The Godkiller Chronicles – A Freeuse Fantasy – Part 16 – Lights & Loneliness [Freeuse][Deepthroat][Breeding]

They brought Eryenne back to the baths and after some protesting, she got undressed and got into the bath.

“A man should not see a woman naked unless they are married,” Eryenne protested once she was in the water.

The dirt came off her fast and it turned out that she had a very pretty face underneath all that grime. Her hair was almost white and ended just above her shoulders. Every time he looked at her body through the water she blushed and tried to cover herself up.

“How about a woman seeing a man naked?” Jorn said pulling his clothes off.

He stood at the edge of the pool for a moment as Eryenne stared at him. Her eyes fell to his cock that was rapidly reaching its full size. Then she covered her face with her hands.

“No. It is not right!” she exclaimed.

Jorn laughed and beckoned Celia closer. The knight walked up to him and got down on her knees.

“How about a woman seeing another woman take a man’s cock in her mouth?”

Celia didn’t need further instructions and took his cock all the way down to the hilt. Jorn looked down at the knight as she pleased him with her mouth. Then he looked over at the priestess. He was not certain, but he thought he saw her fingers spread just slightly. Jorn grabbed Celia’s head and started thrusting down her throat. The knight’s gagging was the only sound for a long while until Jorn released his seed with a roar down her throat.

“You can open your eyes now,” Jorn said and got into the pool.

The hot water felt wonderful against his skin. He put himself opposite the priestess and waited for her to look at him. It took a while, but when she had made certain that she couldn’t see anything but his head she finally looked at him. Celia stood behind him with her arms crossed like some strange bodyguard.

“Now tell us. What are you doing here?”

The priestess looked from Jorn to Celia and then seemed to make a decision.

“Our seers predicted that a threat would descend from the north. I and three of my disciples left to investigate. And … we found this … and were captured.”

Jorn nodded. Truth be told, if it hadn’t been for Alisha, they would probably had joined Eryenne in the cage.

“Do you think this is it?” Celia asked. “The threat?”

Eryenne looked straight at the knight. Then she shook her head. Jorn grunted in agreement.

“We are continuing north,” Jorn said trying to see Eryenne’s reaction.

Once again, she looked at Celia.

“Are you following this man?”

Celia nodded.


“He is an honorable man. And I pledged myself to him after he saved my life,” she said without hesitation.

Eryenne’s mouth fell open. Then she shook her head.

“I do not understand. He is so crude,” the priestess said, still not looking at Jorn.

Jorn couldn’t help but smile.

“It is worse than that,” Jorn laughed. “Not only is she following me. But she is carrying my children.”

That finally made Eryenne look at him.

“It is true,” Jorn nodded as he saw the disbelief in her eyes. “Now. We can stay here and debate this all night. Or we can prepare to head out tomorrow at first light. What do you say? Will you join us?”

Eryenne pressed her lips together. Then she nodded.

“So, let me get this right,” Jorn said stepping out of the pool. “You serve the Lord of Light?”

Eryenne nodded. They had spent a good while cleaning off in the pool and Jorn felt cleaner than in a very long time.

“But. Isn’t he … you know … dead?”

“God’s don’t die,” she said shaking her head.

He noted that she didn’t cover her eyes as he donned clothes and armor again.

“Oh, but they do, girlie, the do,” Jorn said nodding slowly thinking back of the very dead Lord of Light’s head on a pike as he fucked his wife.

Eryenne hesitated. Then she pressed her lips together and sighed.

“The power of the Gods wax and wane. And I can feel Him rising to his full power again. And I can prove it to you. As soon as we get out of here and I can feel His rays on my face again.”

“You mean the sun?”

She nodded.

“Well. Get on up of there and we’ll make sure you get some sun on your face.”

The priestess hesitated.

“Do you have some clothes I can have?”


They looted some of the bodies of the female cultists and a little while later Eryenne was dressed. Then she insisted that they burn her friend’s bodies. By the time they reached the front door the sun was already down again.

“I hate winters up north,” Jorn cursed. “And now we’re heading even further up the Lord of Winter’s asshole.”

“Please don’t curse,” Eryenne pleaded.

Jorn laughed.

They put some distance between themselves and the cultist’s complex before making camp. Jorn was not willing to bet that there weren’t more cultists lurking around in the dark. After he got the fire burning and they had shared a frugal meal, he rolled out the blankets. He lay down on his back in the middle and soon Celia curled up next to him, he pulled the blankets over the two of them. He looked up at Eryenne that was standing a few paces off.

“Are you going to stand there all night?”

“I cannot sleep beside you. And certainly not under your blanket. It would not be proper.”

Jorn put his arm behind his head and nodded.

“All right. I will thaw up your corpse tomorrow morning for breakfast then.”

The priestess’ mouth fell open. She stood still for a while longer before muttering something under her breath and laying down next to him. Jorn pulled the blanket over Eryenne as well and fell asleep within ten heartbeats.

As he woke the next morning the sun had not yet risen above the horizon, the same was not true of his cock. He sighed and turned sideways, reaching below the blanket finding Celia’s slit and after getting it wet, he slid inside her. Slowly thrusting into her he slowly woke up. His ass kept bumping into Eryenne on the other side, but she was evidently fast asleep. He reached under Celia’s shift and caressed her breasts as he enjoyed her quim. She murmured something as he nuzzled his nose into her neck. As he was fully awake, he switched position and put Celia on her back and climbed on top of her. The knight was almost awake as well and was moaning lightly as he took her. His loins slapped against hers and the scent of her sex filled his nostrils.

“What are you doing!” screeched Eryenne.

Jorn looked sideways at the priestess who was scrambling away, her shift sliding up a bit, showing of a pair of ivory legs.

*Very nice*, Jorn thought as he kept fucking Celia.

The flustered priestess took another two steps back her eyes still locked on what was taking place in front of her.

“What *are* you doing?” she repeated.

“I’m having my woman. What does it look like,” Jorn said leaning down to suck a little on one of Celia’s large tits.

They were definitely getting larger the bigger her stomach got. He caressed the bump which contained his offspring. It was growing rapidly now, and he almost thought he saw a difference compared to last night. But he must be imagining that.

The priestess kept shaking her head and walking around as Jorn brought himself to the edge. But he did note that she watched the act more than not. He grunted and filled Celia’s cunt to the brim. Then he pulled out and stood up, his cock still hanging heavy.

“I would offer you to eat my seed out of her cunt, but I am not sure that you like that kind of thing,” he said, nodding at Celia’s spread legs.

Eryenne’s face went from red to purple, but her eyes were locked on Celia’s quim where his seed slowly ran out between her buttcheeks.

“You savage,” Eryenne hissed and finally turned away.

“Suit yourself,” Jorn said shrugging and walked over to Celia who cleaned his cock off with her mouth.

They got going just as the sun crested the horizon. Eryenne kept her face towards the sun as they walked. Jorn thought it was a bit strange for a priestess of the Lord of Light who kept staring at the sun to be so pale, but maybe that was a thing.

At midday they sat down to eat. Eryenne kept looking at them in turn, Jorn did his best to ignore the woman. He wasn’t sure saving her along had been such a good thing.

“Power’s coming back?” he asked as he had downed the last of his drink.

Eryenne nodded.

“By this evening I should be able to heal you both. The sun is not so strong this far north, but at least it shines.”

“Heal me?” Jorn said in surprise. “I don’t need healing.”

“Maybe you think that you don’t. But you do,” the priestess said, nodding slowly.

“Whatever you say,” Jorn said swallowing the last bite.

Then he stood up and stretched. He looked northward. The horizon was as dull as a brothel on a weekday morning. He cursed and turned around towards Celia.

“Get on all fours,” he told her, starting to undo his belt.

“You’re having her again?” Eryenne said incredulously.

Jorn just looked at the priestess and scoffed. Then he got on his knees behind Celia and pulled her pants down. He spat on his cock and slowly sank his cock into her waiting cunt. He kept looking at Eryenne as he fucked the knight from behind. The priestess stared back at him. They locked gazes all the time that he took to please himself using the knight’s wet sheath. Then he grunted and filled her up.

“Offer still stands if you want to drink the seed out of her,” Jorn said standing up.

The priestess’ eyes went to the knight’s seed-filled cunt. She took a small step towards Celia, but then shook her head and turned away. Jorn laughed a short laugh before having Celia clean his cock off.


They walked another two days due north. At every stop Jorn had his way with Celia and for each time the priestess seemed more tempted to take him up on his offering to lick the knight’s quim clean afterwards. But so far, she resisted the temptation that was clearly there. In the evenings Eryenne put her hands on them and Jorn could feel himself getting stronger.

She had been right. He had needed healing. He hadn’t even been aware how tired he was. Now every morning he felt like a new man and walking across the tundra felt nothing more than strolling down to the river on a summer morning. They passed a few abandoned farmsteads. Jorn couldn’t imagine who wanted to live this far north, and apparently neither had the inhabitants of said farmsteads.

“How far do you think we have left to go?” Jorn asked as they made camp on the evening of the third day since they had left the cultists.

The priestess stood looking north and seemed to be lost in her own thoughts. Jorn grunted and shook his head, rolling his bedroll out.

“Not more than a week. I can feel … something,” Eryenne said without turning back.

“I wonder where Kyrie and Alisha are,” Celia said looking into the fire that Jorn had made.

Jorn nodded. He missed the little thief and her tight asshole. He didn’t miss the mage though, even if it had been warmer when she was around.

“I’m sure they will be back. Now get on your back and spread your legs for me.”

Celia looked up at him and nodded, a small smile on her lips. She lay down on her back and spread her legs wide for him. Jorn lay down on top of her and kissed her lightly. His stomach met her swollen one and he got back up again.

“How long do you think you have to go?” he said, caressing her bump.

Celia shrugged.

“I can feel them moving. There’s two of them. Boys I am sure. They are wrestling in there all the time. At least that’s what it feels like,” she said with a smile on her lips.

Jorn smiled back down at her, then he ran is fingers along her wet slit and slid his cock in. He thrust slowly into her as he caressed her swollen stomach. After a while he noticed that Eryenne was sitting a few paces off, looking at them. Jorn spread Celia’s legs wider so that the priestess could get a better view.

“Why don’t you come a little closer?” he said to the priestess.

Eryenne bit her lower lip, but after a few moments she scooted closer, watching with big eyes as Jorn’s cock slid in and out of Celia’s wet cunt.

“Looks nice, doesn’t it,” Jorn said smiling over at the priestess.

Eryenne nodded. Then she moved even closer.

“You can touch her breasts if you want to.”

The priestess hesitated for a little while. Then she moved one trembling hand towards Celia’s large breasts and started caressing them gently. The knight moaned in low tones as Jorn kept working her quim.

“She likes it when you suck on them,” Jorn said, thrusting his cock all the way up Celia’s cunt, making her back arch.

Eryenne looked down at Celia, who nodded. Then the priestess slowly crouched down until her lips were just a fraction of an inch from the knight’s nipple. Jorn thrust hard into Celia again making her back arch and her nipple connect with the priestess’ lips. It was as if a bolt of lightning had hit the white-haired priestess. Then her mouth started working Celia’s breast and her hands caressed the other breast. Jorn smiled widely and kept fucking the knight until he finally let his seed run into her.

“Now get between her legs and lick her clean.”

Eryenne did as she was told without hesitation and soon her face was buried in Celia’s cunt, lapping and sucking up every last drop of Jorn’s seed. Jorn smiled widely and squatted down over Celia, letting her suck him clean as he watched the priestess work.


“Lick her clean,” Jorn said as he pulled out of Celia the next morning.

Eryenne had been sitting next to them, waiting for her turn. This would be the fourth time that she had drunk Jorn’s seed from the goblet that was Celia’s quim. And for every time she did so, she got more eager. She quickly went to work. Jorn stood next to her, watching. After she was done, she looked up at him.

“Now. Clean me,” he said looking down at his cock that was still covered in Celia’s juices and his own seed.

The priestess looked up at him. He raised an eyebrow.

“What are you waiting for?”

Eryenne licked her lips, watching his limp cock. Then she moved closer and hesitantly started licking it. Jorn smiled.

“Put it into your mouth and suck it clean.”

She did as she was told and Jorn could feel that all too familiar stirring. As his cock grew bigger Eryenne tried retreating. But he just put his hand on the back of her head, making her take his cock deeper. She looked up at him with panic in her eyes.

“It goes down your throat now. Understand?”

The priestess’ eyes grew wide. Her white hair fell back as Jorn slowly forced his cock down her throat. With a satisfactory widening of Eryenne’s pupils his cock passed from the back of her mouth down into her throat. As he bottomed out her nose pushed against his stomach.

“Good girl. Keep your eyes on me,” Jorn said grabbing her head and started abusing her throat. “Now I will use your throat until my seed runs down into your belly.”

Eryenne didn’t move and Jorn was impressed with how easily she took his cock down her throat without throwing up. Celia moved up next to them and put her hand over the priestess’ throat.

“I can feel it moving inside her,” Celia said, running her fingers against the priestess’ skin.

Jorn smiled down at the knight. Her eyes seemed to glitter in a way that he hadn’t seen before. It looked like she was enjoying seeing him use the priestess. Jorn kept his eyes locked on Eryenne’s as he used her while Celia kept rubbing her fingers of the bulge on Eryenne’s throat. Finally, he couldn’t hold it any longer and with a roar he let his seed run into the priestess’ throat.

At first he thought the climax had made him see stars but as he came down from his peak the lights were still there on the northern horizon. Dancing like butterflies on a summer evening. Yellow and green they flowed in from all directions and headed straight north where they disappeared.


This was the sixteenth part of our Freeuse Fantasy series The Godkiller Chronicles

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