[F]->[T] The experiment

It’s time. Time to take part in the experiment. Time to make history. I’m sitting in the waiting room. I’ve been locked in. No going back now. Besides, acquiring a penis is a small deed to do for ten grand. Anyway, the buzzer just went off. It’s time. “Hello, test subject,” says a voice over the intercom. “Please enter the door ahead of you and proceed.” The wall in front of me opens, revealing a passageway, turning right. I go ahead. As I walk through some winding corridors, the voice comes on again. “This passageway will lead you to a changing room. When you arrive, you will have 90 seconds to remove all of your clothing. Your clothing will be kept for you to retrieve after the experiment.” Sure enough, the change room is there. I step inside, and quickly take off my dress, and then my underwear. I stare at my vagina for a moment. I might miss it, sure. But I’m a bit excited for my new penis, and more excited for my money. I wait for a while, and another hidden door opens. “Please follow the passageway to the decontamination room.” I walk through, and arrive. It’s a good-sized room, empty except for a tunnel. “Walk through the tunnel in a natural fashion,” says the voice. Natural? I try to act natural as I walk the twenty feet, but I feel as though I looked kind of ridiculous. Oh well. As I walk through, I am sprayed with water of varying temperatures. I arrive on the other side of the room, and there is a large steel door in front of me. “When the door opens, step into the room. Please stand back.” The door swings open.It reveals a small room, about fifteen feet long, with another steel door. It’s an airlock! I step inside, and the door swings shut behind me. “Equalizing radiation,” says the voice. I start to feel nervous. What if the radiation hurts? I hope it doesn’t. I feel a bit tired, and a headache begins. “This room is extremely radioactive, and can kill in minutes. However, the decontamination process chemically enhanced your genes to withstand the negative effects of the radiation for the experiment to take place.” Good thing I paid attention in bio class, I feel a bit better now. The large steel door ahead of me swings open, and I am instructed to enter the room ahead. I comply, and the door swings shut behind me. This room is about the size of a classroom. It is mostly empty (surprise), except for a pool in the center of the room. It’s five feet by five feet, and filled with a toxic-looking green goop. Yuck. “Test subject, please enter the pool in front of you. Sit at neck depth, and do not ingest any of the liquid.” More yuck. I stride over to the pool, and dip my toe in. Fortunately, it doesn’t smell. I climb in carefully, and once I have my footing, find the concrete seat inside. It’s about the temperature of a hut tub. I sit down, and feel my vagina once more. I may be saying goodbye to it. “This substance is an excellent conductor of radiation. When the process begins, the radiation will enter your body, and, after an hour, the process will be complete. Please relax. The process will begin in thirty seconds. Do not exit the pool before the process is over. I adjust myself, and let my hair rest outside of the pool. I tilt my head back. *I’m ready,* I think. “Three, two, one. Process beginning.” I feel nothing. I begin to wonder if it’s working, when I feel the fatigue begin to intensify. *It must be working.* I relax, and rest. About twenty minutes have passed when I snap back to reality. I’m getting a penis! I put my hand to my vagina, or what’s left of it. I feel a rush of adrenaline when I feel the head of a penis peaking out. Wow! This is amazing! I decide to just let it happen, and check back when the process is done. I lean back again, and drift off to sleep. The buzzer wakes me up. “The process is now complete. Please exit the pool now.” I climb up out. Wow, that was warm. I feel very thirsty. Suddenly, out of my peripheral vision, I see something. My new cock. About seven inches long, uncut. No other part of my body seems to have changed. I feel my penis, and I feel the sensation I got when I touched my vulva. I can’t wait to jack off later. A wall opens up near me. Two scientists, dressed in heavy haz-mat suits, emerge. “Hello, test subject,” says one of them. “Let’s begin part two of the experiment.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5gpzt0/ft_the_experiment


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