Lonely, but not when you hold me. [Str8] [F] [m]

“Just tell him Jeremy.”

“It’s really not that great of a story and I don’t even know if I like revisiting the memories anymore,” I sighed.

I looked from John’s insistent pleading face over to Kevin’s face of shock and awe.

“Fine,” I muttered. “I will tell it on the condition there are no stupid questions. None. For one, I probably don’t even remember some of the specifics and the memory has gone from real to fantasy because it was so long ago.”

I let out a breath and started, “It was with the art teacher Mrs. Nichols. I loved that art class from the start. I sat next to this hilarious 4chan meme spewing autistic fat kid and a tall attractive alt girl trying super hard to be unique. She still used the perks of being an attractive high school girl though. They were a hilarious combination. I’m sure the three of us seemed hilarious to everyone else looking on as we were always laughing, but most of the talking was between them two.”

“Jeremy. He doesn’t care about that shit.”

I looked at Kevin who seemed to be interested either way. Whatever that idiot John told him must have been an exaggeration.

“You need to shut the fuck up and just listen. I’m going to explain why this matters right now anyway,” I said while rolling my eyes at John’s impatience.

“Listen Kevin. We were the only fun in that boring shitty art class. Mrs. Nichols knew it and would frequently laugh at us and listen in on our conversations. I think that’s mainly what it was, but I don’t know for sure. I just know that one day I went to art class and was feeling kind of sick. I was noticeably visibly sick and it intensified all my natural shit feelings of being in that shit high school.”

I continued, “Anyway, Mrs. Nichols was the only teacher that day to seem to care. I’m pretty sure she came to me and noticed I was mentally absent from the class and she mentioned I looked sick and hoped I would feel better. It was a very teacher-like thing to do. I’m pretty sure after class she hugged me. I really don’t remember. It had to have been after class because that’s weird for a teacher to do in front of students? I don’t know. I think she was attracted to my attitude. It seems like it only works for like 1 percent of girls that know me, but for those that it does work for they really seem to like me. Maybe some nurturing fix the depressed fuck up thing.”

“Either way, nothing was awkward between us both because I almost felt like it was just a day dream from being feverish. Well later after a normal uneventful art class I found out why she was a Budweiser model promoter girl in the past. It must have been true because after I left with everyone else I went back to get a jacket I forgot and she was there still to hand it to me.”

“I said thanks and she said I looked like I could use another hug. I had no clue how to respond to that. So I didn’t. She enveloped me in a snug embrace.”

“To all the other kids she was the hot art teacher. After that moment and especially in the weeks afterward she wasn’t just hot. She was warm, tender, and sexy.”

John, finally interrupting laughed, “What a faggot.”

John looked at Kevin and with a barely noticeable hint of jealousy said, “This faggot is the reason there were those rumors that Mrs. Nichols fucked a student. They were true.”

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/5es86j/lonely_but_not_when_you_hold_me_str8_f_m