My Master’s Pet. [bst][MF][bdsm][oral][Mdom][Fsub] Part – 2

[Read Part 1 Here!](

“You’ve done well, now turn around and kiss me”, I know he is back to his loving self by the tone of his voice. I know I am allowed to be myself again now. I turn around and start kissing him passionately. Now, even more turned on and desperate. I ask him about our plans for the day, and it becomes clear that it’s a lazy afternoon overlooking the sea. Which is perfect for me.

Post the shower, I go inside and Judah, still naked, decides it’s a good time to give Sparky a shower too and I enjoy watching them frolic in the water some more. I get even more turned on by seeing Judah’s freshly pumped cock, now limp, dangle between his legs while he wrangles Sparky. Curiously, I keep waiting to see if his cock ever touche’s Sparky. “Strange thing to think about”, I wonder. Judah finally completes his mission, leaving Sparky, sparkling. We settle down onto the couch, now dressed again. All our conversations are littered with ‘I love you’s and kisses. The afternoon is spent talking, listening to the waves crash, watching the clouds move, getting high, munching on snacks and playing with Sparky. He seems to be loving it. The deck seems to have become his favourite place in the whole world, and he just spends most of his day soaking in the sun.

After the sunset, under the impression that the night is going to pan out the same way as the afternoon, I ask Judah about our dinner plans. Judah tells me about a small restaurant nearby, and that he was planning on getting a takeout from the place. I groan in reluctance, “I don’t wanna leave this place!”. He tells me I don’t have to and he is going himself. “It’s not too far”, he says and it shouldn’t take him more than half an hour. Pleased, I gave him a kiss.

Soon after, Judah drove off, leaving me and Sparky alone. Even though we’ve spent a lot of time together, it is not often that I am alone with him without Judah around. Sparky, a 4 year old muscular German Shepherd, has always allured me. My 5’2” body seems almost the same size sitting next to him. I have a bit of weed still with me from the afternoon, and I go out to the deck to smoke. High, I appreciate him for everything he has been. A loyal companion, a friend, and handsome. I feel a wave of affection run through my being, and, knowing I was alone, I went for him with my arms wide open to just hug his smashing body. Initially surprised but quickly realizing what was happening, he whimpered in pleasure and started licking my face. I usually never let him lick me anywhere, let alone my face. However, being high, slightly drunk and in a great mood, I just let him do it. Presumably surprised by my acceptance he continued licking my face, and with more gusto. I felt his tongue on my cheeks. It felt rough, not what I had imagined a tongue to feel like at all. It was firm and really warm. I did not mind the smell, as I was used to him by now. I was enjoying his affection.

In the moment, I did something that sent shivers down my spine, I stuck my tongue out and for him to lick. He probably saw me doing that, and I felt his tongue sweep upwards from my chin, then touch my lower lip, and the very next instant, my lips. I tasted his tongue and as if I had been electrocuted by the feeling, I almost jumped back, absolutely horrified at what I had done, and what I wanted to do. I wanted to kiss Sparky. Not like a pet, but like a lover. It was the single most conflicting desire I had ever felt. It was wrong, so wrong. Yet, my pussy was dripping. My body needed it. What?! What do I crave from Sparky?!

I shook myself out of it. Blamed it on the weed, “Thats some good weed ain’t it Sparky boy”, I nervously babble, as if he would care. Sparky just stood there, in front of me, happy from our little session I assumed. “We’ve crossed a line”, I think to myself and chuckle. I then switch on the, rather out of place, TV and decide to pass time till Judah returns.

Judah returns with a lovely meal and some wine. I share everything with him, and I share my accidental session with Sparky as well, I however omit the part that I had done it intentionally. Judah chuckles, and tells me a funny story about Sparky. Apparently, Sparky once got really horny and tried to hump Judah’s mattress, obviously failing, but still ejaculated all over it. I laughed, but in my head I kept picturing a naked Judah, getting a cum shot from Sparky. “This is wrong”, I think really loud, as if sending out a warning to my inner self. After we were done with dinner, the three of us sat on the deck, enjoying the moonlit sea. There were still clouds in the sky, and the occasional sea gull’s shriek piercing the sound of the waves crashing beneath us, but a really calm night.

I turn to Judah, and ask him to use me. “Use me” is a code between us, which implies I am at his command, and apart from blood and feces, everything is on the table. I have had plenty of adventures with Judah in this way. I have been passed around at a party. I’ve been made to strip naked besides my sleeping mother. I have been made to expose myself to strangers. Judah enjoys toying with me, and I love the feeling of being an absolute sexual object, that exists only to please the master, Judah.

He loves it when I say this. He knows me too well, and he had already guessed I would say this. He instructs me to strip, which I do readily. He then tells me to get on my knees. I do. He tells me tonight I shall not speak, I meekly whisper, “Yes master”. Out of the blue I feel a stinging pain on my left nipple. Judah pinches my nipple and whispers softly, knowing how much pain I am in, and reveling in it, “Not a single word”. I already feel a fire burning in my body and butterflies in my stomach, I am anxious, I’ve never been told to not utter words. I sheepishly nod my head in agreement. Satisfied, he says, “ Are you ok?”, I simply purr, knowing I am not allowed to speak and this is a test. Judah seems visibly pleased.

He tells me to stay, and goes in to get something. Me, now naked, and on my knees, cross eyes with Sparky, who is now looking at me perplexed at what’s happening in front of him. He seems excited too, wagging his tail. With Judah away, even Sparky’s gaze feels humiliating, as if Sparky was another human, and that I had been rendered inferior even to him. Judah returns with a leather crop and a gag belt, that has a silicone bone which gags the mouth. He put it on me, and I slipped it on eagerly. He then told me to follow him indoors. I start to get up, but get rewarded with a sharp whip of the crop across my thigh. I can’t hold back tears, and let out a muffled wail. It stings, it burns, but I know my place in front of my master.

I can’t say the word, so I just put my head down and mouth a submissive moan. He knows I am thanking him. He is pleased, I tell myself.

I follow him to our bedroom on all fours. Usually Sparky gets locked outside the doors when we go in for our sessions back home, tonight, he seems welcome. I hear Judah calling him behind us from the deck. I reach the bedroom and sit on my knees, waiting for Judah’s next order. I am instructed to get on to the bed and position myself to get his cock. I do just that and get on the bed, get on my fours. I know he wants me whimpering and purring, so I keep moaning while doing this. He then strips himself, and starts stroking his cock in front of me. I try to reach out to him, like an animal, timidly moaning.

Nothing could have prepared me for what would come next.

Sparky was behind me, and out of pure curiosity, he reached for my toes, and started licking on them, I glanced at his mouth on my toes, and then back at Judah’s cock hanging in front of me. And let out a muffled, “Ahh!”. Judah notices this. He knows me far too well, and devilishly decides instantly what needs to be done next.

Judah goes behind me, grabs Sparky by the collar, and brings him in front of me. Judah then gets down, looks me in the eye, and says, “You wanted to kiss Sparky tonight right?”. I freeze. I did not want to admit it. It was so wrong, even for me and our vile sex lives. I don’t say a word. He asks again, this time firmly, all the while caressing Sparky. I nod with a shameful moan.

Judah smiles, like a predator who’s about to make a kill. He knows I am his toy, he knows he can do anything. He knows I won’t resist. Most importantly, he knows I want it.

He unbuckles the collar on Sparky. It’s an old leather collar, tattered and torn, and smells of animal flesh. Judah looks me in the eye, and takes off my gag. Clearly he had planned something else, but was making this up instinctively, driven purely by lust at this point. He puts the collar on my neck and tells me to lay on my back. It’s loose, but the collar completely detaches me off of my human self. I feel strangely liberated, as though none of my actions would matter now. I feel like an animal. I am an animal now.

Judah gets on the bed in front of me, and tells me to take his cock like a bitch. I just moan and start sucking his cock. No words, no affection, my only goal was to make him cum. Soon, I was turned over again, and felt something on my asshole, soon I realized I was being lubricated, I could feel it dripping onto my pussy. I did not see him bring it, but apparently he had a metal butt plug stashed away somewhere, which was now being inserted in my ass. The cold metal caught me off guard, but I settled in quickly. This is not the first plug up my butt. I moan and purr as I feel it push into my anus.

Judah then turns me around and just thrusts his rock hard cock, straight into my soaking wet cunt. The plug hurts for a second, but is quickly overpowered by the massive cock throbbing my pussy. Judah just wants one thing, he wants to orgasm or so I think. While being fucked, I notice Sparky standing right besides me, beside the bed, and something strange between his legs. I’ve never seen him do that, but it looks like… his penis? It seems to have come out of its sheath.



1 comment

  1. This is is part 2 of my first ever erotica! Do read and let me know what you feel about it. DMs are welcome :)

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