The Cure: Chapters 3 & 4 [Weight gain fiction]

# Off the diet!

Tammy and Charlie arrived at Ruth Chris and told them that they were taking Dr. Reynolds’ place for lunch. The waiter immediately seated them in a private room with a round table for 8. They slid into the booth next to each other, and started looking at the menu. They were famished and eager to fill their bellies. They started off with appetizers, ordering calamari, ravioli, and stuffed mushrooms paired with a nice bottle of white wine.

Despite being sick of salads, Tammy and Charlie couldn’t resist the decadent salads at Ruth Chris, so they each ordered a salad, Tammy had ahi-tuna while Charlie had the steak salad.

After the salad course they realized the damage dieting had done on their stomachs. They were nearly full but hadn’t even had the main course. Back before the diet, they would still be famished. Nonetheless, they soldiered on.

They both ordered the New York strip steak and for sides they ordered lobster mac and cheese, onion rings and French fries.

It took them two hours, but they amazingly managed to stuff everything down. Both of them had to unbutton their pants, so they were happy for the private room. They kissed each other passionately between bites as their romance rekindled as soon as the stress of dieting was lifted.

They were debating whether they had enough room for desert when much to their surprise, the waiter arrived with 3 deserts compliments of Dr. Reynolds who called in the request. There was a cheesecake, warm apple tart, and a chocolate sin cake. The waiter said, “Dr. Reynolds wants you to know that you need to be full to take the medicine, and he was worried you wouldn’t be full enough.”

For another 45 minutes they gorged themselves on the desert, forcing themselves to burp and rubbing their bellies to make room for the desert. But they were successful in finishing the food. However, they had to untuck their shirts to cover up their distended bellies because there was no way they were going to be able to button their pants.

They went directly to the pharmacy and got their prescription. They took their first pills in the car to take advantage of their full bellies. The effects started nearly immediately. They felt more energetic, and could feel their pulse lower. Even better, they didn’t feel that uncomfortable feeling that one gets when one is full to the brim. They knew they were full, but they didn’t really have any discomfort.

Next it was on to the grocery store. It took them nearly two hours up on every snack and sweet imaginable, as well as thick steaks and plenty of food to cook in their deep fryer. Just imagining pigging out turned them both on. Despite their full bellies, they still managed to snack on some junk food as they were shopping and of course they had every sample offered to them. There were more than a few empty packages that the clerk had to scan as they left. They had 4 shopping carts full to the brim by the time they finished.

It took them nearly 2 hours to unload the groceries. They packed the refrigerator full and even had to fill the two dorm refrigerators in their room. Just a week ago the refrigerator was filled with fruits and vegetables, and nutritious stacks. Now it was full of soda, whipped cream, fudge and other sauces, and baked goods. The freezer was stocked full of frozen desserts, frozen pasta dishes like lasagna, cheesecakes and pizza. They plugged in the extra freezer in the garage to store the meats and the rest of the frozen ice cream. The cupboards were now stocked with chips, Doritos, cookies, and other cakes.

By the time they were done, it was time for dinner, so Charles began preparing dinner. They were already hungry again, so he kept it simple, preparing a couple of pounds of spaghetti and two jars of marinara sauce. He put a full baguette in the oven and smothered it with garlic butter and then broke out the ice cream maker to make 1 gallon of homemade peanut butter chocolate chip ice cream.

While the pasta was cooking, they snacked on honey roasted peanuts, nachos, and salsa and drank a whole bottle of red wine. By the time the pasta was ready, they were already buzzed, but they opened up another bottle of wine and dove into the pasta.

Despite still being a bit full from their lunch, they dove into the pasta with gusto, shoving forkfuls of pasta in their mouths alternating with slices of garlic toast. They disregarded any manners, speaking with full mouths the entire meal, and burping as they felt like it. The only time they stopped eating was to kiss passionately as their sexual tension rose along with their full bellies. They finished the entire garlic bread and the 2 lbs of pasta, and still didn’t feel full.

They knew they would need more than just ice cream, so they dug up some frosted brownies they had bought, and heated up some chocolate fudge. They found the biggest bowls they could and packed it each with 3 brownies, half a gallon of ice cream, half a jar of chocolate fudge and each having a half of tub of whip cream. They took the bowls, their pills and went to the bedroom to get naked and caress each other as they gorged on the sundaes.

After about an hour, they managed to force the last bit of melted goo down their throats and take the pills. It was then they noticed another benefit of the pills. Normally, after they pigged out they would fall asleep in a food coma, but the pill gave them energy and enhanced their libido.

Tammy was a complete mess with crumbs of brownies, fudge, and melted ice cream all over her belly and breasts, so Charlie went to town, licking every last bit off of her, lingering over her ample breasts and teasing her nipples for what seemed like an eternity to Tammy. He went down and started sucking on her clit as he massaged her tummy. Deep belches and moans alternated as Tammy drifted into a state of ecstasy.

Then it was Charlie’s turn. Tammy reached over to the fridge and grabbed an éclair that they had bought earlier. She opened it up in half and wrapped it around Charlie’s rigid cock, forcing the cream filling to fall out onto his FUPA. She teased him by licking all the cream off of his FUPA until she finally started nibbling on the éclair pastry. She would eat a bite and then gently lick his tip driving him crazy. The cream that had been taken out of the éclair was now replaced with a steady stream of precum moistening the otherwise dry pastry. Once the pastry was done, Tammy lingered over his cock taking it deep in her throat and bobbing up and down on him until he was about to cum.

Finally, Tammy climbed up on top of him so he could see her full voluptuous beauty in front him. Pillowy breasts and her tummy bounced as she rode his cock, their bellies merging into one gelatinous blob of fatty flesh. Left over creams from the sundaes and the eclairs mixed with their juices and slopped between their bellies squeezing out onto the bed. Finally, he climaxed in her as she collapsed into a heap on top of him. She rolled to the side and they fell asleep in a warm embrace.

About 4 hours later Tammy woke up famished. She couldn’t believe it, but before she knew it she was quietly fumbling through the stash of snacks on the night table in the dark. She found a 4-pack of giant blueberry muffins and started nibbling on them. She was a bit thirsty so she quietly opened the refrigerator and found a quart carton of heavy cream. She ate one muffin, and then washed it down with about a cup of heavy cream. But she missed the lingering flavor of the muffin, so she ate another one. Then she was thirsty and she washed it down with the cream. And then she missed the taste of the muffin again. By the time she went back to sleep, she had finished the 4 muffins and the cream.

Charlie woke up while she was scarfing down the last muffin and started massaging her belly and kissing her. She felt bad she had eaten all the muffins so she grabbed a half dozen Krispy Kreme donuts from his night stand, and mounted him. He entered her creampied wet pussy effortlessly and she began feeding him the donuts as she rode him. Alternating each donut with another quart of heavy cream that she grabbed from Charlie’s refrigerator. They couldn’t believe how gluttonous and horny they had become. During the dieting period they barely even kissed, and now they had sex twice in one night.

That first weekend was a glorious continuation of that night. They settled back into their weekend routine. Charlie agreed to be the feeder for the first weekend, so Tammy settled into her naked gluttonous glory. For Saturday breakfast, Charlie made pancake/Nutella sandwiches served with melted butter and warm syrup in bowls, so Tammy could eat and dip the pancakes quickly. Charlie loved watching Tammy eat with her hands quickly stuffing food down her gullet like a greedy pig. They divided 12 pancake sandwiches, a pound of sausage, pound of bacon, and two 5 egg cheese omelets. They fed each other with interspersed kisses and fondling complete with belly rubs and burping. They washed it down with a giant pitcher of mimosas made from a ½ gallon of orange juice and a bottle of champagne. The burping made room for even more gluttony as they polished off the remainder of the dozen Krispy Kreme donuts before feeling full enough to take their morning pill.

After breakfast, they were both horny again, so he rolled her over and took her doggy style. His stomach covered up her ample ass and nearly broke the bed before he climaxed in her again.

“I need a shower, but I am too lazy to stand up for that long”, Tammy pouted.

“Well, why don’t you go out back and just sit in the Jacuzzi to clean up. I can bring you a snack and you can lounge there until lunch” Charlie offered.

Charlie and Tammy had a beautiful ranch house (bought intentionally to avoid stairs), with a private back yard with a pool and a Jacuzzi. So Tammy didn’t even to get dressed, she just waddled the 20 ft (panting exhaustively) and plopped into the Jacuzzi. Within no time Charlie had brought out a fondue pot with chocolate sauce and an assortment of fruits and cakes for her to dip it in while she bathed in the Jacuzzi. She sat there and nibbled while Charlie prepared lunch.

Charlie decided to do barbeque hamburgers for lunch and then a full turkey dinner for dinner. He fired up the breadmaker to make some fresh bread for dinner and homemade buns for the hamburgers. He prepared a pasta salad and French fries for sides.

Tammy kept nibbling on the fondue until noon when Charlie brought out some fried mozzarella sticks and some lager beer to tide Tammy over while he cooked the burgers. She was now a giant fat prune from sitting in the hot tub, but finally around noon, she hauled her naked body out of the hot tub and onto the chair to dig in for lunch. Between the two of them, they finished off a dozen 1/3 pound hamburgers dripping in cheddar cheese, 2 pounds of pasta salad, and a full basket of fries. For desert they went back into the Jacuzzi and split a NY style cheesecake while having sex in the Jacuzzi.

Tammy then went back to bed and took a nap while Charlie prepared dinner. Around 3 she woke up to the smell of the fresh bread that had just finished cooking. Charlie knew this would wake her up, so he brought a loaf up to her and left her with a tub of butter, and Nutella. She was in heaven. She put gobs of butter and Nutella on each piece letting the butter melt and run down her fat fingers as she shoved piece after piece of the bread into her greedy mouth, washing each one down with some red wine that Charlie had brought up. At 4 she dozed off to sleep for another two hours.

When she woke up, Charlie had prepared a giant spread for dinner, and had set it out on a table next to the bed. A 12 lb turkey, with giant bowls of stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and mac and cheese. For desert, a pecan pie and an apple pie with homemade vanilla bean icecream stored in the freezer. They feasted for 3 hours shoveling fistfuls of food in their mouths taking breaks only to kiss or massage belly for burping. They drank 2 bottles of wine, and finished the night with drunken sex.

Sunday was mostly the same with Charlie pampering Tammy from a 4 AM snack of 4 giant cinnamon rolls to a 7 course meal for dinner starting with Antipasto, Clam Chowder, 1 lb of spaghetti, sorbet to clear the pallet, a roasted chicken with potatoes, and a full cheesecake factory cheesecake.

As they laid in bed massaging each other’s bellies, belching, and fondling each other, they suddenly remembered they had to go to work the next day.

“How are we going to find the time to eat enough at work to take the pill at lunch.” Tammy wondered aloud.

“Yeah, my stomach has already expanded from this weekend. It’s gonna take a lot to fill it up now” Charlie agreed.

“I guess I could bring in a lot of snacks and just eat non-stop, but I have a couple of meetings. I’ll be embarrassed to eat that much in front of everyone”

“Can you get out to lunch? I was thinking of running to Chik Fil A and ordering a few meals. I was gonna eat them in the car and bring one back to work.” Charlie suggested.

“No, not enough time. I will have to just pack a bunch of food and hope I can fill this massive gut!”

“Well, I think I can sneak over to Chik Fil A so I’ll do that. But what about breakfast?” Charlie asked

“Well can you cook while I pack up my lunch?” Tammy asked.

“Good idea”

With that they lingered in bed having more amazing sex. Charlie got completely turned on when he noticed that Tammy was starting to put back on the weight she lost. But it was different this time. The stretch marks were going away, and she was gaining more weight in her tits and ass. In fact, she was getting model-like proportions.

“Did you notice your new weight is going more to your tits and ass. You are becoming a voluptuous curvy BBW model?” Charlie asked.

“Yes, I did, and your paunch is more firm and your ass is growing more as well. Do you think the pills are making us more toned and better physical shape than before?” Tammy asked.

“Well, the doctor mentioned that these pills make you healthier. I also noticed that I can walk up stairs without being winded. Frankly, I feel like I did before I started gaining this weight. Makes me want to eat even more.”

After another 4 AM snack of a box of oreo cookies, Charlie woke up early to prepare a breakfast feast. By the Tammy woke up, a stack of 12 pancakes, eggs, and a pound of bacon was waiting for her. They both ate as fast as they could so they could make it to work on time.

Tammy finished her meal munching as she prepared her food. She filled three shopping bags with food. One was full of a dozen donuts and a bag of oreo cookies, the other with soda and juice, and the third with doritos, and a box of microwave burritos. Charlie also packed some donuts and cookies just to tide him over during the day.

Back to work

Around 8 they both left for their work. Both of them were now in such a habit of munching that they wound up gorging themselves on snacks as they were driving into work. Charlie had half of the dozen donuts that he brought and Tammy finished half of the oreos before she even got there.

Charlie’s day went as planned. He found enough time to get out to Chik Fil A. The drive through line was full, so he decided to dine in. He ordered one chik-fil-a sandwich meal and two four-piece chicken strips meal with one of the meals with large waffle fries and the other two with mac and cheese and 2 large peach shakes and 1 large strawberry shakes. However, he didn’t want to look like a pig in the dining room, so he ordered one meal to dine in, and made it look like he was going to bring the others to co-workers. He even asked them to hold the other shakes to pick up when he left.

He only had 45 minutes for lunch, so he had to eat quickly. He ate one of the 4-piece chicken strips, grabbed two extra from the other meal and ate the waffle fries and one of the mac and cheese orders as well as the first peach shake in 20 minutes. He then grabbed the other shakes from the counter and went out to his car to eat the sandwich, the other mac and cheese order and one of the other shakes. By the time his lunch hour was over he was able to get back to his desk and finish off the rest. It just looked like he ordered a simple meal and ate it at his desk. He was plenty full and took his pill and returned to his normal work for the afternoon.

Tammy on the other hand, was not as lucky. Her day was full of meetings and try as she might, she was only able to grab a few bites of her snacks. They brought in lunch boxes and worked through the meeting and she was not comfortable grabbing multiple boxes. Even if she had grabbed two or three boxes it wouldn’t come close to filling her giant gut anyway. She took the pill anyway and hoped it would be okay.

It wasn’t. The pill didn’t work, and she reverted to her old ailments she had before the pill. She could feel her pulse quicken and was extremely dizzy and light headed. She couldn’t stay awake and began to look pale. Her boss noticed and thinking she had the flu, told her to go home and rest.

On the way back, she called Dr. Reynold’s office and told the nurse of the symptoms. She put him right through to the Doctor.

“Tammy, I told you those pills don’t work unless your stomach is full. How much did you eat for lunch?”

Tammy told him that she only had the lunchbox and a half a bag of oreos that she managed to sneak during breaks.

“Tammy, you are a 210 lb woman, and if I guess right, probably over 220 now with how much you have been eating. That amount of food will not fill you up. Also, I warned you that the pill must be taken, or you will lose all the benefit and immediately see the symptoms of obesity. That is why I had that conversation with you and your husband. You have to commit to this lifestyle. No skipping meals, and no eating light. You have to get your belly overstuffed. You need to go home now, and eat constantly for the rest of the day. As soon as you feel full, take another pill, and then take another one at dinner.”

“Okay, Doc, but is it okay for me to have 4 pills in one day?”

“Once in a while it is okay. You will notice that you will be even hungrier, and you will be ravenously hungry all night, so you will have to eat all night. Long-term, you would get sick from sleep deprivation, but one night won’t be a problem.”

With the doctor’s orders, Tammy immediately ordered 4 large pizzas from her car so they would be home shortly after she arrived. She knew she would need a lot of food and figured to order a bit extra so Charlie would have pizza when he arrived.

She got home and didn’t even bother to undress, other than ripping her tight pants off of her that were digging into her expanding waist. She began shoveling food into her mouth while waiting for the pizza. She dove into a bag of nachos and melted some cheese on top of it, and finished the bag in about 10 minutes. The pizzas arrived about the same time she finished her nachos.

Tammy immediately started shoving pieces of pizza into her mouth as fast as she could. Finally, after finishing the first pizza, she felt full enough to take the extra pill. She immediately felt better, but shortly afterward, she felt a stretch in her stomach and a growl. Suddenly she was hungry as if she hadn’t eaten all day. She started shoving piece after piece of pizza in her mouth, and within another half hour, had finished the second pizza.

As she dove into the third pizza she realized that she was also quite horny, and she started fingering herself with one hand while shoving more pizza down her giant swollen belly. Concerned that there would not be enough food for Charlie when he got back, she grabbed some more nachos and smothered them in melted cheese to eat along with the pizza. Eventually, after finishing the third pizza she passed out.

Charlie finished work and was starving. He hadn’t been able to snack all afternoon, and he knew that he wouldn’t want to wait to prepare dinner, so he decided to pick up a couple of family 20-piece meal buckets at KFC on the way home. In her haste to get to eating at home, Tammy had never called him to tell him that she had taken a half sick day.

Charlie was shocked and turned on with what he saw when he entered. Tammy was passed out on the couch with melted cheese all over her blouse and empty pizza boxes and crumbs all around. Her panties were soaked with her juices and her hand was resting on top of her clitoris that was peeking out of the panties.

Charlie kneeled down and peeled the panties back and began running his tongue up and down Tammy’s pussy. She woke up moaning and pleased to see Charlie going down her, but she was ravenous.

“Must. Have. Food” She exclaimed as she grabbed a piece of pizza from the fourth box and shoved it in.

“What happened Tammy?” Charlie asked.

Between bites Tammy explained. “Couldn’t, [munch], eat, [munch], enough for pill, [munch], felt sick, [munch], went home. [munch]. Doctor said I’d be hungry [munch]. Ordered pizza [munch], horny [munch], Feed me [munch], Fuck me [munch].

Charlie obliged and stuffed more pizza down her face while he pleasured her pussy. Tammy was relieved to see Charlie brought the KFC home. He mounted her and began stuffing the chicken down into her mouth.

It was insane. All evening and all night, Tammy could not be satisfied. Charlie barely was able to fill his gut up because he was so busy shoving food into Tammy’s mouth. She ate all through the night and couldn’t sleep. When it was all done, she had had 3 ½ pizzas, 4 bags of Nachos dripped in cheese, 1 family bucket meal of KFC, and ½ gallon of ice cream. She never felt full the whole time, as if the food never was in her stomach.

The next morning, they did the same thing. Big breakfast and Tammy again tried to pack enough food to fill her up. She felt back to normal and there were no meetings, so she figured she would be okay.

Tammy worked in the administration department of a factory, and as a policy, if you took a day off, the factory nurse had to see you before you could return to work. When she showed up, she immediately reported to the nurse.

“Hi Tammy. Come on in. I hope you are feeling better”, the nurse motioned to her to enter the examining room.

“Hi Deb, good to see you, although I wish it were under better circumstances, but I am feeling better today”, Tammy said.

“So Tammy, any idea why this happened? Have you had any changes in your health or new medications?”

“Well, yes. I started on the new Gordiva pill for my complications from being overweight.”

The nurse smiled, “That explains it. You should have told us. We would have made special provisions to allow you to eat sufficiently”

Tammy was puzzled, “What, you mean you will make special provisions? I was trying to hide that I was on this and I didn’t want to ask for anything special.”

Deb laughed, “There are at least 5 of you that have started this treatment lately. And we definitely want to encourage you to stay on the regimen, and so does our insurance company. They anticipate that the company will save millions on medical costs on this treatment. But they did explain the dietary requirements, so we know we have to give you a long lunch and plenty of opportunities to eat”

“What provisions are there?” Asked Tammy.

“Well, first, you are going to get an extra hour for lunch. Also, we will let you bring a refrigerator in and put it in your office to store snacks. If you let us, we will let your boss know so that she understands why you will be constantly snacking.”

“Well that sounds great, and yes, you can share this information with my boss”

“Okay, well then it’s settled, let’s go down together and tell your boss.”

They walked down the hall to her boss’s office and Deb knocked on the door.

“Hi Karen,” Deb said, “gotta sec?”

“Sure Deb,” Karen responded.

“Well, we know what happened to Tammy yesterday, she did not take her new treatment on a full stomach. If you will allow me, I will share your situation with her”

Karen laughed uncontrollably, “Of course, Tammy, I started the treatment last week as well. Welcome to the club!”

Tammy was taken aback. Karen was not fat. She weighed about 130 lbs and she was 5’ 8”. “If you don’t mind me asking, why do you need the Gordiva treatment?”

“Well, I have childhood diabetes. I’ve been on insulin as long as I remember. Turns out, the treatment works on this type of diabetes as well. I talked to my husband about this option and turns out he’d like me a bit chubby, so we decided to do this. I feel great, but I already gained 5 lbs. My husband actually likes it though,” Karen chuckled. “So don’t worry. You and I will be snacking the day away together”

The rest of the day Tammy snacked, and at lunch, ate the substantial amount of food she had brought and also took full advantage of her extra lunch hour dining with her boss. They went together and ordered the daily special of country fried steak, mashed potatoes, and fried okra with a Boston cream pie desert.

Between forkfuls of food, Karen started asking Tammy questions. “So this is all new to me, I am not used to overeating. I feel like I am doing something wrong.”

Tammy responded, “That’s just society putting an obtainable standard on us. Some people naturally do not like to eat, and they are the ones that don’t mind dieting. Most of us are programmed by nature to want to fill up and store fat to survive. Also, before the pill, there were real complications to being obese, so it made sense that society kept up this standard. For you, you had to eat properly to balance your blood sugar, so you have the habit of watching your diet closely. My only advice to you is to liberate yourself, and enjoy the wonders of food!”

Karen smiled, but still felt uncomfortable. “But I am not comfortable with my clothes. They are getting tight, and I am pouring out everywhere.”

Tammy laughed, “Well, you gotta learn fat girls’ tricks. First, stretch pants. No belts, no tight non-stretch material. Also, you are going to gain weight. Depending on how much you want to spend, buy clothes 2 or 3 sizes too big. You want to be comfortable when you eat. For now, just unbutton your pants when you sit and eat. But dresses are the best. Buy long dresses, so that when you gain weight, they just get shorter. You can put on 20 or 30 lbs, and the dress just simply goes from an evening gown to a mini-skirt”.

Karen agreed, “The first day I started to eat, I wore a dress and it was much easier. Also, you can hide the weight gain much better.”

Tammy scolded her, “Don’t hide anything. You are beautiful at any size. But you wear dresses to be comfortable. Now, I need some more food. I am gonna go back up and get a personal pan pizza and a soft serve ice cream.”

With that, Tammy went back up and Karen finished off her lunch while she was back in line. Karen was shocked when Tammy came back with two pizzas and two soft serve cones.

“These are for you.” Tammy handed one pizza and a cone to Karen. “You need to learn to eat like a piggy fat girl”

“Oh my God, I am already full, I can’t possibly eat this”, Karen protested.

“Do you want me to be your coach or not?” Tammy continued, “You need to learn how to expand that gut properly!”

“Okay, boss!” Karen smiled.

Karen and Tammy were able to finish everything, although Tammy still needed to eat half of Karen’s pizza.

Tammy praised Karen’s efforts, “Great job Karen! It looks like you can really pile away the ice cream, but you struggled a bit with the pizza”.

“Well, I have always had a weak spot for ice cream. I can eat it nonstop!” Karen confessed.

“Well, lean into that girl!”

“Okay, thanks so much. You really have helped me feel more comfortable with this!” Karen then gave Tammy a hug, and with that, they each took their pill and went back to work the rest of the day.

For the next four weeks, Charlie and Tammy settled into a good routine. On work days, Charlie kept going to fast food places, ordering multiple meals. Eating one in the dining room, one in the car, and one at work. By the end of the first month, it did expand to four meals, but he started to notice more folks at the restaurant eating more than one meal, so he felt comfortable eating multiple meals at the restaurant and sneaking away the remainder in the car. Tammy continued to eat at work, dining with Karen, who was filling out nicely and doing a good job keeping up with Tammy.

On weekends they settled back into their old ways. Each would take turns being the feeder for the weekend. They would spend the entire weekend naked eating, having sex, and sleeping. Late night feedings became bigger and more intense, and the bedroom started to resemble more of a kitchen with food stored everywhere. They even put a microwave and toaster oven in the bedroom for when they didn’t want to bother leaving the bedroom to cook
