Dorm visit (pt.3) (mf) (shy girl) (shy femdom) (date)

Strings of fairy lights laced their way between toffee apple kiosks and market stalls. Beneath the chatter of the crowds could be heard the quiet rushing of the river, a peaceful noise coming and going with the strength of the breeze.

Reflected in her glasses were dazzling dancers born from the decorative lighting behind us, twirling around each other in a desperate waltz. The breeze caught her hair, blowing it around her face, but her gaze remained fixed on the dark water. Snippets of conversations drifted down to us, laughter and joy from all angles. Still she stared into the water, her arm resting on one raised knee, the other leg out straight in front.

“It’s good to get away from it all,” I said, breaking the silence.


“The crowds, the uni, all of it.”

“I suppose so, but there’s one thing I don’t want to get a break from,”

“What’s that?”

“You, dummy!” She giggled, severing her eye contact with the river to look at me.

“I suppose we’ve done it all in the wrong order,”

“I suppose, but it’s been so much fun,”

She rested her head on my shoulder, her hair falling down over my arm. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close.

“You said you’d never let me go,” she whispered.

“And I never will,” I said, looking down to see her smiling up at me. With her doubts dismissed, she snuggled closer into me. I could feel her chest rise and fall against me, her arm moving as she absentmindedly twisted a blade of grass around her finger. We sat there, savoring the peaceful sound of the water, for some time.

“Can… Can I ask you something?” She said, the adorable blush returned to her cheeks.


“Am I… Your girlfriend now?” She blushed even harder.

“Were you not already?” I said. She buried her face into my shirt.

“Stop spoiling me! Why are you so golden?” She said into my chest, muffled by my shirt. I stroked her hair gently, one arm still wrapped around her shoulders. She began to sob gently into me. I held her tightly, her shoulders shaking and her tears beginning to wet my shirt. They seemed to be tears of happiness, although I still felt concerned when this happened. I kissed her forehead, which drew her face away from my chest to look up at me.

“I’m sorry…” She began to say.

“No, no. It’s fine, really,” I said, attempting to comfort her.

“It’s just that… All of this… Is so much more than I could have ever hoped for. You’re golden! I mean it, everything you’ve done for me, everything you’re doing, only someone truly angelic would do that for me. Out of all the girls, you chose me to keep that night. Nobody has ever, in my entire life, chosen me before. Why? Why would you do that?”

“Because you’re golden too, Alice. I know you’ve had a crush on me for some time, but it took real courage to come to me that night. I’ve been with girls before, true, but they’ve never stacked up to you. They exist now only as painful memories… But you: you make me smile with everything you do.”

She smiled, blushing, sniffling away the tears, then she kissed me. It was a deep kiss, different from the pecks we constantly exchanged before. She put her whole body into it, wrapping her arms around me and pulling herself in. It was a kiss with weight, a kiss with more than just lust behind it.

We broke of the kiss, her arms still around me. We looked into each others eyes, staring, searching, admiring. How I loved her eyes: a deep blue ocean, speckled with tiny flecks of fish darting around, frozen in time midway through a race or a dance, a beautiful school surrounding the very doors to the beauty within. I do not know what she saw in mine, but it seemed to please her just as much. She kissed me again, locking lips in the same passionate way.

After we reluctantly parted from one another, she glanced down at her wristwatch. The dark leather straps contrasted strongly with her incredibly pale skin.

“It’s almost midnight,” she said, looking back up at me. The summer breeze rustled the grass around us, stirring up the river.

“We should head back,”

We stood up, she brushed the grass from her long skirt. It was a short walk to my car, back through the market. It was distinctly less crowded, and sellers were begging to close up their stalls. Still the fairy lights weaved between them, yellow and white bulbs lighting our way home. As we walked I felt her hand wriggle into mine, gripping me tightly. I guess if she was my girlfriend now then there was no harm in letting it show; I gripped her hand back, and swung our arms gently with each step.

We went along the riverside, leaving the market behind us. It was dark, but we weren’t scared; we had each other.

We reached my car, it sat alone in an empty carpark. The paint was chipped around the wheels, and there was a nasty scratch down one side, but other than that it was perfectly fine. I opened the driver’s side door when all of a sudden I saw her staring intently at me.

“Backseat, now.” She said with confidence I didn’t know she had. The dominant side to her had come out not too long ago, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t into it, but it still scared me that someone so innocent and adorable had this hidden within them. She began to blush as I processed her words, but I complied before she had time to apologize.

“Lie down,” she instructed, becoming more sure of herself with each command.

I lay down in the backseat of my own car, unsure what she would do next, but excited for it all the same. Then she grabbed my ankle, pulling herself up onto me, dragging her hands up my legs. She rested them ontop of my crotch. I feel myself get hard.

“This is revenge,” she said.

“Oh yeah?”

“Revenge for eating me out so well that night,” the first half of her speech was full of confidence, but soon trailed off into embarrassment, “that was… That was the first time a guy had… Ever… Given me an orgasm,” she blushed again.

It was adorable watching her try to act so tough, only to let her shy and adorable self shine through again. She shook herself, then placed her hands over her top.

“You like my tits, don’t you?” She asked, her confidence returning.


“That’s what I thought,” she smiled, then pulled her dress over her head. She was now in only her panties, her breasts hanging down above me. Her panties clearly showed a wet patch, slowly growing in size.

She unbuckled my jeans, unzipped my flies and pulled them down ever so slightly. My dick was rock solid by this point, and she knew it.

“I think it likes me,” she said, giggling.

She then lowered my boxers, allowing my member to stand tall.

“It definitely likes me,” she smiled a devilish smile, but somehow still remained as cute as ever.

She pressed her tits either side of me, the warm pressure of them reminiscent of her pussy. They weren’t overly large, so she made up for it with her lips around my tip. Her tongue on my urethrae felt electric, every small contact threatening to make me cum right then. She began to move her tits up and down, taking more into her mouth as she did so. Their small size meant that they were more so rubbing one side of my penis, but her mouth and tongue more than did the job.

Soon she dropped the boobjob, and instead focoused on sucking me off. She moved her head quicker and quicker, her hair tickling my exposed thighs. Her mouth was heaven, her tongue moving in ways I didn’t know could feel so good and the sucking only topping off the experience. It felt amazing all the way down, and I knew I wouldn’t last too long. Seeing my distress, she lifted her head.

“It’s ok… This is thanks for the first time… Don’t worry, you don’t have to get me off too this time…” She smiled, then went back to work.

“I’ll get you off at home, I promise,” I said, still overwhelmed with pleasure.

She went faster and faster, the pressure of her lips moving up and down. I was about to blow, I could feel it. Seeing my gritted teeth, she knew what was up. She pushed her head all the way down, her lips meeting the base of my shaft. She gagged, tears in her eyes, but she held the position. The feel of her throat around me, the contractions as she tried to breathe, it all sent me over the edge. I came in her mouth, the underside of my cock pushing out against her. She drew back, gasping for air, long strands of saliva and cum joining me to her. She swallowed hard, then took in a deep breath.

“I… Want… To go… To bed…” She gasped, exhausted.

I helped her put her dress back on, and started the car.



  1. Wow… that was amazing. I’m super into this, and the little details like “her hair tickling my exposed thighs” made it so much more immersive.

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