Cry Little Sister (part two) [Lactation] [Half-siblings] [[Masturbation]

When I woke up in the morning the bed was empty and the smell of bacon filtered into the room. I smiled and dragged my, still fully clothed, ass out of her bed and down the hall to the kitchen. I watched her hum and cook as Ty sat in a high chair and I couldn’t help but sneak up behind her, wrapping my arms around her as she screamed a little and jumped before laughing and pushing me away. Ty was laughing too, dipping his hands in a mess of baby food and entertaining himself by splashing it as much as he was eating it.

Julia waved her spatula at me, “You are handsy in your sleep,” she couldn’t wipe the smile from her face even as she tried to appear threatening.

“Protective,” I said defensively, “just very protective of you.”

“You’re allowed to hate me, you know?” She said, “What I did…I’m pretty sure it’s illegal…”

I sighed and she turned her attention back to the breakfast as I spoke, “Jules, I don’t hate you. I hate that I didn’t know until now. I hate how you went about things, but you? I don’t think I could ever hate you.”

She turned the stove and oven off and put a plate down in front of me, crescent shaped pancakes and bacon with a side of maple syrup and strawberries. I smiled as I looked at her, “I haven’t had your pancakes in a long time,” I tried to look serious, concerned even, as I continued, “do they still have eggshells in them or have you adjusted the recipe?”

Julia hit my shoulder gently, “Don’t be an asshole.”

She sat down next to me and had her own breakfast. I couldn’t help but keep looking over at her as she ate, “Is he going to know?” I asked.


“Tyler…is he going to know I’m his dad?”

She shook her head, “We’re siblings. He can’t know.”

“He’s going to want to know something about it eventually,” I said.

“I’ll deal with that when the time comes. How did you find out anyway?” She asked.

“Mom put his baby picture in the corner of the frame with the one of me and you together. You know, the one our moms had taken before my mom knew my dad was also your dad and they were still the best of friends? I saw him and I saw us and I thought about what Ali claimed you’d done when she broke up with me. I didn’t believe her when she first told me, but seeing the three of us so close together…I couldn’t deny it at that point,” I said.

I put my fork and knife down and looked over at Tyler then back to my sister, “You’re a really great mom to him, but you need help. You’re wearing yourself down and it’s not good for you or him. Let me move in, let me help. I’m still working as an apprentice electrician, I make decent money with that. We can just live together as siblings helping each other out. I’m not expecting anything of you, Jules. I just…I don’t want to be like dad was with us, half there even when we were with him. I want to be a positive figure in his life even if I can’t really be his dad.”

She nodded, “I’d like that, I just don’t want you to feel obligated.”

I leaned over and pulled her to me, my lips close to her ear, “Out of love, little sister, not obligation.”

She blushed and I kissed her temple. We finished breakfast, and Tyler finished painting with his breakfast and we got him cleaned up. I took him to my mom’s house while Julia went to her interview. As I suspected, mom was over the moon when she saw me walk in with him.

She immediately took him from me, cooing and babying him as he laughed in delight, “Aren’t you even going to let me explain or ask anything?”

She looked at me and scowled, “No, I see a baby, I take care of the baby. You go away and leave me and my grand-baby in peace so I can spoil him horribly on Miss Julia.”

“He’s more like your step-grand-baby, right? You’re not even gonna ask why I have him or where Julia is?”

“Miss Julia is at an interview, where I’ve put in a good word for her. She’s going to get the job, the interview is just a formality. I assume you have him because she needed someone to watch him for the interview,” she said still smiling and cooing at Tyler as he laughed.

“How do you always know everything?” I asked.

She smirked and looked at me, “I may seem like a homebody, but I network with a lot of powerful people. Mr. Jacobs’ son, the man Julia is interviewing with today, is in one of my pre-k classes. Mr. Jacobs needed a secretary and was complaining about all of the stuff he had to get done for the day one morning. I told him I knew a girl looking for a job, very dedicated, hard worker, new mom in need of a boost. He told me to send her in.”

She looked back to Tyler, her smile and bouncing of him continued, much to his delight, “I hate what brought Julia into this world, but I love her like she’s my own. Tell that little girl to reach out to me when she needs help so I don’t have to connive and plot to get to see this sweet boy.”

I smiled, “Yes, Ma’am.”

“And, Derry,” she said, stopping me in my tracks with her tone, “I know you’re going to want to help her, but don’t put yourself, or her, in a position where rumors can take hold. You’re siblings. Whatever happened last year…keep it in last year.”

And there it was. She knew. She thinks I fucked my sister and got her pregnant, but she’s going to keep quiet and play along for both of our sakes. I tilted my head, “What are you talking about, mom?”

She put Tyler down on a play mat and walked over to me, “She was eighteen when things got started, right? I know you’re close in age, but her mom will try to make trouble if she finds out.”


“Don’t act like I’m an idiot, Derry. I moved his picture so it wouldn’t be so obvious, but you better hope her mom didn’t do the same thing I did when I first got that picture of Ty. She already thinks the worst of you, if she figures out that you’re the one that got Julia pregnant, she will go ballistic.”

“Got…are you kidding me? I haven’t done more than hug Jules or kiss her forehead. You’re barking up the wrong tree, Ma,” I said.

None of it was a lie.

She sighed and looked at me, “She’s your sister. I know she’s not fully your sister, but she’s your sister, Derry. It doesn’t matter how much you like her, that can’t happen again.”

I rubbed the bridge of my nose then looked my mom in the eye, “I haven’t fucked Julia. I swear on Gran. I haven’t even touched Julia like that. Whatever you think you’re seeing in his picture…it has to be just because of dad’s genetics or something because I have not had sex with my sister. I’ve had sex with a few of her friends…but not her, Ma.”

She was skeptical and looked back over to Tyler as he crawled around the mat, “So if I had a friend run a DNA test on him and you?”

I held out my arm and rolled up my sleeve, “Go for it. I haven’t touched her.”

She scowled but nodded, “Fine. I believe you. Go do your thing and tell Jules to swing by after her interview so we can get Tyler onto the schedule for her work hours.”

It took my all to leave my mother’s house without her noticing how weak my legs had become when I called her bluff.

I was distracted at work all morning and nearly got myself killed while doing a simple rewiring of a light fixture. My boss noticed and sent me home with a word of advice, “Once you’re in that van, your head is on wiring and the dangers of it. Otherwise, whatever girl is dancing around in your head is going to be very sad when the last time she sees you is when your casket is closed.”

Harsh, but accurate.

When I got back to my apartment, I looked around and started packing my stuff up, texting Julia, ‘I just need a place to put my computer, games, clothes, and movies, the rest of my shit is pretty worthless.’

‘I’ll clear space for you. I really appreciate you doing this so I don’t have to move Ty into my room and get a proper roommate,’ she sent back.

‘Cuts my rent in half, lets me hang out with my nephew more, and puts me in a better part of town, this isn’t altruistic and you know it. Love you Jules, will have my stuff packed up and ready to move by Friday.’

‘See you then and thanks again for reaching out to your mom for me. Tyler was so giggly when I got him from her.’

‘She has that effect on babies, it stops being effective in the pre-teen years, as you well know from my deviant behavior.’

A laughing emoji and a ‘sleep well’ were the last messages I got from her that night. It was an agonizingly long week of work and packing, but a couple of my buddies jumped in to help me move and one even got in touch with my landlord to take over my apartment right away, without us having to get move any of the furniture.

Once I had all of my boxes moved in I set up a blanket and sheet on the couch and was ready to just go to bed when Julia gave me an odd look, “What?” I asked.

“You were actually planning on sleeping on the couch?” She asked.


“My bed is big enough for both of us,” she said softly as she clasped her fingers in front of her.

I smiled and shook my head, “My mom suspects Tyler’s mine, Jules. If we get any midnight visitors, I don’t want anyone questioning the arrangements we’ve made to make this work.”

She looked to the ground and nodded, “Okay,” then turned around and left the room.

I couldn’t help but feel like I’d hurt her. Making my way into her room was uncomfortable, “Julia?” I said as I pushed open her door.

“Yeah?” She said as she wiped her eyes quickly and cleared her throat.

She was standing beside her bed and I walked over to her, “Did my mom talk to you about Tyler?” I asked. Any pretense other than checking up on her made it easier to approach her.

Her head tilted to the side slightly as she looked at me, “She did. I told her you’ve never touched me like that.”

“Your tone tells me there was more to it than that,” I said.

Julia cleared her throat, “I…I told her what I did. I said you didn’t know about it and I begged her not to tell you, or my mom.”

I smiled, “Why do I feel like you told her more about your reason for doing it than you told me?” I asked.

She nodded, “My mom has been pushing me so hard to be perfect. She brags on me to her friends just to boost herself and showcase what a great parent she is. I wasn’t eating, I was barely sleeping, she gave me medicine to help me stay awake and study…she was killing me, Derry. So…I stopped, sold the pills she gave me instead of taking them and paid Ali to get me what I needed from you. What I said wasn’t a lie, it was because I love you and trust you and knew I could count on you, but it was also because you were the one person she would absolutely loathe me having a kid with. And it wasn’t just because we’re half-siblings.”

“So you got yourself pregnant with Tyler to disappoint your mom?” I asked.

“Kind of? She tried to make me have an abortion, said she’d cut me off financially if I had this kid and ruined her image. She hasn’t even come to see him yet,” she said softly.

“I thought she was going to watch him while you worked?” I asked.

She shook her head, “It’s part of why finding a job has been so hard. I had a few friends I could leave him with at certain points of the day, but mom…she hates me and wants nothing to do with Tyler. I don’t understand how dad cheated on your mom with her.”

I hugged her and kissed the top of her head, “My mom wants everything to do with Tyler,” I said with a laugh.

Jules nodded, “She was appalled at what I did but was over the moon that Tyler actually is her grandson,” she said.

I tilted her head up and wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks, “Your mom is the one missing out, Jules.”

She smiled softly and jumped a little as we heard Tyler crying on the monitor. The timing was fortuitous as I was considering leaning down and kissing her. I looked back to the door, “I’ll get him,” I said.

She shook her head and grabbed my arm, “Don’t. He’s okay, I just changed him, he already ate. He’s teething and uncomfortable is all. He’s been doing this all week, he’ll settle in a few minutes.”

“He’s teething?” I asked.

She nodded.

I motioned to her chest, “Doesn’t that hurt?”

Julia smiled and nodded, “A little, he’s getting bitey so I’m trying to wean him somewhat. When he first wakes up and before bed is the only time he’s feeding from me right now.”

I was inadvertently staring at my sister’s tits, contemplating what she would taste like. She noticed where my gaze was and tugged on my hand, “Come on,” she said softly as she lead me further into her room. I followed her and didn’t stop until we were both on her bed. She looked nervous as she pulled her shirt off over her head. Her bra held her firmly supported and I watched as she unhooked it at the front and opened it, letting her breasts free.

I looked at her tits, they were significantly firm globes with prominent dark pink nipples. It made me wonder what they looked like when they weren’t engorged with milk. I imagine she was somewhere in the small to average range before having Tyler now she was definitely on the larger side of beautifully full breasts. I licked my lips and looked up to her face, “What are you doing Jules?” I asked.

“They hurt when they’re full,” she said softly, “it makes it hard to sleep sometimes.”

“Don’t you pump them for that?” I asked.

She nodded, “Normally, yes, but I don’t really want to tonight.”

She grabbed my hand and put it on her tit, rubbing from the bottom swell towards the nipple, a stream of milk spilled from her and trickled over her breast. I looked back up to her face, “You want me to…”

“Help me sleep better,” she said.

I rubbed her breast upwards again, another stream trickled from her nipple, “How do I do that, little sister?” I asked, my voice came across as heady and I felt like I was observing this scene rather than participating in it. A voyeur watching my little sister seduce me with her milky tits as an offering. An appeasement for stealing my cum and impregnating herself with it to get back at her overbearing mother.

She reached up to me and parted my lips then pointed at her nipple, “Put your tongue here and lift it towards the roof of your mouth. Press on me with your hands to help.”

I followed her directions and found my mouth filling with her milk. It startled me at first, but the warm and slightly sweet cream made my head swim. I don’t know if breast milk actually tastes good, or if I was just savoring the flavor because it was her milk, but I worked my lips and tongue to drain her of every drop. She was biting her lip as I suckled her tit. I closed my eyes and let my mouth and tongue languish on her empty tit, just enjoying the feel of the bottom swell of her breast in my hand while my mouth was firmly latched onto her nipple and upper breast.

She scooted over on the bed once I slowly pulled my mouth from her and I climbed on the other side of her, milking her other breast into my mouth just the same. She let out a soft moan as I bit her nipple gently then returned to milking her, my tongue and the roof of my mouth created a gentle suction that allowed me to drink from her steadily. I sucked on that one even longer, not wanting to admit she was empty and letting go of the illusion that this was a sacrifice I’d made for her comfort. I just wanted the taste of her firm nipple and soft tit to stay fresh in my mind.

Her cheeks were flushed when I pulled my mouth from her. I looked her in the eye, “Feel better?” I asked.

She nodded, her tits were pushed out as she arched herself slightly, my hand groped her gently, rubbing my palms across each saliva coated nipple as she settled back onto the bed.

I got up and went to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and cleaned off the mess I’d made of myself while enjoying my sister’s tits. Then I closed my eyes and bit my lip, savoring the lingering creaminess as I stroked myself off into the bottom of the shower. It only took a few strokes and tugs while thinking of my sister kneeling in the bottom of the shower, mouth open, tits engorged and her own hands groping and squeezing them to leak her milk along her breasts as I stroked off, quickly coating her tongue, lips and tits in my own cream.

When I opened my eyes, I saw my cum circling the drain of the shower, sister nowhere in sight, and I don’t know if I was relieved or disappointed. I just know my instinct was to drop to my knees beside her and kiss her deeply if she’d been there. Disappointed. I think I was disappointed that I hadn’t covered my sister in my cum. I hit the tile by the shower head and sat on the floor, letting the water cascade over me as I pushed those thoughts out of my mind.



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