Space travel, sometimes unexpected things happen…

Modern space flight has always had the convenience of artificial gravity. Most people today have never experienced zero g weightlessness, even with many parsecs of space travel under their belts. Though gravity systems do fail on occasion, this time it happened to you!

About two weeks from arriving back on Earth, you were feeling confident and went to bed without your tether and just a sheet, no clothing at all. The tether was supposed to keep you from hurting yourself, if artificial gravity was ever be lost while you were asleep.

At about 2 AM the artificial gravity generator stopped working, and you began to float up off the bed, a strange and wonderful feeling. You where vaguely aware and noticed that when you tried to move, you felt an equal and opposite reaction with the parts of your body that where not held firmly in place, like your stomach and your breasts. Looking down at your full breasts, you noticed that they seemed larger than normal and had an unusual shape, the likes of which you had not seen before. When you moved, you could feel their inertial reaction and subsequent sloshing back and forth at their natural frequency. This feeling was very arousing, it felt similar to having your nipples liked as if it was from the inside. So every time you moved, you would always feel the inertial lag of your breasts and stomach trying to keep up, followed by the resonant sloshing sensation that felt so good. You quickly discovered that with more impulse in the motion, the larger the oscillations became. It was so stimulating that you grabbed on to the bed frame and began wrenching yourself back and forth to increase the amplitude of the sloshing. You quickly learned to flex the muscles in your arms in just the right order to make your nipples appear to spin in circle, and with just the right technique, you could make the amplitude larger and larger, to the point where is was almost painful, but in a good way.

At the same time your whole abdomen was sloshing as well, and rhythmically pressing down on your vagina, here the vibrations where also stimulating, you began to arch your back so as to make the sensations more intense in just the right place. This combination was making you very hot and wet, you couldn’t help your self, you just wanted to keep felling it and with more intensity. Soon you could feel shudders running up and down your body, each time they reached your Mons Venus you could feel your juices coming out and running along your tummy and thighs and flowing every which way. There is no up or down, so it follows the path of least resistance. When the wave came back up towards your mouth, it felt like a dry heave, sending intense euphoric feelings throughout your abdomen. You mouth was watering and drool was flowing out onto your face and getting in your eyes. The intensity became quite strong, you wanted to keep it going, but, you where afraid you might hurt yourself, pull a muscle or crack a rib. Eventually, you let go of the bed frame and let the oscillations dampen out, with both hands rubbing your pussy and arms pressing against your breasts, as you drifted across the room, it felt so good to just keep rubbing, by now the abdominal tremors where subsiding and you where so tired that you quickly fell fast a sleep.

When you awoke, you where face up on the ceiling, being held in place by the suction of the air vent. Your mouth was open and pressed against the ceiling, hair everywhere soaked with drool and stuck to you face. Sticky juices all over your hands, tummy, thighs and butt, some of it beginning to dry. Most of the free floating droplets of drool and other fluids had already been sucked up by the air vent. The ones still remaining in the air where glistening along with your golden flowing hair, glow in the sun light. Despite the mess and slightly sore breasts, you felt wonderful, so relaxed and wonderful, wondering what happened last night…
