How a new job led to the best sex of my life [MF]

I’ve posted this on the gonewildstories subreddit but someone suggested I should post this elsewhere too, so I am… Quick warning, this is a long one and this is only one small part of the overall story.

People are always going on about how 2020 is completely bat shit crazy… but for me, it’s nothing compared to 2019. Technically this story actually starts in 2018 but that’s just a bit of build up. Speaking of which, if you want to skip some of that, head towards the ***** for the milder stuff and the ********** for the wilder stuff – I see others doing that on here, makes sense… Though really, the build up is often the best bit. I’ll continue posting bits of this story, assuming people are interested and I have the willpower to keep going. Mostly though, as I’ve said elsewhere, it’s just a way of me actually “telling” people this as it’s not something I’ve told many others.

So back in the tail end of 2018, I started a new job that I didn’t want. Because of a big restructure at work, I was put into a new job and then swiftly moved again because they needed someone to fill the position quite quickly. It was one of those, “Can you do this?”, “Well I don’t really have a choice do I?” conversations. So come October, I’m managing a brand new team that I don’t really want, including managing Ella. Now it was clear from the beginning that Ella wanted the job that I now had – in hindsight, this probably just added fuel to the fire. Our first meeting consisted of her giving me the evils in a 1-to-1 room for about 10 minutes whilst *she* had to get *me* up to speed. It was awkward for sure, was always going to be. I’d noticed Ella before in the workplace. She used to have one of those side-business things selling beauty products etc. So I saw her pop up to my old office every so often. I thought she was quite attractive but never really thought much more than that. I’d never noticed her in the way I was about to.

Obviously, every manager wants to put their own stamp on a team and I was no different. I didn’t want to be there but I take pride in my work and wanted to do a good job nonetheless. One thing I noticed was that Ella was sat far away from me but (no genuinely…) for the benefit of the team, I needed her to be closer to me. This was one of the first things I mentioned and she just looked unhappier – turns out I would change that over time.

A few weeks went by and gradually things got a little better. Because there was genuinely a lot of work things I needed to run through Ella and she was sat so far away from me, we started using our company’s internal messenger system. I think this made life a lot easier in a weird way. Keyboard warrior syndrome perhaps? Sometimes the conversations would turn personal and we got to know one another properly.

So about her? 30s, slim and petite, long platinum blonde hair, pale skin, big beautiful brown eyes and her defining feature, her arse. I’ve never seen one as incredible ever before and may never do again. Think Mia Malkova… but better. For her frame, it’s truly out of this world – seems to defy logic. That and her sex appeal, her “aura”. It’s so hard to describe this. I think you only understand this if you’ve come across someone like it. I didn’t see it at first but eventually, she became the sexiest woman I’ve ever known.

Other details? Married with kids. Yeah, bit of an issue. So it’s also worth mentioning that when this story started I was engaged to be married myself. At this point, you know how this story is going to go. (Before anyone wants to say it, I know that I’m a bad person and I honestly feel this every day. Some days it really eats me up. But I’m guessing it’s unlikely that if you’re still reading now that you even care all that much and you just want the goods.)

And about me? I’m just shy of 6ft, average build I’d say but keep in shape for the most part. Brown hair and brown eyes, a bit tanned most of the year and the bit you’re probably concerned about given where you’re reading this, I am reasonably well-endowed. Enough to give girls a struggle when they go down.

Through our conversations, we found out more about each other and clearly grew to like each other better. The conversations were purely friendly until one day before Christmas. I should mention our company shuts down over the Christmas period until New Year. We were talking like usual until she said something (and annoyingly I just can’t remember what it was) that I had to double take, thinking, “was she flirting with me?” And as much as I was taken back by it, I liked it… and I wanted to test this. It didn’t happen again until the last day of the year for us. Our big boss, Ben, was adamant that my team stay until the dying minutes whereas everyone else in the department got to go home at lunch time. A classic contentious issue in the office. So I spoke to Ella that morning on IM and told her, “I’m going to use my charm on Ben. Watch, we’ll finish early.” She replied with, “I’m sure you can charm him well, I know what you can do ?” – Wait, this is mild flirting now, surely?!

I spoke to Ben later that morning and indeed charmed my way into an early finish for us. By charmed, I meant told a small lie about the workload of the team and that we could afford it. I told Ella on IM later and I mentioned how I’m almost as good as her for how she charmed the boss into allowing overtime for everyone that month. She replied with, “I guess I’m just gifted with my tongue? You just want to make sure you’re on the pleasurable end of it rather than the wicked end ?” OK so now we’re definitely flirting. I didn’t know what to say though… After-all, I was engaged and she was married. I didn’t really flirt back and kind of left it. Then, on lunch I was sat in our kitchen eating and she walked in and gave me the most intense stare. And I just stared back. It was probably about 2 seconds long in reality but it felt like an absolute age. Later we’d reflect on this saying it was a shared moment.

Later that afternoon, we were just talking non-stop. We were basically not doing any work at all. The only thing close to work was guessing what the numbers would look like after Christmas, doing a sweepstake where I’d get a prize for the winner. We were supposed to finish at 3 but we both stayed till about 4:30 (so much for an early finish!) just chatting away. I remember when it got to leaving, I said to her, “If I don’t talk to you beforehand, have a nice Christmas and NY” and she replied, “Why would we talk beforehand?” – I was actually disappointed, which was just mad. Still though, off we went on holiday.

When we got back, I was looking forward to seeing her. Again, just weird. That shouldn’t be happening. I didn’t think it’d be the same, those last flirty messages were just a random event… Surely. Didn’t take too long though, we started talking on IM again. Turns out she won that sweepstake and asked me what her prize was. I said I’d bake her a cake… Her response, “cake by the ocean?” – OK, this was still happening then. This is when things turned. I asked her if she’d ever done that and so from there, we were talking sex that day. Mild to begin with but the conversations turned over the next few weeks. Things got flirtier and flirtier, discussing likes, dislikes, major turn-ons, favourite positions, past relationships, the best you’ve had, the worst, the things you want to try, confessions. It all started coming out.

Then we talked about how being a good kisser is generally a good indication of being good at other things and how if two people share a good kiss, they’ll be compatible in the bedroom. We both knew where this was leading now. Come one Friday night after work, we were working back late. It was dark because of the winter nights and barely anyone was left in the office. We were doing our (almost) usual thing of talking on IM late on when we both hinted at going somewhere quiet. I was damn nervous about this, rightly so in one way really. We logged off, said bye to people on the team and walked out together.


We stopped in one of the corridors, so close to one another. “Camera…” I pointed out. She was flustered and frustrated. I’d been teasing her all day near enough, not just about kissing. I was basically hinting at the fact she would be making the moves and she was saying the opposite. Well, come a few seconds later and getting out of the view of the camera, she pushed me against the wall and kissed me. God her lips felt amazing. Her tongue even better. Our tongues swirled together and my hands instinctively wrapped around her waist. Hers did the same to mine. She clearly wanted this badly but then my reaction told me so did I.

That kiss maybe lasted 30 seconds or so, hardly long at all. We stopped, looked at each other and smiled. My cock was growing rapidly. I honestly could have taken her somewhere quiet right there and then and fucked her silly for hours. We walked out of the building and towards the car park. We were parked in completely different places so would be going our separate ways then but we just kept talking. Then, we were just drawn in to one another again. Once I’d moved out of the way of another camera, we kissed again – I’m kind of thankful I had my big winter jacket on hiding my now raging hard on. There would be no hiding this otherwise. It was just as good second time round. We both concluded that we’d probably be compatible in the bedroom. It was joking as we didn’t see it going anywhere other than that. How wrong we were.

By the next Monday, we were both thinking maybe things would be weird but they weren’t at all. We just started talking again, clear on the fact we’d done wrong but almost not caring. We continued to talk and talk. Conversations grew dirtier by the day. Discovering new things about each other and exciting each other all the more. We didn’t kiss again or do anything physical for weeks though. I noticed she arranged a “team night out”, wondering if that was actually for our benefit (spoiler, it was) and I started teasing her about what might happen if we started drinking and if we were left alone. The night came and I swear, all I could think of while we waited for our taxi into the city was how much I wanted her alone. We were surrounded by our team but all I could think of and see was her. We had a quick drink in the office and I kept eye-fucking her the whole time. We eventually got out and I said we should do rounds. We went straight in with cocktails with food. Turned out we both tried to catch each other alone whilst in the restaurant and again whilst in the bar later. Didn’t happen though.


As the night died down a bit and fellow employees started disappearing one by one, the tension between us was getting unbearable. I can’t tell you how unbelievably frustrating it is when you just want that one person to leave you alone with someone so you can absolutely go to town on each other. I was so close to saying, “Sarah can you just fuck off home already?” – very bad managements skills. As if the rest of this isn’t though right? Ella and I got closer, legs touching, arms brushing, accidental on purpose touching in front of those who were left. Eventually though, Sarah did “fuck off home”. Ella and I just looked at each other as if, “If anything is going to happen again, it’s now.”

We ordered another round. The drink had really been flowing at this point. She started rubbing my leg. I’ve never known this to feel so good before. This woman was having a serious effect on me. I was mesmerised but also a bit aware that we were in the middle of a club in our home city and anyone could see us. I didn’t stop though. I reciprocated and the tension just grew. That’s kind of the theme of the first few months of Ella and I talking. It was like edging for as long as you possibly can. Eventually, we finished our drink and left. We ran into a colleague from another department on our way (thank god we weren’t doing anything else other than walking) and stopped for a quick chat. Once that colleague had gone, we stopped and looked at each other. Then I gave her a choice, “We can go left and head towards the taxis and go home…. Or, we can go right towards that secluded area,” I leaned in towards her, my hand going around her back and whispered the last bit in her ear, “And we can do some of the things I’ve been promising over the last few weeks”

I pulled back and saw her eyes had widened massively. She’d already made her choice without saying but she paused briefly and said, “Let’s go right.” And that we did. We walked for about 10 minutes or so into the quieter area of town, along the canal and into a bit where no one else was going to be. The tension was still there – we both clearly wanted to kiss again. We really wanted to fuck each other senseless there and then. Eventually, after a few more unbearable minutes, it was obvious no one was around and we went for it. At first, the kiss was slow, almost romantic. It was lips on lips and then a hint of tongue. Our hands went wandering, exploring each other delicately. Then the kissing was frantic and passionate. It felt amazing – the build up of just wanting to kiss each other after weeks not and many “nearly” moments was just something else. Hands went exploring further. I undid her belt without my lips coming away from hers. She was undoing my coat – there’d me no hiding my throbbing cock this time.

I pushed her jeans down slightly until they fell the rest of the way. With both hands, I cupped her arse for the first time and my god was it something else. Absolute perfection – at the time I wish I could have seen it but it was so dark. I started kissing down her neck as my right hand went around her arse and to the front, feeling how wet she was through her knickers. They were sopping already. With one finger I traced the line of her knickers and so delicately ran it along her pussy. Drenched is the word. She pushed me back softly and I looked at her as she stared back at me and with one sharp movement squatted down. She unbuckled my belt and tugged my jeans down. Her hand reached back up, grabbing my cock over my boxers. I remember her letting out a moan at this moment which was such a turn on. Think my cock throbbed in her hand right there.

If this were some made up story or porn, this would probably keep going just like this but…. A car came along the road we were by. We quickly stopped, jeans back up for both of us quick and coming together to make us look a bit more innocent and hide what we were doing. As we did so, her hand was back on my bulge, gripping tightly. We just looked at one another intensely. The car went as quickly as it arrived – we just laughed a little… and then we resumed. This time she bent over and pushed my jeans back down and took my boxers with them. My cock sprung right up. I could feel the cold air on it but not for long. She took me in her mouth and fuck it was good. This quickly warmed me up, not that I cared about the cold at all in that moment.

She got a little way down and then started jerking the rest with her hand, gently sucking the head. My eyes were rolling at this point and I was losing all sorts of focus. My cock was getting even harder with every flick of her tongue. And then? Another car. Jeans up. Look innocent.

Once that car had gone though, there was no stopping. I gained my focus again and remembered what I had started doing. One other thing about me? I prefer giving so much more than receiving. As amazing as Ella’s lips wrapped around my cock was, I knew sliding my fingers inside her and tasting her would feel even better. So this time, I forcefully pushed her back into the wall we were by. I kissed her hard and intently. I navigated down to her neck and her chest and then undid her belt, and pulled her jeans and panties down. I pushed her top up slightly and kissed from her stomach down to her clit, flicking it with my tongue. Just one flick to get a taste. I love teasing and didn’t want to push her over just yet. I kissed back up and then cupped her cunt in my hand. I started kissing her lips again, tongues interlocking and losing control. I slid one finger in and curled it inside her. I knew I’d already found her sweet spot when she started being unable to kiss me back properly. So I bit her neck instead – this prompted more moaning. I was loving this.

I slid another finger in and started going faster with every motion. She was already losing it. Over a month of build up had done its thing. I sped up more – fuck I wanted to be down there sucking her clit and lashing my tongue over it in unison with my fingers fucking her but I was loving the build up to more. She couldn’t hold on though and then I felt it. Her pussy convulsed over my fingers, tightening gently and my whole hand just got wetter and warmer. She was squirting all over it and soon it was covered in her juices.

She had to take a moment to compose herself as I slid my hand away from her. I undid my own jeans and took them down with my left hand and with my right hand, drenched in Ella’s cum, I started jerking my cock, covering it all. How I didn’t just cum right there I don’t know. Something came over me and I was feeling dominant. Perhaps I wanted to remind her that I was in charge in the workplace and now in the bedroom. I took Ella’s chin and tipped her head to look up at me. “Suck my cock, Ella. I want you to taste your cum and mine together.”

I continued to jerk my cock slowly. My hand was gliding so easily over it with all of Ella’s wetness on it. Ella did as she was told and took the head in, sucking it, nibbling it, flicking her tongue all around it. Then she took more in. She got further than before, over half way. I could feel the back of her throat and her mouth tighten around it. She bobbed her head up and down, wrapped her hands around my arse and dug her nails in. She carried on for a little while – the drink in me must have kept me going longer. I was so ready to cum hard but was also loving every second of the night.

But Ella wanted it too. She started sucking vigorously and massaging my balls at the same time. She looked so good. She has some skills in that area for certain. It was getting too much for me. I could only really mutter a garbled, “God, don’t stop.” Before firing a huge load down her throat. It felt like it lasted minutes. I came rope after rope. She didn’t quite manage all of it, spilling some down her chin and onto her chest. Even after the cum had stopped spurting from my cock, I could still feel the orgasm – like an aftershock. She looked up at me and flashed me a wicked sort of grin. She came up to kiss me deeply. I could taste hers and my own cum in her mouth. I could have just kept going – my cock was not going down and I wanted to fuck her but the reality of the situation was that we had to go. A reality check often ruins great moments and this was definitely one of them.

We did back up our jeans and tops. Sorted ourselves out as best as we could and walked the other way, the “left towards the taxis”. We talked a little – almost just like normal, like we were just carrying on our night. As we came back into the city centre and the lights, it was clear we were a little messy still. As we headed towards the taxi, she quickly kissed me (so fast as to not be seen) and then kind of wiped my face. Turns out I had a lot of her make up on it. I guess the rest was all over my cock too. We mouthed “bye” to each other and off she went.

And that was just the beginning of it. There was the thought that it might have just ended there, we’d get it out of our system and “go back to normal” – what a laugh we were having with that one. That was a Friday night…. From the next Monday morning at work, things just ramped up.
