The Adventures of Kuri – A Sex Stuffed Sci-Fi Space Extravaganza! Prologue – Meet Kuri!

*Hello hello hello! I’m getting around to writing up a long term sci-fi series focused on a character of mine named Kuri! Oh, and don’t worry, there’s lots and lots of sex of course!! I’ll skim over the more worldbuilding, science-y parts of the intro (to the extent that I can), but if your interested or have any questions just shoot me a message! Enjoy!!!*


In a galaxy far far away, there is a planet not bound to any star, free to travel galaxies few and far between. This planet is called Malonumas. Now, a planet that is so isolated by the frigid darkness of space is not a place you would think that life would thrive. But Malonumas is not just a planet, but a living god. Dying, but alive, its heavy breaths creating a warm atmosphere that the Imbarian people, along with a large amount of wildlife, survive on. The Imbarian people were crafted out of chaotic sexual energy by Malonumas. More or less the idea was “if there constantly fucking themselves silly, they won’t have conflict”. So, certain adjustments were made, heightening their sense of pleasure, increasing their libido, making them come in all shapes and sizes, allowing there bodies to orgasm more or less until stimulation stops. Women’s vaginas have a special flesh that lets them stretch to accommodate any partner’s size while always feeling tight, their orgasms are powerful, their nectar is sweet, breasts plump, saliva almost identical to lube. So more or less, they are sexually perfect, thus are sought out by pirates and nobles alike as prize wives and sex slaves.

Standing at a short 5’1, bare feet hidden beneath soft grass, Kuri looks out over the dazzling fields of her home, Her hands crossed across her chest, barely pushing up against her b cup breasts. A dark silk gown that falls just barely to her thighs, protecting her body from glancing eyes (not that they hadn’t all seen what’s underneath before). She bends over, reaching down to pluck a white flower from the loose soil, her gown pulling up to her back, exposing her intricate lingerie tucked between her legs. She slips the flower behind her ear, turning to face her entourage, hesitantly lifting her two suitcases, smiling even though a tear falls down her cheek. She meets the solemn eyes of her husband, of her brother, of her village, all silently begging her not to make the trade.

“It will be alright” she assures them, walking to her husband, holding his face in a hand, giving his lips a soft kiss before turning away, taking small steps toward an awaiting ship, having to convince herself to keep going. Kuri made a deal. In return for Malonumas’s protection through a notoriously dangerous empire, she has to give her services to their king… indefinitely.

And we all know what “services” are going to be requested.


*its the prologue, forgive the lack of soaking wet pussies dripping with lust and throbbing cocks pushing open backdoors. Like always, any and all advice or anything is welcome! Though if you just wanna say its hot, that works too :p*
