Wild Week chapter 7 (family fun, brother and sister, FF)

CHAPTER 7 : Thursday

Billy awoke without the alarm again on Thursday morning. Rising from the bed, he went to the window and looked through the binoculars at Mrs. James’ window. She wasn’t up yet, of course, but he stared at the rocking chair across the room, seeing her again as she was last night. It seemed unreal now in the light of day, as if he had dreamed the whole thing, but his dick knew it had happened and was standing at attention. He dropped the binoculars and squeezed his boner through his pajamas with a groan, but was brought up short by the sound of a door closing out in the hall.

Turning away from the window, he crossed the room and cracked open the door, peeking out just in time to see Brianna enter the bathroom and close the door. He waited impatiently a few minutes, then crept down the hall to the door. Listening, he could hear the shower running. So, with his heart thumping heavily in his chest, he reached for the knob. A smile crept over his face as the knob turned easily, but just as he began easing the door open, it was violently flung open, jerking the knob out of his grasp, and there stood Brianna, wearing only a white towel and an angry scowl. She grabbed a handful of his pajama top and pulled him into the room, closing the door and pushing him up against the wall.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

“I-I was just coming to use the bathroom,” Billy stammered, cringing against the wall.

“Bull! You’ve been spying on me!” Brianna poked an accusing finger into his chest. When he tried to protest, she cut him off. “I’ve seen you looking at me. Well now you’re going to know what it’s like to be looked at. Pull down your pants.”

“What?” Billy stared at her in shock for a moment, then stood up straight, smoothing out his rumpled shirt, trying to regain some dignity. “No way,” he said, trying to stand even taller. He was at least an inch taller than her. Did she think he was still a little kid she could boss around? Well she had better think again. But all of his confidence was washed away by her next statement.

“Do as I say or I’ll go tell Mama what you’ve been doing,” she said, smiling triumphantly as his face blanched white. She had given a lot of thought as to how to get even with him, and since she was intensely curious about boys down there, this had seemed the perfect solution. “Drop ’em,” she commanded imperiously, her arms folded across her chest, brooking no argument.

Billy felt trapped. After what had happened between Mom and him, he certainly didn’t want her to know about this. Defeated, he slumped back against the wall and began fidgeting with his waistband, eyes on the floor.

“Do it!” Brianna hissed. She watched as he pulled his pajamas down to mid-thigh, bending over so his shirt hung down over his groin. “Stand up straight. Show me your thing,” she said, less forcefully, anticipation in her voice. He slowly straightened his back, revealing his genitals. She studied the sight curiously, his limp penis hanging down, looking like a sausage with a pink helmet on it, and his testicles hanging behind in their crinkled brown bag, all surrounded by dark, wiry hair. It looked so funny she giggled.

“What’s so funny?” Billy demanded indignantly, blushing beet red.

“Well…It’s not very big, is it?” Brianna answered, leaning over slightly for a closer look.

“It gets bigger,” he said defensively.

“So make it bigger,” she said, still staring.

“You can’t just tell it to,” he protested. “You’ve got to do something.”

“Like what?” she asked, looking up at him suspiciously.

“Take off your towel,” he answered.

“Fat chance,” she retorted.

“C’mon, Brie,” he pleaded. “I showed you mine, now show me yours.” Billy could feel his dick starting to respond and he wanted to convince her before she realized that she didn’t have to.

“You’ve already seen mine, haven’t you?” she accused, but she was considering. She did want to see it get bigger, and also she wanted to see his reaction to her breasts, remembering Mama’s words about them. She reached up and loosened the towel, watching his face as she lowered it to her waist and held it there in her fist. She then flipped her long hair back over her shoulders, baring her breasts completely, her brown nipples poking out stiffly. His eyes popped wide, and a stupid grin came over his face. Pleased at his reaction, she looked back down at his penis and gasped, it had already more than doubled in size and was still growing, elongating and thickening, coming up to point straight out at her. It looked huge. She knew about sex, knew where this thing was supposed to go, but couldn’t imagine anything so large would fit into her little hole.

“Can I touch it?” she asked, staring in fascination as it throbbed and twitched, now fully erect.

“If you let me touch your tits,” Billy blurted. She gave him an annoyed glance, then nodded silently. Billy’s hands immediately shot out to her breasts, squeezing and kneading the tender globes of flesh.

“Hey! Take it easy,” Brianna exclaimed. “That hurts.”

“Sorry,” Billy muttered. He began exploring her tits more gently, marveling at how soft the pliant flesh was, and pulling on her nipples, making them even more erect.

Brianna reached out toward his turgid rod with timid fingers, touching it as her brother felt her up. He groaned as she ran her fingertips lightly along the shaft. It was hot and hard, yet the skin was soft and smooth as satin. She touched the head, which was now bloated and purple, smooth and firm like a rubber ball. She reached underneath to explore his dangling testicles, lifting the heavy balls and rolling them around gently in the palm of her hand. Moving her hand back up, she wrapped her fingers around the shaft and squeezed it lightly. Billy groaned again and reached down to grasp her wrist in his hand, and began moving her hand back and forth over the rigid organ.

Brianna looked up at his face. His eyes were closed and his mouth was hanging open. She looked back down as he stroked his penis with her hand, faster and faster, his other hand still pawing at her breast. She was fascinated by the feel of the skin sliding over the rigid core of his penis, becoming hotter and hotter in her hand. Shortly, Billy arched his back, thrusting his hips out toward her, and came with a ragged gasp, his penis spasming in her hand. She jumped back in surprise as the first spurt of hot, white semen erupted from the head, shooting through the air and landing on her belly with a splat. She jerked her hand away from his grasp, watching several more squirts come out.

“God! That’s disgusting!” she blurted. She fumbled with the towel wrapped around her waist, accidentally dropping it to the floor. She quickly bent down and retrieved it, hastily wiping the slimy stuff from her belly as it ran down her skin and into her pubic hair.

Billy slumped back against the wall, pulling his pants back up, looking at her swaying tits as she vigorously rubbed at her muff with the towel. She looked up and saw him watching her, suddenly remembering that she was completely naked. She snatched the towel up to cover herself.

“What are you grinning at?” she demanded angrily. “Get out of here, you filthy animal!” She opened the door and pushed him out into the hall, then slammed and locked the door. Dropping the towel over the rest of the mess on the floor, she rushed across the room and jumped into the still running shower, grabbing up the soap and scrubbing maniacally at her lower abdomen.

Billy stood in the hallway, looking sullenly at the door. “You started it,” he muttered, then turned and went back to his room. He hoped she wouldn’t tell Mom about this.

* * * * *

Madeline was sitting at the kitchen table at 11 o’clock, preparing a large salad for Gayla and herself. She was still in her robe, having just gotten out of the shower, and her hair was still damp. She had lain in bed for a long time after waking, thinking about last night and fantasizing about young Billy. Just thinking about him got her hot, she was so sexually frustrated. It had been so long, and her vibrator just wasn’t enough. She needed a real person to make love to her.

She was putting the lettuce into the salad bowl when she heard Gayla knock on the back door and enter, calling out, “It’s me, Maddie.”

“Hi, Gay,” Madeline answered, “Come on in. There’s iced tea on the counter.” She looked up to see Gayla enter the room. She was wearing a pair of baggy gray sweat pants and a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and the shirttail untucked, hanging loose. She could see right away that Gayla wasn’t wearing a bra, her large breasts swaying freely under the loose fitting shirt.

“Thanks,” Gayla said, going over to the counter and pouring herself a glass from the sweating pitcher of tea, walking gingerly.

Madeline watched her curiously as she came over to the table, moving strangely, almost as if she were walking on eggshells. “Are you okay?” she asked as Gayla carefully settled into a chair with a wince of pain.

Gayla , with a half-smile, gave a little nod of her head and said, “I’m walking a little bow-legged this morning.”

Madeline couldn’t hide the excitement from her voice. “From your bon voyage?” she asked eagerly. Gayla nodded, looking away with a slight blush. “Tell me everything,” Madeline said, putting down the forgotten lettuce and wiping her hands on a cloth.

“You wouldn’t believe it,” Gayla said, shaking her head again. “I still can’t believe it. You would be shocked.”

Madeline leaned toward her in anticipation. “Come on, Gay. Spill.”

Gayla giggled, looking up at her. “Well…You know I was expecting Bill at noon?” Madeline nodded eagerly, and Gayla continued. “He showed up early. And he wasn’t alone.” She paused and sipped her tea, enjoying Madeline’s suspense. Madeline made an impatient noise, and Gayla started up again. “Well, here I was, wearing only that sexy new lingerie outfit and high-heeled shoes, when he comes walking into the bedroom, carrying a camcorder. At first I assumed it was just him, but suddenly there were three more men in the room.”

Madeline gasped. “What happened?”

Gayla shrugged. “They took me down and shaved me.”

“What do you mean?” Madeline asked, confused.

“You know how Bill has been after me to shave my pubic hair and I’ve been stringing him along?”

“Yes,” Madeline replied, beginning to understand. “You told me you were going to do it as a surprise for when he returned.”

“Well, he didn’t give me the chance,” Gayla said, laughing at Madeline’s wide-eyed expression. “They tied my hands behind my back, held me down, and shaved my cunny clean as a whistle.” She paused for a moment, watching Madeline’s incredulous face. “Then they all screwed me,” she remarked casually.

“My God!” Madeline’s jaw dropped. Her face flushed and her pulse roared in her ears. For a moment, she thought she might faint. She caught her breath and gasped, “Who was it?”

“It was Roger,” Gayla told her.

“Your Roger?” Maddie asked. “The one that you…?” Gayla had long ago told her about her encounter with Roger.

Gayla nodded, arching an eyebrow. “That’s the one,” she answered.

“My God!” Madeline exclaimed again. “Does Bill know about what happened?”

“I never thought so, but after yesterday, who knows? If he does, it must not bother him,” Gayla replied. “I guess I didn’t need to feel guilty about it all this time.”

“Who else was there?” Madeline asked. “You said three men.”

“Art Fielding was one. You’ve met him and Consuela at our parties.”

Madeline gasped again. “Art Fielding?” she asked incredulously. “He always seemed so quiet and shy, almost timid, the way his wife ordered him around.”

“I know,” Gayla said with a giggle. “Then there was a guy from the office with them. Just a kid, really, just a little older than Brie. They nicknamed him Holmes, after the porn actor.” At Maddie’s blank look, she explained, “There was this porn star who had a very large cock, and they nicknamed this kid after him because his is just as big, if not bigger.”

“How big?” Madeline asked breathlessly.

“Well…” Gayla said, looking around. She picked up an enormous cucumber from among the vegetables on the table and handed it to Madeline. “It was a little bigger than this.”

Madeline’s mind reeled as she held the cucumber, staring at it in wonder. It was over ten inches long and thick enough that her fingers lacked a quarter inch reaching all the way around it. The biggest one she had ever had was only about seven inches, back when she was still in high school, and at the time, that was too large for comfort. But ever since Gayla had mentioned the size of her husband’s prick years before, and obviously loved every inch, Madeline had been dreaming of something bigger than Eddie’s five and three quarters (he always pointed out the three quarters), and that was why she had bought a large sized vibrator, but this thing made her vibrator look like a pinkie finger. She looked back to Gayla, wide-eyed.

Gayla giggled and nodded. She then began to relate the entire story to Madeline in intimate detail.

Madeline listened breathlessly, perched on the edge of her seat and leaning forward, becoming more and more turned on by each new revelation. When the story ended, she collapsed back with a huge sigh, dropping the cucumber which she had been unthinkingly clutching the entire time. She picked up her tea and gulped thirstily, then held the cold glass to her burning face and closed her eyes. She was sweating profusely, her underarms damp, and her pussy was soaked also, but not by sweat. She had an urge to throw off the terrycloth robe.

“Jesus, I’m going to need another shower,” she muttered. “A cold one.” She looked up as Gayla laughed. She just couldn’t picture her friend being so wanton. Sighing, she said, “It’s no fair. Here I haven’t had a cock in over eight months and you’ve got more than you can handle.”

“Well,” Gayla replied, “as many as I can handle, anyway.” She laughed as Madeline rolled her eyes and made a frustrated noise. “Maddie,” she said after a few moments, “My nipple hurts like hell where Artie bit it. I couldn’t even wear a bra this morning. I was hoping maybe you could take a look at it?”

“Of course,” Madeline said. “Just let me put my nursing hat on.” As Gayla was unbuttoning her blouse, Madeline got up and moved over to stand by her chair. Gayla pulled open her shirt, exposing her magnificent bosom. “My God!” Madeline exclaimed. “What did they do to you, Gay?” There were nearly a dozen vivid purple hickies scattered over Gayla’s large, creamy-white breasts.

“Oh, these?” Gayla looked down at herself. “Holmes did that. And this, also.” She slipped the loose shirt down off her shoulders and indicated the bruises where his strong fingers had squeezed too tightly. “But that’s not what’s bothering me. This is what stings.” She pointed at her right nipple.

Madeline leaned over for a closer look. Glancing back and forth, she compared both nipples. The right one was swollen, and more red than pink like the one on the left. “It is a little inflamed. The skin’s not broken, though.” She pursed her lips and thought for a moment. “I’ve got some ointment that ought to help ease the pain. I’ll be right back.” She left the room, returning shortly carrying a small tube. “This should help,” she said. “Do you want to put it on, or would you like for me to do it?”

“You’re the doctor,” Gayla smiled up at her.

Madeline smiled back and knelt down next to Gayla’s chair. She twisted off the cap and squeezed ointment out of the tube onto her finger. She reached out and carefully applied it to the swollen nipple. Gayla winced initially, but was soon sighing with relief as the cool cream eased the stinging. “Ooh, that feels wonderful,” she purred, closing her eyes contentedly as Madeline worked some of the ointment into the surrounding aureole. After a few moments she asked, “Maddie, do you think this stuff would work on my sore bottom and cunny?”

“Hmm,” Madeline considered, reading the label of the tube. “I think it would be okay, as long as we only use it externally,” she replied.

“Good!” Gayla exclaimed. She stood and untied the drawstring on her baggy pants, letting them drop to her ankles.

Madeline gasped at the sight of Gayla’s shaven mound directly in front of her face. “God, you weren’t kidding, were you?” she breathed, face flushing hotly as she stared at the fat pink labia protruding clearly from the hairless slit.

Gayla giggled and asked, “How do you want me?”

Madeline pulled her attention back to the task at hand. “Let’s see, I think if you turn around and bend over,” she answered. Gayla turned and bent over the table, flipping her shirttail up onto her back. Madeline studied her friend’s ample buttocks for a moment, then said, “I need you to spread your legs a little.”

Gayla shifted her feet as wide apart as the pants bunched around her feet would allow. “How’s that?” she asked.

Madeline bent down and peered between Gayla’s slightly parted ass cheeks. “A bit wider,” she instructed hoarsely, getting even hotter.

“Just a sec,” Gayla said. She pulled her feet free of the sweat pants and kicked them under the table, leaving her clad only in her unbuttoned shirt and her white tennis shoes. She then leaned her elbows on the table and spread her feet wide apart. “How about now?” she asked.

“Fine,” Madeline gulped. She squeezed the medicine onto her trembling finger, then, taking a deep breath, she reached out to smear it on Gayla’s sore, slightly red asshole. She felt Gayla shudder. “Are you okay?” she asked.

“Mm-hmm!” Gayla sighed. “It feels better already.”

Madeline spread the cream around the puckered orifice, then squeezed more from the tube onto a different finger and brought it up to touch Gayla’s hairless vulva. She stared dreamily as she slowly rubbed the slick ointment around the labia. At that moment, she thought her friend’s shaved pussy was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It was so different from her own, which was just a red slit. You couldn’t even see her labia unless you spread it open, whereas Gayla’s fat pink lips stood out and opened, like the petals of a flower. She wanted to lean forward and kiss it, thrust her tongue into the hot moistness of the interior and taste the sweet juices. She touched one soft petal, tracing it lightly, daring to run her finger across Gayla’s clit, and saw goose bumps rise on the white flesh of her ass. “Gay?” she asked.

“Hmm?” Gayla answered absently, lost in the soothing sensations.

Madeline hesitated a moment as she finished applying the ointment, then asked quietly, “Would you do mine?”

“What?” Gayla asked, standing and turning to look down at her kneeling friend.

Madeline glanced up at her, then looked back down to her hairless crotch. “Would you shave mine like yours is? I think it looks beautiful.”

Gayla looked at her doubtfully. She realized she had been teasing Maddie, getting her worked up even though she knew how long Maddie had gone without sex, and now she began wondering how far she was willing to go.

“Say you will!” Madeline urged, breaking into Gayla’s thoughts. She jumped up and looked hopefully at Gayla, who could only smile and shrug her shoulders. Madeline’s face lit up excitedly, interpreting that as a yes. “I’ll go get the stuff! You just wait right there!” She hurried from the room, almost tripping over a chair in her haste.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ijjd1w/wild_week_chapter_7_family_fun_brother_and_sister


  1. It just gets better and better, keep going on with the story and keeping me in the loop

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