The Cure : Chapters 5-7 [Weight Gain Fiction]

# The check-up

After a month of this lifestyle, Tammy and Charlie had ballooned out, but differently than before. They had suspected earlier that the fat accumulated differently on the treatment; Tammy’s weight distributing in a healthier pear-shaped way (and very hot to Charlie), and Charlie also getting a better distributed weight. They also had no problem carrying around the extra weight, not getting short of breath and having the strength to walk and move easily. When it came time for the checkup, they were eager to see if this was normal and whether these benefits would continue.

When they arrived for the visit, they noticed a lot had changed at the office. First of all, there were more patients and they had expanded the space into an adjacent empty office. All of the staff looked significantly fatter, and were constantly munching on snacks. The waiting room was stocked with even more fatty and sweet treats including a soft-serve ice cream machine. All of the patients had full plates of snacks in front of them and were filling their bellies as fast as they could.

The nurse called them in and took their vitals.

“Okay, Charlie, you first, step on the scale.” The nurse beckoned.

Charlie stepped on the scale and she read off the numbers. “310 lbs. With a height of 6’, that puts you at a BMI of 42, or Obese Class III. Quite a bit of progress. Looks like you have been following doctor’s orders.” Smiled the nurse.

Tammy then stepped on the scale.

The nurse nearly went pale, and asked her to get on a couple of times, re-zeroing the scale each time. “Well, I guess the scale doesn’t lie. This is pretty incredible. You weigh 265 lbs. You gained 55 lbs in a month. That’s gotta be a record for this office. That’s a BMI of 44 and basically Obese Class III, but really off the charts.”

Charlie laughed, “And every ounce of fat makes her more beautiful”

Tammy blushed but added, “That isn’t a problem is it?”

The nurse quickly reassured her. “Not anymore, but you have to keep taking the pills, or you will get extremely sick with that weight on you.”

After that, they were ushered into Dr. Reynolds office. After a few minutes, he arrived with chart in hand. Dr. Reynolds looked fatter as well. His scrubs were tight and looked like they would burst at the scenes.

Dr. Reynolds started, “Well, I see you have been doing a good job following doctor’s orders. Tammy, looks like after your initial mishap, you have been keeping that belly full with gusto!”

“Yes, I guess so. I guess I am a natural fatty!” Tammy smiled.

Dr. Reynolds agreed, “Yes, certain patients understand what it means to overeat and accept that this is the price you pay for being healthy. Others are still trying to break free of old habits and old societal norms and have a hard time. You guys are lucky. Now, any questions?”

Charlie started, “We seem to notice that we are gaining differently than before. Is that real or just our perception?”

“Oh it’s real. Actually even since the last month, we are learning so much about this treatment. Part of the reason it works well, is that you gain in all the healthy places. Belly fat is the unhealthiest. By gaining more in other places you are getting more good fat on you”.

“And it also looks great!” Charlie chuckled and teased Tammy by gently tapping her ample hips.

Tammy then asked, “It seems I feel better and am able to move better than I did before I gained all this extra weight, and I notice no difference in my ability to move with the extra weight. Will this continue?”

“This another thing we are learning. Apparently, this treatment causes calories to not only go to healthier fat, but also to bone density and muscle mass. In other words, it’s like you’re going to the gym 3 times a day, even though you are just sitting around. We don’t know if there is a limit, but there are patients that are over 500 lbs, and they still are quite mobile. So just keep what you are doing, and you will feel great.”

Charlie said, “So just to confirm, we can eat as much as want, not exercise if we want, and basically let ourselves go?”

Dr. Reynolds scowled a bit, “Let yourself go is an outdated term. You are doing the best for your health. Look on the CDC website. Heart attacks, strokes, diabetes rates have dropped in the last month while the percentage of obese Americans has gone from 42% to 50% in one month. Obesity is no longer a cause of diseases, it is a side effect of the cure. So relax and enjoy the freedom to eat to your heart’s content! I will give you a script for another 12 months of pills and then see you in a year for your routine checkup.”

With that, they left, and stopped at Ruth Chris steakhouse to continue in a new tradition, and had basically the same meal as a month ago, but it seemed that the portions were bigger. They asked the waiter and he confirmed that corporate told them to increase the portions because the competitions were trying to win a higher share of the super-fat market as they termed. It seemed they were the new normal.

The next day at work, Tammy stopped by her boss’s office to see how her one-month appointment went. She walked in to see Karen in the middle of shoving the entire last hostess cupcake in a box of 6 in her mouth. Karen certainly had bloomed out. She was wearing a dress that she had bought shortly after the conversation the two had had earlier in the month. It was two sizes big, but now her breasts were spilling out of it, and it tightly rode half way up her thighs.

“Oh, hi Tammy, how are you” Karen asked with a full mouth and crumbs falling onto her desk, which was already full of crumbs and wrappers.

“Great! Just had my one-month checkup and got a nice clean bill of health. How did yours go?”, Tammy said.

“Mine was surprising. I guess I thought the doctor would yell at me. I went from 130 lbs to 170 lbs, so now I am overweight and gained 40 lbs in one month. Couldn’t imagine that that would be good, but he said to keep up the good work”

Tammy repeated what her doctor said, “Karen, this is new world. Overweight, obese, have no meaning any more. Don’t you feel better?”

“Never felt better, and frankly, I love just being able to eat what I want, when I want. Like this!” Karen said as she opened up another box of cupcakes and shoved the first on in her mouth.

“That’s great, Karen, let’s go to lunch!” Tammy exclaimed.

You are not alone

Over the next few months, Charlie and Tammy started to notice that it was becoming easier to live the lifestyle that they wanted. People were certainly becoming fatter, and at work, more and more people revealed they were on the treatment.

Even Charlie’s lunch trips became easier. One day at Chik-Fil-A he noticed new meal choices, a three sandwich, two shake combo. The small size chicken strips went from 3 to 8 and the large size went from 4 to 12. The small fries were now the size of the large fries, and the large fries were now served in a tub like you would get in the movies for a large popcorn. In the dining room, the booths were moved back from the table, and he felt fine eating all of his meal in the dining room instead of sneaking out to his car. He noticed obese families waddling in and filling their table with food and devouring it in 15 minutes.

In fact, everywhere table manners were changing. Burping was expected as a sign that the food was good. Utensils were used as a last resort because folks wanted to shove as much food in them as fast as possible.

Tammy and Karen became best friends and no longer needed to hide their gluttonly because everyone was starting to eat giant portions. Karen had really enjoyed her new life and was a much happier person. She continued to gain at an astonishing rate, and in 6 months, she was 250 lbs, and her long dress she bought when she started now looked like a party miniskirt.

The real transformation came when the insurance companies saw how much money they could save on people on the Gordiva treatment. Gone were nearly all of the obesity related diseases. They started incentivizing companies by giving discounts for how many employees on Gordiva and how much they supported their eating habits.

After about 6 months, both companies that Charlie and Tammy worked for announced programs to support employees on the Gordiva treatment. Both companies offered the free all-you-can eat lunch and breakfast, and stationed snack stations throughout the building. At Charlie’s company, the kitchen staff would also go to each office with a snack cart twice a day so you could stock your office your workday.

At this point, 75% of the country was what used to be termed, “Morbidly obese”, but this was now meaningless. Because of the treatment, people could continue to be active. It was not uncommon to see a 500 lb person strolling in the park. The only problem was fitting into places. Restaurants redesigned their seating areas. Cars were the only problem, but this merely accelerated the transition to driverless cars. In fact, the extra space from not having the steering wheel and controls gave enough room to put a additional space (and in luxury cars, a refrigerator), to store snacks for your journey.

The country was never healthier. Even beyond the obesity related ailments, suicide and depression were significantly reduced, drug use reduced, and preliminary estimates were that life expectancy was increasing. It turns out that people really want to be fat and eat as much as they can. The old adage, “fat, dumb, and happy,” had turned into a new adage: “Fat, smart, and happy”


“Tammy, Charlie, come with me for your vitals please.” The nurse beckoned. She was about twice as big as when thy last saw her. “Okay, Charlie, let’s see how the year has treated you since we last saw you. Step on the scale.”

Charlie waddled up and stepped on the larger scale that they had just purchased for their larger patients.

“Well, our star patients never disappoint. 475 lbs. That’s a BMI of 64. Well, since you started last year, you gained over 200 lbs. Excellent work! Now your turn Tammy”

Tammy was now a thing of beauty. Her ample breasts draped over her multiple layers of belly that hung over her legs. Her ass moved up her back forming two delicious mounds and a crease ran down from half way up her back sloping down to below her belly overhang. She moved onto the scale with grace as her bones and muscles could easily hold up her massive body.

The nurse again needed to recalibrate the scale because she could not believe her eyes, but the numbers kept coming up the same. “Wow, 470 lbs, 79 BMI! You gained 260 lbs in a year, and you almost caught up to your husband. Amazing! You are a natural”

Tammy blushed, “Well, I have a husband that is a bit of feeder and chubby chaser” as she leaned over and gave Charlie a peck on the cheek.

They then went and spoke with Dr. Reynolds, who now looked like he was pushing 400 lbs himself. It was a brief conversation.

“You guys are model patients. Excellent work! All of your vitals are in the healthy range. How do you feel?” the doctor asked.

“I feel better than I ever did. More energy, totally comfortable. I just wonder how much bigger we can get before these pills can’t counteract the effects of obesity.” Charlie said. Tammy nodded her head in agreement.

“Well, the good news keeps coming. We now have 800 lb patients living normal lives. In fact, there is now a belief that the pills work even better as you get fatter, so the medical establishment is giving the green light to use this treatment for more and more people, even those with milder symptoms. I wouldn’t be surprised if everyone is on the treatment soon.”

With that, they had no more questions, and left for their traditional lunch at Ruth Chris.

When they got there, they saw a lot of changes.

“Welcome to Ruth Chris, please enjoy some bread while we prepare your table”, the host said.

Next to the waiting area was a bin of whole baguettes and everyone in the waiting area each had their own and were eating them non-stop. They both dug in and had one each before their table was ready. Immediately another bin of baguettes was placed next to them for their munching pleasure while they waited for the food.

The cuts of steak were also larger. 48 oz. was the small size, 96 the medium, and 120 oz. was the large size. They both ordered 96 oz. steaks and sides of lobster mac and cheese and calamari. Each side came in a bin the size of a milk crate.

They ate for 2 hours straight and finished it all off with two full cheesecakes and bottle of port wine to toast a great first year of uncontrolled gluttony and many more to come.

The End
