Sweet Dreams

# Sweet Dreams


Sweat Dreams are made of these


We can dance if we want to.

Part A

We were coming back from breakfast. Kelley and Stacey were walking into the apartment first.

“Have I mentioned I hate to see you two leave but I love to watch you walk away.” “Not today” said Stacey as she turned around and kissed me. “Will, enough of the talk I want to practice at least 1 more time before tomorrow chess match” said Kelley. Last week it started as a joke down in the commons with Meg that she should let Kelley attack me with a sword that then turned into a fight for chess.

The scene end with Stacey hitting me with a 2X4 while Kelley stands over me with both swords. We were just using the fight that Meg and Kelley did in class. We been practicing every evening and since we all took Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off we would practice some more today before we leave and check in at the hotel across from the faire.

“Kelley, are you nervous for the fight?” she nods and Stacey and I go over and hug her. You know this fight and I am sure I know it. Stacey understands her part, we will be perfect.” “Will are you sure we will be” asked Stacey. “Not you also. Yes I am sure. You need to remember I will be faking the pain so you don’t change the sequence. If you do then one of us might get hurt. Meg went out on a limb for us with this bit of slapstick so lets do her proud. We have two performances then Sunday night is the Formal dance with all that fun.”

We ran the fight twice and left for the hotel arriving at 3:20 pm. We check in and go to our room to rest. The cast was having a little get together later and we were invited. Turned out no rest was actually gotten but allot of pent up energy was released.

The plan had been to lay down and nap to 7 get up and get ready to be over at the Disenchanted forest (where our Cast lives on site) at 8 allot of talking and some mingling and at 10 go back to the hotel. For the most part we followed the plan…except the beginning.

The room had a king size bed and we were all lying down on it. I had turned the TV onto one of those in house channels that play light jazz. It was working for me but I could feel the bed shake as as Kelley and Stacey were tossing and turning. Nervous about tomorrow?” I ask. In unison I hear “YES.” All right time to wear you out a bit. Pool party time.”

The hotel had a nice inside pool and a hot jetted Jacuzzi. We hoped in the pool and swam and played grab ass under the water for 45 minutes and horse play Stacey suggest the Jacuzzi to loosen muscles since she was still sore from the last store opening 2 weeks before. They say to only stay 15 minutes but we were in there closer to an hour.

We get back to the room about 5:30 and change into the clothes we wanted for the get together and set an alarm to wake us in a hour.

Since this get together was out side we wore jeans and T-shirts. The only alcohol being drunk was near beer since most of us had early morning fight calls including Kelley, Stacey, and My self. About 9:30 we begged everyone to forgive us we were tired and heading back to the hotel to sleep and will see everyone in the morning.

Bright the next morning were up, showered, dressed, and down eating breakfast at the early hour of 6:30 since our fight call was 8:30. We went to the faire and did our fight call, and Kelley was asked to come up to the costume shop, her new gown was ready.

After fight call Stacey and I went to the Globe to get our garb on and just as we were coming out Kelley was gliding threw the shire in her new gown.

“My doesn’t someone look especially tasty this morning.” Cooed Stacey. I walk up to Kelley and kiss her. “I know it doesn’t make up for your first gown but it looks just as good on you as the first one.” Kelley handed me her heart choker (easily fixed by Jay) and ask me to tie it on. I see that the tie up is not real. “How do you get in and out?” Stacey walks behind to look. “Oh there is a hidden zipper in the left side. Velcro keeps it hidden.”

“Now since we are a family again lets pop over to Mistress Kitty and wish Mistress Sam a Happy Birthday she 13 and we can give her our gift for all she did for us. We all laughed how the little ragamuffin wormed here way into our hearts as our best friend. We get there just in time to see Kitty and Lisa putting out there last display.

Is good Mistress Samantha around?” ask Kelley. Kitty calls “SAM! You got visitors” Out runs Sam and we break into the Scottish birthday song (which I also had us practice this week) Stacey steps forward “Sam we got you a gift.” She hands Sam a small box and in it was a Painted heart that had the word Dungeon bait on the heart but it also had a smaller rectangle below that said “I made Will Knot speechless and all I got was this pin” “She starts laughing. Will pin me please. As I put the pin on I pretend to notice the second part. I don’t rember asking for that?” At age 13 every shire girl get a dungeon bait pin to try and keep the creepy guys away. “May I kiss your forehead Sam for all you did helping me for these two ungrateful wenches?” “Depends do I get an Amber heart necklaces also?” We all laugh and I gave Sam her kiss. “Sorry Kiddo those will probably the only two I will ever give one to. I do believe I am destine to be happy the rest of my life with these two to protect me from the hard road I use to travel.” “Kitty gives me a hug and I walk to these two women and I hug them and whisper “We are a family now and I hope that never changes. Now enough silly emotions we have a crowd to entertained. Hey Sam get to chess today, Lady Stacey and Lady Kelley get to beat me up today.”

“Sounds like fun. I will be there to route them on.”

My faire family loves me so much.

We get to cast meeting and sit with a group of our regular group. The Sheriff hugs Stacey and Kelley and wishes them a good morning. Meg comes over to sit with us only half dressed.

“COMPANY MEETING!!!!” called Raymond.

Pete the faire owner walks to the front of the Globe stage. “I want to thank you all for the hard work you have done this season. With out you there is no shire…(he chuckles) and any one to drink the beer. Two days left and then its a wrap this year. I been talking to the directors and my wife and in December we will be holding a get together for those who can make it to celebrate and to thank you with free food…and yes free beer. “HIP HIP HUZZAH! HIP HIP HUZZAH HIP HIP HUZZAH.”

Raymond walks back up annuces the specialty acts for Final tonight. Oh Will, Kelley, and Stacey you are needed at Queens court to fill a hole. You will be on the first landing of the stairs. I would say to have something witty to say Will but we all know you are always full of shit. Will you will be Master of Ceremonies and you and the ladies should arrive as soon as possible and make it look like you are making the end game look like it is prep for the queen’s visit. Props back stage.

“Hey Meg, you need me in procession or can I come up to the main gate and do a pre show warm up?” “You are not really needed, how about you take the ladies also? Kelley is looking extra tasty in the new gown.” “You two want to play with me at the gate…not that kind of show, that is at the Formal tomorrow night.” Both chuckled. Meg asked them what our costumes are for tomorrow night.” We are having a Pajama party.” Piped up Kelley a Stacey blushes a little. “And what kind of pajamas Kelley?” I ask Blushing Stacey say” will likes us to wear these satin camisole in pastel colors with matching satin loose shorts.” “Will, is that cold shower you talk about available. I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the thought.” “Welcome to my pastel colored world, Meg.”

We head to the gate and play a game matching people to there perfect group. You know Biker man with the Nuns thing. During I game I am making sure everyone knows Her Majesty will be at the end game stage and I get to introduce her and her court and accidentally introducing at court a young girl in a wheelchair as Princess Penelope (I never met a Penelope and I had to do.)

“Well Queen’s court is over and we have about an hour to chess. Z”Want to walk some Greyhounds?” Both Stacey and Kelley smiled and said yes. But the time flew by and it was our time to shine.

I was Mary of Scotland Knight. Eventually there would be a fight between the Sheriff and myself., When the fight was called Queen Elizabeth used her Queen powers (Queen Powers activate, the shape of pearl necklace) To substitute Kelley for the sheriff bases on the fact the sheriff was unable to capture me. We did the fight as we practice including a few flourishes I added for Kelley to look good. When it looks like she going to win I sweep in close and kiss her….point of fact as an actor most women I get to kiss I have no interested in romantically but in this case showing the entire audience this display of affection, oh my god I was extremely hot bothered and so was Kelley I found out later. Any ways I kiss Kelley and now her character is flustered and I start to win the fight. Now Stacey’s character wasn’t having any of this and she comes out with a rattan wood sword and does a Good 7 samurai sword kill to the padded shoulder pads I am wearing. This knocks me to my knees and I lose my sword. This is the end of the scene at least that was what Meg thought but I had other plans with Kelley and Stacey. Just as suddenly as I was knocked down I hop back up and plant a Kiss on Stacey then turned to Kelley and kiss her then I turn and run away from the chess field. On a 4 count they drop the weapons and chase after me. I was hiding down in Mistress Kitty’s shop (with her permission and both Kelley and Stacey come in just after me. And we hide in there to the end of chess. After all three of us left (something the Queen did not know was going to happen” I hear her on mike saying. “He better avoid the brush and the brambles and the places where a Rabbit won’t go I believe those british will chase him to the gulf of Mexico.) We three are sitting in the shop drinking water when Sam came back she looked at me and said that she could have used less kissing and more but kicking.

“Will you have made every man mad because there wives will want the same thing as you gave us.” said Kelley “Not all the same I bet.” I whisper. “Not the same all right. I swear my pussy and clit are throbbing like a base drum right now.” said Stacey, “Same here” said Kelley” “thank god for my cod piece or my raging boner would be visible. Lets get some lunch. I know a nice place to eat…a nice secluded place.

The faire is surrounded by a 12 foot wooden fence and in the section after the private tent there is a door in the fence. It is a private place set up for the queen to relax in but since the faire expanded this area became to far from the hustle and bustle and it got used allot less.

I open the gate marked “Queen only” and we bring our food in under a wooden roof set to protect those from the sun and weather.

I close the gate and set my food down when someone opens the gate. “Where is the queen? My son wants to be Knighted.” I say sorry but she is not here but I point down the hill where she was and send him on his way and I closed and now locked the door.

“Finally some alone time to eat.” I say After I said it I realized it really was alone. No one can see threw, under or over the fence. The gate was locked and with the constant talking as long as you are quite no one will think anything is going on.

Stacey had sat and straddled the bench facing towards Kelley and Kelley was sitting the same way as Stacey but facing Stacey and I am sitting with Kelley back and shoulders open to my seeking lips….I could not help myself and with a startled gurgle from Kelley and a wide eyed stare of Stacey I promptly start kissing Kelley’s neck while my hands are sliding over her dress where her boobs were.

Whispering”Oh my God Will, what are doing I, I am already on fire because of the kiss at chess and this isn’t..Gasps…helping.” I lean my chin on Kelley shoulder and whisper “The fence is 12 foot high and no one can see in. The gate can only be unlocked from this side. The fence is sturdy and you can not see threw it. With the constant noise of faire and as long as we are quite…” I left the sentence hang and realization washed over both and in short work Kelley’s dress is off and set on another table as Stacey’s sucking on a boob and kissing Kelley. Kelley is laying on my cloak naked for all but her crotchless bloomers and her amber heart choker. I have Kelley legs thrown over my shoulder as I begin eating her pussy. As I go I see Kelley huge clit and I decided t treat it like penis and I start jerking it then sucking it when Kelley start to moan “FUCK FUCK FUCK” and soon enough I get hit with a squirt something she has never done before. Which turns Stacey on further and turns to Kelley and says “Kelley I want to watch daddy fuck your face, can I please.” I can tell Kelley is nervous we have never even talked about this sex act with her but she looks at me and crawls over and says “Daddy fuck my face so I can be like my sister I want to show her how proud I am to be a slut like her.” She lays down and I just nod yes. I start slow and I am being careful since Kelley’s gag reflects is a bit stronger than Stacey but soon I start to cum and most goes down her throat and what didn’t Stacey is now licking off Kelley’s face. Soon our fun is over and all clothes are arraigned and Finally Kelley says, “OMG! Thats was incredible, Stacey lets switch gowns tomorrow so we can lay you out nude.”

What the Jesus, Buddha, and the flying spaghetti monster, Yes I do live a weird life.

We cleaned up even diluting the cum stain on the table and just as I unlock the gate it opens and there is the queen. Shh, this is where you three gotta after. Chess.” She walks in and grabs my face and licks my lips. “Mm someone is tasty. Do not miss Finale and have more fun.” We left all three of us blushing to a point.

“Will are we in trouble for that.” “I doubt she will mention it.” I look at Kelley “You might want to change body wash tonight. I am pretty sure she knows it is you she tasted or at least hoping it is you and since she just broke up with her girlfriend she might be trying to lure you away from us.” Stacey frown and says “Will we really need to have a talk about all the things you know about here that we don’t…it might helps.” we all laughed.

After Finale in Song we went to the hotel and put our swim suits on and went back to there Jacuzzi and stayed in it long enough they came and closed the pool area and threw us out. We ordered a pepperoni and mushroom pizza to delivered and we relaxed and went to bed. Next m,morning up early and got fight call out of the way and headed to the Globe to dress. I was out back waiting for the ladies when they came out. They were issued cloaks to keep warm since it was a bit of nippy day with chances of flurries in the early morning and 77 this afternoon. Oh look they switched gowns today…my it might get much hotter.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iojknl/sweet_dreams