Summer in the Summer: Chapter One [FM] [Free-use] [Stepcest] [Slight Femdom]

A/N: So, this is my first time writing erotica, it was written in word so if the formatting is a bit off that’s why. Be sure to leave ideas or criticism in the comments! Thanks for reading!


It was a sunny Sunday afternoon, a heatwave had recently hit England, so Joy had all 3 fans in his room on full power. He was having a moment of calm and peace, when suddenly-

“JOOOOOOY!” Joy heard from the other side of the house, reacting with a sigh, before responding. “Yes?” He said calmly, still having his eyes closed and enjoying the peace. He now heard bare footsteps making their way over to his room, he looked over to the door to see his sister standing in the doorframe.

Summer, she had dirty blonde hair, which was down to her chest, speaking of her chest, she was packing some real players. But that wasn’t her only great feature, down a little more and on the other side was her perfect, plump, bubbly ass. Which was practically her main feature. While her body was beautiful, she had an equally beautiful personality. She was generally playful and teasing, which contrasted well against Joy’s bored and depressed mood sometimes. Of course, being his step-sister, she was all see and no-touch. Which Joy had eventually learned to accept, to his dismay.

Summer entered the room with a tired and lazy expression on her face, she stumbled over to the bed which Joy was laying down on and playfully shoved her step-brother aside, climbing into the bed next to him. She let out a lazy yawn, before speaking up. “Stop hogging all the fans…” She exclaimed with a smirk on her face.

It wasn’t rare for the two of them to be this close together. After all, the two of them were inseparable, sharing a room, school and sometimes even a bed if it was cold in the winter. It wasn’t cold now though, it was peak summer, no pun intended. But for some reason Summer still decided to be in bed with her brother. If Joy didn’t know any better he’d think she liked him.

Naturally, because of quarantine Summer was sexually pent up. She’d basically have sex every day with her boyfriends normally, or at least that’s what Joy assumed. He, on the other hand, wasn’t so sexually active. The closest he’d been to sex was seeing someone naked in a public bathroom, but that just ended up being awkward.

Summer thought for a little bit, before blurting out the first thing that came to mind. “You’re a virgin right, Joy?” She asked, looking over at him. Joy’s face instantly flushed with bright pink. He tried to respond, but only stuttering came out. Summer nodded, taking the stuttering as an answer. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She responded with a smirk on her face. “Want to make an agreement?” She asked, looking over at him while biting her lower lip.

“Agreement?” Joy asked, looking over at her with a confused face. “You know, I ask something, we agree on it, and agreement.” She responds. “I know what an agreement is… I meant what type of agreement?” Joy asked, with a chuckle. “Well, you’re a virgin… I haven’t had sex in three or so months, so how about we become fuckbuddies?”

Joy’s face was normal before, but after saying that it instantly went red again. “B-But we’re-“ Joy was responding, but he was quickly cut off. “Ah boohoo, we’re step-siblings. If I had a penny for every time you stared at my ass or tits I’d be rich.” She said, chuckling and smirking. Summer was clearly very amused, but Joy was very flustered and confused. Which only amused Summer more. “Come on…” Summer pouted, guilt-tripping her brother. “F-Fine… But we need rules or something like that.” Joy commented. “Okay, rule one… If someone calls shotgun then you *have* to do it, no matter where you are or who you’re with.” Summer commented, smirking. “W-What! That’s unfair!” Joy pouted now. “Hey, I’m letting you fuck me, I’m only letting you call some shots because you’re cute.” Summer said, pulling her brother into a hug.

While the heatwave was still going on, Joy didn’t care. Those big honkers pressed in his face was all he needed. And clearly Summer enjoyed it too, pressing a few kisses onto her little brother’s head. “Don’t worry bro’. This may be a bit taboo but I promise the both of us are going to enjoy this.” She said.

“Rule two… No actual sex yet.” Joy added, Summer quickly commenting. “What? So you want to stay a virgin all your life?” She asked, a confused look on her face, she didn’t expect this. “I just… I want my first time to be special…” Joy said, looking over at Summer. “I mean, doing it with me can’t be more special, but fine.” Summer agreed, before showing a sly grin. “Well, I call shotgun.” She says.



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