Karen Young – I decide to introduce bondage to my husband’s training to be a submissive.

This is the story of how I came to dominate my husband. It, for the most part, describes real events in our

The next few days and weeks were fairly non-eventful. My husband was now completely convinced that I
could physically dominate him if I chose to. May be even more important, so was I. When the whole thing
started, I never would have believed it. Now, I was so confident in my abilities that when we’d wrestle, it
would be mostly for fun, as I would put him in a hold, and make him submit rather quickly. I began to
tease him with my strength, making him tell me how beautiful and powerful I was. He had to say it
exactly as I wanted, or I’d not release him. Of course, he continued to service me orally, and was actually
very good at it, and usually brought me to my 2 orgasm minimum. We did not go back to him licking me
anally since that first time, however. I wanted to, but felt that he was doing so well where we were, that it
could wait. He was beginning to enjoy my body, and the physical play between us and even would suggest
I wrestle him, consequences be damned. He loved my muscles, and would spend many nights worshiping

I was now at the gym 5 days a week. I’d put on ten pounds over the next several weeks and it was all
toned muscle. I was lifting weights three days a week, and absolutely loved the way my body was
developing. My arms had real defined biceps muscles. My forearms where very hard, with veins
beginning to show. I was running about 5 miles a day and felt terrific. Friends and co-workers where
always telling me how good I was looking, which of course encourages me further.

It was here where we started experimenting with bondage. My friend Lisa, who’s been sort of coaching
me from the beginning, says bondage is a natural extension of dominating someone. We agreed that I
should begin tying him in bed, and eventually, other places. I wasn’t sure how to start, but like before, she
had some good ideas.

Like I said, Mike was doing well in bed. We were both very satisfied on a nightly basis which hadn’t
happened since our honeymoon almost three years ago. Still, the thought of taking him further into
submission was a thrill. I decided I’d try it on a Friday night. It was probably about two or three months
since this all started. We where naked in bed, and I had just wrestled him to a pin. I was straddling him,
with my hands on either side of his head. His hands rested on my thighs and we both talked about what
had just happened. He was going on about how much he’d learned over the recent weeks about feminine
strength, and how he was now completely aroused by it. This was evident by the throbbing erection that
was taking place behind me. It was the perfect time to start.

‘Mike,’ I almost whispered as I leaned close. ‘I am going to tie you up.’

This got his attention faster than I thought it would. ‘What?’

‘I have a scarf here,’ I brought it out from under my pillow. ‘And I’m going to use it to bind your hands
to the bed post.’

‘What for?’

‘Because I think it will be fun.’

‘Karen, we are having fun. We don’t need this. Next thing, you’ll be whipping me wearing hi-heeled
boots and a leather corset.’ I’m not into leather, but the whipping part sounds fun.

‘I think we do. I think it will help us attain and enjoy where we both know we’re going even more.’

‘Were we’re going? Christ, I think we’ve gone far enough.’

‘Come on Mike. We both know I can do this with or without your cooperation. I’m asking you to trust me
on this, or I can make it hard for you.’ I really loved talking like this, showing him my power, letting him
know that there was really nothing he could do. I say it so sweetly, but my dark rippling arms tell him that
I mean it. I took his left hand and started wrapping the scarf around his wrist. I wrapped it several times,
tightly. I then swung the open end around the bedpost and brought it around to wrap his right wrist
several times. I then tied off the lose end at the top of the head board, just beyond the reach of his bound
hands. I then get off of him and pull another scarf from my drawer. I proceed to tie his feet in a similar
fashion to the food board. He offered no resistance, which was fine as far as I was concerned.

I then kneeled on the bed next to his prone figure. ‘There, that’s not so bad, is it?’ I take his cock and
start to message and caress it. ‘I think this is going to be good for us. I know that you look terrific like

‘Man, how did you become so kinky?’ He said this with a smile.

‘That’s not important. What is important are the bondage rules.’


‘Yes. When in bondage, you are mine, sexually. Which means if you are in bondage, you have to be hard.
If I find you are not hard, your term is increased until you perform satisfactorily, at my discretion. Is that

‘I don’t see that as a problem.’ He jesters with his head to his bulging piece.

‘Don’t worry, you will. You’ll see. There are other rules that we’ll go over as we go on.’

I get up and straddle him again. This time, I’m sitting straight up, and then I lower myself on his cock.
The feeling is utter domination as I gently fill my pussy with his manhood. He’s completely irrelevant
now. I’m just using him as a tool for my pleasure. I start feeling my hard body with my hands as I ever so
slowly gyrate my hips, causing friction between his ribbed cock and my firm hole. I feel him in me like I
never had before. There are no distractions, no hands groping me, trying in vain to please me. There’s just
me, riding what amounts to a human dildo. I giggle when this thought comes to me.

‘What’s so funny?’ He asks.

‘I’m just enjoying myself. I told you this would be fun.’

I’m sitting straight up now, almost leaning back some, as I start to message my precious nipples. The
exercise has even improved this part of my body, as my breasts now stand up roundly and firmly. This
definitely enhanced their modest size. I’m rubbing them about my areolas, then tenderly pinching the
nipples, causing fleeting moments of pain and pleasure. I feel my blood rise to an inevitable climax as I
rock on my immobile husband. I was in complete rapture, such that I nearly forget Lisa’s plan. ‘Now
Mike, I know that this feels very good to you, but you can not cum. That is the second bondage rule. You
can not cum until I’ve had two separate orgasms. If you cum before than, I’m going to keep you like this.
If you obey, you’ll be released. Do you understand.’

His breathing is almost a fever pace already so I know there is no way he’s going to comply. I’m picking
up my pace, riding his cock, when I feel pulsating waves from deep within my abdomen that is my first
orgasm. ‘Karen, I can’t. I’m coming. I can’t stop.’

‘Try, if you know what’s good for you. I’ve just reached. One more.’ I wasn’t even finished before I felt
his flexing cock shoot its juice. His hips bucked wildly as his hands pulled hard at his restraints. Lisa, who
seemed quite adept at tying and knotting, gave me the technique and it proved sufficient to hold him as he
continued to climax.

When he was finished, I said, ‘poor dear.’ I caressed his face. ‘It was a nice try, but you didn’t obey. May
be next time.’

I disengage myself from him and I start to leave. ‘Karen, come on, you can’t be serious. Where are you

I just grab my robe and walk out of the room. I close the door behind me. I go downstairs to the couch and
prop my pillows to watch a little TV. After a moment, he must’ve realized I wasn’t coming back, because
he starts to yell my name. Over and over, he’s yelling. I let this go on for a few minutes, before I returned
upstairs. I took the rope from my robe off as I entered the room.

He was as I left him, but a whole lot more bothered. This was obviously having more of an effect on him
than I thought it would. Lisa correctly pointed out that most men would love to be tied up by someone like
me, as long as I was with them making them feel good. Once the fun was over, and the sexual release of
orgasm behind them, they quickly become bored and agitated. ‘Are you through acting like a baby?’

‘Untie me. The wrestling is one thing, this is, is,’

‘This is what you get for not obeying me.’ I pick up my panties I had left on the floor. They are the pair I
wore all day, fully soiled with my scent. ‘Open your mouth.’

‘Forget it.’

I kneel on the bed and I squeeze his nose. He still has his mouth clamped but now he can’t breath. He
starts trying to twist his head, but I firmly hold on. I take my other hand and I cup his balls. After a
moment, I give them a firm squeeze. ‘Ouch!’

His mouth is instantly open and I stuff the panties in. I kneel on the bed and quickly place the rope over
the panties, in his mouth as he clinched his teeth around it. I leaned over him as I tied the rope behind his
head. This, to me, was an incredibly erotic act. I’m leaning over him, my robe falls open and my breast
hang ever so close to my husband’s face. The knot secure, I stand up, with my hands on my hips, my robe
open down the middle. I just stood that way for a minute or so and his cock responded, rising to full
erection. He’s completely muffled, his mouth no doubt filled with my odor and sweat.

‘I’m going to leave you like this for the night. I’ll come in to check on you from time to time. Remember
that first rule. If I find you at any time without an erection, your stay in this position lengthens.’

I leave him and close the door. I went downstairs again, reveling in what I did. He clearly was
uncomfortable being tied up like he was. Yet, he had no choice but to concentrate on me. The panties
would guarantee that whatever fantasy he conjures up to maintain his erection would be centered around
me. It was perfect. I found myself masturbating after a few minutes on the couch.

I check him three times, during the night and he’s completely aroused each time. I congratulate him, tell
him how good he’s doing. The last time, its about 6am and I’m just waking up. I very quietly open his
door, hoping to surprise him, but there he is, in all of his glory, hard as a rock.

I really have no way of knowing how hard that was for him. Lisa explained that it would be quite a feat, so
I suppose he did well and deserved some gratitude.

‘Very good Michael. You passed.’ I sat on the bed next to him and masturbated him. It took less than a
minute to bring him to orgasm, and I could only marvel at his cum as it oozed and shot from his penis. I
than untied him. First his feet, then the gag, than his hands. His face was covered in perspiration, and his
hands and ankles where clearly numb as he ran to the bathroom. I leaned on the door. ‘Next time, I’m
going to have to give you a more difficult test.’


Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/iem23u/karen_young_i_decide_to_introduce_bondage_to_my