Hucows (from a male perspective)

I started writing this story last week and it so fun to write, I had to share it… As always I appreciate any feedback you have.
This is written from a bulls perspective, so not the cow. I hope you enjoy.


I did it again, I read up another hucow story.

Whenever i write my own story i usually do a kind of virus thing. To give a bit of creedence to why hucows needed to be created in the first place.
For this story I’m going to focus less on the “virus” and more on the milking and stuff.

So i was thinking of telling it from a man’s perspective(I am a man after all) so I’ll forgoe the virus aspect of it.
I was a young man in my late 20’s, when i found myself out of work. No one seemed to be hiring anyone, that was until on an online search I saw the position of farm hand needed.

But it was at a hucow farm, How hard can it be to take care of a few braindead, human/cattle. So i sent in my application, it was a paying job after all.

“Hi I saw your advert for a farm hand on a hucow farm, I’d like to formally tender my application, I can start as soon as you like” .

To my amazement I received a reply later that afternoon.
In the reply, it said “good day sir, we have considered your application and would like you to come in to the farm to do further interviews and training of you’re accepted”.

Well that kind of got me exited, for one I’d never been to a Hucow farm before. What happened there exactly, what should I wear, what should I bring.
So on the day, I just did my usual and got dressed in a semi smart get up.

Pulling up outside the farm, to my amazement I saw a few naked women, obviously cows, as they had incredible “udders”.
The udders were shaped much like breast implants, round and firm.. It was so hot.
The cows were standing around. Talking and giggling, they had perfect skin.
“hello ladies” I said as I walked past them, “could you direct me to the main office” I asked and the one cute cow gladly offered to lead the way.
So off I went, staring at this beautiful, tight, big, round ass, jiggle as the cow walked in front of me. It was fucking perfect, and even if I didn’t get the job, it was a memory I’d play back often.

The cow led me to a set of glass doors where she said, “I can’t go on but go in and ask for what you want” I nodded at her and said “thanks”, then giggling at me she walked off. I merely thought to myself “oh how happy it is to be so naiive”.
I walked through the doors and was met by another naked cow sitting behind the desk, her huge udders on full display resting on the table.
I walked up to the desk and inquired, “hi, I’m here for the position for a farm worker”. The cow stared at me blankly for a second before registering what I’d said, “of course, sir, please take a seat” she practically bounced out the chair and bobbled off into a back room. Returning with a cop board with a form on it, I was instructed to fill it out, it was fairly simple.
Full name: John doe
Contact details: xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx

Then under that there was the question.
Why do you wish to join the farm as a male worker, & what do you think the tasks will be:
I had to think about that for a bit, why did I want to join the farm? What would the tasks be?
So I put down my honest answer:
I wish to join the farm, 1. Out of curiosity, 2. I want to see what it involves, 3. Just to gain some experience.
And as for what I thought I’d be doing there, I answered:
Since I’ll be a worker I imagine I’d go about helping to feed the women, uhh cows. And I could possibly assist in the office, I’m not really sure.

Going further down the paper, I read:
You will undergo a physical exam and an interview if accepted past screening.

OH alright, that’s a bit different but who was I to argue, this jib paid surprisingly well and didn’t seem all that hard, so I can give it a go.

I handed the forms back to the cow at the desk, she smiled up at me, gawking at her udders, they were so big and so rounded. Then I noticed something, “uhh miss, you seam to be leaking” I said, pointing to her left teat which had white milk droplets forming on the end of her teat. “oh dear, how embarrassing” she said with a blush, “I’m in need of a milking” and she scurried off into the back room, her big rump swaying side to side as she waddled off.

Then a man walked out of the office. He was built like a beast, at least 6’5 and massive. “hi I’m the manager” he said to me, “I believe you’re here for the new male recruit position” was his question. “hi, yes sir I am, I want to discover what this is about” I cheerfully said. “follow me” and he turned and walked off into the office.
He walked up to a draw and pulled out a syringe, then turned to me and said, “this position is for a breeder, it is not for everyone. Similar to the transformation the cows go through, our bulls also go through it. I am a bull”, well that’ll explain the size, I thought.
“may I take a seat” I asked, “oh yes sure go ahead”. Then I looked at him, “it is enticing and it may actually be fun but what are the drawbacks” I asked, to which he replied “not many actually, a bull gets to live on the farm and mate with many cows as they need”. And right there, I was sold. Sign me up.

He took the syringe he held in his hand, swabbed my arm with an alcohol swab and injected me, “this is all you need to become a bull, and it’ll be quite quick. The cows have to wait a week to fully transform, but the bull is over night, so you’ll awake tomorrow with a bigger dick and bigger balls.”
Alright, that didn’t sound bad at all.

When I awoke the next day in a room they’d set up for me at the farm, which was essentially just a huge multi level warehouse.
I opened my eyes and immediately had this pain from my crotch, oh shoot, something went wrong, I thought. But on closer inspection, I had a huge hard on. It was massive, at least 14″ long and 3 wide. But my balls were so swollen and massive too.
I was full, so full of cum. I instantly wrapped my hand around the huge shaft, it felt so good.

Here I am sitting on the edge of the bed, with the biggest erection I’ve ever seen, when who rise walks in but this cute little (I say little, she was 19 and had huge udders swaying from side to side) cow, as she walks on I’m kina a little shocked so release my grip on my cock. This thing twitches as I look at her.
I’m gonna stop there, and I hope for your feedback and advice, did you enjoy this read?
I wanted to try something a bit different for a change.
Yes I stopped just before the juicy bits but I want to get feedback first.



  1. Dope my guy. Now I’m going to read your previous stories of these dehumanized women and men. Should be a fun set of reads.

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