“You know what I want..” Clarissa was laying stretched out on the Beta Pie Beta’s front lawn with her girlfriend Angie. “..I want something sweet, before you start I know your pussy is sweet butt I want candy,..” rolling over and staring right into Angie’s eyes. “..Sweet yummy candy (kissing Angie’s inner thigh) are you cuming” from the playful tone Angie wasn’t sure if Clarissa meant, going or cuming. The kiss threw Angie off butt the next kiss landing at mid inner thigh confirmed Angie’s worst fear, “If you don’t quit yOoou hav.. tOoo eat Mmm Ooooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh” her hips bucking before she could get the statement out entirely. Snatching Clarissa by the hair, “You are so fucking mean! Would I do this to you, yes I would butt.. butt (Clarissa’s fingers continued the work where her mouth stopped) OooohOooohOooohOoooh fuckkk Mmmm..” trying to suppress the orgasm worked against Angie. Her back hit the green velvet grassy knoll as her hips spasmed, a sharp spank to Angie’s exposed ass. “Cum on let’s go,” offering the wet maiden a hand up, “we have some candy to liberate” Clarissa stood over her. “You go ahead I still have work to do.. I’ll catch up to you later Clarissa” reaching between her legs to finish what Clarissa had started. Watching Clarissa walk away, with those heavenly girl next door looks, a thicker appearance then the average bombshell butt the way she carries herself puts the top bomb into the shell for which she made, “And she is all mine, Ohh yea (flicking her clit) Ooo Ooo.. Oh shit, OooohOooohOooohOoooh..”
“If I remember correctly” the bombshell Clarissa walked the beat into a new territory. “It should be before Club Voluptuous (feeling wetness streaming down from her tight pussy), Mmm I wonder if Trish would eat me again” rounding the final corner. “I think I have over shot it (seeing the club up ahead) dam I was sure (turning to walk back the way she had cum) that it was..” stopping in mid sentence as the drool started to form along her lips. “Mmm, candy..” not sure if she was in awe of the candy or the chick who was setting out the newest display.
Looking out the display window through her spread legs. Blushing slightly butt betting Clarissa to the door, “Cum on in, if you want candy then ask this chick, Candie” The blush still showed as Candie realized that she was offering herself up as a piece of candy. “You get one free taste from any of our thousands of pieces of hand made Candie.. I ah.. I mean candy” not knowing what had cum over her butt as soon as this customer left Candie would have to close the door for a little bit. “You say any piece, (taking Candie by surprise) any piece in this store” Clarissa was looking at all the delicious candy from ambrosia to saltwater taffy, the zingers lined the walls and all pointed to Candie. “Please say Candie.. wait what am I saying? I would never , ok maybe once I fantasized about a woman butt that was so long ago” her bare muff started to get juicy. “I’m sorry what did you say? I was Ah thinking.. (hoping that flimsy excuse would hold)” Candie said trying to focus on Clarissa. “I said I want Candie, just one tight Candie” Clarissa was adamant about her desire. “Well I Ah (think or take her up on her.. Ooo fuck it)” Candie hand slipped off of the countertop. “Fuck me look at this.. this woman, young full of life and she wants to taste me.. me!!!” Judging from the reaction Candie did not yell it out loud. “Well I could butt (noticing the distance had closed incredibly fast) butt..” running out of excuses and breath. Pressing forward, Clarissa had already committed herself to taste the forbidden pleasures. Half paralyzed with fear, half paralyzed with intrigue the first touch brought everything crashing down. There lips sealed in a kiss that would make the devil herself blush with orgasms. Clarissa’s tongue worked to gain dominance. Her hand pressed the advantage, cupping Candie tit, squeezing her breast till Clarissa won the dominance contest. Breaking the kiss prematurely, ripping her self down to take her newly won prize. “Oh.. yes Ooo Ooooh (already loosing the fight, Candie was cuming)” falling back as her knees grew weak. Ripping her mouth from her prize tit, pulling Candie’s hair back to expose the graceful curves of her neck. “Ooo yesss (trying to bottle up her next orgasm)” Candie was going down without a cock being milked. Giving in to her passion, “Kiss me again, kiss Mmm lips” Candie begged. Trying to direct all the places where she wanted her new voyeurism to touch, to spank, to grab. Kissing Clarissa back hard, “I want (plunging her tongue into Clarissa’s mouth) to fondle you too” placing both her hands on Clarissa’s triple S’s. The feel of skin on skin, the feel of skin being mashed up just to bring about the most obvious orgasm possible. “Mmm.. (pressing Candie’s face to chase after her hands) Oh yesss fucking suck my tit.. Ooooh yesss” Clarissa’s hand shot out, seizing Candie by the pussy. Targeting her clit, raking Candie’s cunt hard as the three of her fingers disappeared. The orgasm broke the moaning kiss as Candie’s head started to slid down Clarissa’s tit. Rubbing against the forward wall of the aggressor’s pussy, feeling every drop of cum run down her hand. “Yes cum.. cum so I can taste you” Clarissa moaned. Finally gathering up what little hair had fallen from Candie’s do, locking her hand into the tight weave. Clarissa’s breathing was getting short, cuming in gasps and moans. The feeling of the tight weave was no longer there, the trio banging fingers no longer had a home to make cum. Reaching back and clamping on to a pillar, “Wait.. wa… Oh fuckkk.. OooohOooohOooohOoooh OooohOooohOooohOoooh..” thrusting forward her hips as the cum dribbled down from where Candie was eating Clarissa out.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/i9g86z/wet_dreams_university_54_candy_for_a_candie_rvs