Demonic Curse, Pt 1

She was so innocent, so sweet. How could this happen to her? She was so confident about being able to contain the magics of the unearthed talisman, knew it wouldn’t corrupt her. Was eager for the boost to her skills it was promising. She said she could hear it’s whispers as she held it, that should have been enough of a hint to throw it to the ground and destroy it! Any cleric should have had the sense to discard such vile filth. Perhaps that’s just my paladin training.

As soon as she placed the cursed object over her head, allowing the amulet to sit atop her bosom, her robes began to burn. She shrieked, reaching her hands up to her head as light emitted from what little skin was exposed from her modest garb. More and more light blinded our group as her clothing burned, and our group was knocked to the floor by a sudden concussive blast. I had to shield my eyes from the bright light coming from where our cleric stood, still screaming as the relic consumed her.

When the light subsided, and our surroundings returned to normal, I looked to our fellow companions. Galvin, our brave ranger, and Lichfiel, our stout dwarf, had both been incinerated. No telling where Smirnoff, our sorcerer went. Probably teleported himself to a tavern to wait this whole thing out, or drink the memory of his late party away. Coward. He was the one who suggested Racia use the talisman in the first place. If I make it out of here, he’s the first one I’m going after. But, guess I should focus on the matter at hand. How to help my cleric? My eyes focus to where she stood, and my jaw drops.

Racia no longer wears her modest cleric robes. While her figure was once covered, I can now see the impressive womanly form they hid. She stands only 5’6″ tall, fairly short for an elf, but her breasts are the size of fully ripe cantaloupes, hanging freely from her chest! Her alabaster skin is softly rippling with muscle, and her buttocks is rounded and delightful. I feel a stirring in my loins, and feel compelled to look away, but notice inscriptions on my clerics flesh. They look to be the same as those on the talisman, which I now notice is missing. There’s writing on her chest, over her womb, on her pelvis, down her legs, on her forehead, and along her arms. Even one foreign letter between her supple breasts.

I rise to my feet slowly, the new Racia watching me as I move. She smiles at me, the most horrifically beautiful smile I’ve ever beheld. I ready my shield, only now realizing it’s only half there! The rest has been charred away. My sword has survived the blast, as has my armor, but the rest of my equipment is effectively destroyed. My eyes begin to burn a little as Racia takes a step towards me. Her breasts bounce with the movement, her ass juggling at the away of her hips.

*Hic “you’re probably mad at me, and you’re right to be, but if you want to survive this, and get some of our team back you need to listen,” comes a familiar – albeit drunken – voice in my head. “I’m seeing what you see, ‘nd wowie, *hic. Whoda think that’s what was hiding under them robes, huh?”

A fireball burns away the remaining pieces of my shield as I sloppily block and dodge away, distracted by the beauty before me, and the craziness in my head. “If there’s a point to this intrusion get to it, I’m a little busy handling your mess!”

*Slurp”Alright, alright. The marking on her body talk about the curse. Something about ‘purest seed to undo the deed.'” *Burp “You’re going to have to fuck her.”

“I don’t think she’s in the mood for that type of activity just now!” I exclaim, diving behind a rock. This is ridiculous, I’ve conquered dragons, trolls, giants, any manner of large and powerful beasts, and now I’m running for cover from my short, naked companion?

“Her inscriptions also detail that she’s been cursed by a lust demon. Not sure if it’s in her or just controlling her, but she’s always in the mood. Just remove your armor, and go for it.”

“You’re insane! She’s actively trying to kill me!”

“She’s far more powerful than you, Mr. Brave Hiding behind a rock Paladin. It’s not like you have many options here. You can strip and fuck her right, or try to fight and see where that gets you.”

“Or my powerful sorcerer can get off his ass and rejoin the battle!”

*Hic”Smirnoff out”

“Damn you! I swear to all the gods I will hunt you down and end your pathetic existence when this is over!”

Just then I hear footsteps and sizzling over my head. I look up, and see Racia standing over me, looking down between her breasts as a fireball burns in her right hand, a sinister smile spread across her face. The slit between her legs is parted slightly, and noticably wet. I try to bury my shame for taking in such details during this perilous situation, and roll to the left, using my enchanted sword to deflect her firey attack. With a few yards between us I rise to my feet, and allow my armored trousers to fall. “What do I have to lose, in a losing battle,” I think. Racia leaps from the top of the rock, landing hard on one knee. She looks at me as my breastplate falls to my side, followed by my bracers. Only my boots remain as she strides over, eyes wide, no attack prepared. “The drunkard was right?” I wonder…

As my cleric stands in front of me taking in my muscled build, I can’t help but admire our differences. She’s shorter than me, clearly. I’m 6’7″, tall for a human, with short blonde hair. My sky blue eyes are lighter than her deep purple ones, even now with flecks of red polluting them. Her alabaster skin is darker now, the red spreading throughout like a sunburn. My own flesh is a light beige, coursing with muscle, littered in scars. Each one a proud memory of a previous battle, or bitter failure.

Her eyes have clearly settled below my missing belt, where my erection points at her naval. She reaches her right hand out, still smouldering from the flames she was throwing just moments before, claws protruding from the fingernails, and grasps my manhood fondly. Many men would boast proudly of their member. As a Paladin I shall speak honestly of my truly epic obelisk. It’s a solid foot in length, from base to tip. A true crime to women everywhere that I’m forbidden from sharing such a treasure. The girth is astonishing, guaranteed to pleasure any who are impaled upon it’s impressive length. I cannot stress enough, the greatest of goddesses wept when I swore my oaths of celibacy. It’s a gift of all creatures I am the warrior tasked with taming this demonic curse, and restoring my cleric, I take not this task lightly. No Paladin should look to break any sacred oath, but to protect the lands, I shall do what I must. Smirnoff decreed it, and who am I to argue with the wise counsel of a noble wizard?

During my inner monologue, my demon control compatriot had dropped to her knees. Before I could act her mouth opened, and her head lunged forward, sending my cock plunging to the back of her throat. There it encountered some form of resistance, but her tongue began swirling around, hitting every nerve and spot that brought out the most pleasurable sounds I never knew I could make. My hands arrived at either side of Racia’s head, and she repositioned herself a little, pushed a bit more, and my throbbing shaft slid even further. My left hand moved down along her face and found her throat, and as I pistoned in and out of her face I could feel a very noticeable lump pass my fingers. Gods! I’m fucking her throat! – I thought.

It was such an incredible sensation that it pushed me over. I pushed in as far as I could, holding her head tight to my body as my cock erupted down her throat. Pulse after pulse of my seed shot straight down her gullet, filling her stomach. Her hands gripped my rear as I came, her tongue lapping at my balls, mouth sucking all the while. As my climax subsided, and I began to withdraw, she kept sucking. Her hands and mouth made sure to drain every last drop from my spent shaft, keeping the head inside her greedy mouth as I fell to the ground.

Racia began fondling my balls with me sitting on the ground, still slurping away at my cock head. As it became flaccid she grew encouraged, trying harder to keep it going. Her head lurched forward, taking all of me inside once more. At this I realized she was considerably less red. Her fingers are also not clawed anymore, thankfully. I placed both hands on her head and turned it to look at me. The markings on her face had vanished. Is she regaining control? – I wonder – Maybe that’s why she’s trying so much harder?

This revelation brought about a renewed vigor in me, and my cock began to rise. Well, that and the attractive woman working between my legs. I grabbed her by the hair and pushed her onto her back. She was more red lower on her body, and the markings were more prevalent, so maybe we’ll have to go again? How many more times? I position myself between her legs, which open eagerly. Her womanhood spreads to me invitingly, dripping with anticipation. I line my cock up and slide forward sending it along her body, teasing her sensitive clit. I pull back and push down, wiggling my fat cock head in her entrance. Her head bucks back and she moans throatily. It sounds like her voice, bit mixed with that of another. I tease her a little more and her hands ignite, she screams, “FUCK ME!!!” I grip her hip with one hand, and guide my cock in with the other. Inch by inch I disappear into her slick opening, marveling at every sensation. Both of my hands grip her hips tightly as I fill her with my meat. We both put our heads back as the pleasure consumes each of us. Her warmth and tightness surrounding me, my thickness steadily penetrating her. At last I bottom out, my sword fully sheathed.

She takes a deep breath, I’m still holding mine. My stiff cock throbs inside it’s new surroundings as they conform around it. My hands are tighter on her hips, possibly too tight. I loosen my grip and slide them down, caressing her ass in one, a thigh in the other. She moves her legs a little, slowly closing them behind me. Her butt starts moving on the ground, back and forth. The new sensation makes me moan along with her. I start pulling out a little to match her movements. Pushing forward in rhythm with her. My motion becomes bigger and harder, more forceful as we get more accustomed to each other’s bodies. What was a couple of inches in and out becomes four, becomes six, becomes eight.

We continue on for a while, her juices soaking into the dirt. At some point her legs found their way to either side of my head. With this position I find myself able to pull almost all the way out, thrust all the way back in, and repeat. I have my hands on her back for support, and lick a nipple every few thrusts. I feel my orgasm approaching. Her legs leave my shoulders, returning to my hips. They lock behind me as her back arches and she cries out in a long moan. Her pussy convulses, the inner walls tightening, constricting around my shaft, drawing me deeper into her. I press her into me as my orgasm starts, and rope after rope of warm seed floods into her spasming folds. Her climax increases, her moans intensify. Her breasts roll on her chest as her arched back flails in uncontrolled pleasure.

I push her down and keep thrusting, in and out. Lightly, just a few inches as my cock drains and our juices mix. Her pussy continues milking my throbbing cock as it works inside her, maximizing her orgasm. I can see the red fade softly, her beautiful alabaster skin returning to normal, the symbols fading slowly as our mutual pleasures subside. I look down at our connected bodies, her pink vagina pulsing around my cock still buried inside her. I use my fingers to tease the sensative bud atop her organ, which elicits further spasms all across her body. I stop and she lays back, her arms folded up to her chin, covering her large breasts.

The symbols are still visible, but less clear. The red is gone, and when she eventually opens her eyes there is no trace of the red flecks suggesting demonic possession. I pull my used member out of her satisfied opening, which causes her to spasm slightly again. It seems to snap her back to reality. She looks around, and takes in the scene around her. “Where are my clothes??” she asks.

“You don’t remember? Anything?”

“I remember putting the talisman on, and feeling the powers surging through me, but next thing I knew was just pleasure, and now the ground under my naked body, so where are my clothes?”

This should be a fun explanation… “When you put on the talisman it was absorbed into you, and you were possessed by a powerful demon. It destroyed Galvin and Lichfiel, and Smirnoff escaped. He helped me find a way to… restore you.”

“How was that? And where are your clothes?!”

She seems to only be getting angrier. Seems like I’ve saved her, by apparently taking someone against their will. Great. “It was a lust demon? It required the pure seed to undo the curse, so I had to have intercourse with you.”

“That’s why we’re both naked? Why my throat is sore? Why my pussy is throbbing? Why this goop is leaking out of me?!”

In all my years of adventuring and saving people, I’ve never felt so small. Truly thought I was doing right, never crossed my mind I could be in the wrong here. “yes… I thought it was the only way.”

“Did you try my ass yet?”


She loses all anger in her tone, and says “Well, we better be sure.” With a seductive look she gets on her hands and knees and puts her wonderful, heart shaped ass in my face. “What are you waiting for, hero? More of an invitation?”

My erection returns painfully hard, and I take my place behind her. “Way to deflate my ego.”

“Looks like I’ve inflated something else. Thanks for exorcizing that demon for me. Now finish the job!” With a wink she turns her head forward and I ready my cock at her tightest hole. I press firmly and it pushes slowly in. She cries out as I break through, but tells me she’s ok.

As I continue forward gently I can see the sweat forming on her flesh. I stop every couple of inches so her body can adjust. Pulling out slightly and then pressing firmly forward, my hand on her hip guiding the progress. It’s so tight back here, I’m sure to cum before I even bottom out! Her hands are gripping fistfuls of dirt, and I can tell by her breathing that her teeth are clenched. Almost buried all the way, just a few more inches. She moans sharply, what could have been a scream. I stop, “are you all the way in?” she asks.

“Almost, just a couple more inches.”

She pushes back hard, burying me the rest of the way inside her ass. She screams again, resting her face in the dirt, her breasts grazing the ground. Her hands unclench the earth as they lay beside either of her legs. She huff’s, sending a plume of dirt away from her mouth. “How about now?”

“Yes” I sigh, my hands on both hips firmly.

“Good. Let’s just stay like this for a minute.”

My cock throbbed lightly, enjoying the prospect of staying buried inside such a wonderful ass. I rubbed her cheeks lustily, conflicted about these new sensations within. I had never had these feelings so strongly before, and now I didn’t see any way of going back. Probably couldn’t be a white Paladin anymore, could I dawn a different color armor and keep having sex? Would Racia be interested? I suppose I could find others…

Racia hoisted herself up onto her arms and said “Ready!” With that I withdrew a little and pushed back in. Her sphincter held tight with each movement, making my pleasure incredible. My cleric unleashed a mixture of a moan and a grunt, which was an improvement from the scream so I tried again. This time pulling out further and pushing all the way back in. My balls swung up and slapped her dripping pussy. She moaned loudly erasing any pause that might have taken please as I withdrew again and repeated. My quick pace continued slapped her wetness with my balls, which caused her to orgasm. Her arms buckled, and if not for my hands holding her hips she would have fallen completely to the dirt. Her breasts began dragging as I continued sliding in and out of her battered ass, which became easier with each thrust. The coarse texture of the ground on her nipples and constant assault on her pussy, matched with the deep penetration in her ass drove her orgasm to new heights as she drenched my balls in her juices. With one final push I dove all the way in, sending my manhood as deep into her as it would go. My cock twitches and spasms, then begins to pulse as yet another orgasm sends hot seed coursing into her forbidden depths. She moans into the ground as I empty myself into her, holding her ass into my pelvis as my orgasm pulses away inside her again.

When we separate, and I look down upon her, I see that the markings have fully faded. “How do you feel?” I ask.

“Amazing…” she responds. “Oh, you mean about the possession? Totally in control. And actually a bit more powerful, too.”

“Really? Great. Because we’ve got a sorcerer to hunt.”

“Can we rest first? I’m a bit wobbly right this second.” she says.

“Yeah, probably a good idea. Might as well give him a head start, let him get more drunk anyway. But we should try to find some sort of clothing, otherwise we’ll probably go another round or two when we’re rested,” I respond with a smirk, sitting down by her.

“Or we could just not, and see what happens,” she replies with a coy smile, curling up next to me.

“We could do that,” I ponder aloud, laying back. My half hard erection making any kind of rest difficult. “We could do that…”
