Medical Mother [MF] [Friend’s Mom] [Oral]

After several weeks of studying and wrapping high school up graduation came and passed. The summer to follow was more quiet then ever because all of my friends were on trips out of town. Everyone came up with their own way to celebrate and I had mine, which was just sitting at home and playing video games.

One of my closest friends, Bryan, was in town and had some drinks to hangout for a night. I took him up on his offer almost immediately and drove to his house in less than hour at noon.

I was about 6ft tall, Bryan being 5’8. We weren’t football players or in any specific cliques but we were relatively popular in high school. Bryan was in a relationship and I broke up with my girlfriend right after our senior prom. Bryan and I had known each other since elementary school and we stuck together because we knew we’d be trapped in this town for all eternity.

Bryan lived with his mother and older sister Hannah. Hannah, like seemingly half of the town was also on vacation with her friends. She was pretty hot and I was never shy of admitting this to Bryan. I could probably never swing with her, however, as she was in a three year relationship.

Bryan’s mother was definitely a MILF in my eyes. She had curly blonde hair and a busty figure with E cup breasts in her late 30s. I knew this from the many times I visited and spotted a bra or two of hers lying around. She was a nurse at the local hospital, commonly gone during the day. Her husband divorced her two years ago and while Bryan was handling this okay his mother was visibly slightly depressed from it. Bryan thought of his dad as an asshole for always beating his mother and was glad to see him living separately from them. He didn’t hate his dad, he just didn’t want to be around him as much.

When I arrived Bryan and I made a drive to go grab a pizza and kicked into video games as soon as I got back. We spent hours on the two couches in the basement with the flatscreen TV and beers.

“If I had known you were still home I would’ve had you over sooner,” Bryan said after he died in a game of COD zombies, leaving me to fight for myself.

“Well oh fucking well,” I mustered, concentrating on the game.

“You don’t have to revive me, we’re done,” Bryan laughed. “That was twenty-five rounds? Our highest, I think.”

“Well I can still try.”

Shortly after I said this a zombie grabbed me from the back and ended the game.

“We’ll go again, what else are we gonna do?”

“You can go outside,” Bryan’s mom called down the stairs, entering the room. “Did I clean the pool for nothing?”

She stood in the doorframe looking at the scene we put before her. Two empty pizza boxes sat on the table, a collection of beer cans, controllers, trash and a rancid smell.

“I just cleaned in here yesterday,” Bryan’s mom pouted. Her figure leaned against the wall, facing Bryan.

“I got it, I got it,” Bryan tried to make her laugh. He turned to me. “You want to go swim?”

“Well if that’s what she wants,” I said to his mom. She looked at me and smiled.

“Hey Jay,” she said. “You don’t have to, but it would make me happy.”

“Yeah I forgot part of his visit is to satisfy your feelings,” Bryan mumbled, standing to clean up.

“Don’t be a dick, it’s okay,” I threw a pillow at him and laughed.

“Mosquitos come out soon so just jump in,” she called to us, walking back up the stairs. “The chlorine helps.”

“That’s such a mom myth,” Bryan told me. “Who else says that?”

The temperature of the water was cool, which helped with the beating sun as it set. Bryan blared his playlist with a Bluetooth speaker and we sat and just made conversation about things.

“How is your mom?” I asked him.

“I mean she’s okay,” he answered, taken aback by the change in subject. “Getting better.”

“You visit your dad?”

“Well yeah, just once a month or so. Pretty sure he’s got a girlfriend now.”

“He definitely doesn’t stop to think,” I sighed. Bryan’s mom was in the kitchen making dinner for us.

“I try not to think about him. Mom works six days a week and on her off days she pushes herself to do a weekly cleaning even after I assure her I’ve already done it. I entertain her when I can.”

“You’re gonna make me cry,” I laughed at him.

“Well you brought it up.”

“I just haven’t seen her in a while, this just ended up being one of her off days?”

“Yeah, so lucky us I guess.”

The sun was gone, leaving the sky at a strange purple tint. I checked my phone and saw that it was 7:00pm.

“How did your sister take the divorce? I never asked.”

“She’s neutral, you know her,” he groaned, drinking from his can.

“Oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

“It doesn’t. She sees how fucked up mom has been for the past two years and still keeps her mouth shut.”

“Well like you said, that’s just how she is.”

“I just wish she’d agree with me.”

The two of us stared into the sky.

“Whatever, let’s check on dinner,” Bryan said, getting out to dry off.

“What’s she making?”

“I think pork chops?” He grabbed his phone as I wrapped myself in my towel next to him. “Since Hannah is gone for two weeks she’s probably happy you’re over to cook for three people.”

“Let’s feast then,” I said as we walked back into the house.

A small trail of water followed in after us as we weren’t completely dry.

“Be careful,” Bryan’s mom called from the kitchen. “Go dry off in the bathrooms.”

Bryan turned to me and rolled his eyes. I smirked in response and he made his way to his bedroom, leaving me to walk to the bathroom next to it.

I didn’t really want to change back into my shorts. Luckily I had this spare pair of swimming trunks in my car so I didn’t have to go through the awkwardness of asking Bryan if I could borrow one of his. All I did was take them off, air them out with a hair dryer and slide them back on. I walked back to the basement to find my shirt and put it back on. Once I entered the kitchen Bryan was already there waiting for me.

“I was right,” he said, grabbing a plate.

“Yum,” I said awkwardly, not sure if I was trying to be funny or cute. Bryan’s mom sat with a ready plate at the table waiting for us. Bryan and I got our food and joined her.

“You really waiting to bless the food? I didn’t know we were in desperate times,” Bryan jabbed at her.

“I’m just being polite,” she responded, drinking her wine.

“Thank you for the dinner,” I said to her.

“Oh no, thank *you*,” Bryan’s mother sat her wine glass down and grabbed her fork. “My off days are so boring with just Bryan.”

“What? I’m hilarious,” Bryan pretended to be offended. “It’s not my fault you don’t recognize talent.”

“I don’t know what talent is if that’s what you call trashing the basement,” she muttered to herself, eating the vegetables.

“Let me live in my quarters and you live in yours.”

“Mine being this house? Our house?”


“You’re helping to do the dishes at least,” she sighed, taking another sip of wine.

“Oh yeah, we are,” Bryan said to me. I gave him a confused look.

“No, *you* are,” Bryan’s mom said to him. “Don’t drag him with you.”

“I don’t mind actually,” I said to her. “It’s okay.”

“See?” Bryan slammed his hands on the table. “How cool is he?”

“Okay,” she said silently.

We ate our meal in ten minutes. Once she was done, Bryan’s mom left her plate and walked to her master bedroom. Bryan and I finished and cleaned the kitchen in half an hour. As we were finishing Bryan’s mother walked in to admire our work.

“Thank you Jay, you didn’t have to,” she said to me.

“I know, don’t worry about it,” I said her. “I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t want to.”

“Don’t stay up too late,” she said to Bryan. “Goodnight you two.”

We said our farewells and she turned the lights out for us as we walked back down to the basement. The familiarity of the room struck us quickly as we took our seats.

“*Thank you Jay, you didn’t have to*,” Bryan mocked his mom.

“What’s up?” I asked him.

“I don’t know, it’s just funny,” he said, grabbing the remote. “What are we doing?”

“You could be less of a dick around her, you know?”

Bryan placed his hand over his chest, looking at me. “I am so sorry, truly.”

“Seriously man,” I laughed. “She’s in a mid life crisis right? Is that what this is called?”

“I don’t think that’s what this is,” Bryan placed his hand over his forehead as he thought. “I think that’s a career thing.”

“Either way you get what I mean.”

“Okay, fine, just don’t police me about my mom.”

I stared at him for a second before cracking a smile. “Alright, let’s watch a movie.”

We decided on a comedy. It was over in two hours and after a few minutes we found a thriller to put on. By 10:30pm, Bryan had fallen asleep on the couch.

*He’s our early*, I thought to myself. I tried to focus my attention on the movie for another few minutes but just couldn’t bring myself to keep at it. Finally, I pulled my phone out and scrolled through social media for a bit.

Then, my phone dropped to 20%. I felt in my pockets and looked around me and realized I left my charger in my car. Quietly, I stood up and slid my flip flops back on. I tip toed around the couches and up the stairs, closing the door behind me to leave Bryan asleep.

I turned my phone flashlight on to find my way through the house. Unlocking the door was easy and I was outside in two minutes. By this time, it was an hour until midnight. The moonlight bathed the grass in luminance as I approached my car.

The door opened at the turn of my key and I reached inside. The charger was sitting in the passenger seat and I grabbed it, locking the car behind me. I stuffed it into my pocket and walked back to the door.

On my way there I heard a buzzing in my right ear. Realizing it was a bug, I swatted around me, unknowingly raising my shirt. The bug flew down and stung me in my waist just below my belly button and above slightly my pelvis. I grunted in pain and fear of not knowing what stung me.

I awkwardly trudged back inside, locking the door behind me. I kicked my flip flops off at the door and stopped to breathe. Knowing Bryan’s mom was a nurse I clumsily made my way to her bedroom, feeling the area around the site of the sting go slightly numb.

“Ms. Jackson?” I knocked on the door. Her light was on, so I was hopeful. After waiting a few minutes, she answered.

“What’s going on?” Bryan’s mom answered.

It looked like she had just gotten out of the shower. She smelled of lavender and her damp hair rested on her shoulders. She wore a night gown that proudly showed her cleavage, but I didn’t dare stare given the situation.

“I got stung by something,” I grunted, still in pain. “I don’t know what.”

“Okay, come in,” she sighed, opening her door completely. I walked inside and she closed it behind me, gesturing me to sit on her bed. Her room was clean and she had her TV on but muted.

“Where at?” She asked softly.

I lifted my shirt and verily slightly nervously pulled my trunks down half an inch to show her the location. The skin around it turned a violent shade of red.

“Well that’s shitty,” Bryan’s mom looked closely. As she was eyeing my wound, I stole a glance at her cleavage. That’s when I realized she wasn’t wearing a bra under her gown, which made sense. Her nipples shyly poked against the fabric. The sight of this and the setting of me being in her bedroom so late excited me. A tad ashamed, I could feel myself getting an erection.

“Take your shirt off, I’ll be back,” she turned around and walked into her bathroom that conjoined with her room. This command by her certainly did not help what was going on in my shorts. I threw my shirt off on her bed and patiently waited for her to return.

I tried to divert my attention to whatever was on the TV but it wasn’t helping. In just a few minutes I had a raging hard-on and a slight tent in my trunks. Knowing she would be looking around this area, I reached in to try and tuck my penis between my legs. Once I was halfway satisfied Bryan’s mom walked back into the bedroom with alcohol spray and a bandage.

“I think it’s just a weird wasp sting,” she said, putting her things down on the bed. “I don’t know why there was one out this late.”

“I don’t know either,” I said, nervously watching her open the bottle of alcohol.

“Why were you out there?”

“I went to go grab my charger,” I said, pulling it out of my pocket along with my phone.

“Empty your pockets, I’ll set your stuff on my nightstand,” she said to me, taking my things.

“What are you doing?” I asked as she walked back to me.

“I’m gonna burn you with alcohol and put a bandage over it,” she chuckled to herself. I didn’t laugh. “It’s just a wasp sting, you probably don’t even need this that much, but just to be safe.”

She drizzled a little of the alcohol on a rag and kneeled in front of me as she approached the area. The redness had infected a greater radius around it, going more into my trunks. She wiped the alcohol on what she could and I only felt a slight burn.

After getting what she could she stopped and gave me a questioning look. “How comfortable are you with taking you shorts off? I gotta make sure it’s all good.”

My heart sank and I stuttered nervously.

“I’m wearing my swimming trunks, so there’s nothing under this,” I said to her.

“I don’t care if you don’t care, I’ve known you forever anyways,” she sighed. “Don’t be shy, it’s okay. Promise I’ll keep this between us.”

I thought about it for a second before moving a muscle. After contemplating it, I leaned forward. As I did, a tent was visible in my trunks right in front of Bryan’s mom. She noticed it, but it was too late to turn back. So as to help my nervousness I yanked my trunks down. My cock jumped out, springing to life.

Her jaw dropped and she stared at my dick, not saying anything. In front of her was my throbbing seven inch cock and balls, growing harder by her gaze. She snapped back into reality after realizing she was in a trance and continued applying her aid.

“Sorry,” she whispered, blushing.

“It’s fine,” I replied, embarrassed.

Bryan’s mom seemingly took her time applying her care to my wasp sting. My dick wiggled up and down and she rubbed around the wound, careful not to make contact with it. Finally she applied the bandage over it once she was finished. She grabbed her things and walked back into the bathroom to put her supplied away. I should’ve pulled my trunks back up then but I had a gut feeling not to. I only waited, now completely naked, for her to come back, sitting on her bed.

Once she walked back into the room she couldn’t help but glance at my cock again. She grinned, turning her head away to try and hide her expression.

“Be honest,” she spoke up. “That isn’t because of me, is it?”

My heart raced a little faster by her sudden question.

“Well, see, um,” the words spilled out of my mouth. “I guess if I’m being honest, yes?”

“I’m flattered,” she giggled, now looking at me again. “It’s weird, but flattering.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, reaching down to grab my trunks.

“Actually, don’t,” she said to stop me. “It would be better if you just slept naked to not put pressure on it.”

“Well okay,” I said, slowly sitting back up. As I did this she stole another look at my erection.

“You should sleep in here if that’s not too weird,” she forced out of her throat. “Where else are you gonna sleep naked in this house?”

The implication only made me more nervous. I really couldn’t believe the situation I got myself into. By luck, I was about to be sleeping in Bryan’s mom’s bed naked. Instead of answering I only clouded my imagination with the possibilities.

“Jay?” She called, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Is that okay?”

“Yeah, I understand,” I stood up. Not realizing her distance from me I took an awkward step back, my dick almost poking her thigh. “Just get in the bed, I’ll be a minute,” she retreated back into the bathroom.

The bathroom did not have a door, it was more of an open room that was connected to her bedroom. Following her orders, I jumped under the sheets on the opposite side of her bed before I could fall over from the excitement. I found the remote and turned the volume back on to try and help. My dick made a tent in the sheets so I turned on my side. Bryan’s mom turned out the lights and got in on her side of the bed.

“I’ll wake us up at seven because I have to go to work and you can go back to the basement.”

“Okay,” I watched the TV.

As if nothing happened, she turned away from me and the room was muffled by the TV. I looked around for my phone and saw that Bryan’s mom had it plugged up in an outlet next to the TV. I didn’t want to get up so I just went without it.

My erection wasn’t going down. I reached down and gave my dick a hard squeezing, thinking it might help, but it only made it worse. After waiting half an hour to see if she was asleep, I quietly and slowly began jerking off.

I was careful not to make any noise. The sound from the TV was definitely helping. As my mind was fueled with lust, however, I wasn’t thinking correctly. I needed more power. I quietly lifted the sheets and lied on top of them, grabbing tissue from the nightstand.

I was going crazy. I jerked my hand up and down my shaft, very slightly making noise now. I removed the sheets as an extra precaution to her possibly feeling them move and it seemed that it worked. I was able to jerk off for a few minutes but then she noticed.

Bryan’s mom turned around on her side and I froze. She stared at my dick in my hand, pre cum dripping on my stomach. The sight gave her the same expression she had when she first saw my cock and she also didn’t say anything.

“I’m sorry,” I finally blurted out,” removing my hand from my dick.

“No, no it’s okay, I get it,” she stuttered, finally looking away. “You had an erection, I just wasn’t thinking, that’s natural what you’re doing.”

“I’m being messy.”

“Just do it in the bathroom?” She asked me. I looked over at it, having not ever stepped inside.

“Turn the light on so you can see, do it in the toilet. Grab your phone if you need it.”

As she said this, she lied on her back and closed her eyes to go back to sleep. I wasn’t going to turn her offer down. Excited, I leapt out of the bed and grabbed my phone from the charger. I was getting to masturbate just a few feet from my friend’s mom with her consent! I turned on the light to the bathroom and approached the toilet, phone in hand.

Finding the right porn video quickly wasn’t exactly something you could do so I took it to scroll through subreddits instead. I nervously jerked my dick again, more slowly then before to enjoy the moment.

No matter what I could find, however, nothing really interested my very much. Plenty of pictures of college girls emerged but I honestly couldn’t get Bryan’s mom out of my head. After wasting ten minutes looking I turned to the bed and actually caught her watching me from her bed.

My eyes locked with her but I didn’t stop pumping my cock. We kept our gaze, nervous to speak before the other. I put my phone down with my other hand and refused to stop.

“Not finding anything?” She nervously asked me.

“I guess not,” I replied.

Her eyes were now half opened and I wasn’t sure if they were filled with lust or fatigue. Her breasts were almost bouncing out of her gown, her cleavage more apparent then before. I couldn’t help but stare. She watched me stare at her cleavage while I masturbated and didn’t say anything of it.

Eventually she got out of the bed. I stopped, not knowing if she was angry with me or not. She walked into the bathroom, trembling from nervousness.

“If I help you can’t tell anyone,” she whispered, approaching me.

I was shocked, but intrigued. Logically I should’ve left or she should’ve but I couldn’t think straight anymore.

“So what?” She asked me.

“Yeah, I won’t say anything,” I replied, gripping my dick.

Bryan’s mom smiled. She grabbed her gown from the shoulders and pulled it down to her waist, letting her boobs fall out. I let out a gasp of air at the sight of her breasts, her nipples now hard.

“You really like these, huh?” She grabbed them. “I thought I was too old.”

“No, you’re not,” I grunted, going slightly faster. “I love them.”

She laughed. “What do you like about them?”

I loved what she was doing, what she asked me.

“How big they are,” I said silently in between strokes. “Your nipples, I love how they look.”

She pinched them hearing me say this, now obviously excited. She openly stared down and watched me masturbate.

“You caught me off guard with that thing,” she said after a minute. “It’s so fat.”

“Thank you,” I said, still watching her boobs. I had slowed down, not wanting to cum too fast.

Several minutes passed and she spoke up again.

“You take a while,” she said. “We gotta sleep eventually.”

Somewhere inside me I got a bit of bravery and I spoke up. “Could I touch them? Please?”

Her eyes widened and she obviously wasn’t expecting me to ask. She was silent for a few seconds and didn’t move. I stopped masturbating, wondering if I had gone too far.

“I don’t know,” she said, still frozen.

“I’m sorry I asked,” I replied, my face red.

“No, actually,” choked up. “Go ahead.”

Suddenly she stepped closer to me, her boobs two feet from me.

“Are you sure?” I asked her, taken aback by her gesture.

“Go ahead before I change my mind,” she said, stretching her arms above her.

I shakily reached my hands forward and cupped her breasts. She couldn’t help but let out a moan as I did this. She felt so warm and tender as I groped her.

“What am I doing,” she said to herself, letting me squeeze her tits.

“Don’t worry about it,” I said, trying to avert her attention from reality. Before she could speak again I pinched at her nipples.

“Fuck,” she moaned, “don’t stop.”

I played with her tits like I was having sex with a girlfriend. This was a fantasy coming true. She moaned and gasped for air as I held each breast in my hand. I decided to see if I could take it up a notch after a few minutes more.

Trying my luck I kneeled down and positioned my face a few inches from her right tit. I looked to await her approval and she didn’t tell me to stop. I leaned in and licked her nipple and she grabbed the back of my head, letting out her loudest moan yet.

This was all I needed. I kissed and sucked at her tits, my tongue lapping away at her areola. She wouldn’t let me stop to breathe as I did this. She loved feeling my hot saliva and lips sucked at her boobs, something she hadn’t felt in who knows how long.

After enjoying her taste for a few minutes she pulled me away.

“Go sit on the bed,” she said, sliding her gown completely off. She stood before me in her damp panties.

“I’m not fucking you,” she said. “I just want to watch you.”

Her braveness only made me extra horny. I walked past her and moved to the bed as she instructed. She followed behind me. I sat on the edge of the bed and she sat on her knees, directly in front of me.

“Jack off to me, Jay,” she whispered, fondling her breasts again. “God, this is so wrong.”

I didn’t say anything, I only pumped my cock again. Having had a break I was able to go at an average pace. Her face was only inches away from my dick as I did this. In fact, her tits accidentally brushed against my balls a few times. She only giggled when this happened.

At some point I put my hand down to readjust where I was sitting. Bryan’s mom actually saw this as a chance to take things further and reached forward to grab my shaft. I moaned at her touch, not expecting it. She gasped and moved her grip up and down.

Pre cum leaked out of my dick again and all over her hand. She used the other to gently squeeze my balls, not caring anymore. I watched her stroke up and down my length like a pro. She stopped to spit on it, providing lubrication.

“It’s so big,” she whispered, squeezing the tip. “Bryan’s father was nothing compared to this.”

“Do what you want with it,” I flirted, still breathing for air.

She squeezed my cock in response. Instead of stroking me, however, she help her grip at the base. Bryan’s mom formed a mischievous grin and she guided the tip closer to her face. Her eyes were hungry.

“I already spat on it,” she said, her hot breath hitting my dick.

I didn’t answer, but her eyes searched me for some confirmation that she could go ahead. She brought her lips closer to my tip. After making my mind up, I nodded.

Bryan’s mom kissed the tip of my dick. She stuck her tongue out and licked from my balls up my shaft and took my tip in her mouth. I groaned in pleasure, now watching her suck my dick. As she worked my length into her throat she used her hand to stroke at the base.

She bobbed up and down, knowing exactly what she was doing. As she did this her boobs bounced and the slobbery noises were filtered by the TV. Her saliva trailed out of her mouth and down my dick.

I couldn’t help myself for much longer. She gulped my cock in her mouth while her tits jiggled for me. She would take it out every now and then to suck on my balls, still stroking my length. It was evident she was skilled at this but hadn’t had anyone to practice on in a while.

“I’m cumming,” I gasped, feeling my climax rise. Bryan’s mom pulled my dick out of her throat once more and jerked me off hastily. Within seconds I shot my load out of my cock. My hot semen spilled onto her chin, her throat and glazed her boobs. Once she knew I was done she stood back up.

“Take that bandage off and put your trunks back on,” she whispered. “I only told you to do that because I like your cock.”

I fell back, dizzy.

“That was amazing,” I said, exhausted. “You like sucking dick, don’t you?”

She laughed. “Bryan’s father stopped sleeping with me towards the end of our marriage, so it’s just been a while. I’m sorry, that shouldn’t have happened.”

“Don’t apologize,” I said, watching her boobs. “I loved it.”

She walked into the bathroom. I thought it was to clean my cum off of her, but she just threw her gown back over her and wiped the traces of semen off her chin and neck. Leaving my seed on her tits made her even sexier.

We climbed back into the bed and fell asleep within minutes. Her alarm went off in the morning and I left while she got ready for work. Later that day Bryan and I woke up and I left to go home.



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