Reopening Old Wounds (part four-the end) [DP] {other stuff}

When I opened my eyes the bright white of light glared down on me. I lifted my hand to block the light and someone grabbed my hand.

“What do you remember?” A familiar male voice asked.

“Pain and darkness,” I said.

“Am I alright?” I asked, “Why is everything so bright?”

“You’re okay,” he said.

“Why didn’t that sound very convincing?”

“You aren’t going to be able to travel for a while. Do you recognize my voice?”

“I think you’re a friend of mine,” I said.

He leaned over the bed and looked at me, “Do you recognize me?”

“Grady?” I asked.

He smiled and nodded, “Yeah. I’m guessing you remember your name?”

“Raven,” I said.

“Good, no long term memory loss is a good thing. You have a pretty severe concussion.”

“Are we at your house or your job?” I asked.

“My job, needless to say, I didn’t expect to see you come through my ER, especially not with my sister-in-law,” he said.

“Ceri…did we get into a fight?” I asked.

“You were in a car accident,” he said.

“Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she has a few bumps and bruises but she’s okay, she’s at home with Brendan,” he said.

“Was Brendan in the car with us? Is he okay?” I asked.

“He wasn’t in the car with you, he’s fine.”

I looked him over, “I had sex with you didn’t I?”

He blushed and looked over at the nurse fussing with tubes going into my arm. I didn’t even see her at first, “Sorry,” I said softly.

“It’s okay. Yes, we did and yes, Brendan is still pissed at me for it.”

I grabbed his hand and looked at him, “How long do I have to stay here?” I asked.

“Until I get off of work. Normally we’d keep you overnight for the concussion but I said I’d bring you to my house and watch you overnight myself. Are you okay with coming back to my house with me?”

I smiled, “Depends on your motives, Dr. Burke,” I said, making the nurse giggle at Grady’s bright red blush.

He checked in on me a few times and gave me an outfit to wear, generic surgical scrubs, but at least it wasn’t an open back gown. He took me home and we talked along the way, he told me that I was out for a few hours and Brendan stayed with me for a while, but once Ceri was released he had to take her home. I ached all over, but it was mostly my head. I was dizzy and nauseous and could barely walk. Grady called the airline and changed my flight home. He wanted me to stay for two more weeks. Something about the air pressure and wanting to make sure I didn’t have any residual effects from the accident.

I don’t know, I wasn’t really capable of soaking in the information he was offering. He brought me up to this bedroom and put me in bed, “You can stay,” I said as he started to leave, “I’d actually like it if you stayed.”

He smiled and crinkled his nose, “You know Ceri crashed because she found out you and Brendan had sex, right?”

I shook my head, “The only thing I remember is you asking me to take down that listing, then waiting for the guys to show up,” I said.

“Did they show up?” He asked.

“I don’t remember.”

“I did some tests while you were in the hospital, you didn’t pick anything up in your questionable activities.”

“Was that just in case you wanted another go with me?” I teased.

“No, Raven, I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he said.

I leaned over and grabbed his hand, “Aren’t you supposed to be observing me overnight anyway?” I asked.

He let me pull him up onto the bed but quickly leaned over and grabbed a bed pan as I threw up without warning.

“Fuck, well that’s attractive,” I said as I put my hands up to my head to soothe the throbbing.

“You have a concussion and I’m a doctor. I’ve seen worse, kid,” he said as he rubbed my back. He helped me up and half carried me to the bathroom. “I’m going to put you in the bath. I don’t think hot water is a very good idea right now, but if I remember right, baths are one of your comfort things?”

I nodded. He sat me down on the bathroom counter and ran a warm bath with bubbles before he turned around to me and stood me up, “I’m going to undress you just to put you in the bath.”

“Okay,” I said.

He grasped my shirt, helping me lift my aching arms until he pulled the top off of me. Then slid the bottoms off of me and picked me up, sitting me in the tub. I looked at him, but he was avoiding making eye contact with me as he grabbed a cloth and washed me with the warm water.

I looked at him, “I don’t remember sleeping with Brendan but I remember sleeping with you. Is that a sign that I’ve been in love with the wrong person this whole time?”

“No,” he said, “It means you have a concussion with normal symptoms, short-term memory loss being a common one.”

“Does he know I’m here? With you, I mean?” I asked.

“I told him you’d be overnight in the hospital,” he said as he tipped my head up and washed my neck and shoulders.

“Is sex allowed with a concussion?” I asked.

He smiled, “No, it’s not. But you have two extra weeks here. I called your husband and told him you were in a car accident and couldn’t travel for a little while. I promised to keep him updated on your condition and when you’ll be able to fly again. Medically, I can keep you here for about a month if you’d like,” he said.

“I guess that depends on if either you or Brendan want me to stay,” I said.

Grady stroked my cheek, “I can’t do what I did again. I barely got Brendan talking to me again.”

I closed my eyes and scooted down in the tub, pressing my cheek tighter to his hand, “Yet you’re here taking care of me and he’s not.”

He pulled his hand from me and sighed, “That’s not fair and you know it, Raven.”

I taunted him for days and he kept taking care of me, checking me out of my hotel early and bringing my stuff back to his house. I saw Brendan in passing, but he didn’t reach out. Even the neighbor, Nat, reached out to see how I was. Ceri hated me, obviously. Grady told them both I didn’t remember much of that day and it took nearly a week to stop randomly throwing up and for the massive headaches to ease.

It was that Saturday, the day I was supposed to be leaving, that Brendan finally stopped in to check on me. My face and chest were still bruised from the accident. I was standing in the hallway behind Grady as he stood at the front door. I wanted to go over to the door, talk to him, but he didn’t even try to look around his brother to me. Then Grady shut the door and turned around to see me leaning against the wall.

“He’s worried about you,” he said.

“Did he even ask to see me?”

Grady shook his head and I smiled as I looked him over, “How much longer before I can travel safely? I think I just want to go home,” I said.

“One more week and I’ll take you to the hospital for a follow up. If everything checks out you can head home after that,” he said.

I reached out to him and took his hand in mine then led him upstairs to his bedroom and pulled him up on to the bed with me. He sat up against the headboard and I curled up against him, “I’m not him,” he said as he stroked my back.

“I know,” I said, “can we just lay like this for a while?”

He pulled me closer to him and curled his hand over my hip. We ended up falling asleep together and I vaguely woke up to the feel of someone pressing themselves against my back. I opened my eyes and saw Grady laying in front of me, my head on his chest. I turned around to see Brendan lying behind me.

He smiled at me and guided me to turn over towards him and I did. He was quiet and his hand slid up and down my hip as I looked up at him. “You…” I started to say but he pressed his lips to mine to quiet me. The warmth and weight of his hand on my jaw made me moan and he smiled and kissed me harder.

His hand guided me up from the bed and he led me out into the hall then down to his brother’s guest room. I stopped him at the door, “He has cameras in there.”

“I know.”

He pulled me into the room and closed the door behind us. I pulled out of his grip, “You haven’t spoken to me in days and now you just show up and want to fuck me?” I said.

“You think I haven’t wanted to talk to you? It’s been fucking hell knowing you’re three houses down from me and I’ve had to keep my distance for no other reason than trying to salvage my marriage…,” he started.

“So why are you here now? Go save your marriage and be happy,” I said.

He scowled and pulled out his phone and showed me a message he received from Grady. It was a picture of me sleeping on his chest and a very simple message, ‘I get it now. It was much easier to fall for her than I anticipated.’

“So this is jealousy? Your brother is falling for me and you don’t want him to so you…you what? Fuck me to make sure I keep wanting you?” I asked.

He looked at me, “I don’t want you to love him,” he said, his voice caught slightly towards the end.

“Are you in love with me, B?” I asked.

He nodded and I shook my head, “No, that’s not good enough, tell me why I shouldn’t turn my affection toward your attractive and available older brother. Tell me why I should let you sneak into your brother’s bedroom to steal me away to make a fucking sex tape for you to enjoy whenever you want after I’m gone?” I asked.

“I’m in love with you, Raven. What I want is for you to divorce your husband and me to divorce my wife and for us to move forward in life the way it should have been six years ago,” he said.

I nodded, “Okay,” I said.

He rubbed the back of my neck and tilted my head up so he could lean down and kiss me deeply. I started undressing him and he grasped my clothes, pulling them off of me as we made our way over to the bed. I knelt in front of him as we stood beside the bed.

His hand tangled in my hair and he moaned as I lowered my lips down over him and gently started sucking his cock. I stroked the lower part of his cock and pushed his foreskin back as I looked up at him. He closed his eyes and groaned, his hips slowly pushing towards my lips as his hands pulled my head down his shaft, “Raven…” he whispered as I continued sucking on him. My hands gripped his hips, pulling him to me a little harder. My head bobbed on his dick and he looked down at me, whimpering as he tightened his grip in my hair, “Raven, I love you.”

I pulled my lips from him and he guided me up to my feet as he sat back on the bed. I didn’t say it back. I was still very much in love with him, I just didn’t believe him. I felt like once he got off he was going to thank me then go back to his wife. I was okay with it. I didn’t mind him using me, I was getting what I wanted too.

I pushed him back on the bed and climbed up on his lap as he scooted back so my knees were fully on the bed as I eased his cock into me. I wanted to just push down onto him hard, but he gripped my hips tightly and forced me to go slow. I think he liked the way it felt as his cock pushed me open just a little deeper each time. Once my body was flush to his, his hands left my hips and slid up my back and over my sides until he was grasping my tits. I leaned forward over him and he lifted his head, gently pushing his lips to my nipple and sucking on me, flattening his tongue to drag it across my hardened nipple then pointing his tongue to flick gently back and forth and swirl around me before sucking and pulling his lips from me to repeat the attention on my other breast.

I don’t think he heard the bedroom door open, it was just a subtle click, but I heard it. Brendan moaned while I rode him, his eyes were closed and his hands were back on my hips, guiding me in a rolling motion down onto his cock as he thrust up into me. I looked behind me for a moment and saw Grady standing by the door, watching. I turned back to Brendan and put my hands on his chest.

“B, would you still love me if I wanted more than this?” I asked.

He opened his eyes and looked at me, “What do you mean? What more?” He asked.

“Grady,” I said, “We’ve gotten kind of close with him taking care of me the past few days.”

“I like that you two are getting along, ‘Ven,” he said.

I shook my head, “Not just getting along, B,” I sat up and pulled Brendan up with me then looked towards Grady as he leaned back against the door, watching me with his brother, an equal mix of lust and heartbreak on his face. Brendan followed my gaze and his grip on my hips tightened as I felt him tense up beneath me, “What if I want you both?” I asked.

I looked to Grady and beckoned him over with my finger and he hesitantly came over to us. I reached behind me and curled my arm behind his neck, pulling me to him as much as pulling him to me, “Can you handle that you gave me the space to fall for your brother?” I asked as Grady’s hands hovered over my sides, he wanted to touch me but he was genuinely afraid to, his hesitance made it seem like he thought his flesh would burn if it made contact with me. At least he did, until I finished that question.

His hands curved along my ribcage and he groaned as I finished my question, his lips pressed to my neck and Brendan watched me smile and moan, tilting my head to give his brother better access to my sensitive neck. I looked at Brendan and he seethed, hurt lingered in the form of fresh tears betraying the anger in his face. “No,” he said, pulling my upper body roughly out of his brothers grip and holding me tightly to his own.

I nodded and tried to pull away from him but he wouldn’t let go. I was able to maneuver so my lips were just beside his ear as I whispered, “You left me alone with him for four days, B. He dropped everything to take care of me and you didn’t even come to see how I was in that time, didn’t call…but, now that you’re jealous you want me again? Either be there for me and love me when it’s hard to, or let me go so I can love someone who can.”

He broke eye contact with me and looked over my shoulder to his brother, “Do you actually love her or were you just trying to piss me off?” He asked.

“I wasn’t trying to piss you off,” he said.

Brendan looked back to me, he brought his hand up to my cheek and held me, “I’ll try.”

I kissed him and lifted myself up into a kneeling position so I could move back towards Grady and kiss him too. Brendan’s grip on my hips tightened uncomfortably, but he didn’t pull me away. Grady retrieved a bottle of lube from the bedside drawer and when came back over to me, I grabbed his hand, “I’ve never done anything like this before,” I said, nerves starting to creep in at the prospect.

He stroked my cheek and kissed me softly, “I’ll go slow,” he said as he pulled away and guided me to bend forward and lean over his brother again.

He undressed and was true to his word and ignored his own hard on for a while as I continued to fuck Brendan and Grady began to lube and finger my asshole. He was gentle and patient, working me up until he could get two fingers solidly in my ass without me wincing. Grady guided himself into me and Brendan whined as he felt me tightening on him in response.

I kissed B, distracting myself from the subtle pain of the fact that Grady was significantly thicker than the two fingers he’d been using. I gasped mid kiss and Brendan rubbed the back of my neck, “You okay?” He asked.

I nodded and looked back to Grady as he made a gentle thrust into me, it made me bite my lip and groan as I closed my eyes. With Grady worked halfway into my ass, Brendan began to move in me again and I whined loudly, “Fuuuck.”

When one pushed in the other pulled out and they kept that rhythm until Grady was fully inside of me, holding my wrists tightly behind my back. Brendan brought his hands to my thighs and used his thumbs to play with my clit. Then they started pushing into me together and I felt every inch.

My body tensed and I leaned my head back onto Grady’s shoulder. He kissed my neck then whispered to me, “Fuck us back, Raven, arch your body and push back to…ugh,” he groaned as I forcefully rocked hips between them, pushing towards Brendan than pulling them back to Grady. I was breathing heavily and moaning as they worked with me. Grady let go of my wrists so he could grasp my hair and hip, pulling me so he could kiss me deeply as I moaned. Brendan thumbed my clit with one hand and grasped my other hip as he watched me moan and arch in pleasure.

Brendan sat up and slid his hand up from my hip to my upper back, pulling me to him so I could kiss him, too. I put my hands on his shoulders and used him as leverage to fuck myself on their dicks a little harder and faster. They both groaned and I gasped as I came hard on them, my ass and pussy pulsed with their cocks pushed deep inside of me.

I looked Brendan in the eyes, “You really do love me, don’t you?” I asked in a gasping breath.

He nodded and I kissed him then ran my hands through the back of his hair, “I have to go home to divorce my husband. How do we get me here for more than a visit? I want to be here, with you,” I said as I felt him twitch inside of me as he held me down on his lap.

Grady was still fucking my ass, and with Brendan done he took over the rhythm and grunted in my ear as he got closer. Grady grasped my throat and rubbed my clit as Brendan kissed and sucked on my tits, I squeezed Brendan’s soft dick inside of me as Grady brought me to another, almost violent orgasm, as I moaned and clenched my fist. My head leaned back on Grady’s shoulder and my back arched while my eyes fluttered. Grady pushed deep into me and came inside of me, there were more spurts from him than his brother.

They held me there until my body stopped trembling then they maneuvered us so neither one had to pull out of me and we could lay side by side on the bed. I twisted my upper body so I could look back and forth between them. I looked to Brendan, “Why didn’t you come to see me?” I asked.

“I was being stupid,” he said, “Grady said you didn’t remember us being together that night but you still remembered being with him and Nat. I knew it wasn’t something you could control, but it still hurt that I was the only one you forgot.”

“So you didn’t check up on me because you were upset over something I had no control over?” I asked.

Grady interjected and I turned to face him, “He checked up on you every few hours. He just didn’t come to see you.”

I looked back to Brendan, “I remember you rejecting me and then I remember waiting for someone to show up at my room. Grady said I had arranged to meet someone?”

“Something like that,” Brendan said as he pulled himself free of me. Grady followed suit though he was reluctant to let go of me.

The brothers helped me up to my feet and I ignored the slight dizziness as I leaned on them, “If you don’t want to divorce your wife,” I said as I tightened my grip on Brendan’s arm, “I can marry Grady to stay here and given some time I know I could bring Ceri around to joining us.”

Brendan scowled, “I very specifically do not want you to marry my brother, Raven,” he said as he gripped my arm tightly.

We got cleaned up and the rest of my extended trip was spent with either one or both of them, Nat stopped by a few times but both brothers refused to let him around me as drugs and recovering from a concussion don’t mix well. When Grady finally cleared me to fly home, neither one of them wanted me to go. I probably shouldn’t have brushed off their concerns. I had to go back to divorce my husband, to face him and tell him what he undoubtedly already suspected.

And I did just that. He took it well, he understood. He listened to me and tried to change my mind, stressing that he loved me and that should matter, reminding me that he rescued me from a bad home life. But I stayed strong and told him, honestly, that I didn’t love him and I never did.

He granted me the divorce. I didn’t ask for anything. It would be easier for me to just start over anyway. Once everything was final and I reached out to Brendan, I found he’d blocked me on everything. I resorted to e-mailing him and he just wouldn’t respond. I reached out to Grady and got the same cold shoulder.

They shut me out.

I could still see their social media though. Brendan and Ceri seem to have worked things out and Grady was seeing a nurse from his hospital. They all looked happy. I struggled for a while, particularly emotionally. But it only took me about a year to save up the money to make that trip again. Once I was there, I left a note on each of their doors. The one thing I was certain of, thanks to Nat reaching out to me wanting to know if I had any plans to go back and visit, was that they still lived in the same place.

Brendan knew where I’d be, and I just had to wait, so I sat there in the grass and fussed with my skirt as I watched various cars pass me by without even slowing down. The sun had almost set and I was starting to think they weren’t going to show. My head was turned towards the sounds of the ocean crashing on rocks below me. I was about to stand up when a car pulled over on the side of the road behind my rental. Brendan and Grady got out and they both just stood by the car. They looked like they saw a ghost as they looked towards me.

I sat in the clearing, just before the tree line and they nervously made their way down to me.

“Raven?” Brendan asked as he looked me over.

“Why are you here?” Grady asked as he ran towards me.

I got up and backed away, “Don’t,” I said, backing up faster as they moved towards me.

They stopped advancing on me, still looking like they couldn’t believe I was standing there, “Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked.

Brendan walked towards me, “I…are you okay?” He asked.

They were splitting off from each other, trying to make sure I could only keep one of them in my line of sight at a time. I stopped backing up and let them approach me. My focus was on Brendan, it always was. I looked him in the eye as he got within arm’s reach of me, “Did you just stop loving me?” I asked.

“No,” Grady said as he came up on the side of me, “neither of us did.”

“Then why’d you block me out?” I asked, pulling away as they both reached out to grab me. I stumbled and they grabbed me and pulled me to my knees on the ground, each had an arm over my back and their other pinned my hands down.

“We didn’t. You shut us out. We called, messaged, e-mailed…you just stopped responding to us,” Brendan said.

“He did something,” I said, “my husband, I mean. He let me divorce him, but a few days after it was official, you stopped responding to me. I thought…I thought you were getting back at me for wanting to be with both of you. Let me divorce my husband, knowing I was going to say I didn’t want anything from him, then leave me to my own devices.”

“I went to Virginia to look for you. All I found was an angry ex-husband and a black eye,” Brendan said with a slight laugh as he guided me over onto my back. He smiled as he looked over my face.

“I…wasn’t going to come, but I couldn’t think of a more beautiful place,” I said.

Brendan looked behind us then back down to me, “You were going to jump weren’t you?” He asked.

“Fuck,” Grady said, “I thought you were being paranoid.”

“I was hoping I was wrong and she just wanted to meet somewhere romantic,” he said.

“Do you think my parents knew what my tendencies would be when they named me?” I asked as I looked up to the slowly darkening sky.

“Your tendency to be clever and cheeky?” Brendan asked.

I wiped the tears from my cheek and smiled, “Yeah,” I said.

Brendan leaned down and kissed me passionately, trying hard to smile as he pulled his lips from mine, “If you jump, I’m going with you and I really want a life with you, Raven, not a death.”

I lifted myself up and looked at him, “Then let’s create a life together,” I said.

He smiled and nodded, “Yeah, you’re not going back to the states without me, ever again,” he said as he kissed me and started to pull me up to my feet.

Grady was laughing, “That’s not what she meant you idiot,” he said.

I was blushing and Brendan looked from me to his brother then back to me, a clearly confused look on his face. Grady leaned over and whispered to him. Brendan’s attention turned back to me and he started kissing me again then looked back to Grady, “Go home?” He asked.

Grady nodded, “Yeah, just remember what we agreed to, little brother,” he said as he left us there.

“What did you agree to?” I asked as he kissed my neck and pulled my dress up and over my head.

“When we were planning for you to come back…he wants us to move in together, the three of us. I get to marry you but we both get to be with you as long as you want us to be,” he said.

“And you’re okay with that?” I asked as he slid my panties off of me, tossing them into the grass beside us.

“No,” he said, looking into my eyes, “I want you all to myself.”

“Good,” I said as I unzipped his pants and pulled him to me, “I was infatuated,” I said, “not in love.”

Brendan smiled and guided himself into me, “So you just want me?” He asked with a slight thrust as I moaned.

“Yes,” I said, “will he be okay?” I asked, one of my hands grasped Brendan’s shoulder and the other grabbed his ass, pulling him deeper into me.

“I don’t really want to talk about my brother right now, ‘Ven,” he said.

I nodded, “Then just fuck me, B.”

His hand grasped the back of my neck as his other held my hip steady. I lifted my legs and they rubbed along his shirt and thighs as he repeatedly pushed himself into me. His hand pulled me up to him and he kissed me deeply as he came in me. He groaned and I laughed as I looked at him, my brow furrowed as I looked him in the eye.

“Sorry,” he said, blushing brightly at the quick finish.

I bit my lip then looked him in the eye, “I wasn’t laughing at that,” I said. “I came here to jump. I was getting up to do it when you pulled up. I thought…”

He kissed me to quiet me then pulled back, “I don’t want to think about that either. You didn’t, I’m here, I love you and I never stopped. Your husband is an asshole and I’m excited to see you break my brother’s heart for some sadistic reason,” he said. “But, for now? Let’s get in that car of yours so I can take you home to do this properly,” he said.

I looked around at where we were as the pinks and purples of the sunset filled the sky, “This was the first place you held me, it’s the perfect place to do this,” I said.

He smiled and ran his hands over me, “It’s the perfect place until the police show up and we get ticketed for indecency.”

I pushed him and guided him over onto his back. My hips moved against him and I sat up and took my bra off. “Take a risk with me, B.”

I felt him stiffening inside of me as I moved gently along him, my hands on his chest as his gripped the back of my thighs and rubbed my ass. His hands slid up my back and pulled me to him in a deep kiss. I stopped moving on him and he pulled back from the kiss, “Why’d you stop?” He asked.

“I’m not ready for you to get off again,” I said with a smile.

“So you’re just going to torture me?”

“Only in the best way, my love,” I said with a big smile.

His grip on my hips tightened and he closed his eyes as he guided me back and forth on his dick, “Torture me later, fuck me now,” he said as he opened his eyes again.

The sky was darker than it had been, but I could see his eyes clearly, “Yes, sir,” I said as I started riding him again.

We both smiled and his hands moved around to my inner thighs. I bit my lip as his thumbs rubbed along my clit. God, how I missed him. I leaned back a little and he groaned as he watched my body move over him, “You’re so beautiful, Raven,” he said.

I smiled, blushing brightly as I moved a little faster and harder on his dick, “Cum with me,” I said with a moan.

He nodded and lifted his hips a little to make it a little easier to go harder on him. I rocked on his hips as he brought me to my crest on him. I moaned and collapsed against him, kissing him hard then whimpering as his hands grasped my hips and held me down on him while he released inside of me.

I lay down in the grass beside him and pulled myself close to him, “I love you, B,” I said as he rubbed his hand along my side.

“I love you too, ‘Ven,” he said.

We lay there and watched the moon rise in the sky and I pointed out a few constellations to him. At least I did until I started shivering and he realized I was fucking freezing. He grabbed my dress and pulled it back on me. We got my panties and bra from the ground and headed back up to the car. He drove me back to his brother’s house and carried me inside.

It took a few months, but he did divorce Ceri and marry me. Thanks to some of Grady’s lawyer friends I never had to leave. Grady wasn’t too broken hearted when I let him know I wanted to just be with Brendan. I think he expected it. Brenden and I go back to the cliff every year, we’ve yet to be caught, but we’ve gotten two kids out of our delinquent behavior.

Some people say to leave things alone to let time do its thing and heal the heartache of an old wound. I used to believe in that too and had resigned myself to an unhappy existence with a man I didn’t love. Then I tried to kill myself and was allowed to see a therapist that encouraged me to take risks for my own happiness. So I cut open my most painful wound and took a chance that it might fester and kill me. There’s barely a scar from it now.



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