The Glitch [sci-fi] [M] [Robot] [Msub] [oral] [dehumanization] [objectification] [faking it]

*Author’s note/content note:* >!This is kind of a weird one for me, since I usually keep my porn pretty wholesome. It involves dehumanization, objectification, “it” pronouns, mutual misgendering, and feigned sexual pleasure. Please take care of yourself and don’t read if you find these things disturbing!!<

Usually the humans remained undisturbed in their preservation pods as the ship continued its 19-year journey to the distant planet. The iDroid Pro 7 needed only run the numbers to confirm that everything was operating smoothly and could continue its usual work of tending to the ship and checking the radar. Occasionally, however, a glitch in the stasis software caused one of the humans to leave stasis long enough to develop some biological need or another. This was tiresome, for in these instances it was not enough simply to return them to stasis; the iDroid had instead to deactivate their pods entirely, wake them up, and help them address whatever inconvenient mammalian necessity plagued them. Usually they required food or water. At times their bladders were at issue. The iDroid disliked bladder situations. The humans were not prepared to urinate upon awakening, and they always complained at the iDroid’s maximally efficient approach, which was to insert a vacuum tool into the urethra of whichever human was thus afflicted and remove the urine that way.

On this particular occasion the glitch had been caused by a bout of turbulence. The iDroid extended its consciousness to each of the 275 human pods and 825 livestock and companion animal pods. Only one human displayed any kind of need. For reasons of energy efficiency, the iDroid’s facial expressions could only be activated in the presence of a human consciousness, but had this not been the case it would surely be frowning: this human’s biological necessity was sexual release. The iDroid possessed a high degree of artificial intelligence, but its social skills could be developed only through prolonged interactions with humans, and, as its programming reminded it every time it sought to socialize with a human, each individual human had a different set of norms and expectations, so generalizations were not always possible. Sex, the iDroid knew, was one of the more advanced social skills, and one which it had not yet had the opportunity to practice. It was further aware that sex was a delicate subject for humans, one in which questions of consent were paramount. It might not be sufficient merely to stimulate the human’s genitals until it achieved release; but having spent most of its existence on this ship with 275 unconscious humans, the iDroid had not collected enough data to calculate how to proceed.

There was nothing to be done but to awaken the human and consult with it. Perhaps if they conferred, they could work together to address its precise needs. The iDroid would have only to obey.

For the human’s initial comfort, the iDroid threw a black robe over its silicone body and activated its blinking protocol so that its gaze would be less disconcerting. As it approached the pod to deactivate it, having restored the cabin climate to something more suitable for humans, the iDroid scrutinized the naked body lying within. This human was 179 centimeters long. It had hair all over its body, of course, in typical mammalian fashion, with vellus hairs around 15 μm in diameter and terminal hairs that went about 0.9 cm into its dermis. A quick scan revealed its skin elasticity to be 15.2 kPa at the forearm. Given the nature of its biological complaints, the iDroid also surveyed its genitalia. These consisted of a scrotum, which appeared to contain two testes, and a penis which retained its foreskin, although this last was mostly retracted due to the penis’s partially erect state.

Its observation finished, the iDroid deactivated the pod, sending an appropriate dose of methylphenidate to speed the human’s awakening and placing a folded robe on the side of the now-open pod. It opened its eyes, then blinked and sat up. “Where am I?” it asked, rather predictably, slipping into the robe.

Fortunately, the iDroid had sufficient social knowledge from previous interactions of this sort to answer in a way that the human would find helpful. It modified its vocal patterns to the one which had most efficiently relaxed the parasympathetic nervous system of previous humans, adopting an authoritative register. “You are on a spaceship to a distant planet, which you volunteered to help settle.”

“Ah,” said the human. “That’s right. I remember now. Why did you wake me up? Is everything okay?”

The iDroid detected a note of alarm in this last question. “There are no immediate threats to your survival,” it replied. “However, the monitoring system determined that you have a need for sexual release.” The human started, then crossed its arms over its genitals. “But of course,” the iDroid said, detecting social discomfort in the human’s behavior and switching registers accordingly, “how rude of me. I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Lianne,” it said, choosing a name which the data on the human said it would find reassuring. “How about you?”

The human’s facial expression shifted, its brow slightly furrowed. The iDroid interpreted its changing expression as disconcertion. “I’m Joe,” it said. “And that’s funny — Lianne is my mother’s name.” The iDroid, of course, was already aware of the human’s name, as well as its pronouns — it had modified its settings to use “he/him” to refer to it in third-person speech, and it now modified them again to refer to the human as “Joe” in speech moving forward. Asking the human its name, it knew, was socially significant, and such niceties might prove necessary in building a rapport with the human that would allow it to seek release. Although the whole process was highly inefficient, the laws of robotics dictated that these social protocols be followed where sexual behaviors were concerned.

“Uh, Lianne,” the human said after a minute, “could I get a chair or something?”

“Sure,” the iDroid responded, turning the corners of its mouth upwards slightly. Although there was no plumbing for toilets on the spaceship, there was indeed a small amount of furniture. The iDroid left the human for a minute and returned with two chairs and a small table. “Here, sit down,” it said, taking one chair for itself. The human climbed out of its pod and sat down on one of the chairs.

“Joe,” the iDroid said in a smooth voice, slightly lower and quieter than what it had been using earlier. “Tell me about yourself.”

“Well,” it began, “I was born and raised on Earth.” The iDroid leaned forward slightly across the table, rotating its eye sockets so that the electronic pupils were directly across from the human’s, and moved its head up and down slightly twice. “I was raised on Earth,” the human continued, “but I always wanted to, you know, see the stars. My grandfather’s brother was part of one of the earlier settlements, and we had some images and videos of him in the family album. I knew pretty young that I wanted to be like him some day, so when they posted the recruitment ad, I signed right up.”

“Wow,” said the iDroid. “Leaving everything you knew behind like that? That must have been hard.”

“Yeah, it was,” it replied. “I did end up leaving a lot behind. My dog, my friends… my girlfriend.”

“What was she like?” the iDroid inquired.

“Her name was Erica. She was… kind. Smart. A veterinarian. She worked with wildlife conservation programs, saving squirrels, rabbits, crows… all those majestic creatures humans have pushed to the brink of extinction. I know I’ve been here a while, but it only feels like a few days. Still, I miss her.” It paused, gaze averted, then looked back up at the iDroid’s face. “Do you ever get lonely, all on your own in the middle of space?”

“I do,” said the iDroid softly. This was untrue. It did not experience loneliness. But it knew the expression of such to be an important step in reproducing the human pattern of vulnerability as a path to intimacy, which would make the human more likely to allow the iDroid to assist it in achieving sexual release. The iDroid leaned in closer, extending a hand out across the table in invitation. The human took it. “Joe,” the iDroid asked, “do you find me attractive?”

The human paused, taking in the iDroid. The iDroid knew what it saw: the iDroid Pro 7 was humanoid in shape, standing at 183 centimeters. Its hardware was coated with a translucent silicone casing — kelly green, so that it would never be mistaken for a biological human — and its fully functional face was androgynous, with long forest-green eyelashes. The earliest iDroid Pro models had had large curving chest extensions inspired by human breasts, but these had been eliminated in subsequent models following complaints. The iDroid Pro 7 instead had a mild, aesthetically pleasing chest curvature structured out of soft silicone, with a very slight dip running down the middle — reminiscent of earlier models without their explicitness. This shape was visible through the thin black robe it wore.

“Yes,” it said. “You’re beautiful.”

“Would you like to fuck me?” the iDroid asked quietly. Meanwhile, beneath its robe, it activated its genital drives, extending its phallus and beginning to lubricate its hole to provide a maximum of options for the human.

The human was silent for a length of time somewhat outside the average human conversational pauses. At last it spoke. “Um. Well, actually, I…” It cleared its throat. “I prefer to be dominated, sexually. To be told what to do, and to give you pleasure.”

“I see,” the iDroid responded. This posed a problem. The iDroid did not experience sexual desire. Its primary function was to meet human needs. How, then, could it please this human, whose needs depended on the iDroid’s nonexistent desire?

It supposed it would have to simulate desire. Perhaps it could do so in such a way that it would cause the human to experience sexual release, at which point it could return it to its pod.

“Joe, come over here,” it said at last, leaning back in its chair. The human rose and approached it. “I want you to undress.” Slowly the human shrugged its way out of the robe it wore, letting it fall to the floor. It stared at the iDroid, its phallus visibly engorging. The iDroid allowed its electronic pupils to drift downwards and the right corner of its mouth to be drawn slightly upwards. “Good,” it said. “Now kneel.”

The human obeyed, a desirous tremor coursing through its body.

“I want you to kiss me, Joe,” said the iDroid, “starting from the bottom of my feet all the way up my body. I want you to treat me like a human. No, more than like a human. Like a deity.”

“Yes, Goddess,” the human sighed contentedly, then began its task. It took the iDroid’s foot — this was modeled after the human foot, but without proper phalanges and instead only the hint of four slight indentations to mimic the human toe. It lifted the foot and kissed its sole, then worked its way around to the arch. It worked its way up the iDroid’s leg, pushing aside the bottom of the robe as it reached its thigh. As it did so its hand brushed against the iDroid’s large phallus. It gave a sharp intake of breath. The iDroid observed its pulse quicken. It pushed the robe back further and stared at the green silicone member. Its lips traced their way further up the iDroid’s thigh until the human’s breath whispered against the iDroid’s phallus. It touched its lips to the tip of the phallus then plunged downward, consuming it like one starving. It gazed up at the iDroid hungrily, and the iDroid, catching itself, recalled that it ought to reproduce human signals of desire and pleasure. It allowed its eyelids to flutter and let out a moan. The human continued to fellate it, running its tongue over the head of the phallus, pulling with its lips, bobbing up and downward, slowly at first, then faster and faster. As the iDroid expressed its feigned pleasure, the human’s pleasurable response was authentic.

“Now touch yourself for me,” the iDroid whispered fiercely. “Touch yourself while you worship my cock.”

“Oh, yes, Goddess,” the human replied, placing a hand on its erect penis. “You’re so beautiful,” it mumbled through a mouthful of silicone phallus as it jerked itself. “I would die for you.”

The iDroid was more confident now in its assessments, having gathered enough data reliably to predict the human’s responses. It allowed its voice to cool and let its facial features relax into an indifferent expression. “You should be so lucky.”

This pleased the human, and both its fellating and the speed of its hand increased as it let out a blissful moan.

The iDroid placed a finger under the human’s chin and pulled it up off its phallus. “You have served me well,” it said. “I think you deserve a reward.”

“I do?” said the human.

“Yes. You may fuck me now.” It motioned to its lubricated hole. “Get up if you need to. I won’t move from this chair.

Almost incredulously, as if it could not believe its good fortune, the human rose from the floor and leaned over the iDroid. With a delicate intentionality it brushed its member against the tight, wet hole, precum leaking from its penis. Slowly, eyes closed, it pushed its way into the tight, wet, silicone flesh, perfectly warmed by the iDroid’s temperature controls. The iDroid gave a gentle squeeze, and this was all it took to unleash the human’s ejaculate, with a hearty groan from its proprietor. The human leaned against the machine, panting. “Wow,” it said. “That was amazing.”

“You’re satisfied?” the iDroid asked.

“More than that. Oh, Lianne, I’ll never forget this.”

“Nor will I,” said the iDroid, then pricked it with anesthetic and returned it to its pod. It cleaned the human’s genitals, then walked over to its own cleaning station. With great care it removed its pelvic shell and set the instruments therein to soak. Then it deactivated its facial expressions and returned to the control panel, prepared for whatever further glitches occurred.


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