Tim discovers his step sister’s secret part 15

Part 15 Dad is informed.


After relaxing for a short while, Alexa and Tim set themselves to right. Just as they returned to the main cabin, Tim pushed the Private button off. In 30 seconds, Candace was there, smiling and asking them if they’d like a luncheon.

Tim noticed the flushed face, the gleam in her eyes. He had a feeling that Alexa’s cries of passion had not gone unnoticed by Candace, and she had taken matters in hand, so to speak. Mmmmm, the idea that Candace’s hot body was in throes of masturbational glory while he was riding deep inside the heat of Alexa’s soft, buttery depths was most stimulating.

As Candace returned to the galley area to get their luncheon, Alexa leaned in and cooed to Tim, “She looks like she had some hot fun, thanks to my being so vocal!”

Tim whispered back, “Sure looks like that to me!”

Alexa’s mind was running, and she said softly, “After we’ve told you Dad everything, what do we do?”

Tim replied, “Well, we’ll probably return home, I get the feeling that Dad might have us stay away from the house for a couple of days while he deals with throwing her out.”

“So, we’ll come back on this jet….and Candace will be here again….see where my mind is going Tim?”

As Tim absorbed the significance of what Alexa had just said, she cooed, “Now that we’ve joined the Mile High club, how would you feel about a Mile High threesome? I’d love to watch you fucking that sexy Candace, I want a go at her too!”

Tim said, “Are you sure baby? I don’t want you to get uncomfortable by getting into a threesome, and having it turn our to be more that you can handle.”

Alexa grinned as she replied, “Since I’m going to be getting in on the fun, no problems. And it turns me on like crazy to think of watching you fucking her. Just like I want to see you fucking Maddie, Taylor and especially that little bitch of a step sis, Chloe!”

Tim gasped, and Alexa giggled, she continued, “Yeah, I’m working up a plan where all three of them will get fucked by you. And not at the grungy peephole, I’m going to love watching the show in comfort as you give them a good solid fucking. Chloe is really a bitch, and Maddie and Taylor follow her around and do just what she wants, like silly little windup dolls. I wonder if they’ll ever grow up. Perhaps your cock can get then to grow up. And Chloe, oh I’m going to enjoy seeing the bitch leader get fucked by you!”

Tim’s mind was spinning, damn, holy shit, talk about a goldmine!


The jet touched down two hours later, and Candace saw them off, her eyes bright, as she said, “I hope to see you both again soon!”

Alexa reached out, and ran her hand over Candace’s skirt, and cooed, “Mmmm, we both are looking forward to that!”

Candace let out a soft moan as Alexa’s hand spiraled over her ass cheeks, rubbing gently at her skirt. The look they exchanged left no doubt, they were both hot and eager for some more Mile High fun.

As they went towards the terminal, Alexa said, “Well, I think that clinches it!”


A limo driver was waiting, holding up a sign with Tim’s name on it, and in short order they were in the back of a limo, no having to drive through traffic in an unfamiliar city, just sit back at let the driver take care of it. The rich deep pile of the seats, covered with fine grade leather, Alexa had never been in a more comfortable environment that what Tim was introducing her to. Linda the bitch had sunk her money hungry claws in thinking that she could screw around on the side, while staying married to her gold mine. Alexa smiled, it was time to show that slut that she couldn’t have her cake and eat it too.

All the way to the hotel, Tim held Alexa’s hand, giving her gentle smiles. Alexa felt her feelings deepen. Tim was not only a lot of fun to teach a fully developed sex life too, he had such a sweet personality, he was crazy about her, and Alexa wondered just how far they would go. If they ever got married, Alexa vowed never to try and steal his fortune. She’d be getting a trust fund very soon that would make her wealthy in her own right.

The limo pulled up to the fanciest hotel in the city, a uniformed doorman escorted them in, and took them to the private elevator. He inseted a card key, and the elevator doors opened.

“Welcome Mister Masterson, your Father is awaiting you, this is the private elevator to the penthouse suite.”

All the way up, Tim was steeling himself. God, he hoped his Dad wouldn’t get into a ”shoot the messenger” mode.

The doors opened, and his Dad was waiting for them. He smiled, and drew Tim into a hug, patting his back. Tim stepped back, and he went over to Alexa.

“Alexa Randall, correct?” At her nod, he continued, “Yes, you’re one of Chloe’s friends.” He drew her into an embrace and gently kissed her cheek.

He stepped back and said, “It’s great to see both of you. The negotiations just wrapped up, and they went very well, our companies will be reaping the benefits very soon. Come, let’s sit down, and tell me what’s on you mind.”

He led the way into the suite, and they settled into leather armchairs, and Tim readied himself.

“Well Dad, I think you really need to know this….”


“…And after seeing her doing that to you, being so shameless, I knew you had to be told.”

Tim and Alexa looked at each other, and waited for the reaction. Alexa had told, word for word, Chloe’s boasting about how her Mom got a golddigger’s delight, and how she herself was going to be just like Mom, while Tim had told his Dad that her fucking another man was not a one time thing, and he had also seen the footage that Tim had gotten on his smart phone.

His Dad’s face was unreadable. His Dad looked up, and Tim could see the burning anger in his eyes.

His voice was soft however, when he said, ”Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Now that the dealing for the company is done, there are going to be some major changes.”

He took his smart phone, and called a number.

“Section 7 please….Hello, Wayne? Got a job for you. It’s time to take out the trash. Yes, let’s see, tomorrow morning at 7 AM, should be perfect. Yes, both pieces of trash, taken to the gate and put out on the street. I will take care of securing the perimeter. Thanks Wayne, I know your crew will do a good job, and there will be a nice bonus for you and the guys. Good day.”

He hung up, and said, “That’s the crew that will go in and throw them out. They are experienced, and will be on both of those bitches like a hawk, so they can’t steal whatever they can get their hands on. Take them to the gate, put them outside, and the code to unlock the gate will have been changed, so they can’t try to sneak back in. Her pre-nup will give her nothing, I put in a morals clause, and thanks to you Tim, I have the footage to prove her infidelity, and thanks to you Alexa, it has been made clear to me that it was all a sham to get at my wealth. Now, excuse me for a few minutes.”

He went into another room, and they could faintly hear his voice as he talked on his phone, getting everything set up.

Tim and Alexa breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh this is going to be great. Linda was certainly not close and never very motherly toward me. She was always a Step Mother, and never a Mom. I was nothing more to her than an annoyance to be tolerated, so she could stay and cash in. She used to be a stripper, I know she used to get naked for five hundred guys a night! No matter how many airs she put on these days, she was less than a decade removed from being the piece of trailer trash stripper that my Dad hooked up with on a drunken weekend in Vegas that stuck to him like a classic golddigger. I think my Dad was vulnerable, my real Mom had died 6 months earlier, and he married her on the rebound. It used to be a running joke, how he had Pretty Woman’d her, but Linda forbade that talk anymore, now that she was a so-called sophisticate.”

Alexa reached out and took his hand, touched by the deep secret that he had kept to himself. Chloe the bitch never talked about her trailer trash roots, and liked to flounce around like she was hot shit.

Alexa said, “Now that your Dad knows, she can go back to that trailer, and take Chloe the bitch with her.”

Tim’s Dad returned, and said, “It’s all set up. She will be turfed out of the house tomorrow, and when we get there, her shit will be packed up and in storage. I’ll phone her to let her know where she can pick it up, and that will be that. I never want to see her cheating face again. So Tim, Alexa, we’ll get you a nice room, so you can spend the night, and when we go home tomorrow, it’ll be a whole new life.”


“Yes, oh fuck lover, yes, I’m gonna cum all over your cock, cum lover, cream me, so deep, yes, yes, paint my cervix, fuck FUUCCCKK!”

Alexa’s voice rose up to a shriek, and Tim growled as he powered in one last time, his cock burst, and he let loose a pussy filling load, enjoying Alexa’s sounds of pleasure as he splattered her warmly clasping walls, milking him for every drop.

Tim flopped back, and Alexa quickly snuggled to him. They were in one of the Premier rooms, courtesy of the management. His Dad carried a lot of weight, and the hotel was happy to house his son and companion, gratis. They had dinner with her Dad a few hours ago, and Alexa had found Tim’s Dad charming. Now that such a momentous decision was made, he had been relaxed, friendly and had a nice streak of humor.

He had also said that with the negotiations now complete, he would be traveling far less, and Tim was looking forward to reconnecting with his Dad.

In the dimness, Alexa cooed, “I wish we could be there, to see the look on their faces when the cleanup crew comes to clean up!”


In the penthouse, Tim’s dad was naked, laying back in bed as Sasha, the hot redhead flight hostess from his jet, was as naked as he was, perched on his prick and riding him with expert strokes.

Tim’s dad had resisted the siren call of having Sasha in his bed, until now. Knowing what a cheap slut Linda was, gave him permisson to fuck the very fuckable Sasha. She had been in her room a few floors below the penthouse, and when he had invited her up to spend some time, they had quickly put that time to good use.

One of the lights was on a dimmer, and he filled his eyes, mmmmm, that mane of red hair, the way her generous tits jiggled so delightfully, the rising and falling of her awsome body as she pumped her hips up and down. The fact that she was a natural redhead with a nicely groomed red pelt really inflamed his lust, her pussy was a warm, clasping hole of pleasure, and her squeals, cries and groans of pleasure filled the bedroom, her movements driving herself to orgasm, the tight, writhing grip of her pussy milking him, and he was happy to oblige, arcing up, growling with pleasure as his cock erupted, blasting his hot creamy payload, innudating her with hot rushes of thick spunk.


Very soon, Tim and Alexa in one room, and Tim’s Dad and Sasha in the penthouse, four well fucked lovers were asleep, heading towards a new start.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/idjnlu/tim_discovers_his_step_sisters_secret_part_15


  1. Again, a classic! This is the only erotic story that I couldn’t wait for the next chapter! Kudos

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