Staying Dry [premature ejaculation] [asian sph] [embarrassed]

The first thing that every freshman BioChem student comes to hate about Seattle University is the punishing and perplexing schedule. Freshman year begins with 4 mandatory core classes in the discipline, with labs, plus a single elective, but, the workload isn’t the whole problem. Somehow, after many years of complaints, the scheduling office has never figured out a way to organize the core classes into one manageable chunk of time. Because of this, the BioChem cohort spends 10-12 hours on campus at least 3 days a week, with many long unnecessary periods of aimless downtime.

It was a Thursday afternoon in a first-floor, drop-ceiling classroom at Seattle University, and it was raining (like always) when the Calc 1 class Mark Chen was in finally concluded. The professor finished his thought and turned to erase the board as the students filed out into the hallway, digging into their bags for umbrellas and jackets.

Mark stood out in the hall unstrapping his golf umbrella and doing a quick calculation in his head. Did he have time to run back to the dorms, jerk-off, and then make it to Dyson Hall in time for Bio? It would be a very close call. He knew that the actual masturbation part wouldn’t take him more than 5 minutes, as he hadn’t cum in nearly a week. That stupid big-breasted Viet girl from across the hall, Amy, had been in Mark’s tiny double room lounging about with his roommate Paul non-stop for days. In fact Mark had not had a single second of privacy since last Friday, when Amy and Paul went to a party off campus. Worse still, in the evenings, when the lazy twosome invariably got horny, they would kick poor Mark out into the hall. Listening to Amy’s squeals every night for the past 6 days, intermittently punctuated by idiot Paul grunting about her “tight asian pussy” without any release of his own was getting harder and harder on Mark’s sanity. He needed to cum. Yesterday.

Mark was mentally choosing which video to watch. Should he let it buffer on the way home to save time? Then he felt a small tap on his right shoulder.

“Hey Mark Chen right? you’re going to Bio at the top of Dyson now?”

Mark turned and saw a very tiny, very adorable Chinese girl in short red shorts and a white spaghetti-strap tank top concealing what looked like braless A cup breasts. Mark noticed the tiniest hint of nipple behind fabric, and felt his mind begin to wander and blood flow to places it shouldn’t. Could not. Not now. He forced the libidinal thoughts back down where he’d been keeping them since Friday.

“Umm yeah but-“

“I know, it doesn’t start for like 40 minutes but stupid me, I don’t have an umbrella or even a coat. And your umbrella is so big! Can you take me over with you?”

Fuck. Mark’s 5 minutes of sweaty pleasure with Lulu Chu started to evaporate before his eyes as this random girl looked at him with her head turned a little and a punishingly cute smile on her face.

“Umm sure. no problem. I don’t mind.” Mark said reflexively.

The young woman raised her arms from her sides slightly in a cute gesture.

“Thank you you’re the best Mark! I’m Vivian Zhang, we haven’t really met officially yet but I went to high-school with Amy in Tacoma and I saw you with her and Paul once. So I guess you’re Paul’s roommate then?”

Vivian bounced as she rattled this off, and Mark had to look away down the hall to stop his eyes from drifting downwards. He was starting to hate this part of college anyway. Everyone always seemed to have a more completely mapped social network than he did, and he always felt like he was somehow playing catch-up. Maybe that was why he’d never had a girlfriend or even been intimate with a woman yet. It was so hard to keep it all straight, who lived with who, who was dating who… Hell, he was having a hard enough time figuring out when to take care of his basic biological functions.

The pair walked out into the lobby of the building and saw the sheets of water flinging angrily against the plate glass. Vivian let out a little exclamation.

“Aiii so glad I have you with me”

Now in the vestibule, the pair could hear the pounding from outside. Mark fiddled for a couple seconds with the tiny latch as Vivian watched him expectantly, then suddenly *pop* the umbrella sprang open and the two pushed themselves awkwardly through double doors, and stepped out into the torrential rain.

Right away Mark’s left side and Vivians right side suffered from the spray and the two were forced to huddle together under the very center of the umbrella. Mark stooped over slightly to better shield Vivians 5’0” frame, and also to keep the umbrella out of the grasp of the powerful wind which seemed to be trying to rip it up and out of his hands. They began to make slow progress against the storm.

“Oh my god. I should have gone to USC!”

Vivian said this right into Mark’s ear and the closeness of her voice almost caused him to let go of the umbrella. Right away Mark knew he was in trouble. Vivian had moved so close that the two were now experiencing frequent skin on skin contact. More than he had ever experienced in his life. The softness of her left arm rubbed against his right arm almost continuously as he kept clutching the umbrella handle firmly with both his hands. Her hip pressed into his thigh with every second step as she dodged puddles and careened into him. Each touch shot through him like lightning as he felt his body tense and penis begin to stir and double in length from its humble resting 1.5 inches to a plumper 3 inch semi-hard-on. Mark checked for traffic and stepped down the curb and into the street in order to cross over to Dyson Quad.

“Aggghhh nono AAAIIII”

Suddenly Vivian was gone. Mark whirled around and saw her sprawled out on the sidewalk. He looked down shocked and saw the loose brick in the curb that had caused her fall. He rushed over to shield her from the pouring rain with the umbrella and help her up.

“Oh god. Are you ok Vivian?”

Mark pulled her up and the two stood facing each other under the umbrella.

“Yes fine I’m fine. Just…SUH-OAKED! Look at me!”

Mark looked and saw that Vivian was indeed soaked. And yes, also, he now had total confirmation that she was not wearing any sort of bra. Her light brown nipples and puffy aureolas revealed fully by the now transparent white shirt. This was the closest Mark had ever been to viewing live breasts, and still heated from the physical contact, he felt his penis stiffen to its full proud 4 inches in his shorts.

“Ahh ok Mark you get the point, I’m wet. Can we just get inside please. I’m starting to get cold.”

Mark was relieved that Vivian didn’t seem to register his erection, she didn’t even seem to be concerned about her breasts being on display. But she must realize it, Mark thought.

As they began to walk across the street Vivian did something Mark was not at all prepared for. She hugged his outstretched arms which still clasped the umbrella, and walked slightly in front of him. This new formation resulted in three things. First, Vivians naked arms were now fully intertwined with his. Second, her wet, unrestricted breasts and at least one hard nipple were pressing into his upper arm. And third, her tight ass in her little shorts was grinding against his fully erect penis as they walked. Luckily, whether owing to his compact size or her distracted state, Vivian still appeared totally unaware of Mark’s compromising situation.

Mark felt the orgasm begin to form within about 5 steps. So many new sensations. He was touching boobs for the first time (sort of). He was thrusting himself into a woman’s wriggling ass (kind of). With every step he felt her soft pliant ass give way to his penis, and savored the heart-breakingly amazing feeling of her breasts sliding up and down on his arm as he grabbed onto the umbrella handle. This was all simply too much for Mark to take in. The best and worst moment of his life. Barely, he was able to make it across the street with Vivian’s lithe frame pressed against him. But now they stood at the bottom of the stairs to Dyson Hall. The only good news. The rain was lightening considerably and at this point had become more of a light drizzle.

“Mark hurry up please I want to dry my hair before class starts. Why did you stop walking. Mark?!?”

Vivian had now realized something was off, and didn’t have time for whatever it was. Mark simply couldn’t budge. He knew that if he moved again, at all, disaster would strike.

As the exasperated pair stood still at the bottom of Dyson Hall. Lisa Kim, from Mark’s physics lab, was walking down the stairs with a tall brown haired young man that Mark had never seen before. The couple stopped at the bottom to see what all the yelling was about, and gazed on at what must have been a fairly ridiculous scene from the outside.

Mark just stood there frozen in his spot not daring to move or say anything. Holding onto the umbrella now tightly enough to crack the plastic handle. The rain slowed to a tiny pitter patter against the nylon.

“Ummm you know, Mark, it’s barely raining anymore and it’s just up these stairs. I’m already wet. I think I’ll walk the rest of the way by myself. THANKS MARK BYE. THANK YOU.”

Vivian huffing and puffing now, annoyed, untangled herself from Mark’s arms and took the first step up the marble stairs, leaving Mark at the bottom, holding the now basically pointless umbrella. This movement, however, resulted in her soft ass backing up one last time into Mark’s petrified body, and rubbing slowly up the entire short length of his penis. As Mark stood at the base, Vivian’s oblivious ass-lifting motion sent him tumbling over the edge into a powerful shaking orgasm. The most intense by far of the young asian man’s life.


Still desperately clinging to his umbrella with both hands Mark let out an inhuman grunting noise as rope after rope of cum pulsed into his shorts, gradually darkening the entire front.

Lisa Kim and her male friend seeing the whole thing started laughing uncontrollably. Vivian now 3 stairs away turned around in time to see the last shudder travel through Mark’s body, the whole front right side of his pants now coated in semen. The rest of his body relatively dry thanks to the umbrella which shook gently above his head with each orgasmic shudder.

“Oh my god what the— ew ew ew ew ew EWWW”

Vivian turned and ran the rest of the way up to the building. Her treacherous beautiful ass bouncing away across Mark’s narrowing line of sight as his ears began to ring and his face turned deep red.

Lisa Kim and her tall friend walked by the now empty and stunned Mark. The guy leaned in.

“Bro look down at yourself I think there must be a leak in your umbrella or something”

Lisa hit him on the shoulder and then they walked away. And Mark was finally alone.
