The Secret Life of Grace Harper Part Two A True Submission Story

The Secret Life of Grace Harper Part Two.

If you missed part one dont worry. Follow my profile for the link and if you like it check out my other spanking and submission story. Any comnents are welcome. Enjoy part two!

When Grace came to she couldn’t see or move.  The hood had been removed and replaced with a blindfold.  She had no idea where she was or how much time had passed.  She only knew that she couldn’t see and that her arms and legs were cuffed to chains leaving her unable to move and in a standing position.  Her arms were pulled up over her head in a “Y” position and her feet were slightly spread apart.  She couldn’t hear anything and it was a little cold wherever she was.

Grace called out: “Hello? Is anyone there, where am I? Why did you kidnap me?” There was no answer. She couldn’t tell for sure, but Grace felt like she was alone in whatever room she was in, wherever she was.  She started to cry.  She wanted something to happen in her life. She wanted to fuck her crush, not get taken. She tried to scream for help.  She screamed until her vocal cords hurt, but nothing happened.  Tired from the screaming and cried out Grace had nothing else to do but hang there and think about what would come next. Every thought that came into her mind terrified her even more than the last.  She tried to fight her restraints. It was no use.  She could stand on her own accord, but couldn’t move an inch in any direction. She could go limp and hang by the chains, but she found that didn’t change her positioning very much at all.

Suddenly she heard a door open and shut. Someone had entered the room, but she didn’t know who.  She was so scared that she couldn’t speak, but she knew she should have started yelling the minute the door had been opened.  She couldn’t get her vocal cords to muster any words.  All was quiet for some time.  She could hear whoever it was walking around the room going from one side to the other.  At one point the person passed so close to her that her sun dress responded to the change in air flow.  Grace tried to flinch and jerk away but her restraints held firm.  Grace’s voice had finally returned to her.  “Who are you and what do you want with me?”

The reply was not the voice of a real person. Whoever it was was disguising thier voice like one of those deep throat documentaries on late night tv where the person doesn’t want their identity revealed in the interview.  The device made the voice sound horrible and coarse, but Grace could tell that the voice belonged to a man.  “You are in no position to be asking questions. I have brought you here for a purpose, and once that purpose has been fulfilled you will be free to leave if you wish, but I’m confident that you will choose to stay.”

“What purpose? What are you even talking about? And you give me a chance and I’m gone and you’ll be sorry!” Grace had about a million more questions, but the deafening sound of a whip cracking close to her body stopped her from continuing. She could feel her hair move and smell the thick leather that had been so close to her face. 

“I told you that you are in no position to ask questions.  You will be told what you need to know when you need to know it, and you will be satisfied with that or the next stroke will not miss.  Do you understand?” Grace had no idea how to answer, but she must have taken too long because the whip cracked again, this time on the other side of her body, again, way too close for comfort.  “When I ask you a question I demand a response,” the harsh robotic voice was stern. 

“Yes, I understand,” said Grace in a feeble voice.

The robotic voice continued.  “Yes, I understand, Master. You will not know my name, but you must be aware by now that I own you.  You are mine to do with as I please and there is nothing that you can do about it.  You will refer to me with respect as Master or you will be severely punished for your transgressions.” Was this for real, thought Grace. Did he really expect me to call him Master?  Grace fought her restraints again. The voice continued. “Do you understand what I want you to do?”

“I’m not calling you Master!” yelled Grace.  That was the last thing she could say for at least a minute.  In a flash she felt a strong leather band wrap around her waist and the tail end smacked her hard in the stomach knocking all the wind out of her. It hurt so bad, but Grace couldn’t even scream. She could only gasp for breath. 

“I will give you one more chance,” the voice said.  “When you are ready, say ‘please continue, Master.'” Grace thought while she struggled to breathe.  She knew not calling him Master would produce another stroke from the whip and she would do anything to keep that from happening.  She convinced herself that it was only a title.  It meant nothing. She finally replied: “Please continue,” she paused for a second, “Master.”

“Good,” replied the voice.  “I know that right now you are only saying that so that I do not whip you again.  That is to be expected. By the time that you leave here, though, you will mean it with every fiber of your being.” Grace smirked.  “I understand how you would think that would not be the case, but trust me.  When we are done I will be your Master, and you will beg me to hurt you.”

For the first time Grace felt her captor within inches of her body.  He continued his monologue.  “You see Grace,” he knew her name. Figures, she thought, he had her license. “You see, Grace, I know more about you than you think.  I know how bored you are in that hum drum mundane nine to five life of yours.  I know that you are so unhappy that you can barely take it anymore.  I know how desperately you want something, anything to happen to you.” He wasn’t wrong, but Grace vowed to never let him know that.  “Well Grace, something IS about to happen to you. A lot of somethings actually.  The only problem is that you will have no control over what happens to you.  I own you. I will decide what happens to you. I will decide if what happens to you is pleasureful (He suddenly reached out and grabbed Grace’s pussy. He started slowly caressing it), or painful (He started to twist and streach one of her labia, she cried out in pain).  Your obedience will dictate what happens to you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.” The word already seemed to flow a bit easier now.  She liked the initial touch of his hand.

“I’m going to work on you Grace.  I’m going to fix you, but in order to do that I will have to break you down so that I can build you back up.  We will start with your clothes.  Every inch of your body belongs to me.  There is no need for you to hide anything anymore.”  With that he started to cut Grace’s dress off of her. With one swipe he cut her dress in half from the “V” at her breast all the way to the bottom.  He then cut her sleeves away and her dress fell to the floor.  She knew that he would cut her favorite bra and panties next, and she mourned them for a moment, but at the same time there was a fresh exhiliration pumping through her body. Someone was about to see her, the real her. Someone evidently WANTED to see her or he wouldn’t be wasting his time. For Grace, this feeling was intoxicating.  She no longer cared or worried about her body, Someone was paying attention to her and someone wanted to see who she truly was. 

By this time he had cut away her beautifully perfect purple panties and was working on her bra.  The chill in the room was just enough to make her nipples harder than they had been in a while.  When he was done Grace was completely naked, with no way to cover herself and nowhere to hide.  Then, nothing. She still couldn’t see anything.  Was he looking at her? That thought excited Grace. That he was there looking at every inch of her smooth pale skin. Was he even there? She didn’t hear the door so she thought he was still there.  Then she felt it. The sensation of a wet, soapy sponge had started at her belly button and was slowly moving in circles around her stomach.  The water was warm and the soap was smooth. She could feel each droplet as gravity slowly pulled them down her body, into her thick luciously dark bush and past it onto her pink already lubricated pussy.  The droplets that hit her inner thighs brought the most sensation.  They tickled and she wanted to wipe them away, but she had no way to do so.  She didn’t dare ask her captor for fear of the whip.  As he slowly started to move his washing to other parts of her body he began to speak again.

“What you don’t realize about yourself, Grace, is that your body is already a masterpiece.  I am restoring that masterpiece to its former glory.  It must begin with a cleansing. You are beautiful, you may have forgotten that fact, but it still remains true. I enjoy looking at you.” By this time the sponge had made its way to her breasts. She was amazed with what care he was taking with each boob.  The circular motions were so calming that with the blindfold on she almost could have fallen asleep.  She was wide awake when his sponge touched her pussy.  Grace could feel the sponge penetrating her as it washed back and forth and side to side.  The feeling was enthralling.  After some careful time there he moved back north and started to work on her lush bush.  The water was a little colder now and her hair was soaking up as much as it could handle. The next sensation, however was not cold at all. Suddenly she felt an intensly warm sticky sensation on one half of her pubic hair.  Then the same hot feeling on the other half.  It was hot wax.  He was about to rip off all of her pubic hair.  Grace prefered to shave because she was afraid of the pain of a wax, but there was nothing she could do now.  It was on and it would have to come off. As they waited for the wax to set he continued to speak.

“If you are going to escape your old life everything must go. When I remove this hair from your body think of it as hitting the reset button.  You will start over from scratch.” As he said that last word he ripped the strip in the center, the one with the most hair.  Grace screamed at the top of her lungs. She wanted to touch the area so badly but she couldn’t. Her crotch was on fire. Luckily he was there with a cool damp cloth to clean up the excess wax.  The change in temperature was calming to Grace. He wasted no time and ripped the second strip off, but only halfway.  Grace screamed just as loud, but this time it felt worse because she knew he would have to yank again.  He was more successful the second time and the cool cloth was a comfort.  The final strip came off without a problem (except for the excruciating pain) and he was left to gaze at his work. 

For the first time Grace felt him touch her with his actual hand.  He was rubbing up and down her crotch admiring the soft, smooth skin hiding under all that wild hair. His hand felt good and her crotch was already much more sensitive to the touch. She was still on fire. Grace was starting to appreciate that.  The sponge returned. It started on her crotch and worked its way down to her vagina and around to her plump bare bottom.  When he was done he dried anything that was still wet and continued. Grace had always wondered what it would be like to have someone wash her. She liked the feeling.

“Now, we are ready to begin. It is time that you were tested, Grace.  It is time to find out what you really are made of.  No matter what happens to you from here on out I want you to beg me for more. Do you understand? When I stop doing anything to you I want you to say: ‘Please master, don’t stop.’ Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.” Grace figured that nothing besides that whip could hurt much more than that waxing, and the fear of the whip was enough to keep her submissive. It started out pleasantly to Grace’s surprise.  He placed two fingers on her pussy and started to slowly work his way around it.  Grace could almost feel the fingerprints on his fingers as they scraped across her pink mounds.  His fingers started to slowly go deeper and one of them was moving directly for her clit. Then, just as abruptly as it began, it stopped.  Grace’s first reply was easy.

“Please Master, don’t stop,” Grace cried out.

“I’m sorry Grace, but I’m afraid you’ve had about enough of that for now.” Grace’s heart sank. The next sensation was definitely leather. She could feel the touch of a small, firm square of leather start at her feet and then slowly work its way up to her inner thigh. It lingered there making circular movements before moving to her labia. It was smoothly moving back and forth across her folds then it was gently patting her pink pussy. It did the same on her newly smoothed out crotch. She was very sensitive there and the patting felt good. The small leather square made its way to her chest and breast. She felt it get stuck on her chest and then spring free and land on the bottom of her breast. It was lightly stingy and felt kind of good. The feeling of the leather on her nipples was pleasing. Then it travelled up her neckline and carressed her lips. As it moved back down it took her bottom lip with it as far as it would go before snapping back in place. He moved behind her and again started patting her folds from behind. Then the leather moved directly up the crack of her bottom and all around her cheeks. It moved up her back and then back down to her cheeks. He moved back in front of her and started again gently patting her inner thigh. The next sensation was intense, loud, and painful.  SMACK! Grace screamed in pain as her inner thigh was on fire in one very small one inch area.  SMACK! Again, Grace cried out as another stroke fell on her other thigh.  The pain was intense and very stingy. SMACK! A third stroke fell on the front of her thigh and then a quick fourth on the side.  Then there was a flurry of smacks. Grace lost count of how many but the leather was going back and forth from one spot on her inner thigh to the other. The fire in her thighs was building. SMACK! this stroke fell on her pussy. The pleasure was almost equal to the pain and the tingling that it left behind took her breath away. SMACK! this time on her sensitive hairless pubic region. She cried out in pain. SMACK! A blow centered right on her naval. SMACK! SMACK!  Two perfectly aimed swats to each nipple. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Three very fast stingy smacks on each butt cheek and then one final one in the center. SMACK! one final blow in the small of her back. Then it stopped. Grace knew what she had to do and now she didn’t want to do it. Her fear of the whip finally got the better of her.

“Please Master, don’t stop.” Grace could barely finish the sentence. Grace was ready for this to stop. She could only hope that he would do the same thing he did previously and move on. He did not.

“Don’t worry, Grace, I wouldn’t dream of stopping.” How many more of these do you want?” Grace thought for a moment.

“Two?” She said.

“I’m sorry, Grace, that number is way too low.  You had a chance to really test yourself and you didn’t.  I think that since you went so low 12 more on your bottom should help you remember to strive higher next time.” Grace was terrified. She was about to be spanked for the first time in her life.  Sure she had daydreams about it all the time, but playful ones, with a hand, not whatever it was he was using. 

Grace could hear him moving around behind her.  She wanted to run, but she couldn’t. “Please, you don’t have to do this.”

“I’m sorry but I do Grace.  How else will you ever learn that you can take it?” We will make these quick I’ll even switch cheeks to make it easier. Six at a time. 


Grace’s ass was on fire.  The stinging was unbearable and she had only endured half of them.  She had cried out after each swat and she felt exhausted after only six.  Her captor did not linger.


Grace was in tears. She had never cried so hard in her life.  Tears were streaming down her face, but the release of emotions was refreshing.  She felt years of pent up emotions flowing freely out of her. It was uncontrolable. She could hear him move in front of her. His face was inches from hers. She could feel and smell his breath.  She didn’t know what he was going to do, but she couldn’t control her tears.  They were still streaming down her face. He kissed her hard on the mouth. The salt of her tears mixed with his saliva.  Then he licked away her tears.

He didn’t speak to her for what seemed like an hour.  He never left the room so she knew he was there, but he was letting her calm down.  She cried for at least a half an hour.  She felt energized after it was all over. She tried to talk to him after she had calmed down, but he never answered her.  After a while she felt a small tickle on her right thigh.  It was brief, but then it was there again and again, each time lingering longer and longer. The tickle started moving around her thighs, from right to left and then slowly inching forward towards her vagina.  The tickle persisted as it moved up and down her lips.  She could feel her pussy tightening. Then the tickling stopped and she felt a sharp prick on her right nipple. The prickling feeling was rolling around her nipple and all up and down each breast.  it was like little pinpricks and after each prick her excitement rose.  The prickly feeling rolled from her breasts down to her naval and then all around her freshly mown lawn.  This area was exceptionally sensative to the prick.  Then, just like the tickle it stopped.

After about ten seconds there was a violent SMACK on her left breast.  He had swatted her boob. It hurt, but with a different pain from her spanking. “Ow, she said, why did you do that?”

“I stopped what I was doing to you. What were you supposed to say?” It had been so long that she totally forgot.

“I’m sorry, Master. Please Master, don’t stop.”

“I’m sorry, Grace. I’ve already moved to sometihng else.” He continued to smack her boobs.  Left, right, right, left, two times on the right, three on the left, five on the right. Then he stopped.

“Please Master, don’t stop.” Grace didn’t want to forget again and miss out on something good.

“I think you’ve had enough of that, Grace. Let’s try something else.” it took a moment, but eventually Grace felt the stinging pain of the spanking again.  This time on her right nipple.  This hurt almost worse than the spanking. With each swat her nipples grew harder and harder. She could only imagine how red her nipples must be.  Either she was getting used to the sting or she was actually enjoying this because each swat of her nipple sent a pulse straight to her pussy. The stinging stopped.

“Please Master, don’t stop.”

“Okay Grace, one more for good measure.”  He administered the hardest swat ever to her left nipple.  Grace cried out this time, but the pulse to her pussy was growing. Like magic his hand seemed to follow it.  This time he penetrated her.  One finger was all over her clit and the other was inside of her. He stayed long and took his time. At first the penetration was shallow. She could feel his finger moving back and forth and side to side. He would then move back to her clit, gently rubbing and massaging it. Grace was shocked at how gentle and attentive he was being to her wet pussy. It was confusing how a man who could cause her so much pain was also giving her the best and most gentle fingering of her life. His finger was starting to travel deeper inside her. First one finger then eventually two. The rhythms of his thrusting was getting longer and more intense. Grace could feel herself starting to tighten. She was enraptured with the sensations coming from the deepest inner parts of her. Her excitement and sensations were building to a climax. Grace could see the top and the view was spectacular. It was almost time. Grace had not orgasmed in such a long time and she was ready, but at the same time she didn’t want his fingers to leave her. They were welcome for as long as he wanted them to stay. The sensation was too much and Grace couldn’t take it any longer. “It’s okay Grace, I give you permission to come.”  Grace didn’t need permission. She already had. The release of emotion and fluids was instantly soothing and calming. Grace was descending from the top. Her captor wasn’t done. He had taken his fingers and opened her pink mounds as wide as he could and his tongue was cleaning her from the inside out. Grace was climbing again.

“Please Master…don’t stop.”


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