The Field Exercise – Part 3 [M+F][nc][bondage][watersports]

Soon she was surrounded by the last, large group. Trucks moved in place, their headlights aimed at her in a perverse spotlight. She was the center of their depraved show. They kicked at her legs, forcing her to spread wider. They laughed, mocking her. She wanted to die. The air was cool with the setting sun and she shivered in the breeze. They didn’t care. Two of them came close, one behind and one in front. Her eyes went wide. Being mounted on the truck was bad enough. Now she faced the reality of taking multiple soldiers at once. They began raping her again, this time in tandem as one fucked her throat and the other fucked her cunt.

They hadn’t showered in over a week and her nose wrinkled at the smell of stale BO as he yanked on her hair and ordered her to open her mouth. She obeyed, her eyes dead as she stared vacantly and tried to escape in her mind. Her head danced with the morphine, she was fairly numb. He pressed his cock against her lips. She could taste the salt of his sweat and dried piss. She gagged, retching at the foul taste. He pulled away and viciously backhanded her. She was stunned by the violence. He spat at her, “Puke on my cock and I swear we’ll rape your ass with the rifles.” It was a particularly evil image that sent chills down her spine. She opened again and willed herself to take it. They found a rhythm, she was just a toy to them at this point as she was spit roasted for the first time.

The next few continued like this, the rocks cutting into the flesh on her palms and knees as she whimpered meekly while they took her. Then she felt herself lifted, they guided her arms around their friend’s neck as he began to bounce her on his cock. She hugged him tightly. Her eyes went wide when she felt the touch of another, a whimpered protest as his cock pressed against her ass. Another first as he entered her, her first DP. There was no real pain, not after the amount of abuse she had already endured and the drugs they had forced on her. Just a feeling of fullness. The one pulled out of her pussy after a few minutes only to press his cock against her ass. She began to struggle a bit at the realization that they were going to sodomize her at the same time. “Please…please not that ….” she begged like a beaten dog, desperate for a small act of mercy and kindness. They answered with sadistic laughs and continued their savage assault. She bucked against their grip but it was no use. For the first time in a while she felt real pain even the narcotics couldn’t dull as two cocks tore into her ass.

When she came to she found herself on the ground, face pressed into the dirt. She was filthy with cum and spit, mud caking her cheeks, hands and knees. Her hair was matted and she could smell the familiar wintergreen of their favorite dip, realizing that they had been spitting their mahogany brown chewing tobacco at her. Hands groped her tits as another took his turn.

When the last group finally finished they left her curled in a ball on the ground. She was spent and thoroughly exhausted as she hugged herself and sobbed, shivering in the cool, dark night. She could hear them working close by. Samantha wondered what was next. Soon they came back, 2 grabbing her under the armpits and dragging her back to the truck she had been mounted on. A shallow trench had been dug close to it and filled with diesel and lit. It provided warmth and a soft glow to illuminate the area. The air was thick with the fumes of the burning diesel and acrid black smoke. She was forced to her knees, back against the grill of the truck. They stretched her arms out and bound her wrists to the truck. “Latrine duty, bitch” they grunted, leaving her in place. They poured more diesel into the trench, stoking the fire as sweat beaded and glistened on her fair skin. She nodded off, too exhausted to care about her position. The Army had taught her quickly how to sleep anywhere.

She was awakened with a start to something warm and wet hitting her skin. Her eyes flew open and in the orange glow saw three lined up, cocks out. The smell of their urine made her nose pucker. Being gang-raped was bad enough but no she suffered the indignity of being their urinal. Throughout the night she’d nod off only to wake up to another solider pissing on her. Some merely aimed at her tits. Others aimed at her face. The really cruel ones made her open her mouth or even made her wrap her lips around their shift and swallow. Some decided to get more relief from their new toy, pinning her head against the grill and fucking her mouth. Most pulled out, cumming on her face. By morning she could barely open her one eye she was so glazed with dry cum.

They cut her loose at dawn, wrapped her piss soaked, mud and cum caked body in a poncho and threw the poor girl in the bed of the truck. She prayed for a quick death as the truck bounced down the rough dirt road. She drifted in and out from the sleep deprivation, eager for them to finish it even if it meant her family would never have closure.

She wouldn’t be so lucky. They stopped at the barracks and carried her in. She was taken straight to the male showers. She was so numb she could only crawl into the warm embrace of the running water. She made no effort, just laying in a broken heap enjoying the clean water wash over her. The 2 that had brought her in stripped and joined her. She made no protest as they helped her to her feet, one holding her as the other washed her. Without thinking she found herself reaching for their cocks, stroking them at the same time. They grinned wickedly, high fiving each other. They had broken her. They turned the water off and carried her out. She was bent over the sink, forced to watch herself in the mirror as another turn was taken. Her eyes were dull, all life and joy gone. She didn’t recognize the girl in the mirror. They carried her to a bunk and laid her down, covering her in a blanket. Sleep came quickly, the girl was exhausted. They let her sleep unmolested. She woke up, unsure of the day or time. The two were already awake and sitting at the edge of her borrowed bunk. “Good morning little barracks bunny.” they said. She stretched, not bothering to cover her exposed breasts. What was the point? Her head was pounding, mouth dry and her muscles ached. Her ass and cunt were on fire. They offered her a cold monster and a handful of Motrin. She took her breakfast with a weak smile. “Doc said if you want anything stronger you’ll have to earn it.” They gave each other a knowing wink. They took the half empty energy drink from her and lead her naked downstairs to her room. Laid out on the bed was one of her uniform tops and the handful of sex toys she owned. There was also a video camera on a tripod pointed at the bed. She got the gist of what was expected and put the top on. For the next several hours she posed and played on camera. Classic pinup shots with her blouse barely covering, slowly revealing herself until she was posing completely naked. She had always been afraid to send nudes but now they were joking about making a calendar and setting up a Pornhub account for her.

They let her sleep again and when she woke she was lead back to the showers. They had the camera and she put on another show, she was beyond protest or resistance. She knew better, no matter how degrading. When they were satisfied she turned the water off and dried off. They led her back to her bunk where her new uniform awaited her. They had raided her room and found several of her club dresses, 4 of which were neatly laid out. They had taken the time to send them out and have her name tapes and rank sewn on, just like her duty uniform. Only her actual name had been replaced with one that read ‘Bunny’. Private Bunny, the barracks bitch. The company fleshlight. She hung her head low.

Changed into her new uniform with the others in her backpack they drove her out to the rest of the company. She was scared, not knowing what fresh hell awaited her. They got to the area and drove around until they found what they were looking for. “Hop out, Bunny! Home for the night!”, she followed them towards a group of soldiers, all catcalling and whistling as she did her in best in heels on the uneven ground. “Sar’ent Lopez?” one of the two called. The large, grizzled Sargent stepped forward. “Welcome back, private! Hope you got some rest…” he was leering. They handed him a piece of paper. She choked back tears as she watched him sign a hand receipt for her. “All yours for the next 24, then she’s 2nd platoons. Try not to break her too bad. You know how the Army hates us breaking shit…”
