Horny Housemates Part I [MF] [Voy]

By the time he finally reached the house, Jack was pretty tired of carrying all his stuff around. He’d taken three heavy bags on two trains and a taxi, and was *really* starting to hope that he wouldn’t have to do much ‘moving in’ – he’d much rather just go to sleep until his arms stopped aching.
The house was one he’d found online, which he’d be sharing with four strangers, apparently. It wasn’t Jack’s ideal living situation, but he was just out of uni and starting his first job, so it was going to have to do. Besides, it didn’t look too bad – for a fairly modern, three storey house just outside the city centre, it was a bargain!

The doorbell played a vaguely familiar tune, followed by a few long seconds of silence. Jack sighed, setting down some of his bags, and pressed again, the same tune ringing out to no answer. The email had said there would be someone there already, but maybe he’d missed something…
Just as he started fishing in his pockets for his phone, the door opened to show a girl with long, dirty blonde hair slouching in the hallway. She was wearing tight grey leggings that hugged muscular thick thighs, and an equally flattering black tank top, with just enough cleavage to hold Jack’s gaze for an awkward second. She looked bored more than anything, but on seeing him, she stood up a bit and smiled.
“Hi! You must be one of my new roommates! My name’s Steph.”
Jack reached out a hand to shake. Her grip was surprisingly firm.
“Jack. Nice to meet you.”

Steph took him on a brief tour of the house (during which Jack was *mostly* able to keep his eyes off her ass) explaining the single shower on the second floor and the shared kitchen. It looked like it might get a bit cramped, but luckily the other two people would be arriving later in the week, so it wouldn’t be a problem yet. Steph finished the tour with his room, on the second floor – right next to hers.
“So, yeah, that’s the house! Any questions?”
Jack shook his head.
There were a few moments of awkward silence.
“Um, I have a friend coming over, he’ll be here in a few minutes, so I’m just gonna…”
Jack nodded quickly, hoping she hadn’t noticed his gaze wandering downwards. “I’ll bring my stuff into my room.”
“Cool!” Steph gave a quick smile, then just as quickly turned and slipped into her room.

Rather than put any of his stuff away, Jack decided that Future Jack could do all the moving in, and Present Jack could just lie on the bed and maybe order a takeaway. After a few minutes, the doorbell rang, and Jack heard Steph in her room dashing to get it. The sound carried very well between the two rooms, and Jack had a feeling he might be glad for his noise-cancelling headphones if Steph turned out to be a noisy girl. She looked about university age, which Jack really hoped didn’t mean parties in the house. Though that might mean a good opportunity for meeting girls…

Downstairs, a man with a deep voice was laughing at something. Jack pulled out his phone and started idly browsing twitter. His mind was just starting to wander towards looking up food in the area when he heard footsteps tracking upstairs and into Steph’s room, followed by a few light giggles through the wall, and a soft thud. Jack sat up in bed, curious, and then he heard Steph’s voice through the wall, only slightly muffled: “I took my shirt off, now yours.”


Steph had almost entirely forgotten about Jack already. Honestly, it had happened as soon as Oli had come inside. He’d taken the first chance to leave his hoodie on the couch, revealing a tight white t-shirt that he’d clearly chosen just to show off his muscles. Steph appreciated the vanity, but not so much his insisting on having a drink first. She preferred to get things started quickly – Steph was here to fuck around, not to fuck around.

But, once Oli had finally leaned in to kiss her, the move upstairs had been plenty quick enough for her, and she’d even managed to get away with pushing him straight on to her double bed that filled the centre of the room. Then, as smoothly as she could, she pulled the dirty tank top over her head, standing over Oli and letting him take in the view of her tits through her lacy red bra.
“I took my shirt off, now yours.”
Oli smirked at the hint of dominance creeping into her voice, but complied, dropping the white shirt lazily on to her floor. He nodded, signalling. *Your turn*.
Steph slowly reached behind her back, popping open her bra and letting it slide off, her breasts staying almost exactly where they were. Her perkiness was a point of pride for Steph, and she knew how wild it could drive boys. Oli was already practically salivating at them. She gave him a pointed cough, shaking him out of his stupor, then bit her lip and gave the tiniest nod.
Oli began to pull down his jeans, but Steph was done waiting, and she grabbed on to the denim and pulled them down around his ankles. Smiling, she ran a hand up his smooth thigh and rubbed it over his boxers, feeling his cock pulse in response. She slid further up, then tugged the waistband down, allowing Oli’s six-ish inches to bounce free. He was hard already, the veins clear on his cock as it gently throbbed. Steph, almost instinctively, stuck out a tongue and licked shortly up the head, drawing a gasp from Oli.
“It was your turn next.” He said, looking down at her as she positioned between his legs.
“Oh you want me to stop?” Steph licked her hand, staring straight into his eyes the whole time. “I’ll stop.” She moved her hand in, cupping it an inch from his cock, and smiled. He sighed, rolled his eyes, and then begrudgingly muttered: “Don’t stop.”
“What?” Steph asked, raising her other hand to her ear in mock deafness.
He was cut short by Steph grabbing his dick and moving down hard, and his request was lost in a loud moan. Stephen smirked at the boy, so easily pleased, but he was too distracted looking at the ceiling to see. She worked her hand faster, up and down, seeing him moan as she ran her thumb along the side of his cock with added pressure. His hips even bucked slightly when she squeezed the head, a single bead of precum leaking out and adding to the lubrication on her hand. All of a sudden, Oli sprang up, and roughly pushed her away, her grip releasing him and falling back on to the bed.
“What?” She sat up, suddenly concerned.
Oli smiled, a little ashamed. “I almost, uh…”

Jack heard Steph laugh playfully, and then her bed creaking as someone shifted around. Briefly he wondered if he should let them know he could hear, but judging by the boy’s moans, they wouldn’t want to be interrupted. It felt a bit creepy to just be listening, but going in would be worse.
*Plus,* he thought, as Steph let out a long moan and his trousers grew uncomfortably tight, *it’s kind of hot.*
On the other side of the wall, Steph gasped suddenly. Still not entirely sure what he was doing, Jack slowly reached down and released his cock, the slightly hard flesh pointing up. Steph let out another moan, and the man laughed softly as Jack began to lightly stroke his dick.
“More.” Steph said, weirdly aggressively, then dissolved into moaning again as the man fulfilled whatever she was requesting.
“Harder.” She spat out through what sounded like gritted teeth, then cried out and pounded the bed with her fist, prompting Jack to go harder too.
“Don’t stop. Don’t you fucking dar-oooohh.”
Jack had no intention of stopping, his hand now gripped tight around his shaft, running it up and down ever faster.
“FUCK” Steph called out from the other room, followed by the sound of a rapidly shaking bed, and then silence. Jack stopped, hand just resting on his cock, and listened.

Steph lay, fully naked and spread out on the bed, basking in the afterglow of her orgasm. Oil’s strong fingers felt like they could work magic sometimes, and she considered asking him for a second round – but by the time she looked up, Oli was already rolling a condom on, staring down at her exposed body from the far end of the bed. Steph grinned as he leaned forward, his weight pressing down on the bed, and she raised her legs up and apart, showing him her glistening pussy. Oli crawled up and crushed his lips against hers, a strong kiss accompanied by a short pinch on her nipple that made Steph gasp. She bent her legs round, just above his ass, pulling him forwards towards her.

Oli gasped loud when he entered her, and Steph’s head fell back as his cock pushed further in. When his shaft was about halfway in, he stopped, and his cock pulsed once inside her.
“Fuck.” She muttered, bending her legs further, pushing him forwards and down. He slid in, agonisingly slow, and for the last inch Steph let out a sort of strangled moan until finally she felt his stomach pressed up against hers.
“Fuck that’s big.”
Oli smiled and began pulling back out, faster, then in again, quickly gaining speed.
“Oh, yes. That feels so good.”
Steph had found there was nothing to get Oli going like some ego stroking. Normally he might try and tease her, make her work for it a little more, but once she mentioned the size of his dick, he was all over her, faster and harder and a whole lot quicker.

Next door, Jack could hear the springs on the bed squeaking. He was stroking again, trying to keep rough time with the noise through the wall, squeezing a little every time he heard Steph moan. It sounded like they were getting quite enthusiastic in there, from the sound of flesh on flesh, but clearly Steph liked it rough. She was a very vocal girl, it seemed.
“Fuck me! Come on! Pound my dirty cunt!”
*Demanding, too.*

Oli was clearly getting close. He was trying to slow down, but Steph wasn’t going to let him. Her legs still wrapped round his back, she kept him in, using one hand to grab at her own nipple and the other rubbing down against her clit. She tried to keep eye contact to make sure Oli stayed focused on filling her up, but every now and again a wave of pleasure would move through her and her eyes would flutter up a little. Luckily, this only seemed to drive Oli wilder, and he leaned down to bring his mouth over her other nipple. The sensation of his tongue flicking her was too much for Steph. She felt her orgasm, close, her body contracting into it, holding Oli in.
“Oh fuck I’m gonna-”
The end of Steph’s warning was drowned in a wave of moans. Her legs snapped tight, pushing Oli into her as deep as he’d go, and with a satisfied grunt she felt his cock pulse inside her, his Orgasm being forced out by hers. For a moment, Stephen thought she heard another grunt from behind her, but she was up against the wall, and the pleasure that shot up her spine, forcing her head back against the pillow knocked the thought from her mind, replacing it with curled toes and moans which slowly descended back into panting.
They were silent for a few moments, just breathing.
“Fuck that was hot.” Oli muttered.
“Thanks, big guy.” Steph grinned.

She managed to get him out the door in a little over ten minutes, which was a success. Oli was a fun fuck, and a good looking one, but most of that came from his time at the gym, and he didn’t have much else going on other than fucking, gym, and his degree, which made him sort of a dull friend. Steph kept him around mostly for the benefits.
Back in her casual clothes, she shut the door on him and slowly stumbled up the stairs. On the landing, she glanced at Jack’s door for a few moments, slowly remembering that he was there.
*I wonder if he heard anything?*

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ifzieh/horny_housemates_part_i_mf_voy

1 comment

  1. I don’t know who Stephen was in the story but the story was pretty hot. I look forward to parts 2 and others.

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