Making Love to You


I often dream of,
Myself in her arms,
Embraced by her warmth,
Engulfed in her charm,
I picture myself,
Playing with her wild curls,
Looking into her dreamy eyes,
Whispering dirty little tales,
Kissing her neck softly,
Playing with her mind,
I kiss her lips tenderly,
Relaxing her body her mind,
Ensuring her security,
She is mine alone,
Lips pressing biting,
Teasing our soul,
I want to make love to her,
Just her alone,
My lips kissing slowly,
Her cute cheek bones,
Tender love is what,
I want to make to her alone,

My nose trickling down her neck,
I caress I suckle her bosoms,
Hold her tight to myself,
Never to let go,
Her warmth embraces me,
Eases my soul,
Sets out that flaming anger I hold,
In my mind in my soul,
I kiss her tummy,
I tease her more,
Make her hungry for my warmth,
Make her ensured,
This man loves her body and soul,
Never to be shared,
Just her’s alone,
I wrap my hands around her tummy,
A bite of her bum,
Kissing her soft skin,
Kissing her soft legs,
Like dew drops on a petal,
In the first spring sun,
Tonight, my baby we make passionate love,
The warmth,
The fire,
Our bodies moving as one,
We rejoice,
We celebrate,
Our undying love,
Tonight, my baby we are making nothing but love,

I make love to my baby,
Not in lust,
But with bonding,
Never shall we part either of us,
The heart I give to you,
With all my love and trust,
This mind just,
Ensures her security her been the top priority is a must,
This body I give to her,
To make sweet tender love,
Me as a whole,
Is hers hers only,
Till I turn to dust.

Author: Liswith Obinamuni
