Dream Land

When Veronica Connors signed up for the sleep experiment at the university in which I was interning, I had no idea that our paths would not only intersect- but merge in a way that I didn’t think was humanly possible.

The experiment itself sounded like something out of a sci-fi movie from the 80s—or some new age pseudoscience at best.

The experiment was simple enough.

The subject, in this case, Veronica Connors, would fall asleep in one of the testing rooms provided by the university.

My job as an unpaid intern was to sit in the brightly lit, antiseptically sterile, boring room that was conveniently located right next to the test subjects sleeping room.

For six and a half hours, I would sit in that room by myself and stare at a preselected piece of artwork, or listen to the same sixty seconds of a predetermined musical track while concentrating on the sleeping subject.

The experiment was to see if, through any means, a simple image, melody, or abstract thought could be transferred from one person to the next.

Crazy sci-fi, right?

To further up the “science element” of the experiment, both Veronica and myself were fitted with biofeedback headsets to monitor our brain activity as well as attempt to actually alter both of our brainwaves to hopefully sync our minds up with each other.

At the time, I didn’t buy any of it. It was a little too “healing crystals” and “astro-projection metaphysical” mumbo-jumbo.

And for the first 4 weeks of the eight week experiment cycle, I was right.

The only outcome from the experiment so far was my excessive sleep loss and night after night of boredom -staring at a painting, or a blank wall while short clips of the same musical track drove me slowly insane.

The lack of sleep was the worst part.

I tried to nap during the days, but this internship was unpaid and I had to maintain a job in order to pay for my addiction to living in a home and having food to eat.

At the start of the fifth week, I was over this insane experiment.

I didn’t care about the research.

What they were attempting was impossible…


Veronica went to sleep in her small dark and well air conditioned room.

My room was too bright with the sickly pale yellow glow from the cheep halogen bulbs that flickered above me. The air in my room was stale and acrid, and there was a consistent low steady hum from the buildings outdated electrical system.

The photo that had been left for me to stare at for the night was and old painting of a simple boat drifting lazily at sea in the night.

The painting itself was nice enough, but at first glance I hated it.

I hated all of the pictures that I had to look at over these long nights. I hated them because I knew that by morning I would have every brushstroke memorized.

A small red light above the viewing window into Veronica’s test chamber alerted me that she was now in REM sleep.

I put on my biofeedback headset and picked up the printout of the boat painting.

There was a lot of blue in this painting.

The artist had a good sense of depth and movement. The water around the boat was breaking as the vessel sliced through the water, and the wake that the boat left through the sea drifted off into a horizon that seemed miles and miles away.

Above the boat was a bright beautiful full moon that acted as the only light source for the piece.

Flecks of moonlight speckled the surface of the water and created a truly remarkable representation of ripples dancing across the canvass.

After two hours, my eyes were burning from both my general lack of sleep as well as the blink-less concentration I was paying to the painting.

As much as I tried to refocus to a different part of the painting, my eyes would start to drift, and my lids were growing heavier by the second.

I did make a few attempts to will myself into being more awake, but my brain had other plans.

I don’t even remember falling asleep.

I was staring at the painting, watching the still image of the boat cutting through the midnight blue sea when I suddenly found myself actually being able to hear the sound of the water splashing against the bow of the boat.

When I realized that I shouldn’t actually be able to hear the painting, I turned my head to find I was no longer in the testing room I was sitting in only seconds ago.

I was now on a life raft, drifting though the ocean towards a very real version of the boat I’d been looking at for the past couple of hours.

Confusion racked my brain, but before I had time to panic, movement on the deck of the boat caught my attention.

It was her…Veronica.

Ah, I realized. I fell asleep. The painting and the constant thoughts about Veronica have caused me to dream about all of them.

It made perfect sense.

“Hey,” a voice called out from the boat. “You’re the guy from the sleep experiment, right? Are we dreaming?”

That single question caught me off guard.

I’ve had a lucid dream before, but I’ve never had another character in my dream ask about the validity of our current reality.

“I am,” I answered honestly. “I’m pretty sure you’re just a dream version of the woman I’m supposed to be watching now.”

“I don’t feel like a dream version,” she said, inspecting her hands as if she thought they might flicker and vanish before her eyes. “Do you want to come aboard? My boat looks safer than yours.”

“Sure,” I said, and then without any effort, my life raft pulled along side the boat where Veronica stood, reaching out a hand to help me climb aboard.

“If I was a dream version, could I have done that?” She asked.

“Well, yeah.” I said, honestly. “A dream version could do anything.”

“We’re you listening to a song about the ocean?” She asked, looking around and taking in the surroundings.

“It was a photo of a painting of this boat,” I nodded.

“Cool.” A long moment passed between us before she finally said, “are you supposed to be here? Was that the experiment?”

I shook my head. “I fell asleep while looking at the painting. I’m pretty sure this is just my whacked out brain creating a dream based on all these experiments.”

“Well, it’s my dream too,” she said. “In fact, it was my dream first. I was out here on the boat and then your little life raft showed up out of nowhere. So, I’m pretty sure YOU invaded MY dream.”

She smiled at her explanation of dream ownership and then shrugged.

“You were dreaming about the boat before I showed up?” I asked.

“Yep,” she smiled. “I guess that means the experiment worked?”

I shrugged casually.

“If the experiment was for me to fall asleep and dream about the beautiful girl that I’ve been watching sleep for the past four weeks, then yes.”

“You still don’t think I’m real, do you?”

“You can’t be,” I said. “It’s not possible.”

“There’s an easy way to find out,” she said with a smile. “If I’m just a character in YOUR dream, then you can control me, right?”

“I guess so,” I conceded.

“Make me do something.”

“Like what?”

“It’s your dream buck-o,” she said with a wink.

At this point I was one hundred percent sure that she was simply a dream version of the Veronica from the waking world. Women have come on to me before, but never in such a blatantly flirtatious way.

So, I took her up on her challenge and mentally focused on her legs while trying my hardest to make her jump up and down while quacking like a duck.

It was the first thing that popped into my mind, and it was silly enough that I didn’t think anyone would do it on their own.

She stood there staring at me blankly.

“Did you do it?” She asked?

“I tried,” I confessed. “But nothing happened.”

“What did you try to make me do?” She asked coyly.

“Oh nothing like that,” I said nervously. “I tried to make you jump up and down and quack like a duck.”

Her flirtatious expression fell and he looked at me flatly while shaking her head.

If I was a dream girl, and you had me out on this boat, drifting through slumber land, and you could force me to do ANYTHING in your little imagination…and you’d have me jump up and down and quack like a duck?”

“I guess…”

“That’s not very imaginative,” she frowned. “Unless that’s what you’re in to.”

“What should I have done?” I asked, genuinely confused by her motives.

She lowered her head and looked up at me through stands of hair that whipped wildly in the wind. “I guess my imagination is a little better than yours.”

She stepped towards me. “If we’re both sharing the same dream, does that mean our brains are linked through those head things we’re wearing?”

“I guess that could be the only way something like this would be possible,” I answered as honestly as I could.

“If our brains are linked, do you think we can feel each other?”

“I don’t see how that’s even possible for us…”

Before I could finish my sentence, Veronica reached her hand out and grabbed my cock through my pants.

I felt it.

Not just the pressure of her hand making contact, but I could feel each of her individual fingers grip and lightly squeeze me through my pants.

“Could you feel that?” She asked.

“Yes,” I said, my voice almost less than a whisper due to the shock of this revelation.

“Crazy!” She gleefully exclaimed. “Try me.”

She threw her arms and head back while thrusting her chest out towards me.

Using my index finger, I poked gently at her belly.

Her head snapped forward and a disappointed expression formed on her face.

“I felt it, but it wasn’t quite what I was expecting.”

“What were you expecting?” I asked.

“Oh, you know…” she said casually before thrusting her hand down the front of my pants and gripping my cock again. This time I could feel the heat of her flesh against mine, and I could feel her thumb gently caressing the the head of my member while she continued her explanation. “I figured you could touch any part of me you want. It’s a dream, right? We can do anything.”

While she continued her gentle teasing of the head of my cock, I could feel it swelling in her grasp.

“Oh, hello,” she smiled as she felt me getting harder in her hand. “Does that feel real?”

“Uh, y-yeah,” I stammered.

Then, with her free hand she took one of my hands and slid it down the front of her skirt.

I could feel the smoothness or her skin as my hand traveled down her body and came to a rest over her even warmer privates.

“You’re a scientist, right?” She asked.

“I’m an intern,” I nervously answered.

“But you are curious about how this all works, right?” I nodded. “Put a finger in me,” she said.


“I want to know if every sensation is the same in slumberland as it is when we’re awake.” She paused and tried to translate my expression before urging me on more. “You have my permission,” she winked. “Slide one of your fingers inside me.”

My hand was resting against her. I don’t know why I was as nervous as I was, but she was right.

I wanted to know how real this was.

I curled my middle finger up slowly, and could feel it entering her. I could feel the way her pussy opened as my finger pushed inside her.

She was wet.


It felt very real.

“Can you feel that?” I asked.

She nodded slowly, and pushed her hips forward, taking more of my finger inside her.

The sensation was intense. I could feel hot fluid pouring down my finger and dripping off of my knuckle.

“Fuck,” she whispered. “This is crazy.”

She removed her shirt exposed her breasts to the cool sea air. Her nipples hardened in the cold air, and she brought her hands up to them, lightly pinching her nipples between her index fingers and thumbs.

“It feels so real,” I said, admiring how I could feel the combination of her skin, pussy, and the slight tickle of hair from her well groomed pussy.

“It’s better than real life,” she said, thrusting her hips forward again. “We need further testing,” she said with a wicked gleam in her eye.

With that, she pulled my hand out from her skirt and knelt down in front of me.

With a quick tug? My pants came off and dissipated into vapor as she threw them in the air above us.

My cock was hard, and throbbing against the inside of my boxer briefs.

Veronica kissed my cock from the outside of my underwear several times, smiling each time it throbbed under her lips.

Then she reached up and slid her fingers under the elastic strap of my underwear- I could feel the smooth texture of the back of her nails sliding effortlessly across my skin.

She removed my underwear and they too simply vanished the second they hit my ankles.

Her breath was hot on my skin, and she allowed her mouth to hover over my cock while she exhaled heavily to let me feel how close she actually was to me.

As I looked down to her, her eyes meet mine and she smiled before taking my cock fully in her mouth.

It was sheer ecstasy.

I’ve had blowjobs before and while I’m a firm believer that there is no such thing as a bad blowjob, but what she was doing to me now was on another level of intensity.

Her lips squeezed my shaft as she took all of it into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the head every time she pulled it out before repeating the same movement over and over again.

Strands of saliva clung to my cock every time she would pull her mouth away to take a breath.

Her hands operated as support as she pumped and squeezed my shaft while her mouth ran up and down its length.

I couldn’t take it anymore.

It felt too good.

I exploded.

Her eyes widened for a second as my load was unleashed into the back of her throat. As she took my hot thick cum inside her, she closed her eyes and let out a pleasurable and gleeful moan as she sucked longer and drained me dry.

When she pulled my cock out of her mouth, I was more than pleasantly surprised that even after cumming, it remained rock solid and still throbbing.

“I could taste it,” she said, licking her lips. “You look like you’re good to go again, eh?”

“Looks like it,” I smiled. I reached out to help strip her out of her clothes, but then she stopped me.

“Wait,” she said. “I want to try something.”

She closed her eyes, and the outfit she was wearing dissolved like sand and what was revealed beneath it—took my breath away.

She was now wearing a black strapless dress that clung to her body tightly and showed off every curve and crevasse. A thin ribbon like black choker appeared around her porcelain like neck and accentuated the loveliness of her slender throat. Her hair was no longer down and loose in the wind— it was pulled back and up, and it gave her an air of elegance and grace.

The dress was short, and her perfect legs were now adorned with sheer black thigh highs complete with garter straps that traveled from the top of the thigh highs
up into the mysteries of the dress above.

“Wow,” I said, my mouth agape from her startling beauty.

“I figured it’s a dream, we can do what we want, right?”

“You’re right,” I said. Then, I looked up at the brilliantly bright moon and concentrated on it. After several seconds of focusing, I found that I could control the size of it as well as the intensity of it’s brightness.

I reached up with one hand and then pulled the moon towards us. I shrunk it down to about the size of a small office building, and then plunged it into the water beside us.

The ocean was now glowing with a beautiful electric blue light that seemed to envelop us in our small boat that drifted above it.

“Impressive,” she said, nodding slowly.

“Come with me,” I said reaching out a hand.

“Oh, I plan on it,” she said, smiling a wicked smile.

She took my hand and I led her to the side of the boat, where I swung my legs over the edge.

“We’re swimming? But, I just did my hair.” She said, with a smirk.

“Trust me,” I said, stepping out onto the surface of the water as though it were as solid as concrete.

“Woah,” she exclaimed, stepping out onto the surface of the water as well. “This is some trippy biblical stuff here.”

Each of our steps exploded with sub-sea moonlight that created rippling shadows on our features.

“Pretty cool, right?” I asked.

“So, is this why you brought me here to show me?” She said, crossing her arms feigning boredom. “I mean, sure, it’s a neat trick, but…”

I didn’t let her finish. I glided across the water faster than her breath, and when I reached her, my arms embraced her and my lips melted into hers.

Even though it was a dream, I could taste her lipstick.

I could smell a hint of perfume filling the back of my nose.

I could feel her body pressing against mine.

I cradled her in my arms, and laid her down on the illuminated surface of the water.

She was more beautiful than anything else in this dreamscape we created together.

I kissed her again.

As we kissed, my hands danced down her body and felt each and every inch of it.

“I wonder what else I can taste,” I whispered in her ear, and then I kissed her neck just below the ear.

Then I moved lower and kissed her clavicle.

I continued downward.

Kissing her breasts.

—Then her soft flat tummy.

—he edge of her hip that squirmed excitedly beneath her tight black dress.

My hands could feel the silky material of her thigh highs, and I ran my fingers up the length of the sheer material until I reached the bottom of her skirt— I pushed it up just high enough to expose her matching silky black panties.

When I put my mouth on the fabric, I could feel the heat she was emanating just under the thin layer that separated us.

She arched her back and bent a knee bringing it up to her chest— her silky leg glided across my cheek as it did.

Using a single finger, I pulled her panties aside and exposed her pussy to the cool sea air.

I said nothing.

My mouth was attracted to her perfect opening like a magnet.

My tongue flicked her clitorus gently before tracing every line and edge of the sensitive organ.

She gripped the surface of the shimmering water like they were bed sheets as the intensity inside her began to build.

“Please…”she whispered. “Make me cum.”

Sliding an index finger inside her while my tongue continued its delightful dancing on her clit caused her to convulsing to become more prominent.

My finger twisted and pumped into her while I my tongue began to flick faster.

She nearly sat up as an explosion of pleasure rocked through her.

“Fuck!” She screamed so loud that her voice echoed back to us. “I need you inside me,” she grunted through gritted teeth.

I pulled her legs back over my shoulders and pressed the head of my cock against her quivering and dripping opening.

I could feel her body trembling with the anticipation of our act, and my knees began to shake as well.

Everything felt so real, and I couldn’t even fathom the full breadth of what we could do together in this dream land.

I slowly pressed the head of my cock inside her.

Just the head…

And I pressed it in slowly…



“Please…” she squirmed.

I smiled. This was the moment I longed for.

The moment before penetration, sex is the most magical while simultaneously being the most intense.

Everyone who has ever fucked, knows the sensation of what sex is.

But, if you really think about the moments that lead up to your first encounter with someone new… you’ll remember an excitement that is hard to beat.

I pressed myself in just a bit more; careful to press it in slowly.

—Enjoying the hot tight sensation of her pussy accepting me.

I could hear a small whimper of pleasure leak from her beautiful trembling lips, and that was the sign I was waiting for.

With a pounding thrust, I slammed my cock in it’s girthy entirety inside of her. As I thrusted down into her, our bodies submerged beneath the surface of the water and we continued descending like two intertwined torpedoes fired at full velocity.

Our clothes vanished completely, as there was no more need for modern habits of mankind.

We were beyond human beings at this point— we were animals.

The water itself had no ill effects on us. We could both breathe, there was no washing away of her natural lubricant, and while fully submerged, our hair maintained its natural dryness.

As we descended down further, she gripped my back tightly, and I could feel her nails clawing at my skin as she thrust her hips up to take more of me inside of her.

Schools of tiny fish swarmed around us, reflecting the submerged moonlight in every direction, creating the most intense disco ball effect you could imagine.

Her pussy quivered and clenched as our bodies worked together like a well oiled machine.

As I began to feel another screaming orgasm building up inside me, I continued to pump myself into her.



I could tell by her quickening breaths that she was building up to an explosive end herself.

Our traveling, grinding, churning bodies began to change direction as we approached a whale that was as big as a football stadium.

We were now ascending upwards towards the surface.



My cock was throbbing and pulsing inside her, yearning to explode- but I wouldn’t allow it.

—not yet.

Her hips flexed, and she took a deep breath as our two bodies escaped the water and launched into the air high above our tiny boat drifting silently below.

Veronica let out a deafening roar while digging her nails deep into my shoulder blades.

My cock bounced, throbbed, and then erupted deep inside of her.

We clung to each other while wave after wave of pleasure washed over us.

Her body was feeling weak in my arms, and we slowly lowered back down to the deck of the boat. We laid there together, naked, exhausted, and satisfied.

“This was the best dream I’ve ever had,” she purred into my neck.

“I’d like to do it again sometime,” I beamed.

“How much longer do you think we have?” She asked.

I don’t get a chance to answer.

The sound of the project managers office door slamming jolted me awake.

I was instantly disoriented, and my mouth felt like I’d just drank a glass and a half of sand.

I looked at the clock on the wall and saw the time.


They would be waking her in a few minutes.

Nobody knew that I fell asleep, and that was a good thing.

Other interns had been fired for that exact reason, and I needed to insure that fate didn’t happen to me.

As much as I had disliked this internship, I had a new reason to like it now.

The light in the test chamber that Veronica has been sleeping in slowly began brighten.

I looked through my window and saw her slowly climbing out of the bed.

She walked with determined steps towards the glass that separated us, and looked at me with a single question in her beautiful eyes.

Was that real? Her eyes asked.

I smiled, and nodded slowly.

Her eyes flickered to life and a smile spread across her face.

“See you tomorrow night,” I said.

Then I turned and walked out of the room to fill out my nightly reports.

I filled my reports as normal, leaving out the part where myself and the test subject fucked underwater surrounded by fish.

That seemed like something that Veronica and I would keep between us.

We had 4 more weeks of testing to do, and I’m sure we would have even more fun experimenting now.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/if0sch/dream_land


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