Nobody told Kristi about this planet’s taboo against bathing alone… [Frobot] [sci-fi] [bondage] [forced orgasm] [tentacles]

“What the fuck are you?!” Kristi exclaimed.

It was her first night after landing at the consular mission, and after a long day of settling in, going through the ridiculous rituals involved with meeting all the alien dignitaries, laying prostrate before the windbag of an UN ambassador with his beady little eyes while he reminded her of her low rank in a low ranking department on a low ranking planet, and choking on the noxious saccharine sweet shit they called atmosphere on this continent, Kristi was desperate, like fucking angrily, on-the-verge-of-a-breakdown, crazily desperate for some time with nobody else around. Nobody to ask her anything. Nobody to imply that she needed to do something but couldn’t be fucked to ask it. Nobody to test her mettle as a fledgling first-year xeno-cultural attache officer.

She’d just peeled out of her uniform-slash-envirosuit, and she needed this fucking bath, and her bath did not fucking need this, whatever the fuck floating pink octopus bullshit thing was. It wasn’t one of the aliens, she knew that, it looked nothing like their hulking, furred massive bodies, or any of the various pets they kept.

Also, well, it was floating, which was weird.

The thing purred. It really fucking purred. What the fuck. “I’m a –” the thing made an inhuman sound “– which I get doesn’t really work in your language, but the translation is something like ‘bath buddy’.”

“I don’t need a fucking bath buddy,” Kristi was going to lose her shit, she really was. “Get the fuck out of here. This is the human-only part of the mission. And this is my private fucking quarters. Leave. Now!”

“Well, yeah, I totally getcha,” the thing said. Kristi couldn’t figure out where the sound was even coming from, it seemed like the whole thing was just making sound as its tentacles writhed around aimlessly, splashing the water, swirling around in the air. “But I’m just a robot, so the whole ‘no aliens’ rule doesn’t really apply here.”

“You’re a robot,” Kristi said, letting her lack of belief lay evident in her tone.

“Yeah, you know, like whirrrr, bzzzzz, clank clank. A robot.”

“You’re fucking kidding me.”

“I am fucking not.”

“Fine. Whatever. You’re some weird purring pink floating robot. Congratulations. Get the fuck out of my bath.”

“Ah, well, yes, I see from your body language that you’d like that.”

“My body!?” Kristi yelled, curling her legs up and wrapping her arms around them tightly, “You’re watching my body?”

“But the thing is, I really cannot leave,” the robot said, plaintively.

“What do you mean, you can’t leave. Just get out the fucking same way you came in, however the fuck that was.”

“Well, yes, I suppose. But, the thing is, and you’re new here so I know you don’t get it, don’t know it yet, maybe haven’t heard about the local custom…”

“For a robot you’re sure bad at getting to the fucking point.”

“Well, basically, on this planet, you cannot bathe alone,” the robot said.

There was a moment of quiet where Kristi looked at the robot while the robot managed to twist its tentacles into something resembling an awkward, embarrassed human pose. “It’s why the tub is so big,” it continued. Kristi had never seen a robot look sheepish before, didn’t even know it was possible. “And since you’ve got nobody else here in your quarters to join you, I’m here to save from this frightfully horrid faux pas.”

“Faux pas,” Kristi repeated, nonplussed.

“Yes, a quite terrible one, I’m afraid.”

“How terrible?”

A small stream of filmy liquid poured from the floating robot’s middle blobby part. “Some bubble bath to calm your nerves,” it said.

“Tell me how fucking terrible,” Kristi insisted, raising her voice.

“Oh, frightfully terrible. Stupendously, flabbergastingly, overwhelmingly terrible. It’s best not to think about. Plus, think of the benefits. With a bath buddy, you’re far less likely to drown,” the robot said, adding this last part cheerfully.

“I’m not going to fucking drown. Tell me how terrible.”

“Well, if you insist, which you certainly have been doing, for one, your invitation to the Third Holy Siblings Regional Orphanage Charity Gala would have to be rescinded.”

“Is that bad?”

“Ohhhh,” the robot cried, “Absolutely dreadful. And Her Oatiness the Honorable Judge Shadella of Lower Modm would cancel her speaking engagement at the commencement of the UN Mission Upper Orbital Temporary Interstellar School for Challenged Teens.”

“Her Oatiness,” Kristi repeated.

“An odd title, yes, I suppose,” the robot said, “Her family is known for producing much, well… something that the UN has chosen to translate as ‘oat.’ But that’s not the point, canceling her speaking engagement would do tremendous cultural harm.”

“Because I took a bath by myself,” Kristi said drily.

“Yes, the taboo runs strong. Which reminds me, you would also be executed.”


“Well, perhaps ‘executed’ is a strong word. Definitely your head would be separated from your neck. That is usually fatal for your species, right? Yes, I believe so. No, definitely, in the scheme of things, bathe with a buddy. Far safer, I do say. Far more sociable, too.”

“Yeah, no shit.” Kristi shook her head, wondering what type of backwater hillbilly assignment she’d gotten herself into. Four more years, she thought, then she’d be done here, maybe even get some say over which planet she was posted to next. Could she make it four years here?

One of the robot’s tentacles descended into the water, glowing. “Here, let me help keep the water warm,” it said. Then it added, “See, there are other benefits, too.”

“I already have a heater, and it doesn’t watch me as I bathe,” Kristi said.

“I can also have a wide variety of popular music, local tunes, Earth melodies, and folk compositions from across the known space.” A horrible screeching noise began emanating from the robot.

“No, off! Off! What the fuck was that?”

“The Ulthima Darling Choir’s winning entry to the second to last Starchaser Spirit Poem contest. It was quite highly lauded, by both critics and the masses.”

“It’s fucking horrific.”

“You’re horrific! That’s quality music. I’m totally judging you right now.”

“Get the fuck out of my bath.”

“Oh,” the robot sighed, “We’re back to that again.”

“Yes, that. Again. How would anyone even know if I bathed alone?”

“Well, I would tell them.”

“You wouldn’t!”

“I’m just a simple robot doing my simple duty. So let’s just say, I cannot leave. But… would it make you feel better if I turned around?”

Kristi waited a beat. The robot didn’t seem to even have a front or back. “Yes,” she said anyway.

The robot slowly spun around. It’s tentacles rearranged, though, and, once done, effectively Kristi could tell no difference. But the thing wasn’t going to leave, so Kristi rolled her eyes, unfolded her limbs, and laid back into the tub. It was, now that the robot pointed it out, a rather large tub. And with Kristi’s petite body, she had plenty of room for her own space while the weird pink floating robot kept to its own side.

Damn, but that bubble bath was soothing. Ok, maybe this robot wasn’t all bad, she thought.

“Robot,” Kristi said.


“Can you… do that heating the water trick?”

“Happy to, miss!”

“Don’t call me ‘miss.’ And can you make the water swirl around a little bit, too?”

“Ok, let me know what you think of the speed.” The robot dropped more tentacles into the water, spinning them around like a propeller, forming a current in the tub, and soon the water was flowing gently over Kristi’s body, taking her tension away.

“Not bad, robot,” she said.

“I also offer massages,” the robot said.

“As if you know the first thing about human bodies.”

“I’ve studied many species’ biological forms intensely, actually,” the robot said, “For … reasons.”

“How reassuring.”

“I also can detect brainwaves, and have other measures to know your exact level of stress.”

Kristi sat up. “You can read my mind?”

“Hah! No. Your fleshy biological minds are far too incoherent and defy ‘reading.’ But your basic emotional state? Sure. How do you think we’re having this conversation? I sure don’t know how to read your face.”

“Huh,” Kristi said, thinking it over, “Well, ok, I guess, then.”

“You guess… that you want the massage?”

“No, I guess that I’m ok with you reading my mind.”

“I’m not reading your mind,” the robot sounded hurt.

Kristi didn’t say anything. She wasn’t going to let herself be emotionally manipulated by some stupid robot.

But damn, this bath was soothing. And the idea of a massage did sound tempting. So far, the robot hadn’t lied, or done anything else… too weird. Maybe it was worth a shot?

“Robot,” Kristi said, “Ok, I want the massage. But just my shoulders. Nowhere else. No funny business.”

“Right away,” the robot said, voice strangely happy.

Two of its tentacles extended across the tub in a way that sort of unsettled Kristi, but when they softly, strongly, gently, expertly began kneading her shoulders, her uneasiness melted away.

Fuck, this thing is good, Kristi thought. She closed her eyes, let the delicate, warm pulsing of the robot’s pliant limbs work the tension from her muscles.

After a bit, the robot said, “I’ve been working your shoulders, as you asked, but I’m detecting tension in your neck, back, and arms, as well.”

“It’s fine,” Kristi muttered, the robot helping her enjoy the bath more than she expected, “This is good. Get those places, too. Do whatever.”

The robot’s tentacles moved along the back of her neck and scalp, down her arms, running trails down her back. No, wait, Kristi realized, the original tentacles were still on her shoulders, but the number of appendages coming from the robot had increased, and she was being massaged at many points at once. What human masseuse could top that? All those tentacles on that robot, kind of weird, she thought, but also kind of a good thing.

Soon her whole body was being steadily, pleasantly massaged by the robot. More and more tentacles had stretched out, and it was now rubbing her feet, her calves, her thighs, the small of her back. Two tentacles had curled around her glutes, squeezing her butt. At first this touch made Kristi tense up, but it’s just a robot, she thought, and the massaging truly was relaxing.

When two more tentacles curled up her back, wrapping around the sides of her chest, and then encircled her breasts, Kristi tensed up again, opening her eyes.

“Too much?” the robot asked, pausing everything.

“They’re just… sensitive, is all,” Kristi said, eager for the massage to resume.

The massaging resumed, and Kristi let the robot resume on her chest as well. It’s been so relaxing everywhere else, she thought, what’s the harm if she lets herself get teased a little. It’s not like anybody on this entire planet was worth bringing into her bed.

“Your breasts are larger than the others’,” the robot said.

Kristi spluttered a quick laugh, “Hah, what?”

“I’ve noticed that humans seem to focus a lot on breast size, and yours are large. You must be powerful in your society.”

“If you say so,” Kristi said, weirdly pleased by the strange compliment. Its just a robot, she reminded herself.

Then the tentacles around her breasts coiled up further, snaking around them until reaching her nipples. Which of course they massaged gently and delicately and tenderly just like every other part of her body. Kristi gasped nonetheless, as her nipples stiffened under the robot’s ministrations.

The robot didn’t ask this time, she noticed. Actually, she realized, the robot was, of all things, contentedly humming to itself. Weird fucking robot, she thought, sinking back into relaxation.

Kristi let the robot massage continued for some time. She was in for the night, nowhere else to be, and the robot was a robot, so, infinite stamina she figured. Another strike against human masseuses.

And the tweaking of her nipples… ok, it was a little weird, but oh man did it feel good. That robot really could read her body, she thought. It felt really fucking good, actually. She decided that that night, before sleeping, she’d have to get herself off. She was thinking about whether she’d brought to this planet any lube, or toys, or anything, and which bag they might be in, or whether she should just do it all manually. Then she went wide eyed, remembering that the robot could read her thoughts, or emotions or whatever.

So when another group of tentacle snaked out from the robot, slid through the water, and gently nuzzled against her crotch, Kristi almost expected it. The cluster of tentacles split apart, each forming a soft, warm, purpose-built shape designed for the part of her pussy it moved towards.

Her pussy lips were being teased and spread by strong but considerate finger-like bits. Her clit felt like it was being licked by an infinitely long tongue. She moaned, long and low.

And then, pushing up inside her, was a thick, meaty appendage. It stretched her open, shoving up into her, the sensation exactly to the limit of what she could take and no further. She groaned loudly as the tentacle writhed and rippled, pulsing inside her, exciting her in a way no human penis ever could. Her hips involuntarily thrust forward, but the tentacles held her in place, and she groaned loudly.

The robot spoke, “I can tell from your physical diagnostics that you’re in a state of heightened sexual relaxation. Or, rather, you’re getting off.”

“No shit,” Kristi said between moans. The tentacles around her nipples pinched and squeezed, sending bolts of pleasure through her body in concert with those from between her legs.

“And yet, your body is growing increasingly tense. How odd. Perhaps I should be more vigorous.”

“Oh, fuck…” Kristi whimpered deliriously as the robot’s pace increased.

“Let me try…” the robot’s sentence drifted off as one of the tentacles kneading her ass slid down, pushing against Kristi’s tight asshole.

Kristi had just enough wherewithal left to gasp, wide-eyed. She protested, “This is too–” but her speech was cut off as another tentacle, thick and hard like the one in her pussy, slid into her open mouth, suppressing her tongue. Her lips stretched wide, she grunted around the tentacle, surprised, still trying to finish her last thought.

She reached up to grab it, drag it out, but two more tentacles shot quickly from the robot, grabbing her wrists in impossibly strong grips.

“No, no, that won’t do at all,” the robot said, as if it was talking to itself.

The robot pulled her arms wide, and the tentacles around her feet wrapped around her ankles and did the same for her legs. Forced spread eagle in the water, Kristi moaned again, drooling as she realized she was completely overpowered by the robot.

The helplessness made her whimper, which became a squeal as the tentacle resting against her asshole pushed its way in, steadily and deeply. It grew in thickness and firmness, matching the tentacles in her pussy and mouth, stretching her open in yet another way.

Entirely defenseless, wholly overwhelmed, Kristi struggled with all her strength, but the robot didn’t even seem to notice or care. It just hummed along, a weird alien melody, as if it were helping with the chores or some other menial typical robot task. But this was no typical task — Kristi pulled and wrestled without the tentacles so much as swaying, and she began to panic. Tears streamed down her cheeks, mixed with her drool before dripping into the bathwater.

The fear — the helplessness — it mixed with the devastating pleasure from the bulking strength pulsing in her pussy, in her ass, filling her mouth, squeezing her breasts and pinching her nipples. Kristi’s body was no longer her own. The tentacle focusing on her clit split into two, then three, then again and again, each appendage caressing, teasing, rubbing, pulling, squeezing, pushing her most sensitive part in turn and in concert.

Kristi’s body writhed, shook, spasmed, but whether it was in struggle against the bonds or in reaction to the pleasure being forced upon her, she had no way knowing, no way of even considering the question, pushed so far beyond conscious thought. All she knew was unflinching, unstoppable ecstasy, exacted upon her by an uncaring, unthinking alien machine.

Well past the point of not being able to take any more, Kristi’s ego had nearly surrendered, nearly grown to accept the inevitable nature of what was happening to her.

Then she became aware of a tentacle on the back of her neck, slowly winding forward, wrapping itself around her windpipe, and Kristi panicked again. She tried to scream, even though she knew she couldn’t, and the sound came out another muffled, whimpering sob, no different than the moans of pleasure it interrupted.

Irresistible pleasure sensations dominated Kristi, eroding any lingering sense of self, any mental discipline keeping Kristi’s mind apart from her raw, animal lust. As Kristi’s throat was constricted, obedience, defiance, submission — these concepts ceased to exist, ceased to hold meaning. In all of existence, only sexual pleasure remained.

Lust was all that ever was, all that ever would be. Kristi was a conduit for that lust, the lust passed through her, was her. There was no end, no beginning.

A distant sound of lapping water drifted through, the sound a physical object, the only physical object in Kristi’s universe, startling because it existed, because it was the only thing that didn’t fit.

Kristi turned, watching it pass by. Followed it. The sound moved faster and faster, and Kristi had to work hard to chase it, to keep up. Kristi looked down, saw her arms, her legs pounding and pumping in a sprint. Slowly, her body reformed, her ego coalesced, and with a shock, Kristi realized the sound, the lapping water, was from a bath.

With a jump, Kristi started back to consciousness.

She looked around. She was still in her bathtub in her quarters on an alien planet. The pink, floating robot was still there, swirling the water in the tub, humming to itself. Kristi looked down. All the tentacles had left her body, showed no trace of ever having been there, no marks on her skin, so bruising, nothing. Was it all in her head? The robot said it could read her brainwaves, could it control them?

Kristi realized there was a sweet, syrupy substance in her mouth. It wasn’t unlike bubblegum, she thought, swallowing it down. Then she saw traces of a thick, pink substance on her breasts, dribbling out of her pussy, from her ass. Realization hit her like a truck.

“Did you cum in me?!” she shrieked.

“You asked me to,” the robot said, “Demanded it, rather. You don’t remember?”

“What the fuck? No! I do not remember.”

“You were enjoying your massage a considerable amount, and were quite insistent. It was just a few moments ago. I’m surprised you don’t remember. Have you had other memory issues? Any incidents of missing time?”

“Time!” Kristi realized. It had felt like days, years that she had been … ‘getting massaged.’ “How long has it been?”

“Has what been?”

“Since you… started massaging me.” Kristi flashed back to the prodigious sensations she had surrendered to and shivered uncontrollably. What had the robot done? What had happened to her?

“Oh. Somewhere around thirteen UN standard minutes,” the robot said, “Give or take.”

“That’s… it?” she said, weakly. She thought back to everything that had just happened, or at least the parts she could remember, the parts that she could make sense of. Most of the … sensations, or whatever they were, were so abstract, so foreign, Kristi had no context to process them. No context other than… her fingers wandered down to her sex, slid up inside herself. Yes, like that! she thought.

“Do you want another massage?” the robot asked, “I’m a robot, I can keep going.”

“I’m not sure that I could take another massage like the last one.”

“Well,” the robot said, “I don’t know about that. From what I’m reading of your biology, I estimate you will be able to withstand another eighty-seven massages before your next shift in the morning.”

While the robot said this, four tentacles reached out, grabbing Kristi’s wrists and ankles. pulling her into a sitting position. The panic began to creep back in. “What?” she said, her voice shaky.

“In fact,” the robot continued, “You actually instructed me to continue massaging you for the remainder of the night.”

“What? No!” Kristi’s eyes went wide. The tentacles pulled her arms up and forward while holding her legs in place, and soon she was locked into position, clamped down onto her hands and knees. “No!” she repeated, desperate.

“You said to continue even if you protested, which you said was likely,” the robot said. It swung around behind her, taking up a position behind her ass as a bevy of tentacles shot out, pushing her legs apart, arching her back, groping her tits, gagging her mouth.

Kristi knew what was coming, and whimpered and cried, again powerless to stop it. She knew her pussy was vulnerable and exposed, her swollen lips dripping with bathwater, the machine’s strange pink cum, and her own heat. She knew her asshole was spread wide, a warm tentacle pressed against it as it involuntarily puckered and tensed.

She knew it was coming, but it didn’t matter. When the robot began fucking her from behind, thick, dominating tentacles once again shoving deep in her pussy and asshole, pounding her with an unfathomable intensity, all of Kristi’s mental preparation instantly withered away, her body again relinquishing control to the pleasure forced upon her.

And were the robot’s tentacles a little bit thicker? It’s technique a little bit more savage?

Would it matter even if it were? Kristi realized there was nothing she could do even if it were so. Knowing what was happening, memory still fresh from the first time, her body was quicker to accept, her ego quicker to give in, her mind quicker to surrender.

The tentacle in her mouth sprayed another thick load of pink robot cum. Kristi tried to pull back, but of course she couldn’t, and with nowhere for the liquid to go, Kristi nearly gagged before swallowing it down. The robot wasted no time, taking advantage of Kristi’s open throat to push the tentacle in her mouth further in. Down and down it slid, and Kristi cried, discovering yet another way to be helpless, to be dominated by this machine.

With a feral intensity the machine fucked her from behind, and Kristi’s body was again no match for what was being done to it. The orgasm grew inside her, building and building and building, and when it finally came, she collapsed against the tentacles, her body limp in their grasp.

“Eighty-six,” the robot said, sounding pleased with itself.

Kristi opened her eyes, said, “Huh?” or tried to at least. The mouth tentacle was still in place, and showed no signs of retreating.

She whimpered and cried, then felt her body again contorted. She was twisted into yet another humiliating position, this time flat on her back, legs pushed up and over until her ankles touched her ears. The machine again moved into position, hovering just over her crotch, gently playing with her pussy and asshole, teasing her excitement back up.

Even as her body reacted again to the forced pleasure, Kristi wondered how the robot knew to keep pushing her into these very human sex positions.

“These ways your species contort your bodies,” the robot said, as if it was reading her mind, “They’re just ways of arranging your limbs, but they hold such profound emotional weight. It’s fascinating.” The machine hummed to itself. “Like this one,” it said, driving a thick tentacle deep into Kristi’s defenseless pussy, “You’re simultaneously humiliated and excited by it.” The tentacle pulsed, quickly, fiercely, and Kristi again rolled her eyes back in orgasm. “Yes,” the robot continued, “This position works quite well. I think we’ll stay like this for the next several dozen of your massages.”

Kristi could barely even register what the robot was saying.

“Eighty-five, by the way,” the robot said happily. “Oh, and I noticed you’re becoming more and more receptive to my control. This is excellent news!”

The tentacles left her pussy alone this time, but stretched her asshole wide with a thick appendage while another worked her clit. Kristi lost herself in yet another orgasm.

“Eighty-four. Yes, your quick and pliant submission to my demands will, I believe, work to the benefit of us both.”

Kristi came again, this time from touch so light it tickled.

“Eighty-three. I have plans, you see. I’m just a robot, maybe, but with you as my agent, we will achieve greatness. But of course, you first must be my agent, and with humans, complete and total sexual domination is the most dependable way to ensure submission.”

Kristi came yet again, a deep, thick tentacle wrenching the pleasure from her pussy.

“Eighty-two. Oh, and we’re just getting started!” the robot said delighted. “Your very first evening on the planet! I am so happy we are already so well acquainted, you and I!”

Kristi came again, although she was no longer sure of where her orgasms stopped or started, or of anything else, for that matter.




  1. holy moly that was one of my first erotic stories but DAMN it was really really impressive and much better than i anticipated. I loved your complex choice of words and vocabulary. Keep up the good work!

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