How Things Change – Chapter 1 [Incest] [M/S] [M/F]

*This story is a work of fiction. All characters are 18+*

*It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything, so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. My goal with this story was to try and include some emotional conflict alongside the sexy stuff in an attempt to add a bit of realism (but not too much). I’ve also attempted a bit of organic build up. Any feedback regarding these points would be wonderful. That said, let’s get to the tale:*

The period following graduation is always a strange time. One quickly becomes accustomed to living away from home, and the freedom that comes with it. You can do what you want, eat what you want, go to sleep when you want. Moving away from all of that and back into your parent’s home can be jarring. Suddenly you find yourself in a position where you can be told what to do. This is exactly what happened to me, and I found the process incredibly frustrating.

Yet it is not this sudden loss of freedom that caused this time in my life to be so strange. Instead, it only acted as a catalyst. A catalyst that would bring me and my mother closer in new and unexpected ways.

“Jason.” My mom’s voice resounded in my groggy, sleep filled head. ‘*Please no, just five more minutes…*’ I thought. Immediately my sleep-addled brain conceived a plan. Just pretend to be asleep. Maybe then she’d leave me alone. “JASON.” She sounded pissed. No sense in pretending now.

With great reluctance I opened my eyes. There she was. My mother was stood directly above my bed glaring down at me with her piercing, icy blue eyes. “What time do you call this? What’s wrong with you?”. I turned to my right and glanced at the clock on the bedside table. “It’s 11:22 AM.” My mother’s eyes narrowed, giving me a look that could freeze the fires of Hell. “You think this is a joke?” she replied, her voice raising in pitch along with her temper. “You’re not a student now, Jason. You’ve got to cut this crap out. Go to bed at a sensible time, and wake up at a normal time. You promised me you’d help mow the lawn.”

By this point, I was well awake. “I will, Mom.” As I began to speak, my annoyance with the injustice I was facing began to rise. “But I’ll do it when I’m ready to do it. Why do you have to get on my back about it?”

Somehow, my mother’s face hardened yet again. “I have other things that need doing, and I’m not going to spend all day waiting around for you to bother pulling yourself out of bed because you’re procrastinating helping me with anything.”

I could feel my temper rising. “Then just do the other things first! Do you have any idea what it’s like, to get used to doing what I want, when I want only to move back and suddenly be ordered around like I’m some kind of servant!?”.

The icy hardness on my mother’s face changed for a moment. In its place was a look somewhere between frustration and sorrow. She opened her mouth and began speaking, her voice much softer this time. “I just… I wanted your help with the other chores and just… I…”

Only moments before my mom had seemed like an unstoppable force. Yet now she seemed vulnerable, unable to find the words she wanted to say. She shook her head. “Forget it.”, and with that she left my room, slamming the door behind her.

I lay in silence for a moment before sitting up, twisting my legs to the side so that I was sat on the edge of the bed. My room suddenly felt silent, and I felt guilty. I didn’t necessarily feel guilty about what I had said. I still truly believed that my mom was being excessive with her nagging. Instead, I felt guilt that my flash of anger had clearly upset her. It seemed likely to me in that moment, that something else may be weighing on her mind, causing her to be on edge.

I sat there for some time, mulling over what had just happened. It wasn’t the best morning of my life.

Mom was sat downstairs in the living room when I finally gathered up the courage to leave my room. The sound of me entering the room seemed to startle her, as immediately her head snapped around to look in my direction. I could see from her red, puffy eyes that she had clearly been crying. Immediately I was hit by guilt.

“Mom… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, I just… It’s hard, I’ve just moved back and suddenly I’m not making my own rules any more. It takes a lot of getting used to”.

My mother sniffed and wiped at her eyes with the sleeves of her cream coloured cardigan. “I know, honey… I know. I’m sorry, I guess I haven’t accepted that my little boy’s all grown up now.” She sniffed again, her eyes visibly welling with tears. “I try not to nag, I do, I promise… But I just… I-I can’t seem to help myself”. I noticed her bottom lip begin to visibly quiver. The sight filled me with remorse for causing this outburst of emotion. “I… I feel like I’m going to…” She paused, visibly choking back tears in an effort to finish her sentence. “I feel like I’m going to drive you away… Just like I did your father… H-he said it was the nagging. That he…” Her voice started to crack again. “That he couldn’t take the constant nagging”.

Mom looked up at me, a look of sorrow and fear and vulnerability etched into her face. Yet there was also a motherly softness in her features that immediately melted my heart. In that gentle face I saw truths laid bare. I saw an undying, unquestioning maternal love, and a devotion that would never break, regardless of how I may have tested its limits throughout my life.

Until this point I had been stood in the doorway, but now I felt an enormous need to be closer to my mother. To be there for her. I sat on the sofa next to her and immediately opened my arms and wrapped them around her in a tight embrace. My mother nestled her head into my shoulder and immediately started sobbing. I could feel her pressing deep into my body as her body shook with each sob. My hand caressed her back, and slowly but surely her tears started to subside, being replaced by heavy breathing and occasional sniffs.

I began to stroke her soft, light brown hair. Memories of my childhood came flooding back. I had always been obsessed with her hair as a young child, idly playing with her long, naturally wavy locks. With her head so close to mine I could smell her shampoo. It smelt like lavender. The smell was somehow enchanting. The smell of her hair, the nostalgia it aroused and the vulnerable, trusting position she had put herself all served to fill my heart with love for her.

“I’m not angry at you Mom. I love you.” My mother shifted, turning her head to look up at me. “I love you too. I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have got so worked up over this.”

We fully separated from one another. Both of us once again sitting up straight. “It’s fine Mom, honestly.” She smiled sweetly. “I’ll even make it up to you”, I said. “I’ll help you with whatever you want today, starting with the lawn.”

I got up and began moving towards the door. Before I left I turned to look at my mother. Her smile had broadened significantly and she was now positively beaming. “Thank you, honey”, she said.

I put my headphones in before heading outside. I must admit, I hate garden work and always have done. At least with some music I might be able to go into autopilot and focus on that. At the very least it would be something to numb the boredom.

To my surprise it wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be, and within half an hour of pushing my lawn mower up and down the garden I was done. Or at least, I was done to my standards. It was yet to be seen whether it was done to my mother’s standards.

I had my answer soon enough. As I turned around I noticed that my mother was stood at the patio doors admiring my work. “Great job, dear!” she exclaimed. She looked at me and gave a sly smile. “Although… Maybe you can give me a hand cleaning the living room as well.” She saw me look at her for a moment. “I’m not nagging you though, you don’t have to if you don’t want to”.

Usually, I hate cleaning, and I’d much rather be upstairs on my PC playing whatever game I’m into at the time. However, today I felt a deep desire to spend as much time with her as possible, perhaps to atone for what had happened this morning.

I smiled a sincere smile at her. “Sure Mom, why not?” She positively beamed in response. “Great! You get the vacuum then, and I’ll do the polishing.”

Of all the forms of housework out there, vacuuming has always been the kind that I have the least issue with. I went to and fro making sure that I vacuumed under the sofa and got the difficult spots in the corners of the room.

As I turned around, I noticed that Mom had bent over in front of me as she polished the coffee table. I was transfixed. I had never knowingly thought of my mother in a sexual way before that day besides the odd weird dream, but in that moment I couldn’t take my eyes off of her ass in her tight fitting jeans. It was big. Not enormous, but it perfectly complimented her curvaceous 43 year old body. As she polished the table, she swayed her wide, motherly hips side to side, positively mesmerising me. I felt a stirring in my pants. Was I really getting hard over my mom? ‘*No… It’s just been too long since I last jacked off, that’s it*’, I thought. ‘*I’d probably get hard over a femininely shaped rock at this point*’, I tried to convince myself. Somehow, deep down, I knew I didn’t believe myself.

It was only when I heard my mother’s voice that I snapped out of my trance. “Honey? Did you hear me?”. I switched the vacuum off. “Ah… S-Sorry Mom, I couldn’t hear you over the vacuum”. My mother giggled. “I was just telling you that I think we’re done. You were in a world of your own just now. Have I worked you too hard?”

Relief washed over me. Perhaps she hadn’t seen me staring at her body. She continued: “you can go and do whatever you like now honey, thank you so much for your help today”. “You’re welcome, Mom”, I replied. I turned and went to go upstairs, but as I was about to leave the room, I was overcome by an urge to stay close to her, and to spend more time with her. “Say, Mom, do you want to spend the evening together?”. Her face lit up. “I’d love to. Do you have anything particular in mind?” Honestly, I hadn’t thought that far. “Umm… I don’t know. Nothing big. We can just order some food and have a drink together or something I guess?” “That sounds lovely, dear”, my mom replied.

With that, I headed upstairs to waste time until the evening. My head was spinning. Why couldn’t I get my mother out of my head? Why did I suddenly feel these urges to be as close to her as possible? It wasn’t like anything huge had happened… Sure, we’d fought a bit in the morning, both of us had said things that we perhaps regretted now but yet… How could that explain the way I felt looking at her in the living room.

As I entered my bedroom I lay down on my bed, mulling over these new feelings. As I internally tackled these issues, an intrusive thought pushed its way out of my subconscious and into the front of my mind.

In my mind’s eye I saw my mother. Naked. In one hand she cupped one of her sizeable breasts, rubbing her nipple between her thumb and her index finger. I thought about what it would be like to suck them. To taste her. To *really* show my love to the woman who brought me into this world. Suddenly I heard her voice. ‘*Fuck me Jason. I want you to fuck Mommy. Oh God please… Don’t keep me waiting*’.

I shot up straight, shaking my head violently to dismiss the unwanted thoughts. ‘*What the Hell is wrong with me? This is your mother you’re thinking about Jason, you sick fuck.*’ Did the innermost part of me want this? I gave my head another shake. That seemed to do it. “Fucking Hell…” I muttered to myself. It was a good job I didn’t have a psychologist, I’m sure they’d have plenty to say about this. That said, I was starting to question whether I needed one. Preferably not a Freudian though.

Time passed unbearably slowly, knowing that I would have to face my mother that same evening after having such thoughts about her. I attempted to pass the time by booting up my PC and playing some games, yet nothing seemed to hold my interest long.

Eventually, I heard Mom shout my name. “JASON!”, she called loudly and with a hint of annoyance in her voice. I stood up and left my room, to see her stood at the bottom of the stairs looking up at me. “Oh, there you are, I’ve been calling you for ages”. “Sorry Mom, I couldn’t hear you from up here” I replied. “Never mind dear, I was just asking you if you wanted to come and choose what to order, I’m starting to get a little hungry.”

With that, I made my way downstairs and spent time debating over what we should eat with Mom. As usual, her opinions were usually somewhere between apathy and “I’m happy with anything”. The choice, it seemed, would ultimately be mine. It wasn’t easy, her proximity to me as I sat next to her made my head swim with conflicted emotions and guilt for what I’d thought about earlier, and I struggled to look her in the eyes. Yet the powerful urge to remain close remained.

Eventually we settled on Chinese food, as usual, from the same place we usually order from. Adventurous, I know. We ate, and talked about the usual things. What I was planning to do now that I’d finished university, what family and friends have been up to recently. In short, nothing particularly interesting.

As we ate, we started to drink. A glass of wine with food to start. After finishing we moved to the living room, where we drank another glass and watched TV together. Despite the fact that we were doing nothing out of the ordinary, certainly nothing that we hadn’t done before, it somehow felt different this time. In the past, spending my nights with my mother like this were something that I did to keep her happy and avoid her wrath while I secretly wished I was somewhere else, doing something with my friends.

Yet this time I truly wanted to spend this time with her. I was happy, and so was she. We were both laughing and joking as we reminisced about times gone by.

Eventually, during a lull in our conversation, I stood up, gathered up our glasses and went to leave the room. My mom called out to me as I did so. “Where are you going, Jason? Are you going to leave me all alone in here?”, she teased. “I’m just getting us more to drink, Mom”. She giggled at the answer, and at that moment I realised she was tipsy. Looking at her, it was obvious. Her cheeks were beginning to become flushed, telltale signs that she was feeling the alcohol. “Are you trying to get your mother drunk, young man?” “Mom…” I replied, “you’ve only had two glasses. You can’t really be getting tipsy already, surely?” She stared at me for a moment, smiling like an idiot. “Maybe just a little bit”, she chuckled. “You’re such a lightweight…” I replied. “But I’m still getting you another, so yes, I suppose I’m getting you drunk. That wasn’t the intention though. You just can’t handle your wine.”

I returned shortly, handing my mother her wine, and taking a seat next to her. Mom was absent mindedly flicking between TV channels, before eventually settling on some old comedy. It certainly wasn’t to my taste, but my mother seemed happy, laughing along with the show. As she reached the end of her third glass of wine, she stretched out, putting her legs upon mine. I placed my hands upon them when she settled. Immediately, my cock began to harden. I was once again reminded of the image I’d seen in my mind earlier that day, of my naked mother begging me to fuck her.

Strange feelings overwhelmed me, I knew I shouldn’t be feeling the way that I felt, yet try as I might, I couldn’t seem to escape the thoughts.

I began looking around the room for excuses to get myself out the situation. My prayers were answered when I saw my mom finishing the last of her wine. I shifted her legs off of my lap, and stood up. “I-I’m getting more wine”, I stammered, as I excused myself. “Oh honey, I think I’ve had enough, you don’t have to” my mom said, her words starting to develop a distinctive drunken slur. “I insist Mom, I’ll be back in a moment”.

As I entered the kitchen, I placed the glasses on the table and immediately headed for the sink in order to splash some cold water on my face in the hope that it may restore my sanity. It didn’t seem to help much. I stood there, on my own for a moment, chastising myself internally. ‘*This is wrong!*’ I mused, ‘*you know this is wrong! Okay Jason… Pull yourself together. You’re going to go back in there, and you’re going to have a nice, NORMAL time with your mother, who you are NOT attracted to*’. I filled the glasses with wine and headed out of the kitchen.

I returned to the living room and sat down next to my mother, who was happily laughing away at her show. She put her legs back onto mine, but using all my willpower, I managed to banish any inappropriate thoughts.

Eventually, the show ended, by which point my mother had finished her drink. She removed her legs from mine, and sat up, reaching for the remote on the coffee table to switch the TV off. With this feat achieved, she collapsed back onto the sofa. She turned to me, looking at me for a second before starting to titter drunkenly. “Dear… I think I’m…”, she started her sentence but was cut off abruptly by a sudden hiccup. “I think I’m a bit drunk…”

As she finished her sentence she inelegantly leaned into my shoulder with more force than she intended, essentially headbutting me. “Oh I’m sorry dear, I didn’t mean to hurt you”, she said, giggling. “It’s fine Mom, you didn’t hurt me.”, I responded coolly.

She began to nestle her head into the space between my shoulder and my chest. I looked over at her. With the way she was leaning into me, I realised that I could see her cleavage down the white tank top that she was wearing under her cardigan. My penis immediately began to stiffen. ‘*No Jason…*’ I thought to myself, but it was too late. I was rock solid. I couldn’t see too much, as it wasn’t a particularly low cut top, but I could see enough. I could see that she was wearing a plain, white bra with some lace patterns on it. I wanted nothing more than to place one of her tits into my hand and feel its weight. ‘*Oh man…*’ I thought, as my arousal began to rob me of common sense and eat away at my reluctance ‘*I want her…*’

My mother suddenly began to mumble to me, breaking the silence. “Jason… You’ve been such a big help today. I love you.” “I love you too, Mom” I managed to reply. Her sudden speaking managed to help me centre myself, as I tried my best to stop thinking about my mom’s tits.

“Mmm… You’re going to make a girl very happy one day”, she said. Suddenly I felt her hand touch my stomach, sending a shudder through my body. “I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to make you jump. I just… I’ve had a lot to drink, and I wanted to thank you… For being such a strong, reliable man for me today…”

I felt her hand begin to creep down my stomach, sending waves of pleasure through my body. Was I really getting so turned on by my own mother’s touch? Then it happened. I felt her hand creep under the waist band of my jogging bottoms.

“M-Mom…What are you d-” My mother cut me off. “Shhh, sweety, shhh” she whispered in a voice that could be either drunkenly slurred or sultry. Or both. “I… I don’t know… I just… Mommy thinks she wants something” she groaned.

I felt her warm hand grasp my rock hard cock. “Ahh…” she moaned to herself, feeling its hardness. A jolt of pure ecstasy shot through me and I exhaled suddenly in pleasure. *‘Oh God…’* I thought ‘*how is this happening? My own mother’s about to wank me off and…* *I want it*’.

She held my shaft perfectly still for a moment, but then slowly started to make small movements. Her soft, silky smooth hands slid up and down my cock perfectly, as her movements became larger, and her pace faster.

“Oh fuck… Urghhhh…” I moaned. I heard her moaning too, apparently taking nearly as much pleasure in the act as me. “Ahhh…” came her soft, gentle gasps, as she pumped my penis up and down.

Suddenly she stopped. I was left sat there, breathing heavily. “Mom..?” I said. She gave no response, instead putting both hands into my waist band, and with a yank, she pulled both my jogging bottoms and my underwear down my legs. She then took her cardigan off, dropping it casually onto the sofa, giving me a better look at her breasts in her tank top.

She stared at my penis for a second through drunk eyes, taking it in. “So big…” she mumbled to herself. Her hand returned to my cock, continuing where she left off.

This continued for a couple of seconds before she stopped again. “Baby…” she cooed, before beginning to lean forwards. It struck me all at once what was about to happen. ‘*Oh fuck… She’s going to blow me… I should stop her*’. But I didn’t. I was horny and wasn’t thinking straight. In that moment, I wanted my own mother to suck my cock.

I felt her moist lips settle around the tip of my cock. The feeling was incredible. Slowly she opened her mouth, and began to sink down around my penis, engulfing it in an incredible warmth and wetness.

“Mmmgmhh” she moaned, as she began to speed up, bobbing her head as she stimulated me. “Oh fuck… Oh shit… Mom, this… Ahhhh… This feels so good, don’t stop”.

I looked down at her breasts again, they looked even better as they shook slightly as my mom moved her body while she pleasured me. I wanted to feel them. I knew I had to. I moved my hand slowly towards her chest, with some trepidation. She made no effort to move away. Finally, I grabbed one of her breasts in my hand, hefting it up and down.

The feeling was incredible, her soft tit had a nice weight to it. As I touched her through her top and bra, my mother moaned with my cock still in her mouth. “Mmhmmmm”. She responded to my touch by speeding up, and beginning to use her tongue to stimulate the top of my penis.

I knew I was getting close, but the addition of her tongue pushed me over the edge. “Mom… I’m gonna… Ah, oh fuck, I’m gonna cum!” I cried. My mother simply sped up. My body tensed suddenly, as I felt my ejaculation approaching. Pleasure overwhelmed me, and ropes of sperm pulsed out of my cock into my mother’s hungry mouth. Blast after blast came, filling her mouth with my cum. Eventually, the throbbing of my cock subsided, and I was left in the glow of the best orgasm of my life.

My mother pulled my cock out of her mouth, a small amount of cum dribbling out between her lips. I saw her visibly swallow. “Ah… So much.” she said.

We froze, looking at each other for some time with fear in our eyes. What had we done? We’d just crossed a line that shouldn’t ever be crossed.

My mom broke the silence. “I’m… I’m a little sleepy, I’m going up to bed. Goodnight.” “N-Night, Mom” was all I managed to stammer out before she gathered up her discarded cardigan and left the room.

I sat in silence for a couple of minutes, my brain trying to make sense of what had just happened. Had we ruined our relationship forever?

*Authors Note: Thanks for reading if you got this far down. I’m pleased to be able to give back to the reddit incest erotica community after lurking for years. As said earlier, all feedback is appreciated. Keep an eye out for the next chapter!*



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