A True Submission Story for Submissive Women Part Two

Thank you for the interest in my story so far. Here is part two of my True Submission story. If you missed part one please follow me and find it in my profile or here on this sub Reddit. Again, this is a submissive play along story written mostly for women to play along and enjoy, but I welcome comments and feedback from anyone. Enjoy part two.

Emotion Three: Embarrassment

*** Read the entirety of this story standing as if you are waiting on a spanking **True Submission** fix your room as instructed in part one of the story and stand beside a chair you would like to be bent over and spanked on. ***

Oh no! I forgot to unlock the door. I knew I would forget to do something on that stupid list. I rushed to the door half hoping that he would forget all about the letter and the other hoping he would take me over his knee right then and there. Neither of those things happened. He was the same sweet, disarming person at the restaurant just two nights ago.

“Are you ready for your spanking?” He said, just as tender as can be.

My “give it to me now” side won out. “Yes,” I said in a rather soft tone.

“Tonight, things will be done differently. Tonight you must address me as ‘Yes, sir.’ If you do not there will be consequences. You will only need to remember ‘Yes, sir.’ ‘No, sir’ is not in your vocabulary tonight. Tonight, you cannot tell me no. I seem to remember asking you to leave the door unlocked for me. You forgot to do that. There will be consequences for that mistake.”

He remembered. The little voice in the back of my head was jumping for joy. “Yes, sir”. I said, boldly. “I’m sorry, sir.”

“It’s okay, the extra punishment will clear it right up.” Still no mention of what it was. “Are you ready to begin?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. I see that you are dressed appropriately and that you have set the room up rather nicely. Did you enjoy my flowers?

“No, sir.”

“I’m sorry, what did you just say to me?”

Not even two minutes in and I’m already messing up! “I mean yes, sir.”

“So you did enjoy them. Which one did you like better?”

This has to be a trick question. If I say the white one he will want to know why I wanted to be spanked in the first place and if I say the red one then he will just say well then I’ll make sure your bottom matches that color. What do I say?

“I enjoyed both of them equally.” He smiled. I think he liked that!

“How so?”

“Well the white rose reminded me that my bottom has never before been spanked, that I am new to all of this. Pure as the driven snow.  The red is a loss of that purity. It reminds me of what I want you to do to me and purity has no place there. Red tells me that I’m about to get exactly  what I want.”

“Exactly what you want. Interesting. And what is it exactly that you want? Why am I here?”

It was time for me to say it. I was dreading this because it’s exactly what I want him to do in my head…it’s just saying it makes it real. I relented. “I want you to strip me naked, bend me over your knee, and give me the spanking that I deserve.” Again, the twinge between my legs had returned.

“Then let’s not waste anymore time. I will strip you naked, with your help, but first I want you to answer some questions for me truthfully. Remember that in less than ten minutes you will be standing in front of me completely naked. There is no reason to lie or try to hide anything from me.”

He was right. Ive got nothing to lose now. I might as well just go with it.

*** As the story continues undress yourself along with main character until you are completely naked. Finish reading the story standing in the middle of your room completely naked. **True Submission** DM me your experience in doing this play along. ***

“How do you feel about standing in front of me completely naked and not being allowed to cover anything up?”

He isn’t pulling any punches that’s for sure. “This is a tough one. We have been friends for so long and now almost instantaneously we are about to be so much more. I mean usually when you have sex with someone the lights are off and you’re hiding under the covers. This is all out in the open. I’ll admit that I’m a little scared, but I also wouldn’t be telling the truth if I didn’t tell you that there is a large part of me that is glad. You are my best friend and I care for you dearly so I guess I’m saying if anyone deserves to be there in that spot it is you. I also trust you completely and know that you will not take advantage of this and that you will not wrong me.” I can’t believe that I truly feel that way about someone who is about to cause me physical harm. I was being truthful though. I am glad it could be him.

“Thank you for being so honest with me. I don’t take what is going on here lightly and I would never betray your trust.”

Wow. I need to say what I really feel more often.

“Next question. Since you are about to be standing there completely naked please tell me which body part you are the most embarrassed to show me?”

This one was easy. “My bush sir.”


“Honestly because I just trimmed the hedges a couple of hours ago and also because it’s so much darker than the rest of my hair I don’t feel like I match.”

“Thank you. Now, what body part are you the most excited about showing me and why?

Another easy one. “My bottom of course because that is why I asked you here.”

“Remove your blouse.”

*** Start undressing yourself now. **True Submission** DM me the body parts that you would be the most embarrassed and the most excited to show a new partner for the first time. ***

Wow already, that was kind of direct. As I slowly started to unbutton my blouse I thought well, this is it, if you want out now’s the time. But I just kept unbuttoning until the blue lace of my bra began to show. This was hardly embarrassing because I run around the beach all summer in a glorified bra and panty suit so I don’t see how this is any different. Besides the blue lace is pretty and I’m glad someone else can enjoy its beauty. As he was staring at the lace, part of me wished he was already gazing at what was underneath. As I finished the last button I slowly drew the blouse over my head and tossed it carelessly aside.

“Pick that up and fold it.” His voice was a little stern and startling. “Everything will be treated with respect here tonight.” I quickly grabbed the blouse from the floor, folded it nicely and set it on the chair.

“Thank you. Have you ever been spanked as a child?”

“Lots of times.”

“Tell me about it. Be as detailed as possible.”

Where to begin. I was a little devil child when I was young so I received many a childhood spanking. “My mom spanked me all the time. I would have to go to my room and she would bend me over my bed and use a belt.”

“On the bare?”


“How were your clothes removed?”

“She would pull down my pants and panties and then bend me over my bed.”

“How many strokes?”

“Usualy 5 or 6. Then I would have to stay in my room until supper or bedtime, whichever came first.”

“Your adult spanking will be much longer than that.”

*** **True Submission** DM me a description of the worst spanking you ever had (if you have ever been spanked before). ***

There goes any hope of a light spanking. I was about to comment, but out of nowhere he was standing right in front of me. He didn’t say a word, but before I could figure out what was going on I felt my pants loosen and they fell immediately down to my ankles. He then returned to his former position. As I took them off the rest of the way I was careful to fold them nicely and place them on top of my blouse. My matching blue laced panties finally saw the light of day.

“Turn around please I need to make sure you didn’t disobey me and wear a thong.” As I slowly turned I was relieved that I had not disobeyed him. It was actually starting to hurt me to disappoint him. As I finished my revolution I could see the approval on his face. I yearned for that look solely.

This was it. I was out of throwaway clothes. Whatever comes next will be serious.

“Rate your naked body on a scale on 1 to 10.”

This one was tough. I hated so much about my body that this was going to be hard. I don’t want to say too low because he may think that I’m just begging for comments and if I say too high he may think me vain. I settled for 7.

“Remove your bra.”

Bye bye pretty blue lace. This was going to be a quick reveal seeing that this set fastened in the front. As I removed the fasten there was a slight bounce as my breasts returned to their normal sitting positions. And just like that my best friend in the world was looking at my bare breasts. My nipples began to protrude.

“Take my hand,” he said. “Aquaint me with your breasts.”

*** Continue to play along with the story. Touch each area of your body as the main character is touched. ***

It was at this point that I realized that he wanted me to take his hand and better aquaint it with the sisters. This one took me back a little bit, but I slowly walked across the room and took his hand. I placed it on my left breast. He was so gentle. As he calmly caressed my breast I could feel the twinge between my legs getting stronger and stronger. He lingered around my nipples for some time. I liked the fact that he was enjoying himself. I was enjoying it too. After a short moment he let his index finger slowly trace its way to the center of my chest then ever so slowly down to my naval.

“You told me earlier that you were the most embarrassed to show me your pubic area.” By this point his finger was right at the top of my panties. “Are you ready?” I took a deep breath.

“Yes, sir.”

Slowly he kneeled down until he was at eye level with vivid blue lace. That blue lace slowly gave way to smooth, pale milky skin that turned ever so pinkish the farther down he went. Thank God he couldn’t see my face. I don’t know if it was out of habit or just thousands of years of ingrained fight or flight, but my hand instinctively moved in front of my crotch.

“Do not cover yourself.” My hand snapped away. I wasn’t trying to, I was glad that he was seeing. I wanted to set the record straight but I wasn’t given the opportunity.

My face turned another color when he repeated the same words. “Take my hand and aquaint me with you.” I took his hand and flattened it against my crotch. In my rush earlier I had no time to wax so the small leftover bristles of hair tickled as I moved his hand ever so slowly downwards. Just before we reached the change from lily white to pink he placed both hands on my hips and spun me around with a force and ferocity that left me momentarily disoriented. Before I could regain a sense of where I was I felt his left hand grasping the bulk of my crotch firmly as his right hand started at the small of my back and quickly started pushing upwards. I folded in on myself like a knife. Soon I lost all balance and the only thing keeping me upright was the firm hold on my nether region. When I finally stopped falling I saw the world in a new upside down light, but the only thing I could see were my legs spread ever so slightly apart and his right behind me firm and together. My bottom had finally been bared in front of him.

Again he spoke. “Finish up our acquaintance together.” I’ll admit that that reaching around to find his hand was a bit tough, but he found mine and I led him to my bottom. It was mid March so it, just like my other private areas was white as newly fallen snow.

“This will redden up quickly and deeply,” he said as he started to squeeze each individual cheek ever so slightly. He found my hand. “One last destination,” he said. It was at that moment my alarm went off. Every woman has it. Just like Buckingham palace has an alarm for the crown jewls, every woman has an internal alarm any time our prize is in view. And my alarm was deafening. I hadn’t even thought about it, but bent over like this, for a spanking, gave him not only full access to my bottom, but unrestricted access to my peach. I knew that he was waiting and so slowly I moved his hand from the frozen tundra of my white plump bottom into the lush orchard.

As we reached the pink it was then that I noticed how wet I was. As his fingers slowly caressed each lip I could feel myself becoming more and more wet. I was extremely embarrassed. This is supposed to be punishment, why am I enjoying this so much? His fingers rested in the valley of my orchard  and it was then that I was reminded of his words about true submission.

When I first started moving his hand towards the epicentre a brief moment of dread and fear came over me. I knew exactly what it was. Its like when you get in trouble and your mom asks you what you did, but she doesn’t know for sure yet, and you aren’t sure which bad thing to tell her. Immediately your mind jumps to the absolute worst possible scenario, the worst possible thing you’ve done that she doesn’t know about and then in a split second the thought gets buried somewhere down deep and is dismissed. No way that thought is even an option! When I noticed how wet I was the first thing I thought about, the thing that for me at that time wasn’t an option, was not wanting him inside of me so that he might not figure out how wet I was getting. In that split second instant I learned and fully understood what he meant by true submission. True submission is taking that thought that you banished, that thing you’ll never do in a million years, and having the courage to do it, to say it, to show it, to make it happen, to bring it to light no matter the cost. That is a true submissive sacrifice. I don’t want to call it resolve, I was scared to death, but I took a deep breath and pushed him into the slit.

“I was not going to penetrate you,” he mentioned rather shocked.

“That’s okay,” I said. “True submission demanded it.” Everything had finally been bared. I had been letting him do these things to me, but they were on my terms. That’s not submission. In true submission there are no terms, everything is permitted. He didn’t think to penetrate me. That was okay, I thought of it for him. We were in this together. I had to do my part.

As his finger slipped outside of me and back onto my bottom every last bit of my control went with it. I was his to do with  as he saw fit. Whatever he wanted for me, I wanted too, not because I was told to want it, or made myself believe I wanted it. I wanted it. Before he did it, I wanted it. He wanted to spank me until my bottom was a cherry. He wanted to spank me until tears flooded my eyes so much that I could no longer see. He wanted to spank me for mere minutes. I would have given him hours, days, a lifetime.

All of my timidness was also gone. I would never try to cover up from him ever again. He could see whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. It made no difference if he asked or if I offered, no it was better if I offered. I was a far cry from my stance just two days ago. All of the objections I had with being naked in front of my best friend seemed so distant now. I was the offering and my cup was running over.

He was silent for a moment. His hand slowly moving up and down my right cheek. It was only seconds, but it felt like an eternity. Finally he spoke. “You are finally ready for your spanking.”

Emotion Four: Fruition

White roses are hard to find. Had the symbol not fit my plans so perfectly I would have abandoned my search long ago, but I finally found a very pretty one. It was a little after midnight when I got home. I had no time to spare. I needed to get this letter written and ready to deliver by morning. Now to figure out what to say. I need to make sure she does some things for safety reasons, but I also want her to start feeling the anticipation of the spanking. However, I would by lying if I said that this letter and everything that comes afterwards is solely for her enjoyment. Will this enhance her enjoyment of the spanking? Absolutely, but it also enhances mine. The most important thing at this stage of the spanking is for her to be hypersensitive to her bottom. If she can learn to notice her bottom and feel her bottom before the spanking then her senses will only be heightened during the spanking. In turn, my focus is also solely on her bottom. Yes, I have to make sure that she stays safe, and because of that I have to be highly attentive to the changes happening to her bottom during the spanking. Is it redening too fast in one location? Do I need to spank in a different area? But the truth of the matter is that from now until the event begins I will be hyperfocused on her bare bottom because it is enjoyable to think about. And to know that we are both focusing on the same body part for the exact same reason brings me enjoyment.

The next thing will be to give her a trivial, however embarrassing task that she is to complete before the day of the spanking. Ideally it should include her bottom or put her in states of undress that she is not normally used to. This will serve as a submission test. She will think about not doing it because it is so silly, but hopefully her willingness to participate will win out. It is to her benefit that she goes through with the exercise. This is made as a stepping stone to the real thing and made to help her take baby steps in order to feel a little bit more comfortable during the event. I am having her watch other women being spanked while sitting in a wooden chair with her pants and panties pulled down to her ankles. The benefits to her are many. 1. She will be watching other women’s bottoms being spanked while sitting naked on a hard surface. She will be able to totally feel her bottom and hopefully transfer some of what she is seeing to her own situation. 2. She had to pull her own clothes down. She will be responsible for undressing her top half during the event, however there is enjoyment to be had in removing the lower part of your clothing. This gives her the opportunity to feel both. Also, she is to leave her clothes around her ankles. This is a common feeling for a spanking. In a real spanking the clothes come down, the spanking happens and the clothes come back up. Its a weird feeling having clothes around your ankles, something that only ever happens when you are in the bathroom. I want her to feel this awkwardness. 3. She is getting used to being without clothing for an extended period of time. The whole process from start to finish with everything included can take a long time and the first part of the process is the undressing. She will be naked in front of me for a very long time during the event. This will give her the opportunity to feel out what that may be like on her own terms.

Again, this event is not solely for her own benefit. It is also for my enjoyment. Part of the allure of spanking someone is the control. There are two camps of doms in regards to this part of the culture. The first camp are the power hungry doms. These doms get pleasure from ripping clothes off of unwilling participants and forcing women to stay in position. They want you to resist because they can then force you into submission. For them a sub is put into submission by the dom. The dom has ultimate power during the event. This is the type of spanker that will tie up the legs to keep the sub from moving. This is the dom who will start hitting her hand on purpose if she tries to put it back over her bottom during. Then there is the other camp, my camp. My camp believes that in reality the ultimate power during the event belongs to the sub. In my camp the sub is put into submission by the sub. The dom makes requests and because the sub is in the right frame of mind she complies. Even though the sub is doing everything she is told, she still realizes that it only happened because she wanted it to. I prefer this camp for two reasons. 1. It makes the sub feel more comfortable and since my goal is equal enjoyment for both parties it makes sense. She can’t have fun if she is terrified of me. Being scared of the spanking itself is one thing, that’s going to happen, we all fear the unknown, but I want my sub submitting out of trust for me rather than fear. 2. I get great enjoyment out of what this means coming from the sub. If I patiently wait for her to remove an article of clothing or if I gently remove one, in my mind she is making the choice to undress, or the choice to allow me to do it. It means that she trusts me enough to allow it to happen. If I have lots of time with a sub prior to the event then my goal is to get her to go one step further. Figure out a reason why she wants it to happen and hold on to that. Ultimately I would want her to also understand that we are both in this together giving equal enjoyment to the other person and for her to realize that seeing her naked body is a big part of my enjoyment. If I have done my job right and have created the right relationship with the sub that is based on trust she will realize that her nudity is part of her gift to me during this process. That it no longer becomes something that I am making her do, but something she is doing on her own because she wants to do it FOR ME. It feels nice when people do things for you just because. To know that someone is doing something so personal and intimate just because brings great joy.

It also brings me joy because it is her carrying out an idea that I came up with. Just thinking about the fact that she might be sitting somewhere half naked for no other reason than because I asked her to, it basically rolls all of that into one: her trust for you, her willingness to try something new, the fact that your relationship is deep enough for her to even consider it. Knowing that I’m in a place where that can happen with someone brings enjoyment.

Another goal of the letter is to make sure she is properly dressed for the spanking. Wear glasses because there is too much water in the eyes for contacts. Plus I like glasses. Hair down for the same reason. Encouraging her to pick everything carefully means she feels confident in a state of half dress because she still looks good and it is a treat for me as well. Discourage thongs and dresses because even though they are nice it takes away a level of undress. There is one less article of clothing to remove with a dress and a thong reveals a body part too early. If done right there is enjoyment for both.

Another big part of the letter is the sentence I want her to say when asks for her spanking. I have chosen to write it for her for two reasons. 1. I want to make sure she vocalizes everything that I will be doing to her so that she has officially asked for it. 2. I want to make sure that she uses vocabulary that I find appealing.  Naked vs nude, bottom vs butt, panties vs underwear, etc. I enjoy hearing someone else talk using a specific vocabulary and describing their body in a specific way.

The final thing to do is to add as many minute details as possible. 1. It gives her plenty to do and 2. It gives her plenty to forget. I want her to remember everything, but the constant worry of did I forget anything is an emotion that can be fun to explore.

It was after 3 but the letter was finished. I sealed it and got a couple hours of sleep before getting up bright and early to deliver it. The delivery was fun because I didn’t want her to see me at all the day before the event. It felt like mission impossible.

The rest of my day was spent preparing myself for the next days spanking. What will happen if she does this or that. Or doesn’t do this or that. I want every possibility planned for ahead of time so that I don’t have to make something up right then and there the day of. This way every reaction is planned and optimized for the maximum enjoyment of both. It is also fun because you play out all possible scenarios in your mind. It will only go one way the day of. You get to visualize all the possibilities.

I was ready to go early. She has been doing all of these things for me in anticipation of the event. I can at least be on time. I was there super early so I just waited in my vehicle. It gave me some last few quiet moments to think of everything. Mostly I focused on what it meant to me. The fact that I was about to get to experience something that I’ve only ever been able to dream about while I was alone late at night. The fact that I was going to have the privilege of experiencing this with my best friend, someone I cared for and someone I knew cared for me. The fact that she was willing to experience this with me. I felt so humbled, so blessed, so validated, and so close to her. This would make the experience extra special.

It was 5:58. Time to make my entrance. As I went to the door my heart was pounding. I was scared, but I knew that I had to make the most of every second. I turned the handle. The door was locked. I couldn’t help but smile a little. However, as I rang the doorbell my mind was already rearranging certain scenarios of how the evening was going to go. She would have to take extra punishment for this.

When she answered the door I was taken back with her appearance. She looked amazingly beautiful and I couldn’t help thinking that she was dressed that way specifically for me. I could tell that she was nervous about the door. For a split second I thought about letting her off the hook, but only for a split second.

Since she had already messed up and I could see her emotions elevated a little I changed my approach to be a little more calming. I wouldn’t bring up the extra punishment until I got her calmed down a little. Yes I want her to feel these emotions, but I want them to slowly build. There is no enjoyment on her end in a 1 to 100 jump in emotion.

I was as polite and disarming as I could be. “Are you ready for your spanking?” I said in a kind voice. She said yes.

By this point she was back in her position by the chair she would be spanked over. She was fidgeting and clearly feeling the anticipation at a high level. I noticed her hands folded behind her back so that they could rest on her bottom giving her a sense of protection, but also a sense that she is aware of how her bottom feels. I continue.

“Tonight, things will be done differently. Tonight you must address me as ‘Yes, sir.’ If you do not there will be consequences. You will only need to remember ‘Yes, sir.’ ‘No, sir’ is not in your vocabulary tonight. Tonight, you cannot tell me no. I seem to remember asking you to leave the door unlocked for me. You forgot to do that. There will be consequences for that mistake.”

I want her to know and think about very specific things. 1. The notion that “no” is not a part of her vocabulary. This isn’t really true, her safe word is her “no”, but the less she says it the less confusing it is for both of us. I won’t hear it and wonder if she really meant to use her safe word instead. 2. I now reminded her of extra punishment. I did not tell her what it was because she needs to wonder about it throughout the whole night. It will probably be agonizing for her, but unfortunately her mistake came right at the beginning.

I saw her body react to the idea of extra punishment. She immediately lifted up on her tip toes and clenched her bottom. Even though she has no idea what the extra punishment is she is smart enough to know what body part it involves.

I now moved on to the next stage. It was time to make the moments between now and when she is completely naked as weird and awkward as possible. I started by calling attention to her clothing. This was eventually what she would be removing. When I asked her about the flowers she messed up again. I could see the agony in her face because she knew that she had messed up. I had already decided that since this was her first time I would be lumping all of her mistakes into one extra punishment. She didn’t need to know that yet.

She was able to make a nice recovery though. Her answer about the flowers made me truly happy. It showed me that she had actively been thinking about the symbolism of it all. It also let me know that she was participating actively in the event. This was a good sign that she was invested and hopefully getting the enjoyment out of it I want for her. I also liked that she liked my idea.

It also allowed me to move to the next stage. Her response to what she wants.

I was surprised how masterfully she said the sentence. I could tell that she had spent time practising it. It made me feel good that she spent time practising something so that she could say it correctly for me. I had made the sentence structure complex for that reason. It was satisfying hearing her say the words that I had written for her. I hoped that she enjoyed vocalizing them as much as I enjoyed hearing them.

It was time to get down to the important stuff. I started off by reminding her of her impending nakedness and reminded her to be truthful with me. This has many uses. For one it is not good for a sub to keep things from a dom. In order to ensure safety at all times he has to be sure that she is being truthful. This is where the trust built in the relationship comes in handy. I also genuinely want to know how she is feeling about the experience. Is she having a good time? Is she okay with all of this still? It also makes me feel good to know that there is a person out there in the world that will be completely honest with me no matter the cost or situation. To know that someone cares about you that much is priceless.

My first question to her was direct and to the point for a reason. I needed to know where her head was going to be so that I would not hurt her psychologically. I asked her how she felt being naked in front of me, her best friend. After all she was the one putting it all on the line. I wouldn’t be naked. I needed to be able to respect how she would really be feeling during the process.

Her response was both expected and surprising. She said she was scared. I knew she would be and would be as gentle as I could with her. When she said that there was a part of her that was looking forward to it my heart leapt for joy. Someone that I care for wants me to see her in that way. It is the ultimate feeling of acceptance.

My next couple of questions were again asked out of curiosity. If she was both scared and glad to be naked in front of me I wanted to know what the scary and happy parts would be so that I could help her accordingly. I also again wanted her thoughts on specific parts of her body. It was everything I could do not to smile when she talked about her bush. Not only did I like her choice of vocabulary but her reasoning made me want to smile.

I was also glad that she chose her bottom as her most excited part. I had a feeling we would share that sentiment. This also helped me choose which articles of clothing she would remove vs which I would remove. I wanted to make sure that I was responsible for exposing both her most feared and most excited parts.

I immediately asked her to take off her blouse. I wanted to sound direct, but not demanding. This is her rodeo and I want her to go at her own pace. I will admit, watching her unbutton her blouse in front of me was more satisfying than I thought it would be. As she continued I caught a glimpse of her blue laced bra hiding underneath. She had chosen my favorite color. That gesture resonated louder and longer than the removal of her blouse. Her skin was a pale white. It looked smooth and inviting. I noticed the way her hair perfectly sat on her bare shoulders and how the flatness of her stomach only helped to juxtapose the curvy depths of her breasts. I had always known that my best friend was beautiful, but the picture I was seeing in front of me was nothing without the warmth of her smile when her eyes finally met mine. It drowned everything else out. Then she made another mistake.

“Pick up your blouse and fold it nicely.” I said. There actually wasn’t a rule we had made about this, but her blouse was so pretty and watching her bend over to grab it gave a nice peak down the center valley of her breasts.

My next question brought us back to the idea of spankings. I was curious about her past spanking experiences, even if they were childhood ones and I hoped that thinking about those times might again put her mind back on her bottom and how it would soon feel.

While the subject of conversation was on spanking I took the opportunity to remove her pants. While she was already thinking about her bottom I wanted her to feel her pants slowly being pulled down over her bottom and I wanted it to feel quick and abrupt. I did not tell her, I just did it. I have to admit I had been staring at her button for a while now hoping that I wouldn’t embarrass myself by not being able to get it unbuttoned. This was my first time working a button from the opposite side. Does that make a difference? It does, but thankfully I didn’t embarrass myself too much and her pants were soon around her ankles.

I think every dom dreams of that moment. Her thighs were the same pale white and the shapeliness of her hips framed the cutest set of matching blue lace panties I had ever seen. I let her remove and fold her pants while I watched, getting small glimpses of her inner thighs and covered genitals as she raised and lowered her legs to remove her pants.

My best firend was now standing in front of me in only her bra and panties. To be honest I never thought any woman would willingly stand in front of me like that without compensation. The fact that my best friend was doing this for me was almost too much emotion to handle.

I asked her to turn around and show me the back of her panties. They covered her bottom like I had asked and were just form fitting enough to show off two matching cheeks. I wanted to touch her but I had not yet asked for her permission.

My next question was again out of curiosity, but by having her rank her naked body before I saw all of it gave me an idea of what she thought about herself. I figured she would be humble with her ranking. A 10 that thinks she is a 7 is always more attractive than a 7 that acts like she is a 10.  My best friend was perfection.

Again, rather abruptly, I told her to remove her bra. She unfastened the hook from the front and slowly removed each strap from her shoulders. I’ve seen women’s breasts on tv before, many times. I knew what they looked like, but these breasts were different. Made perfectly for her and her body. They were not too large or too small for her frame. They were perfectly proportioned for her body. 

It was finally time to ask for permission. “Take my hand and acquaint me with your breasts,”  technically it was another command, but she would be able to let me touch her on her own terms.

As she took my hand and slowly cupped it around her left breast I realized that my initial thoughts on the smoothness of her skin were vastly insufficient. I have never felt something softer or smoother in my entire life (I hadn’t yet felt her bottom). The dichotomy between her smooth round breast and the rough protrusion of her nipple was a symphony to my fingers. She removed her hand from mine and I took the opportunity to slowly move my hand down the center of her chest, to her naval and then all the way down to the top of her panties.

It was finally time. I had let the anticipation build as best I knew how. It was time to do the one thing that I had fantasized about doing since I was young. I started to pull down her panties. As I slowly pulled them down her private area was revealed to me. She had recently shaved the area and it was smooth and bright. You could tell it had never before seen the brilliance of sunshine. As she took my hand and pressed it against her crotch I could feel the small stubble still left behind from the razor. I wondered if it tickled her.

As she continued to move my hand towards her genitals I knew that I wanted to save that for last. So without even thinking really I grabbed her hips, spun her around and bent her over.  I was met with the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. Her bottom was plump and smooth and the pinkness of her genitals stood out against the white cheeks of her bottom. I asked her one last time. As she moved my hand over her bottom I could not help but think how it would feel to spank each cheek. I could already feel how spongy and bouncy her bottom was. I could just imagine the ripple effect my hand would make as it rose and fell on her pale flesh, like a rock rippling on a still lake.  Before I knew it she had moved my hand to her pink genitalia. I have never felt anything quite like it, but before I could even think of what it compared to she had pushed my fingers inside of her. I had not planned on this. She had just called an audible.

“I did not plan to penetrate you” I said. I didnt want her to feel like I was taking advantage of her.

“That’s okay, true submission demanded it.”

Tears welled up in my eyes. I was so glad that I was behind her and she was bent over looking at the floor. She made the decision to take me inside her of her own accord. She really wanted me to experience that. In that moment I didn’t have to worry if she was enjoying herself. She was ready to be spanked, but I had to pull it together so she wouldnt hear the catch in my throat.

“You are finally ready for your spanking.”

*** I hope you enjoyed part two of the story. I welcome comments so please don’t hesitate. If you read part one then you know my personal story. The sections from the dom’s point of view turned into me finally exploring my thoughts on submission in writing for the first time. I don’t know if they go with the tone of the story but it helped me to get them out of my head. Part three is ready if there is interest. Oh, and if anyone is out there playing along you have my permission to get dressed now. :) ***

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/hw69x1/a_true_submission_story_for_submissive_women_part

1 comment

  1. Feel free to comment if you like. This is part two of my first real erotica story and I would love to know if I’m going in the right direction. Final part coming soon.

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