Sarah’s sex toy training – Part 4

She walked down the corridor as if in a trance, the words ‘leave Sarah behind’ were all she could think of. He was right – Sarah was boring, and she wanted to leave her here, unzip her like a jacket and fling her away.

She marched back to the room, stopping in front of him, fueled by a hunger to win his approval.

“Do you want to see my titties?” she asked, followed with a machine gun laugh. She stood grinning in front of him, hoping that she’d finally met his expectations.

He looked at her and shook his head.

“That’s good. But it’s not enough. You’re not giving me everything and you know it.”

Her heart sunk. Hadn’t she left Sarah outside? Hadn’t she taken the plunge and given him everything?

“These windows are double glazed, and the walls are thick,” he gestured around him. “So you don’t need to worry about keeping quiet for fear of upsetting the neighbours, if that’s what’s holding you back?”

“No sir.”

“Well I don’t know why you’re being so quiet then. You need to be louder.” He got up and grabbed her chin. “If you think I’m going to show you what to do every step of the way then you should leave now. Because you’re beginning to try my patience.”

He slapped her across the cheek, causing her face to twist around sharply as she staggered back off balance. He brought his left hand across her other cheek, eliciting a yelp of pain. She tried to regain her composure as she held her hands to her face, somehow still managing to smile despite the shock.

“Go,” he said, pointing.

She hurried back down the corridor, her eyes filling with tears. Her sense of pained humiliation threatened to boil over, and it took all of her restraint not to scream with frustration. Her hands shook as she tried to compose herself. She took a deep breath and looked in the mirror, to see her tearful grinning face looking back.

“Stay here Sarah,” she heard her grinning reflection say. “You’re not wanted anymore.”

She nodded in response to her own words, and without further hesitation, she turned around and strode back. She stood in front of him smiling widely, and blinked, feeling two hot tears roll down her cheeks as she realised that she had no idea what to do. A wave of fear and helplessness washed over her, and she almost collapsed to the ground. A few seconds of deafening silence echoed around the room, as her mouth became dry. And then, much to her surprise, she found herself squatting down so she was eye level with Jake.

“Hey!” she heard herself squeal in an unnecessarily loud, stupid voice, sounding more like a cartoon character than a person. “Do you want to see my titties?”

Jake smiled, as if for the first time, and Sarah’s heart practically melted with happiness.

“Good girl,” he said, “and yes, I would like to see them.”

She jumped up, giggling helplessly as she convulsed back and forth, unable to control this sudden torrent of giggling. An unstoppable bubbling energy was escaping from within her, rushing out through the wide smile etched across her face. She whipped her arm away and proudly displayed chest, as she stood bursting with pride, her other hand still covering her modesty.

“Look at my titties!” she squealed.

“Good girl!” said Jake, “I’m so impressed!”

Good girl. Impressed. Those words sent a feeling of ecstasy flooding through her veins and she felt her body shake with excitement.

“And I don’t know who this new person is, but I like her a lot more than Sarah.”

“So do I!” she screamed, grin fixed in place, her eyes ludicrously wide, like two little flames flickering with madness.

“I think you need a new name,” he said.

She giggled in response, her whole body primed with excitement, like a bomb of sexual energy ready to explode at any second.

“I’m going to call you Sisi, and I think you’re going to be a very good girl indeed.”

Sisi looked back at him, her smile and eyes as wide as it was possible for them to be, her sex aching between her legs, her heart feeling like it was about to burst.


1 comment

  1. Great story so far! Really strong writing. Can’t wait for the continuation!

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