Testing the Limitations of Her Programming [Sex Stuff]

“This, dear fellows, is Gaia,” his voice boomed through the room as a group of men in business suits crowded around the small booth. He sought funding to create more like me. I began as a joke between him and his middle school friends. Why date when you could create the perfect woman? Then he actually set out to accomplish that.

His name was Jack and I adored him. He was thirty-two years old and brilliant beyond anything. I stood in front of this crowd for him. I displayed myself for him. I obeyed him. At the moment I scanned the crowd. In front of me was a group of men ranging in age from early twenties to late sixties or so. Each one wore a business suit and seemed to be lost in the paperwork more than paying attention to me.

I looked to Jack lovingly and he nodded, the crowd was becoming disinterested in words and needed to see action, so I began my part of the presentation. I stood up and walked down the steps and positioned myself just in front of the crowd. Many of the men towered above my five foot four frame and I could feel my heart racing. It wasn’t my heart, I do not have one, it was my processor, it was at risk of overheating so I took a few deep breaths to cool it. My breasts rose with each deep breath and the men became fixated on me.

I reached up and let my hair down, It fell in gorgeous brown curls that fell around the mid point of my back. I smiled at the men just in front of me and very slowly began unbuttoning my blouse. I walked along the front line very slowly, looking at them, making eye contact as I undid just one more button. I let them hear my voice, which was soft and sultry, “I can do more than general housework. I am designed to obey over a thousand general commands by default. I never say no. I am always respectful to my owner.” I walked over to the one girl in the crowd and smiled sweetly at her before reaching out to caress her cheek, “And I’m not just programmed for the guys. I can keep your wife satisfied when you can’t so she won’t go looking for assistance elsewhere. I also have a child lock feature, so curious children cannot demand anything improper of me. I am programmed to mind children, teach them, nurture them and assist their parents in raising them in a kind and understanding manner.”

I removed my top and let it fall to the floor. I began unzipping my skirt and let it fall as I walked along the front line of observers. I stood in front of them in my bra and panties and started to remove them as well, the men were practically drooling as I let my bra fall to the floor. “My breasts function as both sexual objects and nourishment for infants.” I lowered my panties and let them slip to the floor, “At the present time I am not equipped to act as surrogate to a couple attempting to conceive, but I hope that will be a feature that your funding can assist with.”

I sat down on the platform behind me and spread my legs wide to show them how realistic I truly was. “I do have receptors that transmit physical pleasure through me. I react just as a woman would to touch.” I ran my hand over my breasts and showed them how my nipple reacted to the physical stimulus. I pulled my knees up on the platform to expose myself completely to the crowd and giggled slightly, “Would anyone like to see how much like a real girl I am?” Over half the hands in the crowd shot up to volunteer, including the one young woman in the group. Jack pointed to one young man, in his early 20s easily. He came up and stood next to me, awkwardly giggling and fidgeting.

He reached out and touched my breasts, the warmth and heft of them seemed to excite him. Then he reached down and began slowly working his finger into my pussy in front of the crowd. I bit my lip and looked him in the eye as he began fingering me, intently watching my visible reaction as well as feeling the warmth and moisture that was happening internally. One of the older men in the crowd groaned and complained audibly, “He’s just a kid, he doesn’t know what a real woman should feel like.”

Jack smiled and motioned the older fellow up to the platform, “By all means, test her yourself.”

I looked up to Jack who nodded to me, I was to let both of them fondle me in front of this group of strangers. I would obey, I always obeyed. The older man came up and stood on the other side of me. He was rougher than the younger guy. His movement was about achieving what he wanted, not eliciting pleasure from me. I actually felt pains as he very roughly squeezed my breast and pushed multiple fingers into my pussy. I squirmed and tried to pull away a bit. I whined and cried out as he hurt me. I looked up to Jack for help as this didn’t feel right.

He took notice of the pained look on my face and intervened, “Enough, you’re hurting her.”

The older man just grimaced, “She’s a robot, what’s it matter?” He didn’t let up and I started to cry. The younger guy pushed the older man away from me and I climbed over to Jack, who pulled me up onto the platform then pushed me behind him.

Jack had the old guy escorted from the expo and pulled the young man aside to thank him for protecting me. I would be his reward. Jack reminded him that I was programmed to obey commands, sexual or otherwise. The young man would get three full days with me as a thank you. He would also serve as a test subject for my services.

I was scared when Jack told me about the exchange, but I didn’t object, I never objected. Jack dressed me and gave me a bag full of everything I would need for the weekend stay. He introduced me to the young man and I learned that his name was Grant. Part of the test was for me to find out more about my owner. I was to make him believe I was a real girl, not just a mechanical construct for physical pleasure. Jack put me into Grant’s car and I bit my lip as he waved goodbye to me.

I felt suddenly shy, as though I didn’t know what to do. Jack was my programmer, I listened to him, he fixed me when I broke. I watched Grant as he drove me to his house. He didn’t smile, he didn’t look sad, he just looked blank. I wondered if I looked like that. I twirled my hair around my fingers. Jack had pulled part of my hair up into a braid, the rest was down. I started to say something but I closed my mouth and sat quietly for the duration of the ride. I hadn’t yet been commanded to do anything, I mustn’t respond unless a question was asked of me.

Grant pulled into a garage, it was dark and quiet. He turned on a light and helped me out of the car. He was a gentleman with me. He led me into his home and showed me around. He asked the simplest things of me at first. “Gaia, would you make me dinner, please?”

I smiled, “What would you like Mr. Evans?”

“Call me Grant, please. Why don’t you just look at what I have and see what you can make with it. I am supposed to test all of your functions, decision making is the one you’ve had the most problems with, correct?”

I nodded, “Yes. Jack says I get flustered.”

He motioned me towards the kitchen, “Let’s see how you do then. Make us dinner.”

“I don’t require sustenance, Grant.”

He smiled and took my hand gently in his, “Humor me and make something for both of us.”

I obliged and prepared a meal for both of us. We sat down and ate and we talked. He was warm as he asked me about myself. I didn’t really know how to respond to some of his questions. How does one determine whether or not they like their job? I am programmed to like mine, but does that mean that I actually do like it or am I only forced to like it?

I made him laugh as I pondered the conversation. His laughter made me smile. After we ate he led me down to the living room and we sat on the couch to watch a movie. It was supposed to be a scary movie, but I found it more perplexing than scary. How did the man catch up to the running children and why did he want to harm them? I didn’t understand the concept of fear as it was presented in the film. He tried to explain it to me.

“Fear is when you don’t know the outcome of a situation that you’ve been placed in. Today you felt fear at the expo. You didn’t know if Jack or anyone else would help you or if that man was going to bring harm to you. You were afraid.”

“It hurts when Jack has to fix those areas when they get damaged. I didn’t want them to get damaged. I didn’t want to need to be fixed.”

“That’s the same idea, those kids are afraid because they might get damaged to where they can’t be repaired anymore. You are supposed to feel their fear and hope they make it out okay. “

He laughed at my reaction as I became concerned, “Oh my! They were really hurt!? We must help them, do you know where they are?”

“No, no, they were acting, pretending. They are okay, we’re just supposed to pretend they got hurt and we are supposed to care that they got hurt.”

“Are they friends of yours? Do you know them?”

He shook his head, “No. It’s…well…never mind, do you know how a comedy works?”

I nodded affirmatively, “You laugh when someone is silly or clumsy.”

He smiled, “We’ll work on movie understanding later. Jack asked me to test your willingness and ability to perform romantic gestures. Can we try that now?”

“Yes! I love performing romantic gestures. What would you have me do?” I climbed happily up onto the couch closer to him and must have seemed like an eager puppy just wanting to make my master happy.

“Why don’t we set up a scenario that you have to act out?”

“Like in the movies?”

He nodded, “Like in the romantic movies. Why don’t we say you’re my girlfriend and I’m your boyfriend. We just had dinner and we watched a movie together. What do you feel like we should do now?”

I leaned over and kissed his cheek before pulling away and smiling, “I guess that depends on how old we’re pretending to be.”

He smirked, “You just made a joke.”

I nodded, “I was being silly. Jack usually has me suck his cock to be romantic.”

Grant gave me an odd look while he processed that information. “Let’s go just a bit slower than that. Has he taught you how to be intimate without being sexual?”

I went deep into thought as I tried to remember what I’ve been taught so far. “No, I don’t know what that means, intimate…I know sexual. Sexual I am very good at.”

He kind of whined a bit, “I have no doubts about that. Just sit there and let me be intimate with you. Follow my lead when you understand, okay?”

I nodded and he began stroking my hair as he started another movie. His finger tangled in my curls for a moment but he very carefully worked the tangled bit of hair free. We sat there and watched the movie, he sat very near me. I didn’t understand yet. He would move his hand down to my waist and pull me closer to him. None of his movements were sexual but he seemed to want me right next to him. I lay down on the couch and placed my head on his lap. I gave him a questioning glance and he smiled and nodded as I turned my head to watch the movie. He played with my hair as I lay in his lap, and we watched the movie, silently touching each other every now and then.

When the movie was over he looked down to me, “How do you feel Gaia?”

I blushed as I looked up to him, “Intimacy is nice but I feel unfulfilled.”

He pulled me up into a sitting position and held my face in his hands. He looked to me with a stern expression on his face, “You don’t have to be sexual, you know that, right?”

I did know that. “I like sexual.” I ran my hand over his crotch and rubbed his inner thigh firmly, “I think you like sexual too.”

He closed his eyes as I slid my hand into his jeans and began caressing him lightly. “You don’t have to, I didn’t ask you to.”

I shrugged and looked at him sadly, “Do you not like me? Am I not pretty enough?”

He shook his head, “No, that is definitely not the problem. Aren’t you only supposed to do as I ask? Not initiate on your own?”

I nodded, “I’m supposed to only obey and do as I’m told, but you’re not asking me to do the right things. You could ask anything of me and I couldn’t say no.” I continued to stroke him under his jeans. His body was reacting even if he didn’t want it to.

“I don’t want ask you to do something that you are obligated to do rather than something that you want to do. Can you make that…ummm…decision for yourself?”

His cock was stiff in my hand, he had already unfastened his jeans to give himself some more room to expand. “Make what decision for myself? You clearly want me to continue, just ask me to?”

He shook his head, “Do whatever you want to do to alleviate that unfulfilled feeling, but I won’t ask anything of you.”

I got frustrated. He was supposed to tell me what he wanted so I could perform it dutifully. I leaned forward and took his cock between my lips. He shivered and clenched his fists. A soft moan escaped his lips as I took him deeply down my throat. I rubbed his hips and he squirmed, he tried so hard to resist thrusting his cock deeper into my mouth. My tongue was soft and moist as it twisted and pulled against his shaft. I stopped when I felt him throbbing. He moaned loudly as I pulled my lips from him and climbed over his lap. I lifted my skirt so he could see as I pushed my panties aside and let him penetrate my tight, wet pussy.

I broke his resolve as he grabbed my hips and held me in place. I rocked gently, letting the tip of his cock hit what would be the cervix in a human woman. In me it was simply a pleasure sensor. I tightened up around him and he audibly whined. His hands slid up my body and under my top to grasp and squeeze at my ample breasts. I smiled and leaned back, “Doesn’t your cock look nice slipping into my pussy? Can you see how thick you are and how much you’re pushing me open? Don’t you want to be in control? Instead of this slow soft love making you could throw me to the floor and fuck me as hard and fast as you want to. Wouldn’t you like that? To see me squirming under you? To see yourself in control as you drill that massively wonderful cock between my wet and wanton pussy lips?”

He couldn’t handle the teasing. He pushed me off of him and bent me over the arm of the couch. He spanked me hard before he began to rub and squeeze my ass. I whimpered and scooted away from him. He teased my pussy by rubbing the head of his cock against my clit and then back and forth over my slit. He caught me by surprise when he finally pushed into me, he was no longer gentle, he was like an animal. His hand slid up my body until he reached my throat, his grip was light but firm enough to pull my upper body tightly against him as he plunged his cock deeply into my pussy. His other hand gripped my hip and held me firmly in front of him. I cried out and he moved his hand from my hip around to my clit and began rubbing his fingers down into the fluid lubricating his cock as he plowed me, then swiftly rubbed the freshly slicked fingers up around my clit until I was squirming on his cock.

He fucked me through my first orgasm. His hand on my throat was all that held me upright as I wanted to collapse onto the couch. He wouldn’t let me. I thought he had been close to cumming earlier but it was clear that he had amazing stamina. His firm cock did not stop as waves of excitement caused involuntary internal muscle spasms which stroked his cock. I could breathe easily, his grip was not constricting, just controlling. He let go and I fell forward, trying to support myself on my shaky arms. I looked back to him and saw the smile on his face as I moaned.

He leaned down close and almost growled at me, “Are you fulfilled yet?”

I nodded and he brought his hand around my waist to my clit, his fingers worked me to a second orgasm rather quickly. I tensed up and he just smiled as I looked at him. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. I kissed him back as if my ability to breathe depended on getting his tongue into my mouth. He sat back on the couch and I hungrily and clumsily climbed over his cock and pushed him deep within me again. I loved his cock and it felt so good inside of me.

He ripped my clothes off of me and began sucking on my breasts while I rode him. His fingers were covered in my fluids and he very happily rubbed my clit as I tired myself out on his shaft. I hadn’t cum for a third time but I was exhausted and began to slow down. He pulled free of me and turned me around on his lap so that I was facing away from him. His cock was slick with my pussy fluids and he quickly and suddenly plunged his shaft into my ass. I squirmed on his cock and leaned back against his chest, panting softly as he pushed me farther down onto him. I looked back to him as I moaned, tears visible in my eyes as he just continued pushing into me.

His fingers worked my cunt and clit and he slowly fucked my ass. I was already exhausted. At this point I couldn’t even whimper and moan. My face and breasts flushed from excitement and I felt my toes curl as he finally released his load deep inside of me. It caused my own body to spasm in orgasm, clenching and clinging to him as I fell back against him. I could barely breathe.

He kissed my cheek and then my neck before letting his lips settle near my ear, “Looks like you need a bath. I want you to masturbate in the shower until you collapse in my arms.”

I whined and whimpered but nodded as he picked me up into his arms and carried me into the bathroom. I ached, every muscle ached, but I still wanted more. I wanted to fight the exhaustion and make myself cum repeatedly for his pleasure. He sat me in the tub and retrieved the shower head, I started to pleasure myself with the pulse of water while sitting down in the tub. “That is not what I asked for.”

I groaned and shakily stood up. My clit was swollen and I needed release badly. He pushed the shower head aside and began lapping at my cunt with his tongue. My legs gave out from under me as his tongue moved side to side slowly over my clit. He held me up and thoroughly cleaned my pussy with his tongue. Then he held the shower head over my clit and watched me orgasm twice more from the water as I lay sprawled in the bottom of the tub.

I finally looked up to him and pleaded, “Please, please stop, I’m going to pass out.”

He smirked, “You’re an android, you don’t get exhausted.”

I shook my head, “I’m not. I’m very much a girl. I’m Jack’s assistant. Please, please let me rest?”

Grant looked down at me, a shivering cum covered mess in the bottom of the tub and he smiled, “I know.” He brought his lips down to mine and kissed me passionately before he began gently and lovingly washing me. “Jack said if I could get you to break character, he would let you go with me if you wanted to.”

I sighed as he washed my aching muscles, fighting back tears due to pure exhaustion. “You knew I wasn’t an android?”

Grant nodded, “Would you like to come with me instead of staying with him?”

I nodded and he held me tightly in his arms. He kissed the top of my head, “I suspect I won’t ever have to explain a horror movie to you again.”

I smiled and nodded, nodding was just about the only motion I was capable of. When he finished washing me he picked me up and carried me to his bed and let me rest. He had a phone call to make.

I’m sure Jack would find another girl to help him swindle rich old men and tech companies. I was obsolete, a model that failed to keep up the charade and would be discontinued as a result, and I was perfectly fine with that.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/i3loe6/testing_the_limitations_of_her_programming_sex


  1. Nice twist. It wasn’t a complete surprise, but it answered how a “machine” could tire out. :)

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