Undercover Humiliation [FF, MC, Fdom, Humil] (Part 5 of 5)


Back in our Editor Margarette Umberger’s office, we filled her in as Katie played her some of the secret tapes she’d made of the snippy little secretaries April Peterson and Tyler McCoy…



“Okay. Listen April, if anybody needs this, it’s YOU. So here’s how it works. I was making prank calls for laughs the other day, and I rang up Doris at her house…” Tyler’s voice whispered.

“Our Doris? Miss Price’s Doris?” April’s voice squeaked.


Umberger paused the tape. “Who’s Doris again?” She asked Katie. Irritated she was asking Katie and not me, I butted in:

“We heard her on the first tape. Remember, the marker? Her role at work’s something of a mystery still. Word is, all the secretaries snub Doris because she’s older, in her sixties and all, we figure the drug again….” I sighed.

Katie added; “Guess Grandma Doris only works there part time too. Bunny said she’ll introduce us to her later today.”

Umberger nodded, and I turned it back on.


“Yeah, I called her at her home. I started making all these sarcastic jokes about her being a young wife, and she got… into it!”

“Tyler, Doris is old enough to be our….”

“Mom? Try grand mothers! Yeah, sick isn’t it? Anyways, she’ll do whatever I say. Now. I do mean anything too. Remember what I said about that stuff I found, out back?” Tyler bragged.


Umberger paused the tape, and we all looked at each other. I spoke this time,

“That’s it!!!—The ‘stuff’, as in, ‘the vials’ Katie found in the dumpster, right? Has to be.” I said.

“She say anymore?” Umberger asked.

“Not about that, but listen…” Katie added, breathlessly turning it back on,


“Tyler—you’re so bad—okay, what’d you make Doris, like, uh… do?”

“Plenty. Now she’s totally wrapped around my finger. She responds to, shall we say… the ‘weird’ stuff. Sexual stuff. Kinky stuff. And guess who else I’ve added to my stables?”

“Who?” April inhaled deeply.

“A certain little someone who used to be known simply as… ‘Miss Vallens’.”

“You’re totally kidding.”

“I’m totally not. April, you’ve gotta try it. Mrs. Green deserves some payback. Miss Price wont say anything. There’s something about certain women who work for her, all the older ones. You wouldn’t believe what I’ve talked our Bunny into.”

“Mrs. Green? No, I couldn’t. We never even speak outside of the office, or at the Gym when I see her there. Gosh darn it Tyler, now I’m all stirred up. I simply MUST KNOW. What are you making Bunny do that… erm… uh… ‘excites’ her so much? Is it juicy?” April cooed.

“It’s so outrageous, you’d never believe me. I’m telling you April, there’s something in the air around here. You’ve just got to pick the right ones. You should try it, it’s an amazing rush!”


Katie and I smiled proudly. Umberger sighed.

“Is this is dynamite, or what?” Katie beamed.

Editor in Chief, Margarette Umberger only winced, then explained.

“Look, I’m sorry, but it’s just shit. All it’s got, so far, is a veiled reference to some mysterious ‘stuff’, and some dippy bimbos sleeping around the office together. It’s weak. Plus two sources at the company, Bernice and this Tyler girl already could blow your cover, and that’s sloppy. I don’t like it.”

Katie and I looked, embarrassed, at each other before I jumped in,

“Yeah, but Margarette, all we need is a few more days. This won’t take ‘weeks’. If Suzanne Green somehow gets sucked in too, we’ll be there to watch how, and BAM, we’ll nail it—”

‘Yeah, If.” You’re the senior reporter on this, Jen, you should know better…”

“Trust us boss. It’s not like we’re a couple of inept copy girls, right?” I smirked, gesturing out the window at the brunette and her dog who was still crying in the parking lot, her hands all brown.

Margarette smirked down at the girl and at her own car, now in its rightful place from her office window.

“Yeah…” she fumed. “Should have made my ‘Little Miss Prissy’ shove that dried turd up her own ass, huh?” Our Editor mumbled under her breath to herself.

Katie and I look worriedly at Umberger. She’d always had a crass side, and we always looked the other way from her cruelty and focus on… ‘anal fixations’, but sometimes it was a little, well… strange. And getting worse.

Margarette Umberger snapped out of it, and back up to us:

“Okay, keep going; but I want Katie here for the rest of the day. Jen, you stay up there and sniff around, and set her an example of ‘experienced reporting’ for a change, okay? Stick to the points, and avoid office gossip.” Umberger then added:

“Remember: Jennifer… A: Find the drugs, B: Who’s affected, and C: Who’s next? ..and Jen, If you feel the effects of ANY drug, abort—Understood?”

“Got it.” I smiled.

After we assured Margarette everything was fine, I drove back to Noricom.

But my mind was still on the two demeaning surreal scenes today, both of older woman taunting younger ones. Part of me, an irrational part, ached for the reverse. It just felt, natural. I hated myself for being aroused by the idea, but since Katie was gone for the day, I’d see where my nose took me.


I walked the Noricom halls which were mostly empty since the day was almost over, and spotted my jacket on the desk and Tyler’s pile of papers, which Bunny must have left there. I’d die before someone stuffed me into that ugly pink sucker! It’d all be over in a few days anyway—

I saw Tyler wasn’t at her desk and began poking around, when I heard weird little sounds coming from Bunny’s office, the door of which was slightly ajar.

I leaned closer and could hear two women’s voices inside.

“Poor little Bunny has to file aaaaall the files on the bottom! Are my poor Bunny’s panty hose getting all baggy in the knees, are they, huh?” I heard Tyler’s voice ask affectionately.

There was no answer, only whimpers.

I peeked inside and couldn’t see Bunny, only Tyler sitting down while she dutifully worked away on the top-most files.

Then I spotted ‘what’ Tyler was sitting on.

It wasn’t a chair.

It was Bunny.

Or her butt, to be exact, since Bunny had it obscenely thrust in the air, her head, hands and shoulders crouched on the carpet. “Please Tyler, get off me. My knees hurt. My stockings are itching my knees too.” The older woman bleated.

“Well, let’s just take them off.” Tyler said as she worked at the files.

“No, Tyler, uh… this skirt is much too short. Someone might see.”

“Better that than to see your baggy knees. What on earth would they think you were doing then, your stockings all baggy and bunched around your tubby little knees? Huh, ‘Baggy Bunny’?”

I leaned away from the door, my heart in my throat.

I couldn’t believe it, hearing it from Bunny was one thing, but seeing it for myself! I heard Bunny’s voice as I decided to snatch my jacket and head back to my office, lock the door and masturbate furiously to the image of what I’d just seen.

As I walked away, I could hear their voices whispering,

“Please Tyler, not another spankie. What if someone comes in?”

“Stop complaining, or it’ll be a brush this time…”


Half an hour later, Bunny walked into my office. She looked exhausted but managed a false smile.

“Oh, are you still here?” I feigned surprise.

“Yes, Tyler needed some, ‘filing help’. We’ll both be here late, but she needed to stretch her legs, so I’ve got a break…” Bernice Vallens blushed.

“Okay then, was there anybody else I should meet? How about the head lady herself Miss Price?”

‘I told you Jen, she never sees…” Bunny said adjusting her pantyhose.

“Well, can we at least say hello?” I bullied.

“Well, You can talk to the next best thing though—her Personal Assistant. ” Bunny said, leading down the hallway

We spotted a mousy looking older woman in her office from a distance, she turned to us and waved from afar.

“That’s Miss Price’s personal assistant—Doris.”

“Doris?” I stammered.

“Yes, do you know her?”

“Uh…no. Just heard her name around the office, that’s all.” I whispered, my face going five shades of red. Doris the marker lady, who we’d heard on the tape, and whom April was also using as her own personal sex toy.

“This is Jessica’s personal assistant?” I asked quickly as we walked up.

“Her official job is assistant, but that’s pretty much a formality.…In addition to being Miss Price’s right ear, she’s also Miss Price’s most trusted partner – as well as her own mother too! .” Bunny clamped her hand over her mouth.

“None of the executives know she’s Miss Price’s mother either – ”

“Mother?” I mouthed silently, totally stunned.

“Oh no! I wasn’t supposed to tell. Don’t you dare tell anyone I told you,” she begged.

“Of course not,” I said reassuringly. I turned and gave Bunny a conspiratorial wink.

“And here she is… Doris, this is Jennifer Corbitt.” Bunny walked me into the office of a short shy looking pudgy older woman who looked suspiciously at me.

“Corbitt, huh? Miss Price is swamped today, and as I’m sure you’ve endlessly heard…” The woman rolled her eyes at Bunny as she ignored her and kept talking to me.

“…she sees almost no one. But I’ll fill you in on what I can. I only have a minute as I was just leaving for the day.” Doris groused.

“Well I don’t wanna be a bother, I can always just email Miss Price and tell her you’re too swamped too get to… ”

“Uh… sit down. Sorry, I’m just… it’s crazy sometimes around here. Sorry. Jennifer is it? It’s great to have you aboard, even if it is all too brief—what is it—two weeks before our company ‘report card?” Doris forced a polite smile.

“I trust Bernice has shown you the rest of our girls?” Doris asked.

“Yes, this morning we just came from—” Bunny excitedly said as the woman cut in—

“ Well, I’ll expect some really productive insights into our little team here, Jenny—and don’t be shy about including Miss Price herself in the report! She’ll admit, even she’s not above improvement.”

Just who was this Jessica Price? I could find no photos of her at the paper, and very little personal history. From what little Katie had dug up, she was twenty six, smart, one of the youngest women ever to own a multi-million dollar advertising agency.

Did she inherit it, and if so, why was her mom merely working as a cheesy fucking assistant to her own daughter? Price did most of her business all by phone. Word was she’s rich, spoiled, but a damned good businesswoman. The fact that she was the same age as April and Tyler and Katie somehow only made me feel threatened, intimidated, and weak in the knees!

Suddenly Miss Price’s mother summoned Bunny to her door, who was stupidly still standing just outside the door with a carrot in her hand, a sticky one. Bernice clumsily jerked it behind her back as we stared at her.

“…ugh… sorry to interrupt Bunny, but can you be a dear and get me a Mocha? Jen, do you want anything?” Miss Price’s assistant asked.

“No thanks. ” I sighed.

“Okay, that’s one Mocha Bunny, then back up here and finish the tour for our gal here.”

Despite all Bernice Vallens had been through, let alone almost being caught with that carrot just now, somehow I could feel Bunny blanched at a coffee request from Doris. I think Bernice thought herself the equal of Miss Price’s assistant.

“I’ll have Tyler get it at once.” Bernice said. “Bernice? Do you really think that’s the best use of Tyler’s time? Isn’t the poor girl buried in all the filing you dumped on her? She said something about canceling social plans.”

Bernice frowned, then set started to set her carrot on Doris’s desk.

‘Use a napkin please Bernice, you’ve been slobbering all over that thing!” scolded Doris, as Bernice’s face reddened at an assistant, particularly one her age, talking to an executive like herself in this tone, but she did fetch a napkin and place it under her carrot.

“Look Bernice, I’d really appreciate it if you’d just go fetch my Mocha like a good girl, then stay after work and give your poor secretary the night off, okay?”

“Tyler said she’d only need me for another hour…” Bernice said with some surprising defiance.

“Then offer to finish for her, pronto! You don’t want me to bother Miss Price with this, do you Bernice, oh wait—what is this cute new name you’re going by now…?” Doris excitedly asked as the Personnel Director visibly sank.

Doris and I shot each other a look. Our eyes went to Bunny for a response.


she said in a small voice. A small aroused voice. Like when I’d fucked her at her house the other day. The same voice floated through the room. Then I did something without thinking –

I jumped in:

“That was my fault, really. I encouraged Tyler to stay because Katie was helping me tonight and, well… April flaked. If anyone’s to blame for overusing Tyler, it’s me! ” I said in one panicked sentence, full of fear and wondering why I’d stuck out my neck like this?

“Is this true, Bunny?” Doris blinked, her gaze slowly going to me.

“Uh….yes, ma’am,” Bunny whimpered.

“Well, that’s a…. ‘silly bunny’ then. Why didn’t you tell me? Shame on you silly Bunny—Wunny! So, I guess poor little Tyler’s trapped in steno hell tonight, right? Well….she’ll survive, ” Price’s mother said without removing her eyes from me once, as her gaze screwed me to my chair, until she finally added:

“Mocha, Bunny…remember?” The older woman only then broke my gaze and smiled over at the petrified older executive who I kept remembering in her bunny suit for some odd reason.

“Oh yeah, sorry Ma’am. I’m such a silly Bunny, I got all confused. Uh…. Should I get Tyler to… bring that Mocha… or should…I?”

“You, dear,” Doris said with ice in her voice.

Bunny turned bright red and scampered off.

“Hop along now,” Doris smiled as Bunny left. We both laughed at that point, and the tension broken for a moment, before Doris continued.

“I’m impressed. You’re not intimidated by me or Jessica, are you?” She asked without looking up, going over some papers on her desk.

“Fear isn’t the Issue. If I’m not brutally honest, I’m not worth the evaluation you’re paying for. Right? May I speak candidly?” I said, on a roll.

I was petrified, but something about my bold move, and the fact she wasn’t firing me, left me wildly excited and on the edge of my seat! Katie and the secretaries were one thing since they were young enough to be my own daughters and were stuck in nothing jobs like reception. But the thrill of standing up against this younger woman with a HUGE connection to Price, the MAIN power, had me enthralled!

“May I speak freely, without it ‘getting back’ to Miss Price? Or aren’t you paying me for an honest evaluation?” I shot back proudly.

She paused, eyeing me for a moment, then sighed, turning away.

“No. Not yet. You haven’t…. earned it ….. yet. This is your first day. In a few days I’ll ask you to sit in that chair and be totally candid, but right now you’re bluffing. You don’t know shit about me or this company.”

I was impressed by her directness, and aroused by it.

“Jen, what’s the most humiliating thing someone could do to you right now?”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Personal vulnerabilities. Miss Price is interested in what guides her ‘girls’. Fear? Desire? Self Loathing? Love? What would grind you to a halt, emotionally speaking?”

“Well, It would have to be a little more than fetching your mocha.

“Okay, what would it be?”

“I’m not sure…”

“Just answer me, if you want to work here.”

“I suppose, Emotional Humiliation. Wanting someone who doesn’t care about my feelings. Who doesn’t give a shit, but who I hang myself up on anyway? Does this satisfy you?”

“Yes. I believe you are telling me the truth. This is all I and Miss Price ask of you, and why you’ve earned my friendship and respect. You may laugh, but I feel women like you…. are the key to this company Jennifer. The more a woman has, the more she has to lose, right?”

I don’t know why, but I was deeply moved by her tone of voice, although her words left me dizzy. All her words could have been a stunt, but she sounded so raw, so vulnerable offering it, I felt like what she was saying was some kind of great gift.

“Yes, the more a woman has to lose…that and your blazers..” I snorted jokingly.

“You’re not wearing your jacket? Why?” She said suddenly. Her words cut into me and I felt caught, embarrassed, naked, for letting her down this much.

“No offense, but it’s…. it’s just not ‘me’, okay? Besides, I see you’re not wearing one.”

“I’m not an executive.”

“Oh, yeah. sorry. uh…. Is my ‘dress code’ going to be a problem?” I asked. Doris said nothing, and I started to sweat over getting in hot water. Did she blab everything to this bitch? I tried digging myself out:

“Look, I know as a ‘Noricom Executive’, I know I’m expected to be a ‘team player’, and surrender my casual sneakers and jeans like a good little soldier. But forcing myself into the company’s mandatory tight fitting trendy little stupid sexy looking blazer and skirt isn’t my style, okay? ”

“NO offense, but I seriously LOATHE dressing up in such a manner, for anyone. I’ve got my pride.…”

“Well, our colors are pink and black, hence, the pink and black business attire. It’s an image. I’m afraid that it’s not something that can be compromised on.” Miss Price’s daughter paused and then opened a drawer. “But, I think we might be able to come up with a solution.”

She pulled out a pink scarf, covered with large black polka-dots. She walked behind me.

“Keep going, Jennifer, describe how trying it on makes you…feel,” she said as she began to tie it around my neck.…”

Something was weird in her voice, as we were both getting far too worked up, but I kept on:

“I hate all these stupid little ‘power suits’ and prissy looking business wear, the feel of the tight shoulder padded blazers with tiny little narrow waists, flared at the hips and pinching knee length skirts that hug the knees together so one must take mincing little steps.”

“Is it…humiliating?”

“Incredibly so! You have no fucking Idea!” I snorted, as I realized my own hand was held firmly against the crotch of my pants. Oh God, I had been rubbing myself.

I panicked—

When she turned around from her desk –

I was gone.

Cowardly, I know. I didn’t even stop to explain to Katie. I just raced past her, tears of shame brimming my eyes for the first time today. I’d been so proud, so cocky, only to be brought to my knees by Price’s fucking assistant—her stupid step daughter for God’s sake—God knows what Price herself was like.


Shit. I probably pissed away all of Doris’s respect. Maybe blew the story too. God, would Katie be pissed! But I couldn’t deal. Not that prissy jacket, nor the fact I’d caught myself masturbating, even if she hadn’t noticed. Not today. not on my FIRST day…

“So where’d you get the scarf?” Katie smirked, as we sat down to lunch together.

I blushed. It felt like a collar—a symbol of Noricom’s ownership of me. I squeezed my thighs together. “Never mind” I stammered, changing the subject.

“Jessica Price? Why the mystery? Any Idea who she is? Someone here?” I asked Katie, who shot back,

“My guess? Susan Green. If anybody has the balls, it’s her. Maybe she’s just pretending there’s the ‘mystery boss lady’: Jessica Price to take the fall—is this all exposed in our mind control story?”

“Susanne Green Pretending to be Price? Naw. She’s a bitch, but it doesn’t fit. How about her mother and personal assistant: Doris? ”

“Doris? The ‘pen’ lady? Jesus Jen, you heard the tape, with April abusing her. I doubt her as in charge of anyone.” Katie said disgustedly.

“Maybe it’s an act. Maybe she’s pretending to be Jessica Price, her own daughter.” I whispered, catching myself fingering the scarf as Katie stared at me.

“No, not Doris. Maybe the secretaries. April, or Tyler? That makes more sense, no?”

“God, I dunno Katie. It’s all a blur. Tell you what—you go home and I’ll stick around Noricom after hours and see what turns up, okay?” I forced a smile, as I finally slid the scarf off my shoulder and tossed it away in the trash.

“Okay, just don’t let Miss Boss lady catch you snooping, okay? Say, you know what that scarf reminds me off? I just realized. The jackets at Noricom. Goodnight. ” Katie’s face went bright at the words, then she turned back to her car, and I glared at the offending color with anger and naked embarrassment.

As I’d promised, while I stayed late at the Noricom offices, I waited, hearing most everyone say their ‘good nights’ and clear out. In my curiosity, I crept up to ‘big bad Jessica Price’, the mystery woman’s offices. No one was there, so I waltzed past Doris’s empty chair and up to the name plate on Miss Price’s door, stroking it.

I boldly opened it, and saw a lavish looking office, but nothing juicy. Before I could search for any signs of photos or who she might be, I panicked as steps clicked down the hall. Shit. I raced into Miss Price’s closet and closed the door, smelling boxes of paper in the darkness just as I heard steps of several women walk inside.

My breath and heart were in my throat as I spotted that there was a small wire mesh vent at the door’s bottom. I crouched down, trying to peek out and see who it was without being spotted. All I saw was three sets of feet and modest heels.

I realized one was Susan Green’s and also heard Bunny Vallen’s voice coming from the other pair of shoes. Then I heard what must have been Jessica Prices voice. Soft, barely a whisper, but quite sure of herself.

I was beside myself with curiosity. Darn, only being able to see their shoes, and being too far to hear much! I could tell that, somehow, the two were being called on the carpet for something. I looked out, and saw Jessica’s feet.

She was younger, and though it seemed silly to note, she did have very firm, well toned, sexy ankles. Ones I would kill for, compared to the two ‘piano leg’ larger ones Susanne and Bunny had, and me for that fact!

I wondered if Bunny was squealing on us, or had managed to keep our secret, when I heard Bunny said something, but Miss Price barked: ‘Quiet!’

That shut everyone up, including me. Well, I wasn’t talking, but it cleared my mind. Despite Miss Price’s muffled tone and attempts at authority, I was a little surprised and amused how girlish she sounded. This was the big bad boss lady no one got to meet, that had Green and Vallens walking on egg shells?

I would have felt more superior to her if I wasn’t on my stupid cramped knees in her office closet like a little girl, eavesdropping. I saw Miss Price’s feet storm up to the two women, pacing back and forth as she whispered bitchy comments. Something Bunny said had pissed her off.

As Suzanne and Bunny stood before her, all lined up like little toy soldiers or something, I heard the sound of Miss Price picking something up.

Then I saw Miss Price throw two heavy folders of papers on the floor at both women’s feet.

Next I heard Miss Price scold them, something about shoddy work, about fixing their mistakes themselves. The two women were very quiet, but I could see Bunny Vallen’s ankles quivering as the pile of papers laid before them.

Then I heard Price bark another order, and saw BOTH women’s skirts drop in a little circle around the heels. First Bunny, the feminist ball buster Miss Green reluctantly kicked her skirt off as well, and my imagination went WILD at the humiliation these two older women must be feeling, standing here before some twerp half their age, without skirts, and my hand disappeared into my panties in the safe darkness.

Then my breath caught as I saw Bunny’s panties also come down around her ankles. I guess Susanne Green got to leave hers—Oops, nope, hers too. Now there’s a cute little set of middle aged calves, like stupid little executives. Why are they doing this?

They kicked them both off as I watched them both kneel down on their knees, side by side. They both have their fucking tight little blazers on, the goody two shoes they are! What idiots. I’m so glad I’m not—wait, Miss Price has handed them pens. They’re writing, correcting their reports.

I can’t believe this is the same two women I saw in the office this morning. Well, maybe Miss Vallens, but Susan Green? Maybe this was April. But I saw her leave after spanking Bunny. Did April sneak back and assume her ‘real role’ as Miss Price?

Maybe whoever this is pretends to be Price just for me and Katie. God, if Katie saw this, me in here fingering myself in Price’s closet, she’d really razz me mercilessly.

Miss Price’s tone became calm again as she sat on her couch behind the two dutiful women as they worked away, asses in the air, faces a few inches from their papers as if twin doggies, their faces in a mess they’d made, and of course, matching blazers.

I suddenly found myself reaching for my neck, then remembering I’d stupidly thrown my pink blazer colored scarf away.

Then I burned inside, hating myself for wanting to touch it.

Then all the nasty things started building up, exploding in flashes through my mind…

Katie goading me into rubbing salad dressing on my nips…

stealing Doris’s butt fuck marker, the one April made her write nasty stuff on her kitchen floor with, and me smelling, even briefly…sucking it before Katie noticed…

Remembering this in the darkened closet, I couldn’t resist and excitedly fumbled in the dark through my purse, feeling my prize. Seconds later I quickly forced Bunny Vallens’ ‘butt pen’ to my wincing nose, the pungent odors sending me higher, closer…

I was brought back by the sight of Miss Price still lazing on the couch with her raised high heeled foot extended in the air, hovering inches above Miss Vallens’ ass as Bunny dumbly worked away.

Was Miss Price going to rest her shoe there on Bunny’s butt?

…like some foot stool?



I was so excited I was dying to see what happened next, the executive voluntarily humiliating herself sent even more repugnant images into my head, like…

Days ago Katie and I watching Bunny Vallens hump a carrot on her couch for god’s sake, or me fucking her with it.

Or how both Katie and I kept soaking up our Editor Margrette Umberger humiliating that poor intern with the doggie poop.

Or today, even something as tame as catching Suzanne Green mercilessly brow beating April in her office over feminism.

Or Bunny ‘filing’ with April a few minutes ago,

Or now this… what I was seeing before me.

I was so close, on the edge as I waited for Miss Price to lay her high heeled foot gingerly onto poor little Bunny Vallens’ ass.

But it didn’t go ‘on’.

It went ‘in’.

The image of Miss Vallens on her knees, being forced to correct her report, naked from the waist down, as her cheeks grew a ruby hue as Bunny became aware she was being freshly ‘heel fucked’ by her own boss’ shoe, then watching Bunny squirm on it. Sinking in deeper, where it had no right to go, sensuously humiliating Bunny whose face went glassy eyed.

Jesus, at least Green would never put up with that shit, I thought to myself. I inhaled the pen again, thinking of Bunny’s poor sexually invaded ass as my fingers worked away. I opened my eyes, my breath caught… as I saw Bunny squirming, grinding back on the heel, purring… meowing even!

This sent muffled tears trailing my cheeks as I was trying to come quietly, and the sick twisted fear of being caught finger-fucking myself over it, made me explode in silent bucking orgasms.


Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/i4u6p5/undercover_humiliation_ff_mc_fdom_humil_part_5_of