As my biggest supporter it’s hard to put into words how you’ve affected my life. I’ve been patient waiting for you to come around. Earning your trust. Proving through my actions and writings I’m as genuine, and honest as I can be. I know I’ve had my “moments” that’s been opportunistic growth pains. It’s a blessing and a curse we live in different Countries during Covid. It’s given me the opportunity to listen to you, learn about your experiences, and reflect on your past to improve your future. We’ve both been through some atrocious experiences that have jaded us. We both have baggage from history. 

I honestly can’t imagine what it’s like to be in your shoes. I try. I really do. You’re swamped in work. You’re rasing a teen alone. You live across from Marie Barone (watch that comedy). A lot of the people around you take advantage of your submissiveness. You’re allergic to everything but grass. You’re memory is lacking when your heart is overflowing. You’re a cog in the wheel just trying to survive. Let alone you’re a slut. I think I know the abuse you take from men for being one, but I know I really don’t know. Personally, my blood boils when men disrespect you. I want to put you under my authority and protect you from that garbage. I know it’s hard living the kink you want when it’s frowned upon. I know it’s hard to live the kink when we live in a superficial world. It’s a double edged sword: I’d prefer you don’t know the names of the men using you but I also know with that neither do they. I know it can be exhausting, I do…I really do. 

I know it’s not easy being my friend. I know it appears my expectations are through the roof. I know it’s a curse viewing life through a different lense. I know I overwhelm you and ground you all in the same sentence. I know my rants can be exhausting and my writings down right wicked. I know I’m working through things I’ve been through, just as much as you are. I know your scared, I’m scared too. I don’t know everything in this kink/BDSM world. I’m not a Master but I’m willing to learn along the way as I guide us through this chaotic world. 

I’m going to make mistakes, Im human. What I do know; I can’t imagine my life without you. Even at the bare minimum of a friend, I can’t imagine carrying on without you. You fill a big space in my heart I need. I love you. I care about you. I want to learn from you, and become a better person because of you. You’re quality I’m not willing to let go without a fight. You’re love I’m not willing to ignore. You’re loyalty I’m not willing to take advantage of. You’re kindness I’m not willing to look past. Let me learn from you. Give me the opportunity to show you there are still good people in this world. I will wait as long as you need to, open your heart for me. I want to be your Dom, let me be your protector. Let me be that anchor you need to teach you your self worth. Let me be that ear you scream in when no one else is listening. Let me be that voice of reason to guide you with your best interest at heart. Let me prove to you I can be what you’ve been missing. 

I promise to listen to you. I promise to love you. I promise to guide you with your self interest a priority. I promise I’ll never raise my hand to you. I promise I’ll never humilate or degrade you. I promise I’ll be there when you need me. I promise to fill your love tanks as best I can. I promise to be your Daddy when you turtle. I promise to never abandon you. I promise to be the best man i can be. I promise to take our friendship seriously. I promise to learn and grow within our relationship. I promise to work hard at training both of us to be the best version of ourselves. I promise to always lift you up. I promise to never tear you down. I promise to give you what you need, not what you want always. I promise to train you fairly and accordingly. I promise to never neglect you. I promise to be loyal. I promise to be your friend.

I need you in my life more than you’ll ever know. I promise to surpass your expectations. ?



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