
Six months ago

Jack’s P.O.V

My hands hung limply above my head, the coarse metal of the chains digging painfully against my wrists. My naked body was exhausted and battered, a thin layer of sweat coating my skin.


I had just experienced my fifth orgasm and he hadn’t even entered me yet.

I was drained; physically, mentally and sexually. I didn’t know for how many more hours I could withstand this torture, but I reminded myself it will be worth it.

I couldn’t see him, the soft blindfold like silk across my eyes prevented me. Yet I could hear his light footsteps, slowly but surely coming closer and closer towards me.

Stalking me like the predator he was.

Standing just a few centimeters away, I felt my heart skip a beat as I tried to even my breathing.

I would rather die than show him my fear.

Not that it would matter. I’d be lying if I thought he was unable to see right through my brave facade.

I swallowed deeply when I felt his fingers gently brush my blond hair away from my damp forehead.

Breathing lightly against my ear as he whispered “my, I have barely started with you and you are already perspiring? This is not good”

Because I could retort a sassy comeback, his hand cupped my core, thumb pressing firmly on my clit.

Oh god not this again! I thought as I tried and failed to suppress my moan.

This is definitely going to be a long night.



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