A medieval wrestling tale:

This is exactly what it sounds like. A tale of two medieval wrestlers going at it until knockout. Not sure why I wrote it… Just did…

“Are you ready for this?” Taiba taunted, last time I defeated you, you weren’t able to walk for weeks!” Heska shrugged her off. “I’ve been training hard for our next encounter you Kherjit whore!” She exclaimed. Taiba lost her smug look and just sneered, “I wouldn’t talk for someone about to get killed!”

The arena master stepped in between them, “ladies ladies! No one is killing one another! This is a classic melee fight! Winner gets 100 denars! But no killing! Anything but a Kill!” He stressed, his face became more relaxed, and he carried on to address the meager crowd of 20 people. Usually, two strong women stripping down and beating each other until knockout would attract plenty of bloodthirsty peasants. At least 50, But they had better things to do now. Like save their dying marriage.

Taiba flexed her strong abdominal muscles, “I’ll make you squirt all over this soil whore!” Taiba taunted. The arena master rang the bell. Taiba strutted into the dirt arena, she had a proud look on her face. She was covered in a dark silk gown. One which Heska wanted to tear off. Fortunately, Taiba did it for her. She slid off her silk gown slowly and sensually. Giving way to her beautiful yellow Kherjit skin. Her breasts were small. Because of her Kherjit heritage. But regardless she fucked her foes good. Her body was covered in oil, olive oil. She blew a kiss towards the crowd. The crowd roared with vigor. Even though there were only 20 people. It felt like 200. The energy was insane.

Taiba seductively kneeled down with both knees into the soil of the arena. Taking a handful of olive oil and spreading it across her vagina and her smooth round supple chest. She moaned with pleasure before standing up again and stepping back for Heska. “Kherjit slut! She would let any man fuck her silly for 10 denars!” Heska mumbled.

The Arena Master rung the bell again and Heska walked in. Sporting a white fur robe. She looked to the audience with a sultry smile and slowly pulled her robe off. Her skin was smooth and white. Her chest. Much bigger than Taiba’s. And much perkier as well. She had also doused herself in olive oil. Complimentary from the goods merchant. Provided she… Grease a few corners. Not in the sexual way though, she was getting paid to grease the merchants wagon wheels. After that She had a clear months supply. And wanted to use it making other girls cum across calradia!

She rubbed her tits with a slutty groan to accompany it. And she stepped back. Looking directly at Taiba, and pointing a finger to her tits with an evil look. She was going to smash them. And then smash Taiba. But Taiba just rolled her eyes at her. The arena master looked across the crowd and shouted out, “Only in Khudan! Can you find these lovely ladies! The Kherjit princess! Taiba!!!” No one in the audience said a word. Except a drunk looking man, who looked annoyed. “Boo! Get to the fight!” The arena master nervously laughed it off and continued. “and finally! A strong hardy vagier woman from our own tundra! The Beautiful Heska!!!!” Heska gave a seductive pose towards the audience and smacked her round ass. It bounced with the smack.

Her beautiful white skin shined with the hefty amount of olive oil spread all over her. Her body was naturally curvy. Just as Taibas was, her ass was thick and tight, and as many of her ‘patrons’ had found out. It was a nice nighttime snack when you were feeling alone at the Tavern. The Arena Master Ignored the slutty action completely and just continued with his spiel.

“Now, we have the pleasure of letting these two women find who is the alpha amongst them! Who is the best Woman? Only one way to find out! Fight!” The bell dinged one final time. And Heska moved towards Taiba. Taiba did the same.

They met at the center of the arena where they jumped into each other in an animalistic motion. Their breast’s collided with a ‘Thwack!’ The oil squeezed out of their tits as they rubbed against one another. Their bodies sliding up and down as they moaned for control. It was clear to see who had the advantage in a boob duel. Heska. Sure, Taiba had skill. But just as her father said, if your opponent has 25 horses. And you only have ten. You are absolutely screwed…

“Mmmm!” Taiba groaned. Heska chuckled as she pressed harder against Taibas smaller breasts “Unghh!” She groaned again, she took a step back to defend her position but it was no use. Heska had the bigger tits, Heska started to bump boobs with Taiba, running them into hers and causing great pain for the Kherjit warrior, “Ummph!” “Ummph!” “Ummph!” Heska grunted as she pressed her luscious breasts against Taibas with multiple quick motions.

Her soft snow-white body mixed well with Taibas yellow skin. “Guhn!” Taiba quickly moaned as her yellow tits were hit so hard they made a squishing sound. The pain soared through Taibas chest, expanding across her smooth body. They both threw their breasts at each other again, with another ‘Thuk!” Taiba was being forced back.

“Argh!” She screamed in horror. She was being forced to the ground slowly, by Heskas superior body, it wasn’t long before she was forced into a kneeling position on the ground. Right next to Heskas Vagina. Heska let our a triumphant laugh and tackled Taiba to the ground. They collided in a tangle of arms and legs. “Unnnn, Unnngh, Hnnn.” Taiba helplessly groaned as Heska ground her vagina into stew.

She started to turn against Taiba and she couldn’t compete. The sight of oil and Taibas juices were on display for everyone to see. “Ungh! Ah! Ahhh!” Taiba squealed, she couldn’t win. She was going to cum all over the soil and pass out. Typical. Another loss! But just then, just as she was about to climax and squirt all over Heska and her soft warm body. Something miraculous happened. Heska got tired.

She started tribbing at a slower pace and started panting. “Huh, uhh, Ungh, Duhh,” Heska groaned as her wet pussy juice trickled against Taibas Vagina. This was her chance! She laid her hands directly on Heskas breasts and squeezed as hard as she could. “Aieeeeeeeee!” Heska screamed and she stopped tribbing and started moaning all over Taiba. “Ungh, oooooh! Please don’t, don’t do this to me!” She pleaded. But Taiba knew she couldn’t keep this up. Heska would find a way to break out of this and finish Taiba off. Leaving Taiba defeated. And lying in the dirt and in her own cum.

She shivered with that thought. sure, she enjoyed it sometimes. But Heska would never let her hear the end of it. She kicked Heska back. Throwing her into the soil. Heska staggered back up and broke out into a coughing fit. That was a pretty good kick from Taiba. While Heska was coughing and spitting into her chest like the slut she was, Taiba slowly rose from her bed of dirt and sweat. She stood proud and tall. Mud coating her back.Her vagina was still dripping wet. But she had to keep fighting. They both walked back to each other again. Taiba knew that Heska had her beat in grappling. She should have known that a long time ago after her many defeats competing in classic Kherjit mud wrestling tournaments. But she could still brawl like the best of them.

“I’ll beat the shit out of you Whore!” Taiba screamed and she threw a fist directly at Heskas face.

It came in at slow motion for Heska, She could see the oil coating Taibas beautiful Kherjit nails. Heska only had time to think ‘Aw Fuck!’ And the blow collided with her face! “Crack!’ The sound rocked across the arena and the audience were supposed to look concerned but at this point there were really only five people at the stands. The drunk man among them, “Get to the Killing!” He screamed. “Punch that woman’s Tits!”

Heska was knocked back by the blow, “nih!” She squealed as she fell down into the soft Vagier soil. Her cheek burned, that was a hard punch. She lay on the ground. Moaning and trying to crawl away from Taiba. “Just like before, huh slut?” Taiba mocked. Grabbing Heska by the hair and throwing her into a clay wall, ‘Thunk!’ Heska slammed titfirst into the clay wall. “Ungh!” She squeaked, and started to caress her abused breasts.

Taiba didn’t wait for her. She kicked her into a wall corner and pulled her fists up into a boxing stance. “Put em’ up bitch!” She yelled and started cleaving through Heska with punches as cold as ice. One at the middle of the chest. ‘Thuck!’ One to the midsection! ‘Thwack!’ And one to the head! ‘Bam!’ Heska was too dazed to fight back.

Strangely. She was turned on by having Taiba beat the shit out of her. She wanted to collapse into her arms and give up right then and there, each punch gave a warm type of pleasure pain to Heska. “Unph! Oompf! Aah!” A right hook. And two punches to the tits. Heska started to groan.

“Unnngh, F-Fuck you… Kherjit, Slu…” she fell silent again, It was working! Taiba thought. She started to only punch Heska in the face. Heska had became a glorified punching bag. Taibas sweaty body clashed against Heskas. She punched her again and again. For so long that Taiba lost track of time. It started to tire her out, ‘one punch to the cheek,’ “Ummph!” Heska grunted, ‘another in the nose,’ “Oomph!” Heska Grunted again. And one final uppercut, Taiba thought, Taiba put all her effort into that one punch, it soared through Heskas chin. Blood spurted out onto both of them. Covering their breasts and thighs. Heskas body was beaten bloody at this point. Taibas knuckles were wounded. And she was covered in Heskas blood. But she was doing much better.

Everyone knew who would win this fight. It had to be Taiba, she was obviously the better woman. The alpha. Heska stopped grunting. And her sweaty body collided with Taiba, she bounced off the sultry Kherjit and fell to the ground. Her back exposed to the beautiful tundra sun. Taiba promptly collapsed next to her. But propped herself up into a seductive laying positioning. She was out of breath. Having beaten Heska so badly. “I-… I told you bitch… I was gonna end you…” The Arena Master ran up to Heska, “No-No-No! Don’t give up now! Anything but that! I can’t have the guards back here again I can’t pay the rent anymore! The crowd is low enough as it is!” The arena master started to cry, “My income! My beautiful Income!” Taiba rolled her over. Exploring her work. She expected to see a face fast asleep. But she wanted to have a certain victory pose over her foe. Just to finally tell her. That Taiba had won. She put her smooth hand towards Heskas bloody neck, blood oozing from her face cuts with Taibas beating. Strangely! She felt a strong pulse! Heska was lucid!

Taiba felt a huge kick to her vagina. “Arghh!” She screamed. Heska was still in the match! Taiba fell to the soil and started squirming in pain, Heska took a minute to breath, and to weakly tell the arena master that she was still lucid. She slowly stood up. And took a slow step to Taiba, still groaning in pain. At this point, more people started to show up, even some guards! Who paid extra to be at this event. They were anxiously looking to see who would win. And who would get knocked out. It was still assumed that Heska would get her face bashed in again. But here she was.

“Umng, uhh,” Taiba moaned. The pain was a dull slow feeling across her body. She was even more shocked when she felt a heavy weight placed upon her, it was Heska! She sat on top of Taiba, her fists our ready to pound. “Oh shit…” Taiba whispered, her vagina oozing for the beatdown, Taibas head jerked to one side from a punch from Heska, then her head jerked to the other side with another punch, then another, then another, and then another. The audience roared at the sight of one sweaty body beating down on another.

Taiba grunted with each hit “Ungh!” “Ungh!” “Ungh!” “Ungh!” Her face started to become bloody as well. The beatdown came to a point where Taiba stopped grunting whenever she was struck with a heavy blow. Now it was just Heska beating down on a sack of flesh. She was 50% sure that Taiba was knocked out. But she continued to beat on the pretty face. And she punched harder, punching Taibas midsection, her breast and vagina. “You slut! You tried to beat-me!” She said between screams.

She stomped on Taibas vagina to prompt a response. A cry of pain, anything. Thankfully. Taiba groaned “uuugh, it hurrts…” Heska was tired. Her vison was getting blurry. And she had no sense of perception. Her sweaty body hung above Taibas. A possible victory. 100 denars! If she could just stand up and proclaim that she had knocked Taiba out. She struggled to stand up. But when she did. She put her bare foot across Taibas throat. And struck a victory pose. The crowd roared in approval. As Heska smiled through all the blood and tears. And looked over Taibas broken body. She was knocked out. Heska had won. The arena master and his assistant draped Heska in a yellow robe and walked her to get her injuries surveyed and healed. While two extra assistants dragged Taiba away from the arena. Stained with her blood and cum…

Heska took a warm bath in the tavern. Covered in bandages. She knew though, that somewhere. Taiba was nursing her wounds. Beaten. Bloody. And sweaty. Waiting for the chance to kick Heskas ass in the arena again. She shivered even in the warm bath to think about her beatdown. She drifted in and out of awareness in the fight. She almost came to Taiba as well. Taiba would want a rematch soon. And she would want to win. But Heska didn’t care right now. Right now, she needed a bath. And she wanted to sleep for a week..

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/imb5uk/a_medieval_wrestling_tale