The Rumour About Eleri Girls [MF] [3rd person] [sci-fi] [lovers] [sex] [inter-racial] [inter-species] [alien girls] [alien sex]

#The Rumour About Eleri Girls#

Approximately 3,290 words

He was Human and she was Eleri. They were a young couple in a growingly romantic relationship. They were well experienced with each other’s alien bodies and talked often about going all the way. But there was still a detail about her sexuality that he didn’t yet know.


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  1. It was the first time for both of them with someone from the other race. He was Earth-born Human. She was Eleri. Sometimes Earth Humans called her race “Newcomers” or “New Earthers”. Her appearance was typical of Eleri females; tall and slim, subtly curved, with a striking, nearly androgynous beauty. Her features passed for Human with a casual look or in a darkened room. But her eyes were a little larger, her brow was a little higher, and her mouth was a little smaller. The tell-tale attributes where there. She was as alien as she was beautiful.

    They had been seeing each other for several months. Their relationship followed a course similar to most forbidden loves of youth. As similar as they were in appearance, they were different species, and it was impossible for them to have children. Some people, both Humans and Eleri, disapproved of the two races mixing romantically. Since children weren’t possible, they criticized that the only reason for a Human and Eleri to be together was for selfish pleasure.

    That criticism was perhaps one of the strongest influences that kept their rebellious spirits together. They wanted to be together not for societal approval; they wanted each other because they loved. Their evenings filled with long talks of what “love” meant to each of them, coming from civilizations thousands of light years apart.

    There was a truth to the criticism; they did enjoy the pleasures of each other, without regret. They had spent many nights each discovering their lover’s body. They were well experienced in pleasuring one another. But they had not yet spent an entire night in each other’s sensual company.

    Her naked body was similar to a Human woman. Her skin was soft. Her breasts were petite. Her hips gently curved. But there were some features that might be overlooked at first glance. She had no navel. Along each of her sides, a silvery gray stripe faintly wandered from her chest to her waist. Her legs reached longer than those of an average Human woman.

    Between her legs, however, there was no doubt that she was not Human. Her vagina appeared like a fruit split into fours, smooth and hairless. When she was aroused, the quarters swelled and spread slightly apart revealing wet, rolling, fleshy insides.

    There was a rumor that sex with New Earthers could be particularly intense for Human men.

    He had spent hours in fascinated learning of how to pleasure her. And she, the same, in learning how to pleasure him. They were both experienced with sex but only with partners of their own kind. Each of them was excited with learning the strangeness of the other’s foreign sexuality. He loved exploring the alien landscape between her thighs. He described going down on her as, “Like slipping my tongue between the wedges of an exotic, bitter orange”.

    She delighted in pleasuring his body as well. She found particular joy in masturbating him to orgasm at every opportunity. She always carried a tiny glass bottle of massaging oil on their dates, forever experimenting with new mixes and scents. Her surprisingly dexterous fingers had become skilled with repeated practice.

    Talk about sex was a regular part of their recent dates. They admitted feelings of both fear and thrill at the thought of sex with the strangeness of each other’s bodies. Through love and lust, they knew that they would eventually be there. They laughed as they made up comical predictions of how they would “accidentally” find themselves in bed together.

    One evening, while enjoying tea after dinner at her apartment, he asked her about the rumor. Was there really something special about sex with an Eleri girl? The rumor had been a background to many jokes they had made up together. But he had never before seriously asked her about it.

    Seated across from him at the small, intimate table left her little space to dodge the question. She was immediately flustered. She covered her face, then tried to comically change the subject, then started flowing tears.

    He started to panic at his causing her to cry. He dismissed the question, apologizing and fumbling for a new topic. He felt embarrassed and stupid for asking.

    She composed herself enough to stop his apologizing.

    “I’m sorry.”, she said. “You’re not wrong to ask. We have to talk about it eventually.”

    Despite him learning and enjoying everything about her sexuality so far, she was terrified that this mysterous detail might make him change his mind. Secretly, she was convinced that this conversation would be the end of their relationship. She knew the subject would inevitably come up and she dreaded it.

    The rumor was true. Sex with Eleri females could be especially good for Human males.

    But the rumor left some sex-ed details missing.

    They both took long drinks from their mugs, unintentionally in unison.

    “So.”, she began. “You know how some of my parts are different from Human lady parts …”

    He smiled and assured her that he loved her body. He repeated what he had told her many times before; that her body was strange and exotic and very, very sexy.

    She smiled at his kind words.

    She reached for the small vase from the side of the table and slid it in front of them. She turned it to face the three flowers at him. She played with the petals of one.

    “Does this remind you of anything?”, she asked with a tone like she had just revealed evidence at a criminal trial.

    He looked at her nervously. She nodded her head to acknowledge his anxious face. She gently spread open the petals to reveal the stigma and stamens inside.

    “This is sort of how I work.”

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