Getting into Trouble (part three) [incest] [brother] [sister] [fingering]

Ari set up for another night with the guys on a less boiling night. I wore jeans and one of Ari’s t-shirts, no makeup, and had my hair pulled up in a messy bun. I made actual food for the group, a taco and nacho bar, do-it-yourself style. The guys were awkward around me and it just got more awkward when Christian showed up.

I was in the hallway, heading to the kitchen, when I saw him and I nearly fell over as I backed away. Sam caught me, “You okay, Z?” he asked as he looked from me to Christian.

I nodded, and pulled myself away from him, “I’m fine,” I said softly, then turned away and headed to the bathroom. I didn’t think I’d react like that. I didn’t think I’d react at all, honestly. It was visceral, like every bit of my body knew he was a danger and I had to get away even while my brain was trying to play it cool and pretend to not be bothered. The rest of my body won.

I splashed some cold water on my face and took a few deep breaths to calm myself down before I went back out into the living room.

I could smell the chlorine from Christian’s hair and it made me nauseous. In spite of the hot days, I hadn’t gone back to the pool since that afternoon. I sat beside Ari when the game started up, pulling myself into a tight little corner and pulling him over to me to cover me up a bit. I whispered to him, “It’s harder than I thought it would be. I feel sick, but I still want to confront him.”

He pulled me over to him and let me lay my head on his shoulder. Sam kept watching me. I inadvertently held my breath when Christian walked by me, it was a hard reaction to hide and it seemed to tell Sam that I wasn’t just having an after-romp moment of regret with Christian, I was fucking terrified of him.

When Ari went to the bathroom, Sam sat down beside me, “He really did that, didn’t he?” he asked me quietly.

I looked to Christian, he shifted uncomfortably as he watched Sam talking to me. I nodded and half-smiled, “I learned my lesson on wearing a swim suit to a pool, I suppose,” I said as I got up and grabbed the arm of the couch. My legs were trembling and I needed a few seconds to regain my composure. Then I went back into the kitchen to clean up and put away the food, anything to get me out of that room until Ari came back from the bathroom.

Christian came to the kitchen door and his voice set me on edge, “I didn’t mean for you to hit your head,” he said.

I wrapped my hand around the hilt of a small knife and glanced towards him, “But the rest of it you meant, right?” I asked.

“I misread you,” he said.

I laughed, “I was still shaking from having almost drowned because of that little prick at the pool. What about that said I wanted to fuck you?” I asked, a little louder than I’d meant to.

“Look, I didn’t go through with it and Ari broke my nose, so let’s call it even and start fresh?” he asked.

I turned around and he backed up when he saw I had the knife in my hand, “Hey, Zia, put that down,” he said.

“You didn’t go through with it because Ari broke your nose.”

I advanced on him and he backed up, “You know what’s worse about the whole thing? If Ari hadn’t gotten home when he did and you did go through with it, no one would have believed I’d said no, you could be smarmy and smug and get away with it because other people have an idea of who I am over nothing but rumors and speculation and that lowers my worth as a person in their eyes,” in a moment of bravery, or maybe stupidity, I pulled my arm back and flung the knife towards him.

He dropped to the ground and screamed. The other guys all came running into the kitchen, Ari ran straight from the bathroom, still drying his hands. I walked over and pulled the knife out of the wall, standing behind and slightly to the right of where Christian cowered. Had he not dropped down it would’ve whizzed right past his left ear.

Sam, Lee, Andy, and Ari were all standing in the doorway and I looked up at them, knife still in my hand, then knelt down next to Christian. I was keeping my eye on my brother’s friends as I held the knife nonchalantly in my hand, “Now we’ve both screamed in fear in this hallway, but at least I didn’t wet myself, you fucking coward,” I spat at him.

I looked to my brother and his friends, “I’m not cleaning that up.”

I thought I was going to pass out for a second. My head was swimming and my legs felt like rubber, but I managed to walk away, handing Ari the knife then going into my bedroom. I leaned back against the door and slid to the floor, trying to regain control of my breathing. I could hear them talking in the other room and I just listened.

“Your sister is fucking crazy, man,” Lee said.

Sam actually defended me, “Crazy would have been cutting his dick off, she just scared the piss out of him. Given what he did to her, I’d say she was well within her rights.”

Christian was stuttering, “I…I didn’t hurt her. I didn’t…She fell and hit her head…”

Ari scoffed, “You can’t admit it, can you? Well, that makes this easier then. I’ve got no interest in staying friends with a rapist or with anyone who can support one. Leave with him, or hang out with us, maybe if he ever grows up and takes responsibility, I can forgive him, but right now? I wish she hadn’t just been trying to make a point when she threw this.”

I peeked out the door and down the hall to see Ari holding the knife up in his hand, “You should know, Christian, she didn’t miss. She chose to put this in the wall instead of you, so be glad it was her throwing it at you and not me. I don’t think I would have made the same choice.”

He slammed the tip of the knife into the counter and looked at his friends, waiting for them to make a choice. Lee and Andy left with Christian, Sam stayed behind and helped my brother clean up the mess Christian made. When I came back out of my room the two of them were finishing where I left off on cleaning up the food. I sat at the table with my head lying on the cool wood and watched them work. Every now and then one of them would look over and smile at me.

Once everything was cleaned up, Sam came over to the table with me and handed me a beer. I took it, but I wasn’t much of a beer person. Ari was watching us closely as Sam and I talked and I saw a moment of jealousy flash in Ari’s eyes when Sam pushed my hair back behind my ear.

The three of us went back out into the living room and put on a movie, much more relaxed in this set up than we had been with the entire group. Ari put a blanket over me and I lay with my head on his lap. I wanted to push Ari for more,but Sam was still awake and watching the movie. I felt powerful, honestly, and it was a bit of an aphrodisiac to me.

There was a part of me that wanted to ask Ari if I could reward Sam for choosing him instead of Christian, but my brother was already being pushed beyond his comfort zone by letting me lay my head on his lap, where I could feel that his dick was hard and his fingertips on my lower back were very slowly moving up to my side.

I fought the urge to doze off, forcing myself to stay awake until Sam and Ari both fell asleep. I looked at my brother, he was lying awkwardly on the arm of the couch, curled around where I was lying. Sam was sprawled back into the corner of the couch on the opposite side as me and my brother. I wanted to wake one of them up for more, so I lifted up to my brother and whispered in his ear as I stroked his cheek.

“Ari? Wake up…Sam’s asleep and I miss you,” I said softly.

He opened his eyes and smiled at me but shook his head, “Go to sleep, Zia,” he whispered to me as his hand slid over my stomach and under my shirt slightly.

I unfastened my jeans and lifted my hips to slide the restrictive material down my thighs. Ari closed his eyes again as His fingertips grazed the underside of my tits beneath my shirt. I moaned softly and his eyes fluttered open slightly. His hand slid up and groped my breast lightly causing me to moan a little more.

“Am I awake?” he asked me softly.

I smiled, “No, big brother, this is just a dream,” I whispered.

His brow furrowed, “More like a nightmare, I told you to stop trying to get this to happen, Zia,” he whispered a little more harshly.

I pouted and looked past him, “I guess Sam will have to do then,” I whispered back and started to climb over him.

Ari grabbed my hip and pulled me back down, “Or you can just go to your room and get yourself off?” he suggested.

I shook my head, “It hasn’t been as fun for me lately. I want help.”

“If I get you off will you settle down?” he asked.

I bit my lip and nodded.

Ari looked over to Sam, “In your bedroom?” he asked.

I shook my head and pulled my jeans the rest of the way off my legs. I started to pull my panties off, too, but Ari grabbed my hand and stopped me, “They can stay on,” he said.

We maneuvered until Ari was under me slightly, my head rested on his shoulder and he pulled my leg up over his hip. His eyes were on my lower body and he started rubbing me through the soft cotton panties I was wearing. I moaned lightly and he held still, looking over to Sam to make sure he was still asleep before he continued by lifting his hand to my mouth.

His lips were by my ear and he was holding his breath every time I moved slightly. I curled my fingers around his wrist as he pressed his index and middle finger between my lips, pressing down on my tongue. He got them coated in my saliva then pulled his fingers from my mouth, a thin strand of drool clung to my lip as he lowered his fingers between my legs. He closed his eyes and used his other hand to slide my panties to the side then started slowly and gently rubbing my clit, small circles just around the sensitive bit with gentle and steady pressure from slick fingers.

I moaned and he cringed, looking over as Sam shifted slightly in his sleep. Ari looked back to me and whispered, “You have to be quiet and stay still if you want me to do this.”

I lifted my head slightly and whispered, “Kissing me might keep me quieter,” and smirked as I pulled back to look in his eyes.

He looked a little angry as he brought his lips down to mine then roughly pushed his fingers into me, making me whimper and pull my hips away slightly. He kissed me hard, his tongue muffled me as I tried to moan, his fingers curling in me, rubbing hard and fast against that tingly spot inside. I tried to grab his hand to slow him down and he got both of my wrists in one hand, pulling them over to the side so I couldn’t stop him from fingering me as hard and fast as he wanted to. I was whimpering and he was repeatedly pressing my tongue to the roof of my mouth with his to make it harder for me to do anything but fight him back for control of my tongue.

Ari’s mouth closed tightly over mine as my body began shivering. I was moaning but it was heavily muffled by my brother’s lips. He felt me tensing and releasing my cunt on his fingers and his rubbing slowed to soothing my body. I was panting as he pulled his lips from mine, “Feel better?” he asked as he looked me over and wiped my fluids that coated his fingers across my stomach.

I nodded and snuggled against him. He held me, we’d both forgotten about Sam, who was sitting up and stroking his cock as he watched my brother get me off then caress my body to soothe the tension built up in the muscles from the restrained orgasm he’d given me. I kissed Ari again and he pushed me away, “Stop, I said this can’t happen and I mean it, Zia. I’m going to bed. If you want to fuck Sam, I’m not going to stop you, just take him to your bedroom and do it quietly, please?” he whispered to me.

I was trying not to look hurt. I turned my head away from him and nodded. Ari fixed my panties and put his hand on my stomach as he leaned down to whisper in my ear again, “Make sure you fuck him because you want to, not because you think it’ll make me jealous,” then he kissed my forehead and turned to see Sam sitting up on the couch, dick in hand.

“Jesus Christ, Sam, really?” he asked.


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