A Devilish Smile (Part 2?)

*“It’s awfully busy in the library today, even the private study rooms are packed…what a shame”* I thought to myself, the idea of us in one of those rooms together was almost too much.

*“where is she? She’s normally been studying for a couple of hours by now”*….I was aimlessly biding my time, pretending to pick out books from the shelf and then putting them back so as to not raise suspicion. I saw a book that caught my attention; the spine read ‘A Devilish Smile’.. as I removed the book from the shelf, her face appeared directly behind it-there were no books on the other side and she had played me from the start. Flinching…before realizing it was her..realizing it was you.

With a finger to your lips: *“shhhh”* you whispered before you disappeared. I was about to move, to meet you around the other side of the shelf, but before I could, I already felt it…

Your hands were massaging me on the outside of my jeans through a gap in the books below. *“Is this what she planned? Has she finally been one step ahead of me this time?!”*

You slowly unzipped my jeans, and pulled me out with your tiny, soft hands. *“Are you crazy!”* I whispered

*“I said SHhhhHhh”* you murmured back.

This feeling is what I had been craving all day.. you stroked me…gently, and slowly, trying to keep me calm but also right on the edge…you knew me all so well already.

You reached to your mouth and slowly spit into the cusp of your hand, before reaching back to wrap it all around me.

My knee jerked and a slight moan seeped out of my mouth….the librarian happened to be walking past the aisle and asked me if everything was okay.

*“S-Sure, just having a look”*-I muttered; as she stood beside me…by this time you had completely stopped moving your hands, but you still held me…

*“A Devilish Smile?”* She asked with raised eyebrows *“…..make sure you read that one in your own time….it’s really something”* she said with her own flirtatious grin.

You squeeze me…*”O-Okay, sure”* The words struggled to come out, I could barely speak at this point…

*”What was that squeeze just now…Was she jealous? does she actually have feelings for me?”* I wondered..

*“Let me know if you need a hand looking for something else”* the librarian said with a slight wink as she turned around to leave.

I could see her heading past the end of your aisle.. *“are you okay dear?”* She asked

*“I’m fine!”* you said; purposely adding a tinge of anger in your tone.

*“Wow, she might actually like…*.” I was thinking before your face appeared in front of me again.

*“Hey stranger!”* You winked; with a devilish smile *“how was your day?”*

*“Follow …me…now”* I exclaimed.

My mind clicked *“I know why the library is packed! exams are next week”* I thought to myself, instantly I assumed that everyone had put their hobbies on hold until the exams were over, and right across from the library was the photography lab, I knew that was where i needed to lead you.

We get to the front door and a lecturer walks past, I quickly turn to you and take your hand and lean in to kiss your cheek….there isn’t anything suspicious about young love after all!

Once the coast was clear, we entered. As suspected….quiet and empty

I lead you forward, under some already processed Polaroids and down some steps into the processing room.

The lights are off, it’s cool but there is a stiffness in the air – no breeze – no windows.

I take notice of the light switch placement but I close the door behind me, dousing every last little bit of light that flowed from the room above…

*”But what about the Li…..”*

*”Shhhhh”* I say, in the same manner in which you had done to me only minutes earlier

I know exactly where every part of you is – regardless of the dark

I put one hand on your ass cheek and give it a light squeeze…pulling you closer into me and I put my other hand aside your face, my fingers just flexing to the back of your neck, I lean in and kiss you, I can feel you quiver, I can feel every goose-bump rising to the surface on your skin, our tongues dance around each other, like Koi in a pond and i pull back slightly..to bite your lip before pulling away…but you grab my face and pull me back in close…our lips are touching, and we feel the warmth of each other’s breath.

We kiss again, this time more passionately , our hands are running rampant through each other’s hair; I reach down with both of my hands, grab your ass and hoist you up around me.

You can feel my bulge, and you squeeze even harder to let me know that you know, You bite my neck and pull my hair back and it grows bigger…I drop you down, and grab you by the waist, slowly bringing my hands all the way up, and that cute little top….It comes off with them.

I push your hair back behind your ears and I slide your bra strap off each shoulder…slowly…kissing your neck, following behind the strap all the way, I slide one hand up around your throat and tilt your head up slightly…..it’s completely dark…but we are staring directly into each other…we both can feel that.

With my other hand I undo your bra and it falls down beside us, I gently brush my hand past your nipple, it instantly hardens and again… i feel every….single… goose-bump

You grab my waist and slowly raise your hands up in the same fashion, removing my shirt, our body temperatures start to radiate and the room is quickly heating up. The increased warmness, the increased heart rates, cause us to lightly sweat, and I can feel you on me; our bodies touching together.

I lean in to kiss you again, you put your arms around my neck, I reach in to undo your pants, and then you reach down to do the same.

We quickly shimmy out of them, and go back to staring at each other…it’s pitch black but i know we know…

You reach for me, you already know what to expect because you could feel it before; but i’m one step ahead of you this time.

I slide your underwear to the side at the same time that I slide my three middle fingers between you. The two outer ones gently spread you apart, and the middle one remains firmly pressed against the middle, and I slowly drag my hand back towards me.

I can feel the wetness, you have been waiting for this since that pesky librarian interrupted.

I move my hand back in the same fashion only this time my middle finger is inside of you, I slightly bend the knuckle, and I feel your ceiling, I know I’ve hit the right spot because your body jolts.

I pull my hand back towards me, my finger gliding across the top…slowly, and then again with two fingers. You moan and grab my forearm, you can feel every vein, as the blood rushes through my body.

I like that moan…

And so I want to hear it again..

And again…

And with every thrust of my hand you pull back on my cock, harder and harder

Within seconds you’re quivering, and I can feel you tighten around my fingers, I can feel you cumming .. *”how has he done this…this quickly?” -* You thought to yourself

I pull my hand away and I turn you around, you haven’t even finished yet, but i’m determined to melt your mind.

I thrust into you with everything, and at the same time… I flick on the light switch…..the dark red glow of the photography processing light beams through the room.

It’s an explosion of senses, rivaled by that of only a drug.

I feel you instantly tighten around me again….cumming…..again –“*why is my body acting like this?….”* you think to yourself

You are so incredibly wet, and I can feel it wrapped around every single inch of me, the room is stifling now, and we are dripping.

I run my hand up your stomach, past your breasts, around your throat, for a second and then up to your mouth, the sweat makes my hand glide past, it feels unreal..

You bite my hand, as if to try and douse the moans, even slightly…

I bend your arms behind your back, and trap them there with chest….my other hand, is free to do whatever it pleases, and I glide it back down the same way, I feel you squirm, trying to free your arms, you know that you couldn’t possibly cum again, but I won’t let you stop me, I win this time remember?

As I run my hand down you, I gather as much of your wetness as I can before I bring it back up to your clit, and with a gentle circular motion, I begin to rub.

I start slow, i’m not ruthless — I let you at least adjust to the new feeling…..but i quickly ramp up

I can feel your whole body tremble, your knees are starting to collapse, but I’m inside you, holding you up.

You can feel me getting harder, and I can feel you getting tighter, with a final thrust, I fill you up, and with an almighty squeal, you squirt.

You’re shaking uncontrollably and you slide off my cock onto your knees….you have no idea what your body is doing, and your mind is mush.

After a couple of seconds you start laughing.

*“If only that librarian knew what you were really capable of*” you said – with a devilish smile.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/i2agx5/a_devilish_smile_part_2