A Day Of Realisation [Cuckold] [MMFF] [Training] [Mind Games] [Cheating] [Humiliation] [Oral] [Fiction]

This is a Follow on of my previous story “Things May Have Changed For Good” it acts as a stepping stone for a further story arc that i’m working on, and is a next day reaction and then a mischevious proposition from the dominant couple. I hope you Enjoy it, as always, feedback is essential so i would appreciate some ?

My eyes stung in the morning light as I woke up confused to the loud thumping above my head. I sat bolt upright in the bed and looked to my left. No Eve. At this point, the night before flooded my memory like a horror film. Flashes of my wife’s beautiful body covered in sweat, her face filled with lust and excitement, her mean attitude, I remembered Roberts huge cock and how it ploughed into my wife’s pussy making her cum multiple times as his wife watched on in glee. “Fuck” I thought, broken, tired, humiliated.
“Uhh fuck baby” I heard from the next room, the voice familiar, but not my wife’s. ‘No way, not again’ I thought, ‘This all stops now, i’m going to get Eve and get out of here!’ I hyped myself up. I got up from the bed, my shoulder sore from being cuffed in an awkward position for a long time the night before. I walked over to the bathroom and turned the sink tap on. I looked into the mirror. “You look worse than shit” I said to myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess, my eyes looked heavy and I noticed a light crust on my cheeks and near my lips, I shuddered as I remembered where it came from, my blood boiled as I scooped water into my shaking hands and raised them to my face and washed the mixture of my wife’s Juices and Roberts cum from my face. ‘ I can’t believe they made me do that’ I thought to myself, tears forming on the corner of my eyes. ‘Ok pull it together, you need to get out of here’ I tried to calm myself. I walked out of the bathroom, naked, nervous, my mind so confused I could barely think straight. I went into my suitcase and pulled out some fresh boxers and put them on, my trousers were on the floor so I picked them up and pulled them on followed by a t-shirt that sat on top of the suitcase. I put on my shoes and began packing the rest of my stuff away. Then I saw them, a bunched up pair of white boxers, ‘I can’t just leave them here for the cleaners to find’ I thought, I picked them up, still a bit damp but mostly hard with cum from the night before, I scrunched them up further and stuffed them down the side of my suitcase.

‘Ok lets go’ I thought to myself as I picked up my suitcase and headed for the door. * knock knock knock *
The sound cut through the silent room and my heart began to pound. ‘Finally Eve has come back’ my mind raced, I didn’t want to speak to her and I didn’t know what my next move was from here but I knew I wanted her away from Jenny and Robert!

I swung open the door, and there stood Jenny, her hair was thrown up on top of her head in a messy bun, her make-up while still nice was not the fancy make up of the night before. She was wearing a grey hoodie and black jeans with boots, I’d never seen her like this, it felt like when you were a kid and would see a teacher away from school.

“What the fuck do you want?” I barked at her
“That’s no way to welcome someone Chris, you’re not a hump and dump kind of guy are you?” She smirked as she pushed past me into the room.
I closed the door and turned to look at her as she walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, one leg crossed over the other.
“I mean it Jenny, what do you want and where is Eve” I asked her as my mind imagined her being alone next door with Robert.
“Well! I’m here to see how you’re doing, and to take you home” she paused with a smile, “Eve has gone to my house, we had a little chat this morning, and we think it’s best for everyone, if you have some time to go home and get yourself together before you see her” her voice was matter of fact.
“Wh what, no, she’s my wife! I want to see my wife, take me to her, NOW!” My voice was full of anger.
“Ok, you get one of those” She said as she stood up from the bed and walked over to me. “But don’t you ever speak to me like that again” her words were strong but the vice like grip she put on my balls was stronger. “Do you understand?” She whispered to me, still gripping me tightly. “Yes” I managed to eek out.
“Good!” She beamed, letting go of me, “Meet me in the lobby in 5 minutes, and change out of those trousers, they are covered in cum” She giggled as she left the room, the door clicking shut behind her.

I looked in the full length mirror for the first time, she was right, the front of my trousers were stained with cum from the night before. I changed into some jeans and spent my 5 minutes feverishly trying to call Eve, straight to voicemail, 6 times, each time straight to voicemail. My mind raced with worry as I left the room and headed down to the Lobby. I stepped out of the elevator and the cooler air of the open lobby hit my skin, I looked around, there were a few people here and there, some faces from last nights party waiting for taxis or chatting drinking coffee at various tables. I walked over to the front desk and handed them my Key, “Thank you, and we hope you enjoyed your stay here with us” she droned at me, ‘not one bit’ I thought to myself as I walked over to a bench and sat down waiting for my ride home.

“Bye Jenny”, “The party was great Jenny”, “Bye Jenny”, I could hear Jenny’s staff kissing her ass from a mile away as she walked through the lobby towards me, a grin on her face as she waved to them while she passed. “Come on, lets go” She muttered to me as she walked past.
I stood up and followed her with my suitcase to her car waiting outside, “Put my shit in the back along with yours” she ordered. I did as she asked, I needed to, I needed to get home, get my bearings and then see my wife.

Her car was nice, what you would expect from a high earner like her, it smelled practically new and the seats were comfortable. “Home time” she said as she pushed the button to start the engine. The radio came on, but I couldn’t tell you what song was playing as my mind soaked in everything going on. Thoughts of Robert fucking Eve, Jenny directing everything, Eves willingness to go along with it, her comments cut me again even in my imagination. I pondered on what I was going to do, what could I do at this point.

“Why are you so quiet” Jenny’s voice sounded genuine, concerned even. I didn’t answer, I just continued to stare out of the window, we were close to myself, I must have been quiet for quite a while. “Listen, you can’t blame Eve for this, yes, Robert has a big cock, but if you were fucking her right, that wouldn’t matter” she purred, “If you could fuck her for longer than 10 minutes, or were more concerned with licking her kitty and giving her some pleasure instead of thinking about your own selfish pleasure, then his big cock wouldn’t matter” she continued “Robert gave her more than a big dick last night sweetie, he gave her real pleasure, something you can’t, and in return, his wife made you cum” she was calm “you should be thanking us both and you should be apologising to your wife for your pathetic performances so far” she paused “just a suggestion” she smirked as we pulled into my driveway. My mind raced with her words, the truths cutting me to the core, she was right, I didn’t pay my wife as much attention sexually as I should, I do cum quickly because I get inside her and just thrust away until I cum, but this didn’t give her the right to fuck another man, not only that, but another man in front of me to make it even worse. “Ok, we’re here” her tone now upbeat. “Right, get your bags, get yourself fixed up, and Eve will call you soon” She informed me. I could have argued with her, I could have shouted and screamed at her all the way here, but what would be the point, I just wanted to get out of the car and away from this woman.

“I have something for you before you go” her smile was full of mischief. She reached into her pocket and paused, “now it’s very important that you keep this safe!” She was serious. “Put out your hand”, I sighed as I obliged. She took my hand in hers and with her other she placed something cold into my hand. “Don’t worry, its not from your wife, she was gone before Robert and I made it this morning” she was smirking. “Remember, keep it safe!” And with that she took her hands away, revealing a condom, it was used and tied at the top, the tip filled with cum. “What the fuck!” I blurted out as I dropped it onto her lap.
“That’s not keeping it safe is it Chris” she was nonchalant as she picked it up. “I’m warning you, keep it safe, you won’t like the result if you don’t” she growled her words at me, throwing the used rubber back into my hand. “Now get out, I’m bored of you” she said gesturing towards the door.

Finally, home. The door snapped shut behind me, the house was eerie, no sound, no Eve. I walked to the kitchen, I was dying for a drink, my mouth dry with dehydration and worry. As I passed I threw the used condom into the trash. “Safe enough?” I said mockingly to myself and took a bottle of water from the fridge.

I spent the rest of that day, periodically trying to call my wife, her phone always going straight to voicemail, whilst I tried my best to forget the night before. It wasn’t easy, my mind would drift off, remembering the feeling of humiliation and helplessness that soaked me in the hotel. Images of my wife in the throws of deep pleasure, Jenny’s words from the car echoing in my ears, not even a long, hot shower calmed me.

* buzz * * buzz * my phone rang on the table next to me. The caller ID said Eve. “Eve!” I blurted out down the phone in happiness. “Not quite” Jenny laughed a little as she spoke. “No, its Jenny, Eve is in the bath at the moment but we didn’t want to keep you waiting much longer, I’m going to text you my address, get a taxi, bring your gift” the phone cut off the moment she finished her sentence. ‘Oh what now!’ I thought. * Ping * Opened up the message, her address. “Fine, ill play along” I mumbled to myself, dialling for a taxi.

I got in the cab and gave driver the address, and we set off. We didn’t speak, I think he could sense that I was in no mood for small talk. We drove in relative silence for about 40 minutes, my heart grew heavier with each mile, my bravado and confidence drained from me as we approached Jenny and Roberts house. We pulled into a drive way on a beautiful street, the houses were about the size of our own, but they had large gardens, all detached from each other, and the street was lined with nice cars on both sides. “Thanks man” I said to the driver as passed him the money and climbed out of the car. I walked in the cool air over to the front door, the house was modern looking, a lot of glass and void of colour, I rang the bell.

“Oh hi, you made it!” Jenny said knowing I would come. “Come in” she said guiding me inside by the wrist. She looked amazing, her long legs were on full display in her tight booty shorts, which themselves left very little to the imagination, her tits pushed up in her tank top almost spilling from her bra and her make up looked immaculate. She pushed the door shut behind us and it locked with a click as she took me towards a large open plan living room, “take a seat, let me get you a drink, whiskey right?” She asked. “Urm yeah, I I ill take a drink but I won’t be here long enough to sit around” I stuttered back to her, trying to sound stern.
“Oh won’t you be?” She smiled as she glided past me off handing a drink into my palm then sitting down on a large grey corner sofa. I drank the whiskey in one. “Listen, just get my wife, and we can go” I stated, sounding more stern this time. “Sure, ill get Eve, but tonight isn’t going to be as simple as you might think” she paused, smirking, “so stop trying to act like you have any level of control here, and take a fucking seat Chris” she snapped at me as she stood up and left the room.

She was gone maybe 10 minutes but it felt like an hour, I was contemplating going looking for her but decided to sit and wait instead. “Ah I’m glad you decided to get comfortable!” Jenny grinned as she walked in, “here’s your wife” she moved to the side giving me a full view of the entrance.

Eve appeared in the entrance, arm in arm with Robert, he looked as smug as ever, standing there in his chino shorts and open shirt, his fit body on display. I looked at my wife and my jaw dropped, she looked beautiful, her black hair curled down around her perfect face, coming to rest on her delicate shoulders, she was dressed similar to Jenny, her tits pushed right up by her lacy deep blue bra which stuck up a little from her white tank top, her little shorts were white too and tight enough I could see the blue of her underwear peeking through. “H hu hi baby” I stumbled on my words as I spoke to her. “Come on, lets go” I prayed she would just agree and come with me as I stood from the sofa. “Sit down Chris, we aren’t going anywhere, we have some things to discuss, we have some wrongs to put right” she was serious as she crossed the room arm in arm with Robert still and they sat down on the 2 seater opposite me. Jenny sat down next to me as I sat back onto the sofa. “Y yeah your right Eve, there are some wrongs that need put right!” I again tried to sound stern and powerful. I heard a laugh come from Robert, “shut up bro, just listen for once” he giggled. “He’s right, shut up and listen” Eves face was straight, her blue eyes piercing. “I love you Chris, you know I love you, I buy you everything you want, I let you work part time, I give you attention and love” her red lips smiled a warm smile as she spoke, “Bit you don’t appreciate it, and you certainly don’t reciprocate it, you’ve gotten lazy, you barely help around the house, you sit and play your games or watch shit TV, you never take me out, or buy me spontaneous presents, and then you use me like a sex doll with no feelings” she was speaking calmly. “Bab” I started “Shut up, and fucking listen Chris” she interrupted, “I love you, and I want to be with you, so after last night we talked” she stated, waving her finger around herself, Robert and Jenny, “We, came up with an idea, as you know, I’ve been working very hard these last couple of years, Jenny has helped me out along the way, and we have become 2 highly respected women for our ambition and drive in our company” she paused “I’ve worked hard to provide a good life for us so far, and you provide me with nothing, you’re selfish and lazy, you never used to be like this Chris, you used to be filled with ambition, you used to pay attention to me, the sex has never been great, but you always tried your best” she tore me apart, “please Eve, can we just go home and talk about this, Alone” I made a point of my last word, practically begging her in my tone. “No Chris, things are going to change tonight, things are going to be different, Jenny pointed out to me that most women would just divorce you and move on” my body jolted like I had been struck by lightning on the word divorce “But, I don’t want that Chris, god knows why, but I love you, I just need you to change, I need to be satisfied, I need you to want the same success for us that I do!” Her voice rose at the end. “I will baby, I promise, I will change, ill work more, ill pay attention to you, please, lets make this work, please” I begged her. “Ohh you will Chris, you will change, you will learn how to be q better husband, a husband I deserve, one that can help me in my busy life providing for him, don’t worry about that, we have a plan” she stated, matter of fact, almost excited.

“Ok!, well, we might as well get on with telling you what’s going to happen” Jenny excitedly said.
“First of all, we will address the elephant in the room, and then we can tall about the period of re-learning we have came up with, last night your wife realised just what she has been missing out on sexually, Robert really opened her eyes to what he body can feel like when she is treated right, and that, Chris, is why you don’t get her in that way anymore, her young eager pussy, is no longer yours to under appreciate and disappoint” her words stung, she carried on, “Don’t worry though Chris! You’ll be pleased to know that your wife won’t have to suffer for your poor behaviour, regularly throughout this period of learning, Robert will take your wife Eve, he will show her pleasure like she has never had before, they will pleasure each other, she might learn a thing or two from him, but the real lesson will be yours, you see, whenever they want, you will sit and watch, and learn what brings your wife pleasure, you will pay attention to how he fucks her, how he pleases her!” She grinned. “Fuc” I tried to argue back, “NOT FINISHED!” She cut me off abruptly “you might be wondering, what about Jenny, well, I of course will still have full access to my husband and your wife, she will sleep with us in our bed, Robert is enough man to please both of us! But I still want you to learn from me, so, whenever I want, whenever I request it, you will get down on your knees, and you will eat my pussy like it was your last meal, I’m going to teach you and train you to please your wife with your tongue, you will please me, you will get me off, and you will get nothing!” She laughed.

“So, that’s the sex out of the way! Thank goodness, now lets take a look at everything else, you don’t make enough money, because your job sucks and you don’t work enough hours. That stops today, from today Robert and myself will hire you, as our live in, well, maid really, you will do the washing, keep the house clean, make food, run baths, all of that, and we will pay you more than you earn now for pretty much the same hours” her tone told me she looked at this as a favour, I did not.
“Once you are out of this period of learning, you will work for Robert, as his PA, so no more games, it’s time for you to get organised, you have a goal now, a target!” Her lips curled in a wicked smile. “I’m offering you this Chris, because I like you, and Eve loves you, but I like Eve more, and she deserves a good man, who supports her physically, mentally and emotionally, so that’s what we’re going to help you become” that smile again “Any questions?” She asked. “Yeah, are you outa your fucking mind?” I blurted out, “you must be fucking crazy thinking this shit up, my wife is my wife, and she’s coming home with me, fuck you two!” I snapped as I rose from my chair. “Come on Eve, stop playing games, we’re going!” I said to my wife.

“We aren’t going anywhere Chris! Or at least I’m not, I’m committed to making this work! Look at you, you offer me nothing and now act as if I am your property to command home! This is part of the problem, and it needs to change, agree to this and we can make things work!” She shouted at me, angry, but genuine. “Fuck this I’m leaving” I said, tears almost leaving my eyes, I walked towards the door. “If you leave now, we are getting divorced, no more free ride, no more nice house, no more part time work for you” her voice was placid and to the point, she knew she had me. I loved her, I loved the life we had, I would never want to lose her for good, so what could I do.

As if reading my very thoughts, “just agree to it, agree and we can get started, you can become a better husband, you can satisfy your wife, you can make more money, you can have a better job, just agree to this, 2 weeks, that’s all, 2 weeks and then you can be happy together” Jenny seemed genuine, but I could feel the wicked in her voice.

I thought about it, their eyes on me the whole time as I stood sweating, shaking with anger and upset, I didn’t want to do this, not for one day, ‘2 weeks isn’t so long, they might even get bored of it before then, and getting to taste Jenny’s pussy on my tongue and see her hopefully naked wouldn’t be so bad, but the thought of Roberts huge thick cock railing into my wife on a regular basis is a nightmare’ I pondered, tears forming ‘but I can’t lose her, I can’t lose my wife, my house, my security’ my mind raced with panic.

“Are you serious about this Eve?” I asked without turning around, my voice defeated. “Totally serious Chris” she said, almost sounding sorry for me. “Ok, ill do it, just don’t divorce me, I’m begging you” I said, tears rolling down my cheeks.

“Perfect!” Jenny jumped up off the sofa excitedly! “Ok, let me show you where you’re going to be sleeping for the next 2 weeks, and give you a list of your chores!” She walked towards me, no kiss from my wife, no hug, “say bye everyone” she said almost jovial. “Bye, see you soon” Robert said, “Bye Chris, I hope you like your room” Eve said, her voice void of emotion. I could hear Robert and Eve laughing as Jenny and I walked into the hall, “ok your right this way” she said, guiding me to a room upstairs, “ill give you the full tour soon, you’ll need to know where everything is, you know, for work, but this is where you will be staying, your home away from home” She smiled as she opened the door. It was a nice room, neutral colours, a double bed, it looked comfortable. “This is your room now sweetie, unpack your things and make yourself comfortable” she sounded like I was staying in her home out of choice, like it was a bnb. “Ok, there’s a list on the bed, that’s all of your chores, what needs to be done and how often, I have a uniform for you while your working, ill give that to you later, and ill show you where all of the cleaning supplies and things like that are when I show you around, Ok, that’s everything, Dinner is at 9, come down when you’re ready, don’t worry, I cooked tonight, you don’t start work until tomorrow” she winked at me and left the room.

‘What in the’ I thought to myself ‘what am I doing here, this is crazy, none of this makes sense, how did I end up in this situation, and Eve, what is going on with her, what is she thinking!’ I couldn’t do anything, crippled with thought. I looked down at my watch, 8:55, ‘shit! I definitely don’t want to be late!’ I told myself, I didn’t have time to unpack, so I just threw my suitcase on the bed. I left the room and walked downstairs. I didn’t know where the kitchen was, so I just followed the sounds of giggling and talking, I walked through past the living room, their sounds of fun getting louder as I reached an archway with no door. I walked in and there they all were, Robert and Eve were stood beside a counter drinking wine, they were really close, his hand draped on her hip. Jenny was busy plating up the food, her drink sat on the counter top. She caught my eye, “oh come on sweetie, come in, take a seat” she smiled pointing to a nicely laid out table. I walked over, saying nothing, hoping Eve would take pity on me and put an end to all of this, and sat down at one of the place mats. “Here, pass that to Chris” Jenny said, handing Robert a glass of whiskey. “Here you go Chris” he said nonchalantly as he walked over and placed it in front of me. He turned to Eve, “Come on, foods almost ready” he said, smiling over at her. She walked over, a spring in her step, she reached him and sat down on his lap, “I cant wait, I’m so hungry” Eve said, holding Roberts face, “So am I! But not for food” he giggled at his hand moved up over the crotch of her tiny shorts, accidently forming a little camel toe. “What about you Chris, are you excited! Its your favourite” Eve said to me, like we were friends. “Jenny makes a mean burger!” She stated as she smiled at me, moving her hips forward slightly, adding pressure to Roberts hand. My head dropped, silence filled the room, then it was broken, “listen Chris, you’re going to have to get used to this for the next 2 weeks, sure you can check me out, you can imagine what it was like to touch my soft skin and feel my pussy hug your cock while you pumped away at me for your own benefit, but for the next two weeks, my body is not for you, and if its not for you, what? I’m supposed to remain unhappy, I’m meant to suffer? No, for the next two weeks I get my pleasure somewhere else, real pleasure, so get used to it, you’re going to see a lot of it” She believed what she was saying. “Here it is!” Jenny interrupted “one for you, one for you” she said as she placed a plate with a nice looking burger and fries in front of me and Robert. Eve slid off his lap and over onto her chair beside him, Jenny turned behind her and grabbed 2 more plates, placing in front of Eve and one in front of herself as she sat, “Ok lets eat” she smiled.

The food was really nice, but I begrudgingly ate it because I was starving, not because I didn’t enjoy it, but because I did! Robert, Eve and Jenny spoke business at the dinner table for the most part, their ambition and need for financial success flowing as they discussed figures and ideas. I sat in silence and ate my meal, a mix of not knowing what they were talking about a lot of the time and not wanting to speak to any of them anyway. “That was amazing Jenny, thank you” Eve beamed, “Yeah great cooking babe” Robert chimed in. Jenny took their plates along with her own and walked to the sink, she then returned for mine and placed it in with the others. “Don’t you have anything to say Chris?” Eve asked, kicking my shin under the table. “Can I go now? Are we done here?” I asked defiantly. Robert sighed. “Don’t be so fucking rude Chris” Eve sneered, “He’s so bad Jenny, it might even take longer than the two weeks” she said it as if I wasn’t in the room, she knew what she was doing. “OK! OK!”I spoke up, “Thank you Jenny the food was great”. Eve smiled at me, “manners don’t cost anything Chris” she paused, smiling at me. “Ok Jenny, we’re going to go in the hot tub, Eve’s back at work tomorrow so we’re going to relax if you wana join us” Robert asked Jenny. “Ok sweetie, ill be out soon, I just need to show Chris around, show him what he needs for tomorrow and then he can go to bed, he has to be up at 7am” she told him and him and Eve got up and left the room, “Goodnight Chris” Eves voice lingered as she left. “I didn’t reply.

Jenny finished washing up as I sat in silence. “Righto, OK, lets show you around” she said walking over to me drying her hands on a towel. She took me by the wrist and led me from the kitchen and showed me around the house. I walked silently behind her, her hand on my wrist, room to room, the house was a bit bigger than Eve and I’s but much nicer, it was open plan where possible, white and black everywhere, each room was accented with a different colour, with each room she would point out what I would need to clean and how she likes it done. She took me into the garage, her car sat proudly on a white glossy floor, “ok, here are all of your cleaning supplies, make sure you tell me if they are running out, I don’t want you to miss a day of work because you don’t have the correct tools, remember, its time to learn to be organised” she hummed, “Righto, you have a busy day tomorrow and an early start, off you go to bed” she clapped and pointed to the door as she spoke. I obliged, half because I knew an argument would be futile, half because I wanted to be alone, I wanted to sleep, ‘maybe I will wake up and this was all a nightmare’ I silently hoped to myself.

As I walked out of the garage and into the hallway, I noticed Jenny was still behind me, and as I climbed he stairs, and as I reached the bedroom door. I walked in and sat on the bed, Jenny now standing in the doorway. “Strip” she commanded, I stripped down to my boxers, “Everything!” She added. I slid those off too, feeling my naked body enveloped with shame. “Ok good, throw them all over here” she guided, I threw my clothes over to her and she kicked them out into the hall. “Tomorrow you will get up at 7, go downstairs, like you are now, your uniform will be on the kitchen counter, put it on and get to work” she smiled, “understand?” She questioned. “I understand” I answered “Good, now crawl over here and get my ready for your wife and my husband” she smirked as she pulled her shorts down and parted her legs as she stood. Her pussy was cute, she had an innie, so it looked neat as she stood there, her mound bare other than a tiny triangle of hair above her slit. My cock gave me away, standing up from my body as I sat on the bed, frozen by her. “Come on! Don’t keep me waiting!” She sniped

The underfloor heating was warm as I got down onto my knees, I crawled over to her, my eyes fixed between her legs, “I don’t expect you to make me cum, but no doubt about it Robert and Eve are in that hot tub now playing with each others hot bodies, kissing, licking, touching each other, I just want to warm up before I join them” her words cut me as I reached her. “Ok kiss my feet, and then ask nicely to taste me” she said, gently resting her hand on my head. I bowed down on all fours, my lips gently placing 2 or 3 kisses on top of her feet, I looked up at her, her pussy now inches from my face. “Please” I said looking into her eyes. A grin rose on her lips, “Good boy, you have permission” She said closing her eyes, her head tilting back.

As I raised my face to her wanting pussy, I could smell her arousal, her sweet scent stiffening me as if my cock anticipated her smooth lips sliding around its head, it made me feel hopeless and powerless, to know I would never experience her velvet touch. I pushed my cock down, leaning forward as I did so, to hide my shame. My lips moved slowly to her mound and I planted a kiss on her warm skin, I did this several times, moving down, closer to her tight slit with each lingering connection. I moved down further, my shoulders dipped so that my watering mouth was almost touching her tucked lips. She moaned out as my ran my tongue from her wet opening, to her clit, parting her as it went. I licked at the full length of her womanhood slowly over and over, my tongue flicking her clit as it left her. She began to groan as her hand came to rest of top of my head, her fingers gripping at my hair, “good boy, get me nice and wet for Robert” she purred. I pushed my tongue into her, tasting her sweet juices as they ran from her hole, I took one last long lick, savouring her on my taste buds, this time when I reached her hardening clit, I gently sucked her into my mouth, pressing my lips against her mound.

I eagerly sucked and licked at her sensitive clit as her pelvis started to grind into me. “Oh fuck! Yeh, lick that pussy good boy” she further purred. Her grip on my hair tightened as she kept my head in place, running her dripping pussy against my tongue, her juices cascading down my chin. “Uh, I’m guna have fun with you” she groaned, “Robert’s guna love how wet you make me with your tongue” she moaned out, I pulled my tongue back, just enough to get some good movement in it, and circled her clit, moaning as I did so, loving the taste and feeling of her powerful nature. My hand moved towards my hard cock as I sped up, her legs trembling with pleasure. “Ewww” she spat at me pushing my head so hard I fell back on the wood floor, my cock pointing to the ceiling. “What the fuck Chris! You were doing so good! I didn’t say you could fucking touch yourself, eww how dare you!” She was angry, disgusted even, “Right that’s enough!” She stated, pulling up her shorts, “Go to bed, and think about what you have done! You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow! Fuck!” She almost shouted, leaving the doorway, slamming the door behind her.

I got up from the floor, my cock still rock hard and climbed into bed. ‘I can’t believe this, even when I do a good job I can’t even touch myself!’, ‘Now I’ve got to clean this bitches house for the next 2 weeks while her husband fucks my wife, and there’s nothing I can do about it, if I leave, I lose her, if I argue, I lose her, but not only that, I lose my entire lifestyle, I have to do this, I have to try, for her’ my mind raced as I lay there in the dark, trying to sleep.

I could still taste Jenny on my tongue, I could still feel her silky pussy in my imagination, and with that, I began to jerk myself off, I gripped myself and pumped rapidly thinking of Jenny and her amazing body, even better than what I had imagined when I would check her out. ‘Oh shit’ I thought, realising I had nothing to clean up with as I came ropes of hot cum onto the duvet covering me. My eyes grew heavy and I slowly drifted off to sleep, covered in my own shame, dreading my early start and the 2 weeks ahead its coming signified.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/io4iqo/a_day_of_realisation_cuckold_mmff_training_mind