission and what? Ok, we’re coming now.”

“This better be good,” Stacy said.

“It’s Gerry’s,” Trevor said.

“Hah, nice,” Brad had contributed nothing.

“What’s Gerry’s?” Madeline asked, “Who’s Gerry?”

“She’s this, like,” Trevor said, “Lady I know, or whatever. Chris is there. I need to go get him. And he knows a party, an exclusive one, one he’ll get us into.”

“Chris, like poison oak Chris?” Madeline asked.

“No, this is a different Chris. That Chris don’t know shit. You haven’t met this Chris.”

“Holy shit, Trevor,” Stacy exclaimed, “It’s almost fucking midnight, what the fuck are we doing.”

“Nah, it’ll be chill.”

Trevor rolled them down the hill, low and slow, making sure to stop for every red, and slow for every green on the off chance it suddenly flipped to red. By the time he parked Stacy had nearly given up on the night.

“I’ll be right back,” Trevor said.

“You’re fucking leaving us here?”

“I’ll be quick,” he said over his shoulder, walking up to some old, poorly-maintained Victorian, dull thump of music echoing out the windows. Stacy could see lights glowing from every window, rainbow flags and psychedelic artwork on the walls within. The front door was hanging open, a group of guys in tank tops sitting on the porch, smoking away.

“What the fuck is this place?” Stacy demanded.

“Gerry, she, like, let’s people crash or whatever,” Brad said, “Just gotta hook her up a joint or two.”

“Goddam stoners,” Stacy sighed.

“Trevor fuck Gerry, Brad?” Madeline asked.

“I mean, not that I know,” Brad said, unconvincing.

At least Trevor wasn’t long in the house. But he did have a trail of people behind him.

“What are you, the pied piper?” Stacy said through the window.

“Huh?” Trevor looked blank, like always. Then he waved at the backseat. “Gotta make room for Jules.”

“Who the fuck’s Jules? You said we’re picking up some asshole called Chris.”

The guys ignored her.

“Jules is here, too?” Brad said, “Awesome.”

“Yeah, awesome, but the thing is…” Trevor said, leaning in, talking over Stacy, “Jules is kinda fucked up, we need to get him out of here.”

“What the shit?” Stacy was getting angrier, “Fucked up how?”

A big guy standing behind Trevor leaned over into the bushes, retching. Another guy, shorter, muscled, intense, was holding him up, a pissed off woman beside them.

“Fuck you, Trevor,” Stacy said, “That guy’s not fucking getting in here.”

“Stacy,” Madeline said, pleading, trying to make peace, “It’s Trevor’s car.”

“Maddie, this is fucked up! You’re in the front seat, and you’re my friend and all, but you aren’t the one going to have to sit next to these drunk assholes.”

“I’m not leaving him here, Stacy,” Trevor said, cold.

“There a problem?” the intense guy behind Trevor asked.

“Nah, Chris, it’s all right,” Trevor said, “Just figuring some shit out.”

The pissed off-looking woman lit a cigarette. “Can we hurry this the fuck up?”

Stacy glared at Trevor. Trevor returned the gaze icily.

“Hey now, Stacy,” Brad cut in, “You could sit on my lap.”

“Not in a million fucking years,” Stacy said.

Madeline’s face lit up, a spark of idea. “Hey, that’s not a bad idea,” she said, “Stacy, come up here. Sit on my lap. We’ll share the seat belt, it won’t be a problem.”

Stacy stayed quiet. She didn’t like the plan, but given the situation, she didn’t see a better option.

“Can we just get in the fucking car?” Chris said, “Jules is coming around. Right, Jules? You got it, man?”

“I’m good,” Jules coughed, throaty and wet. He definitely was not coming around, and did not have it.

Stacy rolled her eyes again, clutched her bag, and opened the door.
“Fine, Trevor,” she said, “But you fucking owe me.”

Madeline opened her door, and Stacy looked in, eyeing a spot on her friend’s lap. “Thank you thank you thank you,” Madeline said, “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

Madeline smoothed out her skirt, covering as much of her thighs with it as she could, which wasn’t much. But Stacy just shrugged and climbed in, sitting on her friend’s lap. Her own skirt was even shorter, and with just a thong beneath it, she felt Madeline’s clothes directly against her skin. And below, on her thighs, she felt the heat of Madeline’s thighs, skin against skin.

It was a weirdly intimate feeling, and Stacy and Madeline exchanged a wordless glance, acknowledging the private accord.

“Hot,” Brad made an obscene gesture from the backseat.

“Not as hot as Jules’ puke,” Stacy said in retort.

Chris had slid into the middle seat, and him and Trevor were helping Jules into the seat nearest the door.

“Hi Chris,” Stacy said, “I’m Stacy. Where’s this fucking party at?”

“What party?” Chris was only half paying attention. “We just left the party. We’re taking the big guy here home.” He braced Jules’ shoulder. “You just let me know if you need anything, right Jules? You with me?”

“I’m… err…. with you,” Jules said, half groan.

“Your fucking boyfriend,” muttered Stacy under her breath, only loud enough for Madeline to hear.

Trevor got back behind the wheel, and had started the car rolling again. “Sorry, Gerry,” he called out the window.

“Get fucked, Trevor!” the woman called back.

“You just make friends everywhere you go, don’t you?” Stacy said.

Trevor ignored her, stared into his rear-view mirror. “Chris, where we going?”

“Down past the mall, man,” Chris said, “Almost to the village.”

Stacy started, “Are you fucking–” She gasped. Madeline’s fingers were curled up inside her thigh. Was that an accident? No, Madeline’s fingertips were definitely teasing her. What the fuck was she doing?

Stacy bit down, forcing herself not to say anything. She watched the empty stores roll past, interior lights off, exterior lights glowing in the growing fog. Trevor drove them along slowly, evenly. From the back seat, the low drone of Chris’ muttered pep talk to Jules joined the steady thumping of the tires over the road.

And bit by bit, Madeline’s hand slid farther and farther up Stacy’s skirt, until Madeline’s fingers were brushing against the thin fabric covering her pussy.

Stacy turned to look at her friend, but Madeline was pointedly looking out the window. The only hint betraying anything unusual was the small smirk Madeline wore, one that Stacy had never seen before.

“Stacy, you’ve quieted down,” Brad said.

Madeline’s fingers pushed in, slowly rubbing up and down, making their presence known.

“Yeah, well,” Stacy said, “What the fuck was I going to do? Complain a party into existence?”

Madeline turned her head over her shoulder, looking at Brad. “Don’t point the finger at Stacy,” she said as her fingers slipped their way until Stacy’s panties, pushing the fabric out of the way, making contact with her sensitive skin, “She was just being vocal about what she wants.” Madeline smiled at Stacy.

Stacy felt her heat building under Madeline’s teasing. The sight of a girl, her friend, too, but any girl’s arm secretly snaking up under her skirt was totally new and incredibly hot. “What the fuck?” Stacy mouthed at Madeline. But it wasn’t a protest — Stacy was subtly grinding her hips into Madeline’s lap, pressing her back against her friend’s large chest.

In response, Madeline flashed her a mischievous grin, but as quick as it was there, it was gone, and again her face was all innocence.

The car bumped as it went over railroad tracks, and in the jostling, Madeline’s fingers pushed deep into Stacy. Stacy groaned involuntarily, then blushed when she remembered where she was.

“Y’all ok over there?” Trevor asked.

Stacy took a moment to control her breathing. “You got us crammed in here tight,” she said, suppressing a gasp, “Tell me we’re almost the fuck there.”

“Halfway there,” Madeline whispered, barely making a sound at all. Her thumb was rubbing against Stacy’s clit, and Stacy felt a damp slickness between her legs that she knew was her own.

She pretended to turn, to look out the window, desperate to face away. She clenched her teeth, letting the intense pleasure show on her face. “You’re sure easy to get wet,” Madeline whispered, “You whore.”

“Shut up, slut,” Stacy hissed back, grinning. Madeline’s fingers were playing her pussy skillfully. In truth, Stacy was never before this quick to get this turned on, never before felt her body surrendering to ecstasy so greedily. Maybe her friend Madeline was secretly an expert, or maybe it was hiding it from a car full of boys.

From behind her, she heard Chris speak up, “Hey, Trevor, let’s stop there, get some burritos.”

“The fuck?” Stacy said, her voice squeaking.

“Yeah…” Trevor said, “Burritos sounds good.”

Madeline looked annoyed. “Oh, come the fuck on,” she said.

Trevor glanced her way. “Jules needs to eat something, baby. You want anything?”

“No,” Stacy said, right as Madeline said, “A taco, maybe.”

He pulled them through the drive-through window, and the whole time, waiting, ordering, more waiting, Madeline’s fingers worked away under Stacy’s skirt, teasing and massaging Stacy’s crotch, and Stacy did her best to not writhe, not pant, not moan. She clenched her teeth, gripped the armrest tightly, and was staring straight ahead, eyes unfocused.

Finally at the drive-up window, the light from the restaurant lit up the car, and Stacy absently looked over. Then she saw the drive-through guy in his ugly uniform, staring at her, eyes flicking back and forth between her crotch and her face. Their eyes locked, and Stacy let her heat show on her face. His jaw slowly dropped. As Trevor handed the bag into the backseat and pulled away, she licked her lips, seeing the fast food worker’s gaze trail her until they were out of sight.

Stacy had never done anything like that before, but holy shit was it so fucking hot, showing off like that. Madeline must have noticed Stacy’s growing excitement, because she made a pleased humming sound and increased the pace of her fingers.

It wasn’t long until Trevor parked the car in front of a low condo building and announced, “We’re here.”

Stacy was so rapt with pleasure, so barely able to contain it, that she didn’t notice their arrival until Madeline pulled her fingers away. “What the fuck?” she said, desperate for the the attention on her pussy to continue.

“What?” Trevor said, climbing out.

Madeline opened her door, but Stacy didn’t move. They locked eyes. “Watcha thinking?” Madeline asked.

The guys had climbed out of the backseat, and had led Jules over to his front step. They were sitting down, eating their burritos, ignoring the girls.

Stacy turned around so she was straddling her friend, one leg folded up against the car’s center console, the other propped against the door jam. It was an awkward position, but Stacy didn’t care. She leaned in, pressed her lips against Madeline’s, kissed her fiercely, intensely. She brought her hand up, cupping, squeezing, groping her friend’s chest.

“Holy shit,” she heard Brad say, “Look.” The guys went quiet. Stacy wanted them to see, was turned on knowing they were watching.

Stacy pulled back. Madeline was watching her, partly in shock, partly in awe, as Stacy wiggled out of her shirt in the tight space of the car, then unclasped her bra, tossing it aside.

Stacy leaned in again, pushing her pierced nipple into Madeline’s face. “Suck on them, slut,” she said, hearing the click of the metal barbell against her friend’s teeth.

Stacy’s legs were spread around her friend, and Madeline had both her hands up under Stacy’s skirt, resting on her upper thighs. As she started getting into sucking and teasing Stacy’s nipples, her hands again pushed towards Stacy’s crotch, again sliding underneath her underwear and up into her pussy, rubbing against Stacy’s clit. Stacy spread her legs even further, anxious for the pleasure, no longer worried about hiding anything.

“Fuck, Trevor,” Stacy heard Chris say, “Who are these girls?”

“Uh, that’s my girlfriend. On the bottom.”

“So I can hit the other one?”

Stacy turned towards the boys. “Fuck off!” she said, arching her back, showing off her tits.

“Don’t know that you’ll get far,” Trevor said.

“Yeah, I was kind of hoping…” Brad trailed off.

“I said, fuck off,” Stacy repeated, “All of you.” Then she turned back to Madeline, puller her tits out of her mouth. “Maddie, you whore, finish me off with your tongue.”

“Bitch, where?”

“Here,” Stacy said, climbing off Madeline, pulling her out of the car. She took her friend’s place on the passenger seat, sitting sideways, legs out the door.

“They’ll see,” Madeline said, tilting her head in the direction of the guys.

“I know.” Stacy slid her panties down, kicked them off, and lifted her skirt, showing her wet, swollen pussy to Madeline, the guys beyond her. “Now, eat.”

“It’ll hurt my knees,” Madeline complained, pointing down.

Stacy called to the guys, “Any of you assholes got a towel or something?”

Brad tossed over his shirt. Stacy shrugged and handed it to Madeline, who arranged it on the asphalt. Then Stacy gasped. Madeline’s tongue had slid up her pussy, its soft wet warmth caressing Stacy’s most sensitive areas. She leaned back, as best she could in the awkward space. She let herself enjoy, let the pleasure show on her face.

Madeline’s tongue teased her clit and she moaned. Madeline’s fingers twirled inside her and she groaned. Stacy’s skirt rested on Madeline’s face, blocking Stacy’s view, and something about this made it even hotter. Madeline’s shimmery brunette hair bobbed at her crotch, and Stacy panted and squealed as her friend’s tongue achieved a pinnacle of sensation.

Stacy put her hand behind Madeline’s head and pushed her face down into her crotch, at the same time her hips thrusting up, pushing her pussy into her friend’s face. She pinched her eyes tight, lost in the pleasure, feeling her body tense up with the oncoming orgasm.

Madeline didn’t slow, and Stacy was swept by the wave of bliss washing through her, numbing her to the world outside of her body and Madeline’s tongue. Feeling herelf calm down, Stacy opened her eyes, and saw Madeline watching her intently. Her friend pulled her mouth away, licked her lips seductively, and Stacy stared, transfixed. The world was muted, distant, her knees weak. She hadn’t climaxed so hard in … she didn’t know how long.

“Fuck me, that was good,” she said quietly.

“Thanks,” Madeline said, letting Stacy’s skirt drop back down.

“You’re still a whore,” Stacy smiled.

“The best whore,” Madeline smiled back.

“The best whore,” Stacy agreed.



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