Sibling Revelry (AKA, Julie): Part 8 [Str8, MF, inc]


“Straight-up, why do you have all of this? Tell me right now what’s up and how it pertains to me and whatever else is going on here.”

Okay, so it was more than one question I needed answered, but it all boiled down to a single issue. If Julie has wanted me for such a long time and is holding on to all of this ‘evidence’, then the question is *why*?

“Or else,” I threatened, but we both knew that was empty.

Julie heaved a deep breath and sighed.

“Alright,” she began. “Bear with me here. I’ll try to explain.”

I tried to make myself as comfortable while remaining as close to my sibling as possible. I let my fingers drift over the curves of her naked body as she attempted to make clear her intentions.

“Like I said already, I always knew I wanted to be with you. The problem was that I had no idea how to go about it. How could I attempt to explain myself to you or anyone else without coming off sounding like a perverted freak? What if I was shunned and lost you forever? I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you and wrestled with it internally for a long time.”

Instead of nodding in agreement, I squeezed my sister’s hip before resuming to trace invisible patterns on her skin with my fingertips.

“So, it was serendipitous when I unlocked the family vault and witnessed their secrets spill out one by one. My mind raced every night in bed with thoughts and schemes about how to blackmail all of them. The idea that I could be with you was a foregone conclusion to me at the time. There was no question about it. All I needed to do was hold this over them while you and I would be free to do as we pleased.”

My hand drifted below her navel and made its way between her thighs. She spread her knees apart for me as an invitation to do as I pleased while she made her confessions to me. Her pussy was warm and still wet. I couldn’t help myself but to slowly massage her lips and clitoral hood, but stopped short of penetrating her digitally.

“However,” she continued. “I realized that you wanting me was *not* a foregone conclusion. It was hard to accept that fact for a long time, but eventually I did. In the meantime though, I kept collecting videos of the evil step-sluts. There is even a diary in my lock box at the bank where I wrote down the dates and times of as many of their dalliances as I could.”

Julie squeezed her thighs together and clamped down on me for a brief moment before relaxing the tension. It was obvious that she didn’t want to me to remove my hand, but like me, wasn’t ready to move forward with any new play-time just yet.

“Interesting,” I mused.

“Indeed,” Julie replied, then continued. “So, I had dirt on Sissy Bitch-face and her daddy, but no idea how to leverage it. At least that was until sophomore year in college when I began to formulate a plan after an incident at school.”

“Oh, yeah?” I said, my interest piqued.

“There was this girl at school who was blackmailed by a couple of guys to do all kinds of stuff with them. Apparently they had a video of her completely drunk at a party and she was doing some pretty weird shit. There were rumors about what she did… everything from fucking a dog to having the entire football team run a train on her, but nothing concrete was ever revealed.”

Julie put a hand over mine and made me apply more pressure to her cunt. She squirmed back and forth twice before settling down and letting go of my hand.

“The parts that *were* exposed were the guys forcing her to blow and fuck them whenever they wanted. One of the nerds on campus had been helping the one guy with video camera equipment in his dorm room and accidentally left a closed circuit feed on one day. They were doing some kind of assignment for a class and yada yada yada, the guys were caught with the girl and it all blew up.”

“Unreal,” I admitted, but knew very well it was believable and quite real.

“That’s when I got the idea of how to get back at our dear step-bitches. I already had the evidence. All I needed to do was insulate myself and enact the right plan. If it worked out right, I could make them pay for being mean to you all those years. At the same time, maybe if you saw the lengths I went to in order to please you, perhaps you would let me go a little farther.”

Julie was sopping wet and her face was beginning to flush. My cock was flickering back to life once again and I felt relatively satisfied with her explanation thus far. Maybe it was the blood draining from my brain into my cock, but it seemed as though we had plenty of time to hear about how everything went from a plan to blackmail the sluts to the two of us in a hotel room.

“Do you want a blowjob?” Julie asked redundantly.

Then she added, “I can get you one.”

Confused, I raised an eyebrow to contemplate her suggestion.

“Here,” she said sliding out of bed again. “Watch this.”

I sat up at attention (in more ways than one) and eyed her suspiciously.

Julie crossed the room and retrieved her cell phone. After she selected a contact, she held the phone up to the side of her face. She crossed one leg across the other with a flourish and placed a free hand on her hip. When the person on the other end answered, she stood up straight and spoke with an authoritative voice I had never heard from her before.

“Stephanie?…. Good. Listen to me, you worthless piece of shit. I own you…. I command you to bring a hundred dollars and a blowjob to my hotel room within the hour…. Yes, forty-five minutes to an hour is fine…. You know the place. Room eleven-oh-one…. Yes, one last thing, you fucking slut. Knock once. When you are permitted access to the room, put the money on the desk, strip naked, and kneel in front of your new master. Then wait for further instructions from him…. Tick-tock, bitch. Good-bye.”

Julie tapped her phone and tossed it aside.

“Your blowjob will be here in about forty-five to sixty minutes,” she stated very matter-of-factly. “Let’s get dressed and clean this place up before she gets here, though. Make it look nice and respectable for her slut-ass.”

I was appalled and in a state of total shock.

“Was th-that… Are you s-serious…. What….,” I tried to find the appropriate question to ask, but none was forthcoming.

“Yup,” Julie confirmed the single answer to questions I couldn’t put into words.

“But I don’t want a blowjob from *her*,” I blurted out.

Julie laughed and told me I didn’t have to do anything at all but stand there. The point was the *power* she has over her, nothing else. It was a demonstration.

“Make her take your cock out, though,” Julie said smirking. “I really want her to see that, even if it’s not for her. *Especially* since it’s not for her. That thing is wicked awesome.”



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