Sarah’s sex toy training – Part 2

He dragged her back to the sitting room and pushed her onto the sofa.

“Sit up. Shoulders back.”

She did as she was told, thrusting her chest out, her voluptuous breasts straining against her tight top.

“Is this okay?” she asked.

He nodded.

“That’s good. But would it kill you to smile?”

She tried to smile, looking at the ceiling in embarrassment, before looking back at him, then covering her face with her hands.

“I can’t do it!” she exclaimed.

“Why not?”

“I don’t know!” she moaned. “I’m too embarrassed!”

He squatted in front of her, so his face was level with hers. He reached out and carefully stroked a strand of golden hair from her face.

“I’m going to lay down some ground rules. Understand?”

She nodded.

“You’re going to stop *thinking* about doing what I say, and just *do* what I say. If you don’t, then I’m going to have to punish you. Understand?”

“Yes,” she replied with a nod.

He slapped his hand against her cheek, causing her to open her mouth and eyes wide in alarm.

“It’s yes sir!” he shouted, grabbing a fistful of her hair.

“If you want to just play at this you can fuck off!” he yelled, dragging her to the door and dropping her to the carpet. “Go on. If that’s what you want! Leave!”

She could only gasp in response, as she sat up against the wall. He knelt down.

“Well? Is that what you want?”

“No!” she cried, surprised by the forcefulness of her response. “I want to stay. Sir.”

She was breathing hard, tears forming in her eyes from the shock.

“Then act like it!” he snapped, bringing his hand across her face again. He yanked down her top and bra with one rough motion, leaving her breasts awkwardly exposed as she looked at the ground. “You need to understand how sex toys behave,” he said, pushing her shoulders back against the wall, before casually slapping his hands back and forth across her bare breasts, causing her to wince with each crack of his hand. “Hands behind your head.”

She placed her palms on the back of her head as she gulped down air.

He unfastened her trousers and moved his hands to the back of her waist, hooking his fingers around the top of her knickers.

“Bum up,” he ordered.

She managed to lift her hips up, only for him to wrench both her trousers and knickers down in one fluid motion, the feeling of cold air on her pussy making her feel even more exposed. He placed one arm under her knees and pushed them back to her chin, before licking his finger, and slowly but firmly pressing it against her tight butthole. She could only look at him open mouthed as he slowly pushed it in, causing her to give a shout of surprise.

“This is what you need,” he said.

She could only nod dumbly in response. He yanked his finger out and grabbed her arms, pulling her up.

“We’ll make a good toy out of you yet,” he said, as he led her back to the sofa, her state of undress causing her to stagger pathetically behind him.

He pushed her down on the sofa, where she sat with her breasts and pussy exposed, her knickers and trousers around her ankles. He sat down and placed his right hand between her shoulder blades, pushing her across his lap, clumsily groping at her breasts as he did so.

“It’s not really your fault to be honest. If no one has taught you how to act like a good sex toy, then how should you know? If I tell you to do something, you do it, even if it makes you uncomfortable. If you don’t do it, you’ll get punished. Is that clear?”

“Yes sir,” she said, loudly, her voice betraying a level of determination and confidence that didn’t convey how nervous she felt.

“And if you still can’t do it then you’ll be punished again. And again. And over and over until you learn to do as you’re told. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir,” she barked.

“Good girl. I think I’ve been patient enough, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes sir.”

“You’re going to need to earn your apology.”

“Yes sir.”

“Then tell me what you want.”

The question caught her off guard.

“I… I’m sorry sir?”

His hand came down to meet her buttock with a surprising amount of force.

“What do you want?” he repeated. “Why did you agree to this meeting?”

She took a breath.

“I want to be made into a sex toy,” she said, feeling her dignity slip away as she heard the ridiculous request uttered out loud.

“Good girl,” he replied. “But so far you haven’t been putting the effort in that’s required. So that means you need to be punished.” He pushed her bum further across his lap, forcing her to arch up, her naked vagina now very much on show. “You’re going to get a spanking, and you’re going to count them. Understand?”

“Yes sir.”

“Higher voice.”

She screwed her eyes together and tried to affect her highest voice. “Yes sir,” she croaked, nerves getting the better of her again.

“Oh Sarah,” he said, “what are we going to do with you?”

He slapped his palm firmly into her butt cheek, making her yelp.

“One!” she cried. “Two!” She added, having barely caught her breath from the first.

And so it continued up to ten, as she lay across his lap, shouting out the numbers, receiving the good, hard spanking that she deserved.



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