Perfect Presents (part five) [Blackmail] [age difference] [recording] [slight femdom]

When the four of us arrived at dinner, I took my dad aside to see if we could discuss this like civilized men without fucking over my wife,daughter, or sister, or needing to resort to blackmailing him with worse information than he was trying to blackmail Lauren with. The girls all went to help the housekeeper set up dinner, it made the poor woman nervous to have help but Lauren and Kerri both loved setting up dinners and Rachel was coming around to their way of thinking more than my father’s or her mother’s way of thinking.

We sat in his study and I didn’t mince words, “What made you think I only married Lauren out of pity for her situation?” I asked.

“I ran a DNA test on the girl. It didn’t sit right with me that she didn’t look anything like you,” he said, “I found out about the abortion and your volunteer work after I did some digging to see how you two even crossed paths. You were well on your way to an amazing life of mindless luxury and you just threw it away because you felt bad for a whore.”

“She wasn’t a whore and I didn’t throw anything away. Not all fortunes sit in a bank, some lie in bed beside you when you’re at your most vulnerable. But you wouldn’t know that considering you were never one to stay in your own bed. She’s not going to fuck you. You can tell mom whatever you want and it’s not going to affect my relationship with Lauren no matter how much you want it to,” I said.

“What would I tell mom? That you felt bad and married a delinquent, claimed a baby that wasn’t yours?” He said with a laugh. “She apparently didn’t tell you everything, or at least didn’t tell you accurately. What I said was your mom controls your finances from my estate when I die, unless you can provide proof that Kerri is biologically your daughter or you can provide proof of a biological heir. When the lawyer tells your mother she’s going to want to know why I put that stipulation in place and he will inform her of everything. Then she’s going to cut Lauren and Kerri off from the finances and very well may cut you off as well. You know very well that your mother has hated that girl since you brought her home. I even told Lauren that if you couldn’t deliver an heir, I would be happy to work with her to provide one and I can make that stipulation go away, even ensuring a larger portion of my estate to both of her children, but she refused.”

“My wife isn’t going to sleep with you to get a bigger inheritance. Cora would have, but not Lauren. You need more than money to catch her interest,” I said with a smile.

“She made a counter offer. She said she’d leave you if I didn’t include the stipulation, so Kerri wouldn’t suffer your mother’s hatred for something outside of her control. That I agreed to. I’m assuming since you’re here you want that off the table?” He asked.

I nodded, “My wife stays my wife, my daughter is my daughter, and you can fully disinherit me for it without involving mom or telling your lawyer my dirty secret at all. I don’t care about your money and I never have. I just want my family to accept that I made a choice and I couldn’t be happier with that choice even after eighteen years of fighting you and mom over Lauren’s lack of a pedigree. I fucking love her and nothing you can say or do is going to change that.”

He smiled, “You give your wife far too much leeway in your relationship. I’ve seen it, she calls the shots and you follow like a bitch,” he said.

“Would you like to make a bet, old man? Because I’d bet I could get your new wife to eat my ass before you even got Lauren to let you look at her naked body,” I said, a stern look and puffed up chest rounded out the facade of power. Intimidating my father was impossible, in spite of him being a good fifty pounds and six inches shorter than me.

He shook his head, “I’m not taking out the stipulation. Your whore wife and bastard child are not going to experience a luxurious life on my dime once I’m gone. Your mom will get the stipulation upon my death and my will forces a paternity test with my own pre-chosen laboratories that will not accept bribery from you to fudge results. Outing her to her grandmother as the bastard leech she is.”

“I’m going to ignore that for now. Can we give it a rest so we can have a nice family dinner celebrating my birthday, since you couldn’t bother to come to the party Lauren hosted?” I asked.

He nodded but scoffed. I’d challenged him. He would make a play for Lauren, just to prove me wrong, and when she shut him down with cold confidence, he would go after Kerri, a weaker and insecure young woman who would be easily swayed. No seduction on Kerri’s part necessary. Rachel, however, might need to work some magic to get herself into the mix.

Lauren dressed both girls in the same dress they’d worn as my gifts, sans masks. Lauren wore the same dress as well. My father was all about ostentatious presentation even when there was no one to impress besides the help. We had dinner quietly, as my father liked it and at the end of the meal a small chocolate cake was brought out and offered to me as my father urged the girls to all sing happy birthday to me. I hated chocolate cake and he very much knew that, but it was his favorite dessert.

I smiled and accepted the situation and we spent the evening talking about more appropriate things, such as business and Kerri’s college plans and how Rachel was enjoying staying with us to check out a Master’s program at a university near our house. The chit chat continued and eventually my father showed Lauren and I to our rooms and laughed as Kerri asked if she could share a room with Rachel instead of having her own room. My father insisted he had enough guest rooms to accommodate everyone privately, but both girls pleaded, saying they’d been having fun with late night talks and girly things together.

My dad was an asshole and looked to each of them, an almost disgusted look on his face as he relented. The look of disgust told me he’d seen the girls messing around under the dinner table. So far, things were going to plan.

The girls stayed up in the living room for a while and Lauren stayed with them. I had sneaked my way into my father’s room. Specifically, his closet. He came into the room from his bathroom and paced in front of his bed. He kept heading to the door and peeking out then pacing again. He was waiting for Lauren to go to bed and I couldn’t say anything because I’d left my phone in the bedroom. I had a camera with me, extremely high resolution so there would be no graininess or weaseling out of it saying it wasn’t him.

He went to the door as Lauren was headed to the bedroom and, just as I thought he would, tried to make a play for her. I couldn’t help but smile as Lauren’s laugh echoed across the hall and the bedroom door opened and closed while my father stewed and came back into his bedroom calling my wife a disgusting whore of a cunt under his breath. The typical damaged ego of a man who’s only experienced fawning over his wallet, encountering a woman that wouldn’t be bought.

His bedroom door was open and I saw the girls walk by giggling and talking to one another as they passed. My dad was still stewing and audibly cursing Lauren’s resolve when the girls turned around and came into the room, “Grandpa Victor? Are you okay?” Kerri asked.

He smiled and nodded, “I’m fine, Kerri, just frustrated with personal things.”

“Are you and my mom okay?” Rachel asked.

“It’s nothing to do with your mom. Well, it is and it isn’t. I just wish she were here. I usually just have to spend some time with her to clear my head and get to sleep but she’s not here and she won’t be for a few days. I suppose I’ll have to stew on it until she gets home,” he said with a heavy, overly dramatic sigh.

He was playing on their empathy, and while I knew the girls were aware of his demeanor, I worried that he might actually get them on his side of this thing. But all I could do was watch and start recording through the hole that typically held his hidden camera for when he wanted to capture a night that he viewed as a conquest. A button in the top drawer of his night stand turned it on. He’d had the same set up in our old house. His camera wasn’t set up though, I took it down and replaced it with mine.

The girls looked to each other then back to my father, “Can we help?” Rachel asked.

The old man smiled and leered at the girls as I shifted my position. I knew I had to let it go further, I just didn’t know how far I could let it go before I intervened. Both girls had a word to use if they wanted things to stop and I had to wait for their signal. Otherwise it would be worthless.

“I saw you two at supper. This is more than a friendship budding between you two isn’t it?” He asked.

Rachel let go of Kerri’s hand and Kerri blushed brightly. Both girls shook their heads.

Never one to waste an opportunity, he smiled, “What would your mother think, Rachel? You know how she feels about homosexuality, and with your niece?” He scoffed in disgust.

“She’s not really my niece,” Rachel said, hiding the blush on her cheeks by looking to the ground, “and we’re not…”

My father placed his hand under Rachel’s jaw and lifted her head up to him, “Perception is all that matters in cases like this. Finding out you two slept in the same bed for a night would be all it took to persuade your mom that you need to see a special counselor,” he said.

Kerri looked at my father, “What does this have to do with helping you, Grandpa?” She asked.

“Kerri,” he said, an annoyed tone to his voice as he looked at my daughter, “don’t interrupt.”

He turned his attention back to Rachel and ran his hand over her cheek, “How about I don’t tell your mom about you having your hand under your niece’s skirt at dinner and you two put on a little show for me?”

I rolled my eyes, wondering if he was testing the waters to see if they would run off to tell me, where he would say he only meant for them to put on a play, nothing disgusting like they were suggesting, or if they would play along. Rachel turned to Kerri then back to my father, “What kind of show?” She asked softly.

“How about you show me how close you two have gotten over the past week?” He said with a smile.

Kerri’s eyebrows contorted in concern, “But…I’m your granddaughter…,” she said in almost a whimper.

He stroked her cheek and shook his head, “You are as much my granddaughter as your mother is my daughter, Kerri.”

A few tears streamed down her cheek and she tilted her head, “What do you mean?”

“My son isn’t your father. So, if you want to keep up this relationship with my stepdaughter, don’t lie to me, and show me what you’ve all but admitted in your tears, Kerri,” he said, nothing but ice in his words.

Rachel took Kerri’s hand and held her close then leaned over and kissed her. There was nothing salacious about it. It was a simple, soft kiss of their lips pressing to the other’s, no tongue, no open mouths, no exchange of fluids between them.

My father scoffed and opened the drawer in his bedside table and retrieved a small Hitachi wand which was plugged into the outlet inside of the drawer. The toy was nothing but an excuse to turn on the camera, which recorded a blank wall on the floor of the closet. He put the wand on the bed and looked to each girl as he pulled his pajamas off, “I think it’s time to get comfortable for bed, girls,” he said.

They were uneasy, glancing to the closet and to each other, but they quickly helped each other undress until they only had on their panties. Rachel’s hand caressed Kerri’s hip and she finally shut out my father’s gaze as she turned to Kerri and kissed her deeply. Kerri moaned and grasped Rachel’s hips, eagerly returning the deep kiss.

My father groaned as he watched them, when their lips separated they looked back to him and he motioned for them to climb up on the bed with him. Kerri’s hand trembled and a few tears streaked her cheek, “I…I don’t want to have sex,” she said softly.

My father nodded, “You don’t have to, Kerri. I’m not a monster. Just get your girlfriend ready and I’ll only have sex with her,” he said as Rachel tensed up.

The girls sat beside each other and I could see the tension on Rachel as my father grasped her thigh and held it open while Kerri knelt down between Rachel’s legs and started eating her pussy. My dad started touching Kerri’s ass, stroking her cheek and rubbing down over her thigh. She pulled away as his hand slid between her thighs and he pulled Rachel further up onto his lap, forcing Kerri to follow her in order to keep licking her.

He had his hand on Rachel’s breast and pulled his other hand from Kerri to slide down to Rachel’s pussy, spreading her lips open as he watched Kerri’s tongue roughly push against Rachel’s clit. Rachel squirmed towards Kerri and my father closed his eyes for a moment as Rachel’s ass rubbed over his cock.

He picked up the wand and turned it on, holding it to Rachel’s pubic mound as Kerri’s lips and tongue teased her clit and her fingers began penetrating my step-sister’s cunt. Rachel was moaning, a thin sheen of sweat clung to her skin and her body pushed towards Kerri’s mouth. My dad was kissing her neck and groping her breast as he teased her with the wand. Rachel’s fluids were coating Kerri’s hand as my daughter pushed on her aunt’s g-spot, rubbing vigorously as she closed her mouth over Rachel’s clit. Rachel came hard, squirting on my daughter’s face and my father’s cock.

“Can I fuck you, Rachel?” My father asked as she trembled in his hands. She didn’t nod or say anything and he pulled her body down onto his cock hard. He was smaller than me, but she still made a pained face and I clenched my jaw.

*Say the word. One of you say the word so I can beat the shit out of him*, resonated in my mind as I watched him thrust into Rachel. I was worried she was afraid to say it too soon. But he blackmailed them into this, rather than them seducing him like we’d planned. We had enough to get him in trouble if he didn’t submit to us.

I looked at Rachel’s face and saw her smile as she looked at Kerri, who climbed up to her and kissed her deeply as Rachel started riding my father’s cock without guidance. Dad looked over Rachel’s shoulder and put the wand down then brought his hands to Kerri’s jaw, caressing her lightly.

“Are you two on birth control?” My father asked. They both shook their heads and my heart just about stopped. Were they lying about that to see what he’d do or had I just made an assumption that my wife wouldn’t let me fuck them bareback and fill them with cum without them being on it.

“Good,” he said as he guided Rachel down on his cock, “Now, Kerri, get her to cum again.”

Kerri knelt down between their legs and pushed Rachel’s thighs apart so she could get her lips on the older girl’s clit. Rachel didn’t seem to be in distress, but I was. He’d asked if both of them were on birth control. Kerri said she didn’t want to have sex. If he tried, word or no word, I’d fucking kill him.

Rachel turned her head towards my father and kissed him as she moaned, grinding herself against Kerri’s mouth and my father’s dick until her body shuddered again. My father groaned, thrusting upwards into her, hard, and very obviously cumming. I felt like I was going to be sick seeing it.

Then he grabbed Kerri’s wrist and pulled her up onto his lap too. She pulled out of his grip and cried, “I don’t want to have sex with you.”

“You’re not. You’re going to have sex with Rachel. Put your leg over hers here, and her leg over yours there, then rub yourself against her while I pull out of her. I don’t have to fuck you to get my cum into your pussy, Kerri, you two rubbing your cunts together will do that well enough.”

She did what he asked and he groaned as he heard the wetness of his cum spreading between the two of their pussies. He moved them off of his lap and stood over them. They were each leaning back on their elbows with their legs intertwined. My father watched the cum stretch between their cunts as they pulled back from one another slightly then pushed their clits and pussies back against each other.

“Tell you what, Pip,” he said as he stroked Kerri’s cheek, “clean Grandpa’s cock and I’ll let you get off.”

I expected her to say the word, instead she turned her head towards him, opened her mouth and grasped his cock, guiding it between her lips. Her eyes were on the closet and he picked the wand back up and rubbed it back and forth between the girls as they continued to grind their pussies together.

Kerri’s head bobbed faster and faster until my dad was hard again, then he pulled out of her mouth and looked at her, “Would you like a ride now, Pip?” He asked as he held the wand on her pussy until she whimpered and the wet skin on wet skin noise of their pussies rubbing together became louder.

Her hand tensed and her body arched as she came hard from the toy. I would definitely need to get her one of those, it was a minute tops at the lowest setting before she reached that peak. Her nipples were taut and she looked at my father, “Okay,” she said weakly. He pulled her over to the edge of the bed and grasped her thighs.

Rachel leaned down and kissed Kerri, “The butterflies will go away quickly,” she said, her eyes on the closet. Rachel said her word and I emerged quietly, camera still in hand and rolling. His dick was against Kerri’s vaginal opening and she kept scooting back slightly.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I said as I stood just to the side of him.

He jumped and dropped Kerri’s hips as he spun around and saw me holding a camera in his face, “Get that fucking thing out of here,” he snapped.

I turned it off and lowered it, “You’re fucking my daughter and yours?” I asked.

“They aren’t either of our daughters,” he snapped.

“Think Rachel’s mom will see it that way when she gets this tape? She signed a prenup about you cheating and her getting half of everything, right? I imagine she can claim extra damages if the girl you cheat on her with is actually her daughter that you blackmailed into fucking you,” I said.

I handed the girls a couple of my dad’s shirts, “Get dressed, you’re both coming with me, now,” I said.

My dad scoffed and I decked him, causing him to stumble back a few feet and fall on his ass, “My wife, daughter, and sister are off limits to you, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll take that stipulation out of your will. If mom finds out Kerri isn’t my daughter, I will ruin everything you’ve spent a lifetime building. Your name on buildings will be tarnished with the knowledge that you forced your granddaughter and stepdaughter into bed with you because you found out they were in a relationship with each other. I mean, you’ll be dead, so I doubt you’ll care about your image at that point, right? So go ahead and try me, Dad.”

I watched the old man crumble as he shamefully covered his dick, “I didn’t have sex with Kerri,” he snapped. His image meant everything to him. The value in his name was his entire worth as a human being from his standpoint.

“Because I stopped you,” I said.

I held the camera up,“Speak the truth about yourself for once,” I said.

“What do you want me to say, son?” He asked, looking frail as he sat on the floor.

“The truth, say you’re an abusive pervert who uses your wealth to blackmail women into sex with them. Apologize to the women you’ve wronged. Admit that you are an adulterer, that your charities are a scam, that you care for no one besides yourself, that you have forced lovers into abortions they didn’t want while donating millions to anti-abortion activists publicly. Be honest for once in your life.

I hit record on the camera and he tearfully spilled his guts of everything I mentioned and then some. When he was done I knelt down next to him and wiped the tears from his cheeks, “No one will find out as long as you do everything I say from here on out. One misstep, one utterance out of line, and I release your confession and you won’t have to worry about stipulations on an inheritance because there won’t be anything for anyone to inherit. Understand?”

He nodded, “You planned this?” He asked as he looked from me to the girls, who were hiding behind me.

“Yeah, looks like I may have some of your skills after all, dad.”

“How’d you know I would go after them?” He asked.

“Cora, Tina, Laney…every girlfriend or female friend I’ve ever had has been tricked or threatened into your bed at one time or another and I couldn’t do shit about it. Lauren was the only one you couldn’t get and it drove you crazy. So the girls and I came up with a plan. They would flirt and mess around where you could see and when Lauren rejected you after dinner, we knew you would go after Kerri, your ego wouldn’t let you stop until you had one of my girls in your bed. I’m guessing you did the DNA test to see how much of a monster you were for wanting to fuck your granddaughter to get even with her mother after she so bluntly rejected you before, right? The figuring out I faked the paternity test only came after you got the results and realized you could fuck my daughter with a clear conscience, dad.”

“I didn’t think you had it in you, Chris,” he said as he looked at me.

Lauren came to the bedroom door and walked over to me, “Did he fuck them?” She asked.

“Rachel. He was about to fuck Kerri, but Rachel said her word and stopped it. I kept waiting for them to use their words before he fucked Rachel, but neither one did and I was getting a little jealous,” I said.

My dad looked at me, taking in what I said. Lauren kissed me then motioned the girls over, each one kissed me deeply as I pulled them to me. My dad smirked and looked towards the hole where his camera is usually hidden. Lauren knelt down beside my father and tilted her head, “We got here early this morning. Searched the house for cameras and found all of yours. The first point of order is giving your housekeeper a raise. Her salary is doubled and you’re going to give her two weeks of paid sick time and four weeks paid vacation time. Her family health insurance is going to be paid for by you and you don’t get to fuck her anymore, understood?”

He sat there stoically, starring at the closet door.

Lauren grabbed my father’s cock and squeezed as he groaned, “Understood?” She asked again.

He nodded.

“Now, Victor,” she said as she tugged his cock just enough to get him to scoot closer, “I think you should call up your lawyer and get him to change everything. We don’t want your money. Give it to charity for all we fucking care, but there will be no stipulations on anything you do choose to leave us that even hints at Kerri not being Chris’s daughter.”

“Why is this so fucking important to you? What does it matter if anyone knows?” My father asked her, near tears as her hand grasped a testicle and squeezed it roughly, making him wince and his voice trill in pain.

“Because the man who is her father thinks I had an abortion and it’s in your best interest he not find out I didn’t,” she said.

“Why? There has to be a reason beyond a violent boyfriend from 18 years ago getting pissed his daughter is still alive.”

“Dalton Faraday,” I said.

“The congressman?” I answered my father’s question with a simple nod and he continued, “What about him?”

“He’s Kerri’s father,” Lauren said, “He will destroy you and us if he finds out she’s alive. Her existence, his demands that I get an abortion, could derail his path to the presidency as he’s the ultra good Christian pro-life candidate. Even you aren’t powerful enough to stop him from killing all of us to keep me and Kerri a secret.”

Victor nodded, “You could have just told me that,” he said.

“Dad, be real, if we had told you that, you would have gone to him and blackmailed him with it. You wouldn’t have cared about the risk to my wife and daughter because you are a selfish bastard,” I said.

“The only reason we can tell you now is we have something on you and if anything happens to any of us, we will have copies of that video and confession at various places to be released upon our incapacitation or disappearance, so don’t get any ideas, Dad,” Lauren said, a deeply mocking tone to her voice.

My dad looked at Lauren, “You let your husband fuck your daughter?” He asked.

“I trust him with her, but more than that, I trust her to take care of him. I know they’d be safe together. You were making me leave to keep my daughter safe from her real father, so I wanted them to have safety and comfort in one another,” Lauren said. She looked back at me and I smiled at her, “Now, though, now we can just be together as a family.”

I held the girls close to me as I watched my wife tighten her grip on my father’s dick and balls. He winced and tried to pull away but her grip just tightened as he looked at me, “Can you ask her to back off?”

I nodded, “I could, but unlike you, I don’t control my wife. Ask her nicely and she might stop.”

Lauren smiled as my father’s gaze turned to her, it added to his pain to have to ask a woman for any sort of mercy, “Please stop?” For the first time in my life, I heard my father sound pathetic instead of powerful and it was my wife’s doing.

My wife released him and stood up, “Unlike you, I heard your rejection and I will acknowledge it and stop my actions. Learn from me and, going forward, maybe you won’t have to lie and blackmail to get a woman into your bed.”

I guided the girls towards Lauren, “Get them dressed and down to the car,” I said, “I need to talk to my dad alone for a minute.”

Lauren took them out of the room and I passed the camera to her. Once they were gone I knelt down beside my dad, “You’ve always had the option to be the good guy and you’ve refused time and time again. I don’t want to use that video against you,dad,” I said.

He interrupted me, “That video shows a beaten man saying what he was told to say, that’s all,” he said.

I nodded, “Yeah, that’s true, so I’m asking you to be a god damned father for once in your life and stop trying to best me. Help me protect my family, help me protect your family.”

He nodded, “I’ll take care of it, get rid of the tests. No one will know,” he said quietly.

“Good, because if we ever have to address this again, Lauren won’t be the one in control of your mercy, that will be me and, dad, I will get to choose if I want to follow your example or Lauren’s. So maybe make this a wake up call and set a better example for me to follow. Now, I’m going to take my girls home. Rachel is going to be living with us until she decides otherwise.”

“Tell me something, are you actually fucking Rachel and Kerri?” He asked.

I shrugged, “Like I said, turns out I’m not that different from you after all.”

When I left my dad’s house my heart was racing. Hyper-vigilant is an understatement, I took back roads and stayed off of main stretches as long as I could, hoping beyond anything my dad didn’t have a fucking hitman at his beck and call to hunt us down before we could secure the footage with our lawyer.

It was a harrowing time for us while notices were delivered and agreements were made.

A new difficulty arose from this situation, my wife wasn’t going to be out of the picture now and feelings had developed between each of us in various ways. Those connections and relationships needed to be figured out and I didn’t know how to even approach it.
