A secret Reddit account, the end of a relationship, and the start of a naughty submissive adventure. [Submissive] [M/F]

Over the last year or so you have been pretty active on reddit. You check r/popular, browse /r/DIY, and you always comment on posts with cute dogs. Your boyfriend, Tim, was the one that introduced you to reddit. He even helped you set up your account /u/SouthernBella. It seems fitting since your names is Bella and he says you have a bit of that southern bell charm. What Tim didn’t know is that a few months later you created your own account. One where you could comment and post without him knowing. You never thought he would find out about /u/SouthernSub. …but he did find out… and that was the start of the end.

You never thought it was a big deal. So what if you fantasized about kinky sex. It was just that… a fantasy. You were fairly satisfied with you and your Tim’s sex life. It was very traditional sex, but you guys still fucked a few times a week. That’s more sex than most of your friends were having. But then, three months ago, when Tim found your reddit open with the SouthenSub account logged in he got angry. He called you a liar and basically claimed you were cheating on him. He said your post comments were disgusting and that he wasn’t sure he really knew who you were.

So that was the end. A three year relationship down the drain because you boyfriend thought your fantasies were “disgusting”. On one hand you were pissed! It was just some stupid comments on a stupid website. …but on the other hand you were kind of relieved. Yes, they were just words on a website, but deep down you knew there was a little truth to those words. You had secretly desired for more from your sex life. …and reddit had showed you what those desires were.

You wanted to serve. You wanted to please someone for the sake of pleasing. You wanted to be used, used for someone else’s pleasure. Your boyfriend was always so concerned about your feelings and comfort. You wanted someone to not care about your feelings or pleasure. You wanted someone to fuck you however they wanted and not give a shit how you felt about it. It was reddit and all its kinky subreddits that had been responsible for bring all these desired to the surface.

So now here you are. Single, sexless, and frustrated as hell. You have always read the kinky personals on reddit, but you have never dared respond to any, but tonight is the night! You are going to muster up the courage and find a personals post to reply too.

You open your /r/southensub account and pull up /r/dirtyr4r. You click on the search bar and type “Chicago” and hit search. Pages of results come up. Nearly all of them are M4F. You decide to only look at the ones that are near your age and agree on anything from 26 to 34. You click “most recent” to filter the results and start reading.

The first one you click is titled “28 [M4F] Chicago – Free tonight, lets fuck all night.” There is only one line description and no picture… easy pass. The next one you click is titled “32 [M4F] Chicago – Doctor with a BWC needs to please someone tonight”. A Doctor you think… that could be fun. You read the three paragraph long description and am quickly turned off. “… let me please you… …you will be sooo satisfied when I am done… …I am a very generous lover…” Nope, nope, nope, not what you want. You want to be the one doing the pleasing. You read bout 10 more posts and decide to maybe just call it quits. It was a good fantasy for the night, thinking you were actually going to respond to someone. Then one last post catches your eye.

“42 [M4F] Chicago – In town for the weekend and need to fuck someone.” The bluntness of it is what intrigues you. You click it and see one paragraph. “…In town for the weekend… ….will be busy with work, but could use a stress reliever… …let me fuck you and send you on your way…” This looks interesting you think. ..Oh!, and a picture. It’s just his abs, but they do look nice! You look at his username /u/travelingbusinessdom.

You click “reply to /u/travelingbusinessdom”. After staring at the blank message box for a couple minutes you think.. what the hell, odds are he wont respond. I’ll just type something short and see what happens.

“Hey TravelingBusinessDom. I read your post on Dirtyr4r and it sounded interesting. I am 27 and live in Chicago. Would you like to grab a coffee and see if we click?” Short and sweet you think.

Not 5 minutes later and you get a reply…

“Hello SouthernSub. Yes, lets meet. I will be arriving into Chicago tomorrow and staying at the Peninsula Hotel. Do you want to meet for coffee around noon?”

Holy-moly he responded! Your even shaking a little. You told yourself you would reply and see what happened… well her replied back! Without much thinking you hit reply and shakenly type out “Sure, 12:00 sounds good, see you then!” and hit Send! You cant believe you just set up a date with a stranger!

Later that night, around 2am your phone beeps. It’s a new message from TravelingBusinessDom.

The message is from me, Travelingbusinessdom. “A little change of plans. I now have meetings back to back in the morning and I am not sure what time they will be over. I am hoping they will be over by 1pm. My phone will be off the entire morning, so to save time, just meet me at my room instead. Stop by the front desk, give them your name and they will give you a key.”

Well this is not ideal is your first though! You’re really not sure about meeting me in my room opposed to somewhere public. You don’t even know me! But its also kind of turning you on. The message was so direct. It wasn’t “Can we instead just meet in my room…” it was “…meet me in my room.” It was like an order. You click “reply” and type “Yes, I will get the key and meet you in your room at 1.” You cant believe you just replied that, what has gotten into you!

You toss and turn that night thinking about tomorrow morning. You cant fall asleep wondering how tomorrow will go, playing different scenarios over in your head. As your are playing scenes in your head your hand drifts between your legs. You are wet…like really wet. You knew the idea of tomorrow was turning you on, but you cant recall the last time your pussy has been this wet. You cant help but start rubbing your clit. within seconds you are climaxing. You never climax this quick! As your body starts to come down from your temporary climatic high, you look over at the clock. Its 4am. You must get some sleep. What seems like a few seconds later your alarm starts sounding. Its 10am and time to get up.

It’s now 12:00 and you are finally ready and head to the hotel. You have packed a few things in your over-sized purse including, a makeup touch-up kit, a toothbrush, three condoms, a t-shirt, a pair of lounge-wear shorts, and a change of panties. Your not quite sure if this is just a quick – arrive, fuck, and leave situation or if you will be hanging out some of the day. You also figure the summer dress you put on will work if we ended up going out for drinks or something.

You arrive at the hotel around 12:50 and head to the desk to pick up the keycard. As you walk through the lobby you can feel your stomach turning with nerves. You feel like everyone looking at you knowing you are just there to fuck a random stranger you met online. But then you tell yourself… no, this is normal. I’m just a stranger getting my key from the front desk… no one knows anything. You approach the receptionist and say “I’m Bella Thomas, I’m here to pick up a key.”

After what seems like five minutes of random jabbing on the keyboard the receptionist looks up and says “kingsize for one night correct?” Confused, but not wanting to discuss your situation or draw attention, you just say “umm.. yeah..”. The receptionist hand you your card and says “Room 1023. Check out is at 10:00am tomorrow.”

You step away from the desk a little confused. You thought you were just getting a spear key, but she made it sound like you were just checking in. This doesn’t seem quite right… so you head to the room to see what is going on.

As you get to room 1023 you use the key to unlock the door and step in. After a quick glance around it looks like no one has been in the room at all. You take a step in, see there is a bathroom on your left, take a couple more steps in and it opens up to the rest of the room. You set you purse down on the bed still looking around for a sign of someone having been in there. Nothing. It looks freshly cleaned by room service. You walk over to the little desk and that’s when you notice an envelope. Written on the front of the envelop is only “SouthernSub”. You open the envelope and read the card.

“Hello again. I’m glad you were able to check in alright and find the room. I got this room just for you… or well… us. I have another room which my company booked for me, but it is right next to my coworkers. Since I need to be discrete about this, I booked you your own room on a different floor.

It is also time for me to confess something… after we talked I snooped around on your reddit profile and read a few of your reply comments. It became quite clear from your comments that you are a bit of a submissive. …maybe even more that ‘a bit of a submissive’. This was perfect though because I am quite dominant… hence the “dom” in my username. With that said, I decided to make a couple ground rules for our time together. …rules which you will obey.

1. You are to address me as Sir at all times while we are together.
2. What I say goes. No complaining, no objections and no negations. (We can set some limits and a safe word once I arrive.)
3. Last, but not least, you are NOT allowed to wear any pants, skirts, or panties while in this room. Your lower half may not be covered at all while here.

It’s just three rules, and I assume none will be an issue. I will arrive back when my meeting is over which should be around 2pm. Make your self comfortable, but no TV. I want you to keep focused on the anticipation of my arrival. …no distractions.

See you soon!”

You drop the letter and are not sure what to think! Your first thought is ‘What did I get myself into!?’ But at the same time you feel oddly turned on. That letter was so demanding. Giving me rules! Ordering me around! It’s exactly what you have fantasized about! But its just that… it has always just been a fantasy, not something you thought would ever come true! Without consciously thinking about it you notice your hand has drifted down between your legs again and realize you really are turned on by this.

You decide this might be your only opportunity to live out this fantasy and that you should give it a go. After rereading the letter and looking at the clock you see you have about 30 minutes before my arrival. First things first… you reread rule number three. “3) Last, but not least, you are NOT allowed to wear any pants, skirts, or panties while in this room.” Without thinking too much, you reachdown under your dress and slide your panties off. You look down and see your dress hanging down to your knees. You think about the second part of rule three “Your pussy may not be covered up at all while in here.” You decide that just the panties off isn’t really obeying the rule. You need to figure out a way to keep yourself completely uncovered. You decide the only way to do that without completely taking your dress off is to tuck the bottom part of the dress up. You manage to get it to stay folded up by tucking the bottom hem under your bra strap. You walk to the bathroom mirror and look at your reflection. Your dress comes to just under your belly button. You feel extremely exposed! Even being alone in this room you feel you are TOO exposed. Your pussy is in full view, this is crazy! You really want to play this out though. You glance one more time in the mirror at you exposed bottom half, agree that this is crazy, but you leave the bathroom ready to wait for my arrival

You sit on the edge of the bed and wait. 2:00 comes and nothing… 2:15… nothing. You are beyond nervous at this point. All you can think about is what I am going to be like and if you are making a horrible decision by staying here. Just as you are thinking that you could still get up now, and leave, you hear it. You hear a keycard sliding in and out of the door lock, a little unlock chirp, and the door start to open! You jump to your feet. From your angle, you cannot see the door, but as you hear the door shut and start to see me step around the corner your hand instinctively come together to cover your exposed body.

I walk in and see you standing there. Dress hiked up and your hands covering your pussy. I also quickly see how beautiful you are. I am surprised and delighted. Delighted that you are so attractive, but also that you followed my instruction. Well… almost all my instructions. Your panties are off, but you are standing with your hands covering yourself. Then I see a little smile come across your face and I think you must like what she sees too!

I take a couple steps forward and look directly down at your hands. I slowly shake my head in disappointment. You realize what I am referring too and start to blush. You look downwards a little ashamed and slowly move yours hands away from yourself exposing your recently shaven pussy. You can’t believe you are showing yourself to a stranger! You are in a strange room, bottomless, inches away from someone you have never met, what have you gotten yourself into?!

(End of part 1. Let me know if you want to see a part 2?! I’ve never really written a story before, so please excuse all the grammer mistakes! I’ve got lots of fun ideas for part 2 though!)

*Thanks for the comments. I just wrote part two. I will reread and correct some of the spelling and whatnot and post it tomorrow!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iiz334/a_secret_reddit_account_the_end_of_a_relationship


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