Student Bodies [MFF] [DP] [First Time] [Anal] [Sex Toys] [Cheating]

I was actually invited to a party for my graduating class. I wasn’t gonna go but I talked myself into it. There were only three weeks left at school, might as well make the most of it. I was hesitant when I first got there. I was kind of terrified that I was meant to be the joke of the party. The crazy teal and violet haired art student who never really fit in anywhere actually thought she was invited, haha.

I stayed off to myself as I observed, gauging my safety among the crowd.

I wasn’t sure how alcohol was being served to a bunch of 18 year olds, but the drinks were flowing. My guess is a large sum of money changed hands and we were all suddenly 21 and older. Whatever, the last hurrah of high school, why not get plastered and have fun?

The night started off with a bang, the popping of a champagne cork, the beat of a drum keeping the time of a song, and the sound of a few dozen bodies taking to the dance floor. Damn near my entire senior class was there, as well as about two dozen older guys I didn’t recognize. I would guess they were invited by some of the popular girls.

My plans were simple, be myself and have fun and try to be easily forgotten.

The flirting started out simply enough. There was a girl I liked in school, Tess, brunette, cheerleader and an amazing set of tits, but beyond that I found her fascinating as she was mean to me one minute then staring at me longingly another. I never quite unraveled her mystery before the party.

It was a crush I’d harbored since we were freshmen actually. My school wasn’t exactly kind to the idea of a sexuality outside of hetero, however, so I was hesitant to show that side of myself. I danced beside her and to my surprise she came over and started to dance with me. Tess was followed by another of our classmates, Woody. He was the typical jock hard-ass, though he was also quite brilliant when it came to his studies.

The two of them danced with me for a bit. When the song ended they persuaded me to have a few drinks with them and hang out on the sidelines with them for a while. It didn’t take long until they were asking me uncomfortable sex questions. I started to leave but they stopped and apologized.

“Lo, sorry, sorry, don’t get upset please. We weren’t trying to rag on you, I promise.” Tess grabbed my arm as I walked away, her grip was firm but she seemed sincere with her apology.

“Why ask then?” I was short with them. I didn’t feel like being played, especially not at the very end of high school hell.

Tess looked to Woody and kind of nodded. He pulled me to the side a bit more. His voice was low as he spoke, “We were trying to find another girl for a group thing. Something we’ve been thinking about doing for most of the year actually, but we kept backing out on it.”

Tess was twirling her hair around her finger nervously, “We’re both familiar with you, you’ve never been anything but nice, and we’re both comfortable around you, so we wanted to ask if you would be interested but didn’t know how.”

I looked at each of them, trying to gauge if there was any truth to what they were saying or if it was just some sort of trick. They seemed nervous, uncertain of themselves. I would think, if it was a trick, they would be more confident and self assured.

Then Tess leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, “I’ve had a crush on you for a couple years now and Woody just wants to make me happy.”

Woody shifted nervously and looked back to me, “If you aren’t into it, we get it, no hard feelings or nothing. We just really thought you’d be a good fit for both of us.”

I finally chimed in, “Why is that?”

“Well, you’re weird so you’d be less likely to tell anyone about us trying something like that. You’re sweet and kind of shy most of the time, so people tend to just like you…” Tess’s voice trailed off.

Woody chimed in, “Mostly, it’s ‘cause we both think you’re attractive and we could be real with you without you judging us for it.” He put his hands on Tess’s shoulders and held her close. “We just wanted to ask before we all split up and went our separate ways after high school.”

I looked at them, still uncertain if it was a joke or for real. “Let’s go somewhere else and talk about it?” There was a clear hesitance in my voice as I spoke, I couldn’t help but feel as though I was being pranked or set up for some awful experience.

We went up to one of the rooms the host had rented at the hotel and discussed exactly what they wanted. They wanted to film it. Tess wanted to have control of toys for both me and her. Woody wanted to watch and participate with both of us, though he did promise Tess that he wouldn’t have vaginal sex with me, only with her if she wanted it. I sat on the bed and Tess set up the camera while Woody put his backpack down and began pulling various items out of it and lining them up along the bed beside me.

We all glanced around nervously at each other every now and then as things got set up. Tess sat beside me, “You don’t have to go through with it if you don’t want to you know?”

I nodded, “I’m honestly just worried that it’s not for real, that it’s just a cruel joke on me or something.”

She looked a little hurt and hung her head down in shame, “I haven’t been very nice to you have I?”

I shrugged and kind of brushed it off, “You had no reason to be.”

Tess hugged me and very quietly said, “I’m really sorry. It can be really easy to ignore my own feelings and go along with being mean just to keep people on my side. It’s a shitty thing to do and I regret it, but I never meant to hurt you with my actions. I’d like to consider you a friend, to be perfectly honest.”

Woody watched the exchange and seemed to have his own moment of remorse, “The popular crowd is full of kids under pressure from their parents to be cruel and judgmental of others for a faked sense of superiority just to go home at night and feel shitty about who they are as people. Hopefully we can make up for all of the shitty behaviors you’ve had to put up with from us. I promise you this is not a joke or a way to be cruel to you and I’m sorry we’ve been such horrible people that you actually have to ask if that is what our motive is all about.”

I felt bad about my hesitation, “Neither of you have so much as said hi to me in the halls since freshman year, now suddenly you both want to be intimate with me? Wouldn’t you feel just a little insecure and worried that it wasn’t genuine?”

Tess took her top off and pointed to a small scar along her ribcage. “In seventh grade I kissed a classmate, a female classmate. My mom walked in and saw me kissing her and she not only grabbed the girl and threw her out of the house, when she came back up to my room, my heart was pounding and she began beating me. She broke three ribs here, the scar is from a tube the doctors had to insert into my lung to drain fluid when it got punctured by one of the broken ribs. I’ve been the person my parents wanted me to be ever since. I’ve cut off contact with old friends, I recreated myself to suit their vision of the perfect daughter, cause I was terrified to be myself.”

She motioned to Woody, “He and I have never even had sex. I told him about my attraction to other girls and he was kind about it. He could have told me to take a hike, told my parents, ruined my reputation, potentially gotten me killed. But, he chose to stick with me, to be my boyfriend for four years without ever putting any kind of pressure on me to have sex. Lo, I’ve liked you since freshman year, I just couldn’t act on it or hint at it or make any kind of contact with you because it put me at serious risk. I couldn’t get caught up in a situation like that again so I avoided you and was probably outright mean and cruel to you to protect myself. It doesn’t make it okay, but it wasn’t about not liking you. It was simply about being afraid for my own safety.”

Woody nodded and sat behind Tess, rubbing her shoulders as he spoke, “I love Tess, with all of my heart I love her. It wouldn’t be my first choice to share her with anyone else, let alone a girl, but I love her and this is a part of who she is. I can hate it and make her pretend it doesn’t exist, slowly killing her inside and forcing her to be someone she’s not for my benefit, or I can accept it and get over myself and my own personal hang ups. I don’t have feelings for you one way or the other, you aren’t the prettiest girl in our class or anything special to me really. What you are is special to her.”

I looked them both over and nodded, “Alright, I’m in.” My heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest. Tess nodded and smiled, Woody squeezed Tess’s shoulder then went around to turn the camera on.

Tess looked over the toys that were laid out beside me. There were various sized dildos and vibrators and some things I didn’t really know what they were. Then there was this contraption. It looked like a weird belt with a dick attached to the front of it. That is what she grabbed. She slipped it on under her skirt and the fake dick made an awkward bulge in the fabric. We both kind of laughed while Woody looked a bit uncomfortable.

Tess looked back towards him and gave him a questioning glance, “We ready?” He simply nodded and adjusted the camera on the tripod. Tess smiled and looked back to me. “Are you ready?”

I shrugged, “I guess so.”

We started off fairly awkwardly, Tess leaned forward to kiss me and I shifted my position slightly causing her to kiss me more on the cheek than the lips. She smiled and put her hands on either side of my face, “It’s going to be okay, it’s going to be fun for all of us.”

She leaned forward again and kissed me on the lips.

It was with that kiss that I calmed down. It was clear that this wasn’t just a trick on me, the way she felt came through as she parted my lips with hers. You don’t kiss someone that passionately without real feeling behind it. I felt my breath catch as her tongue hesitantly tangled with mine. She was soft and sweet with the kiss but there was still this intense urgency as she pulled me tighter to her. She tasted wonderfully of cinnamon, alcohol and sweetness.

I don’t know which one of us whimpered but I do know that I was the one who placed my hand on her cheek and began kissing her back. Admittedly my eyes were open during the kiss, hers were not. I glanced over to Woody and he quietly watched us, his hand rubbed over his crotch, though it looked almost like an automatic reaction rather than a willful motion. Tess pulled out of the kiss and smiled softly at me, “May I take your shirt off?” She asked softly.

I nodded.

She already sat in front of me in only her bra. Her hands slid down my sides and under the hem of my shirt. She lifted slowly, letting her fingers glide along my body as she lifted the fabric off of me, revealing more and more of my flesh to her. I lifted my arms as she pulled the fabric up and over my head and tossed it over the side of the bed.

We sat in front of each other in only our bras and we each smiled bashfully. Her breasts were at least two sizes larger than my own. She was easily a D cup where I fell around a B. Her body was taut with the musculature of a gymnast, my own body was softer, less toned and clearly still held a more significant layer of body fat over my frame.

I covered my tummy with my arms and she just slowly adjusted them to expose me. She smiled and kissed the corner of my lips then whispered softly in my ear, “You’re beautiful.”

I wasn’t fat by any means but I just wasn’t lean and muscular either, somewhere in the middle actually. Her skin was beautifully olive toned while mine was beyond pale. She unfastened her own bra and freed her tits from the confining fabric that had been holding them up.

Her nipples were surrounded by large circles of slightly darker skin, her breasts were nicely shaped with the nipples high and perky above a beautiful curve of soft flesh. I tilted my head to the side and reached out to her, cupping the underside of her breast in my hand. The weight of her flesh in my hand was significant, her breasts were heavy and this amazing combination of firm skin combined with a soft give as I caressed and squeezed her. I ran my thumb over her nipple and she tilted her head and bit her lip. Her nipple perked up and stuck out significantly with the slightest bit of teasing. She smiled and closed her eyes.

The smell of her skin reminded me of a sugar cookie, there was a soft vanilla scent with this indescribable sweet tone to it. Then there was the lingering scent of a lightly floral soap. I took her nipple between my lips and teased her breast with my tongue. She giggled and moaned softly, pulling me closer to her. I gently bit and pulled at her nipple. A quick glance to Woody showed me that he was enjoying the show, he had slipped his hand into his pants and just stared with his mouth open a bit as I sucked on his girlfriend’s tit.

Tess pulled me away from her and unfastened my bra as well, she hurriedly pulled it open at the front and freed my breasts for her own lips to enjoy. She mimicked my own motions and it felt amazing. My nipples were noticeably smaller than hers, and lighter, a soft pink rather than her deep olive tone, my nipples also sat noticeably lower than hers, leaving a smaller curve of flesh underneath them. She still cupped me and massaged the firm mound of flesh beneath the nipple before rubbing her thumb over my small nipple.

She leaned forward and took my breast between her lips. Her mouth covered much more of my breast than mine could cover on hers. She scraped her teeth along my skin and pressed her tongue against my nipple before swirling it around the taut little nub that she created from her teasing. She looked up at me and I looked down at her. I bit my lower lip and moaned softly as I felt her hand sneak its way between my thighs, rubbing slowly but firmly over my panties. There was already a small wet spot forming on the thin silk covering.

Not a word was said between us as she pulled her lips from my breast and moved back up to my lips. She kissed me firmly and pushed her tongue under my own, forcing me into a wet and deep dance of a kiss. She stared at me while she kissed me, a sudden intense look on her face. I felt her fingers slide under my panties and she smiled when she found the source of my wetness. The fluid was thin and slippery as she pressed her finger into the source. I closed my eyes and she rubbed her now lubricated finger up over my clit, eliciting a soft whimper from me.

She began slowly moving her finger over my clit and rubbing softly until the soft flesh became firm and I moaned openly into her kiss. She would slide her finger into my renewing fluids and then slip the freshly slicked finger up over my sensitive flesh.

Then there were more hands on me. I opened my eyes and watched Woody caress each of our breasts. He climbed behind us and firmly gripped and squeezed us. He was naked and his cock was firm in front of our faces. We both looked to each other and turned our lips towards him.

He buckled a bit as our lips each took one side of his cock. We moved in ways where our lips touched as we kissed our way up his shaft. He looked as though he was trying to hold back, not demand more, but I felt his hand tighten on my breast and I obliged to giving him more. I placed my lips over the head of his cock and used my lips to push the uncut foreskin down from the taut skin at the tip of him. Tess continued to rub my clit but her lips moved away from her boyfriend as I began to suck him off. I tried to glance over to her but he turned my head towards him more and began pushing his hips towards my lips.

I felt Tess push my thighs apart and then felt the coolness of the air in the room on my swollen clit. Tess’s lips closed on my skin and her wet fingers began sliding into the opening of my pussy. I gripped the sheets tightly as I felt her tongue slide down and dip into me before moving slowly back up to the more sensitive bit. Soft kisses and taunting licks elicited tingles throughout my lower body and made me moan on her boyfriend’s cock. Her fingers quickly worked my virgin pussy into a wet and inviting opening.

“Lo, I want to fuck you with this vibrator. I want to know what it feels like to thrust into a girl,” Tess’s voice was quiet and a bit labored, like she was having a hard time speaking.

I didn’t object, I just continued sucking Woody’s cock as he thrust deeper and deeper into my mouth as she got me up on my knees. My hands were on Wood’s cock and hip. I felt her position the thick rubbery cock at my opening and she slowly pushed the head of the fake cock into me. I squirmed and tensed up a bit. Woody pushed his cock deeply into my throat, gagging me a bit as Tess turned on the vibrator.

My panties were simply pushed aside to allow the contraption into me. I was wedged firmly between boyfriend and girlfriend and I think I liked it a lot more than I thought I would as my tongue curled under Woody’s cock. I heard Tess whimpering as she pushed more and more of the softly vibrating cock into me, it seemed the vibrations were stimulating her clit as she pushed it into me.

This is when things took a turn.

Woody pulled his throbbing shaft from my lips and I gasped for breath. Tess pulled free of me and lay back on the bed. Woody rubbed my clit and motioned to Tess, “Climb up onto her, ride the cock.” He held up a remote and turned the vibrations of the vibrator up a notch. I watched a blush sweep across Tess’s chest and saw her squirming on the bed. I climbed up onto her obediently and very slowly lowered myself onto the twitching silicone.

Woody walked up behind me and I felt him begin to rub my ass as I rode the cock his girlfriend wore. The vibrations were making her squirm under me, making it harder to stay on her. Each time I pushed down on the cock Tess would arch her back and cry out a bit, her breasts looked beautiful as I looked down at her. I bent over her as I continued lifting my hips up and pushing them back down on the cock and began sucking and caressing her breasts.

Woody began playing with my ass. I could feel him rubbing me followed by a cold moist feeling, it made me jump, I pulled away from Tess’s breasts and looked behind me. He smiled at me and held up a bottle of lubricant. “May I?” He rubbed the slippery fluid around the outer edges of my asshole.

I bit my lip and nodded. I kind of prepared myself for pain as I felt him use his fingers to push some of the lubricating fluid into me. I was still moving my hips down over the cock that Tess wore, each time my hips came down in contact with hers she whimpered and squirmed under me, the vibrations from the contraption she wore went through both of us, internally for me and directly above her clit for her.

Tess’s hands were on my thighs and her thumbs rubbed my clit. We both squirmed, grinding our bodies against one another. Tess pulled me along her as her back arched and mine did too. I gasped and she moaned and she trembled as she lifted herself up and kissed me softly, needily, as she orgasmed.

Woody rubbed himself down with the lubricant and generously spread more on me before he began to very slowly push himself into me. It was beyond tight, I was tense and kind of scared. He moved one hand around my waist and began playing with my clit, then turned the vibrator up another notch. Suddenly I was only able to focus on the feel of the vibrations coursing through my body and holding onto Tess as she squirmed and moaned under me from the sudden surge of intensity in the vibrations.

Tess was crying as she arched, her beautiful breasts pushed forward and I was whimpering as I rode her a little faster. She reached up to me and grabbed my hands, holding them tightly as I continued riding the cock she wore. Woody pushed against me while I relaxed momentarily, the tip of his cock spread me slightly. He slowly and methodically pushed a little harder against my ass as I worked the rubber cock that was pleasing both me and Tess. He had managed to work about half of the head of his cock into me before I cried out in pain.

He stopped right away and just stayed where he was. Tess sat up and began kissing me again, distracting me from the pain of experiencing anal penetration for the first time. I was no stranger to masturbation, I knew what to expect when she slid the rubber cock into my pussy, but I had never so much as touched my own ass before. He took it gently, slowly. I could feel him throbbing inside of me and every time I moved just a bit he would grab my hips tightly as I squeezed him.

He couldn’t stand just sitting still anymore and began thrusting forward into me again after a few minutes, working himself deeper and deeper as I tried to hold back tears. It was painful, I’m not going to lie, but I’m also not going to say it wasn’t enjoyable. Tess pulled my head down to her chest and held me so my ass was up in the air and at the perfect angle to slip into me a bit deeper.

His cock swelled slightly with each pulsing thrust, then he turned the toy up to max and Tess and I both fell down on the bed, neither our legs nor our arms could hold us in an upright position. She squeezed my hands and I squeezed her as we both orgasmed from the same vibrations coursing through us. My orgasm tightened my ass around Woody’s cock and I heard him gasp as he came suddenly inside of me. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my chest, pulling me up to him as he pushed deeply in one big thrust. I felt each spurt of his cum flood into my ass.

He quickly pulled me off of Tess’s strapon and lifted me by my thighs, my legs were spread wide and Tess rose from the bed, smiling, her once perfect makeup and hair were both mussed and smeared, Woody turned me so that my pussy faced the camera and Tess dropped down to the floor in front of me, licking and sucking on my dripping cunt as I rode out the orgasm. She was still riding the waves of pleasure herself as she plunged her tongue into my aching pussy. I whimpered and whined, my ass still clung to Woody’s cock as he held me up and spread wide for his girlfriend.

I turned my head towards Woody and he seized the opportunity to kiss me deeply while Tess’s tongue very gently licked back and forth over my clit until I was trying to raise my hips to meet her lovely little mouth. Woody put me back on the bed on my hands and knees and pulled his cock from my ass then went to the bathroom to wash his cock clean of me.

Tess pulled the strap on off of her and quickly discarded her soaked panties and skirt. She pulled the rest of my clothing off of me and began rubbing another vibrator with the slippery fluid. She smiled and she very quickly pushed it inside of my still aching ass. The toy was a good bit smaller than Woody had been, so it slipped in much easier. I felt her tongue dipping into my pussy from behind, she was wantonly lapping up the vaginal fluid my body was creating for her. She stopped when Woody came back into the room.

Her voice was soft between gasps as she looked at me and pulled me over to the edge of the bed. “Lo…” Her fingers began rubbing and probing my pussy, “I want to eat you while he fucks you…would that be okay?” As soon as she finished asking the tip of her tongue playfully flicked back and forth across my vaginal opening.

Her tongue was thick and long and felt amazing as she pushed it into me, swirled it just along the inside of me and then moved back to teasing the edge of my opening. I finally found my voice. though it was broken between moans, “Are you…are you both…okay…with that?” I felt Tessa’s tongue teasing my clit and I felt Woody put his hands on my hips as Tess positioned him to penetrate my pussy. Her tongue swirled between us and he slowly pushed in.

It was a different sensation from the vibrator, less intense but then she pressed her lips to my clit and rubbed his cock with her hands. She knelt above me and she enjoyed nibbling, kissing and sucking on my clit as he really began to fuck me.

I clenched the sheet tightly and fell back as they both pushed me towards another orgasm. I had never experienced anything like this before. My own two fingers did not compare to her tongue and his cock in the slightest. I heard the vibrator start up and initially I thought it was for Tess to play with, but then I felt Woody spread me open and push it into my ass quickly. It was already set to the highest power setting and I bit my arm to keep from screaming as my back arched and my pussy squirted on them.

It was beyond lewd and I felt as though I was going to pass out. Tess continued to play with my clit as I squirmed and Woody bucked into me. I gave in to the sensations fully and all I could do was shiver and moan as my cunt continuously contracted on Woody’s dick.

His cock pushed tightly against my cervix and I felt him unload again, a warmth filled me. When he pulled his cock free from me for the second time, Tess’s tongue didn’t hesitate. She plunged her thick soft tongue into my pussy and hungrily lapped up Woody’s cum. The vibrator in my ass was not removed, Woody held it firmly in place as he watched his cum and my fluid drip out of me and onto his girlfriend’s perfect breasts as she climbed down in front of my spread legs.

He was rock hard again almost instantly.

Tess guided me further onto the bed and climbed over me so that I could lick her pussy and she could lick mine. Woody came around to Tess’s cunt and he practically begged her to let him inside. She agreed, so long as I would suck on her clit while he did.

He suddenly seemed almost feral as he grabbed her hips and began pumping himself into her virgin pussy. He made her bleed because he went too rough too fast and she cried out, but her fingers and tongue kept working my pussy. I happily sucked on her clit, licking occasionally from her firm nub down to her slit and sliding my tongue between the two of them. It seemed to set them both off as she cried out and pushed herself back hard onto his cock.

She plunged a fresh vibrator into my pussy and began playing with the one in my ass and pussy simultaneously. I smiled and moaned and she licked and sucked at me until my body trembled in her grip in an exhausted but needed orgasm.

When Woody came again he pumped deeply one more time then collapsed onto the bed next to us and Tess lay down in a spooning position with him. I crawled up in front of Tess and began kissing her passionately, The taste of all three of us mixed as we deeply plunged our tongues into the other’s mouth, our fingers kept caressing and penetrating each others cunt as we lay with each other. Woody seemed content to simply rub our breasts as we exhaustedly squirmed and fingered one another until we fell asleep together, my fingers inside of her, hers inside of mine and Woody clinging to Tess tightly as we all cuddled in the bed.

I was sore, small bruises were beginning to form where she had bitten me and where I had bitten her. When I woke up Tess was still sound asleep next to me and Woody was down between my legs and licking me. He had woken me up with his tongue.

He looked up to me and made a shh gesture then began fingering me and sucking on my cunt again. I bit my lip and let him while his girlfriend slept soundly beside me, the beautiful goddess of a girl. He climbed up beside me and kissed me as he fingered me slowly. “You felt better than I expected,” he whispered to me.

I looked at him as he turned me onto my side and lifted my leg over his hip, his cock pushed into me and he breathed heavily against my ear as he thrust gently. I closed my eye and he kissed my neck as he very slowly fucked me, trying to be careful to not wake Tess up. His hand trailed down my body and he rubbed my clit.

He moaned lightly and brought one hand up and grasped my hair, “I need to really fuck you, get off the bed with me,” he whispered.

He reluctantly pulled his dick from me and got off the bed, pulling a chair over by it as he pulled me over to his lap. He pushed back into my pussy from behind, my legs squeezed tightly together between his as he bounced my body up and down on his cock with his hands on my waist.

I watched Tess sleep and Woody clasped his hand over my mouth as I started moaning a little louder than I meant to. He moved his hand from my hip down to my clit and I rocked myself on his cock on my own and fucked him harder than he’d been fucking me.

He groaned and I tightened on him as I sat firmly on his lap and rolled my hips with his dick firmly in me. He came and his grip on my mouth tightened. I felt him smile as he kissed my neck. He was breathing heavily and pulled my hair to get my ear to his lips, “I thought you were purely into girls?” he asked.

I shook my head, “I’m into people,” I said, “genitalia and gender don’t really matter to me. I just feel safer around girls.”

He whispered, “Go lie down with Tess.”

I stood up partially and he grabbed my hip, holding me still as his dick pulled free of me. His cum leaked out of me and he held my pussy lips apart as he watched his cum drip in a couple of big dollops from my cunt and onto his dick, “That is beautiful,” he whispered. I blushed and he dragged his hands over my cunt, gathering his cum from between my legs, “Okay, now go lie down with Tess,” he said.

I climbed up on the bed with her and he went to the bathroom where the shower started up. Tess sleepily wrapped her arm around me, pulling me to her, “He didn’t fuck you as quietly as he thinks he did,” she whispered, her eyes still closed.

I tensed up and she smiled.

“I’m only with him because he keeps my mom off my back. He’s the one that made up that stupid no vaginal sex with you rule. Do you like him?” she asked as she opened her eyes and looked at me.

“No. I liked how it felt, but him? No,” I said.

“Good. You and I are going to the same college this fall, right?” She asked me. I nodded and she kissed me softly, “Woody’s going up north and I’m going to break things off with him soon. I was hoping…maybe you and I could start fresh at our college? Look out for each other? Be friends on an adventure together?”

“I think I’d like that,” I said.


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